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  • af M a Rothman
    221,95 kr.

    Book two in the Ice Trials LitRPG series from best-selling author M.A. Rothman and D.J. Butler.Marty Cohen and his team embarked on a cross-continental journey across North Africa with the goal of returning to their starting point. However, after passing through a mysterious portal, they find themselves in a place and time that is completely unexpected.They end up on an isolated island nation where strangers are viewed as ominous figures sent by a higher power. The people of this nation hold a prophecy that involves a team of strangers as harbingers of either death or salvation.When a massive flood threatens the island, chaos ensues, and the team faces a series of unexpected challenges. Conflicting information from various team members only adds to the confusion.As the reluctant leader of the group, Marty must make a difficult choice between saving the lives of an ancient nation and those of his team members.Ultimately, the fate of the world rests on his decision.

  • af M a Rothman
    232,95 - 327,95 kr.

    DER SCHLÜSSEL ZUR RETTUNG DER ERDE SCHLUMMERT IN IHRER VERGANGENHEITMarty Cohen ist ein kompetenter Linguist und Experte für antike Militärstrategie. Allerdings hat er sich von akademischer Ägyptologie abgewandt und eine Tischlerwerkstatt eröffnet. Abseits frustrierender Politik und kleinlicher Rivalitäten kümmert er sich um seine Mitarbeiter, vergnügt sich gelegentlich mit einem Kriegsspiel und führt ein beschauliches Leben.Allerdings rauben ihm mysteriöse Visionen den Schlaf. Dann wird er zurück nach Ägypten gerufen: Bei einer von einem exzentrischen Franzosen finanzierten Ausgrabung wurden die womöglich ältesten Texte entdeckt, die Ägypten je hervorgebracht hat. Marty wird eine unverschämte Summe dafür geboten, nur hinzureisen und einen Blick darauf zu werfen.Der akademischen Welt hat er den Rücken zugekehrt, aber als Kleinunternehmer hat er Rechnungen zu bezahlen und kann das Geld nicht ausschlagen.Doch die Texte öffnen die Türen zu weiteren Visionen und zu einer erstaunlichen Reise - das bunt zusammengewürfelte Team von Archäologen findet sich im frühgeschichtlichen Nordafrika wieder. Das verdorrende Land wird von ungeahnten Schrecken heimgesucht, und die Menschheit braucht dringend Verfechter.Hinter dem Krieg gegen die furchterregenden Herrscher verbirgt sich ein noch größerer Kampf: Marty und sein Team werden als Vertreter der Erde ausgewählt, um im Namen der Menschheit einen Spießrutenlauf zu bewältigen.Ein Scheitern verheißt vollständige Vernichtung.Stimmen zu Time Trials - Im Bann der Zeit: Dieser ausgesprochen unterhaltsame Roman von Rothman und Butler besticht durch atemlose Action, wissenschaftliche Einschübe, Rätsel, Humor und genug Wissenswertes über das alte Ägypten für Geschichtsbegeisterte. Die Erzählweise eines klassischen Abenteuers und die an Dungeons & Dragons angelehnte Zusammensetzung der Protagonisten erinnern an das Sprachbild vertrauter Fantasy. Allerdings gelingt es den Autoren, die Charaktere gut und mit eigenen Handlungsbögen zu entwickeln, was insgesamt eine absolut lesenswerte Geschichte ergibt. Das übergeordnete Rätsel lässt einen rasant die Seiten dieser Abenteuergeschichte umblättern, die eine erfrischende Hommage an antike Zivilisationen und deren Errungenschaften enthält. Ein unterhaltsamer erster Band einer vielversprechenden, fantastischen Zeitreise-Reihe. -Kirkus

  • af M a Rothman
    155,95 kr.

    THE EVENTS OF EARTH'S PAST MAY HOLD THE KEY TO EARTH'S FUTURE SALVATIONMarty Cohen was a gifted linguist and student of ancient military strategy who stepped away from academic Egyptology and opened a woodworking shop. Away from the bitter politics and petty rivalries, he’s happy to take care of his people, play the occasional war game, and try to make a good life. Then mysterious visions begin to rob him of sleep. Soon after they start, he gets summoned back to Egypt: an off-the-grid dig funded by an eccentric financier has discovered texts that may be the earliest Egypt has produced, and they’ll pay Marty silly amounts of cash just to fly out and take one little look. Marty turned his back on the academia game, but he’s a small business owner who has to make payroll during a recession, and he can’t say no to the money. But the texts open doors to more visions and to an astonishing journey: the ragtag team of archaeologists finds itself in protohistoric North Africa, a drying land dominated by monsters, where humanity is badly in need of champions. And behind the war against the monster overlords lies a greater struggle: Marty and his team have been chosen to be champions of all Earth and to run a gauntlet on humanity’s behalf. Failure will mean extinction.

  • af M a Rothman
    222,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    207,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    207,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    207,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    222,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    207,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    222,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    222,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    197,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    222,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    217,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    217,95 kr.

    Perimeter: The Levi Yoder Saga BeginsLevi Yoder's life as the Mafia's moral compass takes a death-defying turn in "Perimeter," a thriller that Kirkus Reviews hails as "first-rate." Faced with a terminal diagnosis, Levi prepares to meet his end with the same resolve he navigated the underworld's darkest corners. But fate, it seems, has other plans. Granted an unexpected reprieve from death, Levi's thrust back into the fray when the CIA reveals his family's marked by the cold vengeance of a Russian syndicate.In a race against time, Levi's newfound lease on life is anything but a blessing. Tasked with using his unique skills to untangle a conspiracy that stretches from the streets of New York to the corridors of power, he finds the threads of his past weaving a dangerous web. His mission: protect his family, confront a ghostly nemesis, and unravel a plot that ties his late wife's secrets to the survival of national security.Critically acclaimed by Kevin J. Anderson as a character who stands shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Jack Reacher and Dirk Pitt, Levi Yoder's journey is a masterclass in suspense. Mike Baker, former CIA covert operative, promises "Perimeter" is the adrenaline fix that will keep you riveted from dawn until dusk.Dive into the world of Levi Yoder, where every moment is borrowed, and every decision could be your last. "Perimeter" is not just a story of survival-it's a testament to the indomitable spirit of a man who defies death itself to do what's right. Prepare for a thriller that will leave you breathless, by a USA Today bestselling author who knows how to keep the pages turning."If you like Jack Reacher or Dirk Pitt, you must meet Levi Yoder. You'll be engrossed and entertained." - Kevin J. Anderson, New York Times bestselling author."As a former CIA operations officer, I'm always on the hunt for the next solid thriller. I took Perimeter with me on a long haul overseas flight and finished it before we touched down. Fast paced and entertaining." - Mike Baker, former CIA covert operations officer."For nail-biting science fiction thrillers, look no further than one of Rothman's stories. Sit back and enjoy the ride." - Larry Correia, New York Times bestselling author."PERIMETER isn't just another thriller with big ideas, it also is a tale about people with depth of heart and complexity. I didn't just love this book--I'm excited to explore future tales in Rothman's universe." - David Farland, New York Times bestselling author."M.A. Rothman writes well-researched, provocative thrillers on the cutting edge of science and imagination. PERIMETER's mystery engages, its action entertains, and its characters fascinate, right to the last page." - D.J. Butler, author of WITCHY EYEA "first-rate" thriller. - Kirkus Reviews

  • af M a Rothman
    222,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    217,95 kr.

  • af M a Rothman
    217,95 kr.

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