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  • - Basics, Components & Circuits explained for Beginners
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    183,95 kr.

    Are you looking for a simple and understandable introduction to the basics of electrical engineering and electronics? Then this book is for you! As an engineer (M.Eng.), I would like to teach you the basics of electrical engineering and electronics. This book offers you an easy-to-understand, intuitively structured, and practical introduction to the world of electrical engineering!What is current and voltage? What is charge? What is power and what is 1 kWh? How does an electric motor work? What is the difference between direct and alternating current? This electrical engineering handbook gives answers to all these questions, and covers many other topics in depth and detail.In addition, this compact beginner's guide will quickly and easily teach you the functions and applications of important electronic components such as resistors, diodes, transistors, capacitors, and much more. This book offers you a comprehensive yet compact introduction to the basics of electrical engineering and electronics!In addition to important basic terms and principles, you will learn how to analyze circuits (Kirchhoff's Laws), what a bipolar transistor is, what a MOSFET is, and how an RLC circuit is designed. We will also look at what happens when you place an inductor in a magnetic field, and what practical applications these basic principles have in our modern world. Of course, we will also do some calculations and learn the mathematical equations behind the basic principles of electrical engineering in each chapter. However, depending on how deep you want to go into the material, you could also skip the mathematical parts.This Fundamentals book is intended for anyone who has no prior knowledge of electrical and electronic engineering, or who has some knowledge but is looking for a practical and understandable guide. No matter what age you are, what profession you have, whether you are a student, an employee, or a retiree. This book is for anyone who wants or needs to learn about electrical engineering and electronics.The goal of this book is to introduce you to how electrical engineering accompanies us in our daily lives and the basic principles involved. In addition, you will learn the basics of DC and AC technology, their theoretical background, and much more! Develop a basic understanding of electrical engineering and electronics in no time!So, do not hesitate any longer, take a look inside and get your copy as ebook or paperback!Briefly summarized, you can learn the following in detail:- Basic concepts and basic quantities of electrical engineering- How to analyze and solve electrical engineering circuits- Ohm's Law, Ampere's Law and Farady's Law- Components such as resistor, diode (e.g. LED), transistor, capacitor, transformer, ..., and how they work and what they are used for- The difference between direct current and alternating current, as well as single-phase and multi-phase systems- How does electricity enter the home? Getting to know the power supply system- Direct current and alternating current motors and their structure / mode of operation- Outlook: Renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic and wind power- and much more!Take a look inside and get your copy as an ebook or paperback!

  • af M Eng Johannes Wild
    151,95 kr.

  • af M Eng Johannes Wild
    178,95 kr.

    Suchen Sie eine einfache und verständliche Einführung in die Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik?Dann sind Sie mit diesem Buch bestens beraten! Als Ingenieur (M.Eng.) möchte ich Ihnen das Grundwissen der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik einfach erklärt näher bringen. Zusammengefasst bietet Ihnen dieses Buch eine gut verständliche, intuitiv aufgebaute und praktische Einführung in die Welt der Elektrotechnik!Was ist Strom und was ist Spannung? Was ist Ladung? Was ist Leistung, was ist 1 kWh? Wie funktioniert ein Elektromotor? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Gleichstrom und Wechselstrom? In diesem Handbuch der Elektrotechnik werden nicht nur diese Fragen beantwortet, sondern auch viele weitere Themen ausführlich und im Detail behandelt.Zudem lernen Sie in diesem kompakten Einsteiger Ratgeber den Aufbau sowie die Anwendung von wichtigen Elektronik Bauteilen wie Widerstand, Diode, Transistor, Kondensator und vieles mehr schnell und einfach kennen. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine umfassende und dennoch kompakte Einführung in die Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik!Neben wichtigen Grundbegriffen und Grundprinzipien werden Sie z.B. auch lernen, wie man elektrotechnische Schaltungen analysiert (Kirchhoff''sche Regeln), was ein Bipolartransistor, was ein MOSFET ist und wie ein Reihenschwingkreis aufgebaut ist. Wir befassen uns zudem damit, was passiert wenn man eine Spule in einem Magnetfeld platziert und welche praktischen Anwendungen diese Grundprinzipien in unserer modernen Welt haben. In Muster-Beispielen werden wir gemeinsam auch ein paar Berechnungen durchführen und wir werden in jedem Kapitel auch die mathematischen Gleichungen hinter den Grundprinzipen der Elektrotechnik kennenlernen. Je nachdem, wie tief Sie in die Materie einsteigen möchten, können Sie diese aber auch einfach nur zur Kenntnis nehmen.Dieses Grundlagen Buch richtet sich speziell an alle, die noch keine oder nur schulische Vorkenntnisse in Elektrotechnik und Elektronik haben, oder bereits Kenntnisse haben, aber einen praktischen und verständlichen Ratgeber zum Thema Elektrotechnik suchen. Egal in welchem Alter Sie sind, welchen Beruf Sie haben, ob Sie Schüler, Student oder Rentner sind. Dieses Buch ist für alle, die sich mit Elektrotechnik und Elektronik auseinandersetzen möchten oder müssen.Das Ziel dieses Buches ist, Ihnen näher zu bringen wie uns Elektrotechnik im Alltag begleitet und welche grundlegenden Prinzipien dabei ablaufen. Zudem lernen Sie die Grundlagen der Gleichstromtechnik und Wechselstromtechnik, deren physikalischen Hintergründe und vieles mehr! Entwickeln Sie in kürzester Zeit ein Grundverständnis für Elektrotechnik und Elektronik!Zögern Sie deshalb nicht länger, werfen Sie am Besten einen Blick ins Buch und holen Sie sich Ihr Exemplar als Ebook oder Taschenbuch nach Hause!Kurz zusammengefasst werden Sie in diesem Kurs Folgendes im Detail lernen:- Grundbegriffe und Grundgrößen der Elektrotechnik- Elektrotechnische Schaltungen analysieren und lösen - Das Ohm''sche, das Ampere''sche und das Farady''sche Gesetz- Bauteile wie Widerstand, Diode (z.B. LED), Transistor, Kondensator, Transformator, ... und deren Funktionsweise und Anwendungsgebiete kennenlernen- Den Unterschied zwischen Gleich- und Wechselstrom, sowie ein- und mehrphasigen Systemen (Stichwort: Starkstrom) - Wie kommt der Strom ins Haus? Das Stromversorgungssystem kennenlernen - Gleichstrom und Wechselstrommotoren und deren Aufbau / Funktionsweise- Ausblick: Erneuerbare Energien wie Photovoltaik und Windkraft- und vieles mehr!Werfen Sie am Besten einen Blick ins Buch und holen Sie sich Ihr Exemplar als Ebook

  • - La Guida completa per risolvere tutti i problemi della stampa 3D FDM!
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    190,95 kr.

    Come materiale bonus, nell'appendice del libro troverà un profilo di slicing ottimizzato per la stampa 3D per Cura.Si risparmi la postelaborazione della stampa 3D che richiede molto tempo!Questo compendio sulla risoluzione dei problemi di stampa 3D può aiutarla a: a) prevenire gli errori di stampa 3D, b) migliorare la qualità di stampa complessiva delle sue stampe 3D, c) evitare una costosa post-elaborazione di stampa 3D e, soprattutto, d) identificare e risolvere modelli di errore specifici.Questa guida alla risoluzione dei problemi contiene oltre 40 modelli di errore che possono verificarsi con una stampante 3D FDM. Da un lato, questo libro identifica le cause dei risultati di stampa insoddisfacenti e, dall'altro, mostra passi concreti di soluzione che può applicare per una stampa 3D di successo. Utilizzi questa guida compatta per una risoluzione completa dei problemi e migliori la qualità dei suoi risultati di stampa in poco tempo.L'autore del libro è un appassionato utente di stampa 3D e ingegnere (M.Eng.) e spiega in modo professionale le viti di regolazione che possono far scomparire le immagini di errore. Dopo una breve introduzione ai concetti di base della stampa 3D, un'analisi dei componenti critici di una stampante 3D e una guida al livellamento del letto di stampa, troverà un elenco di immagini di tutti gli errori per un'identificazione facile e veloce del problema di stampa 3D che sta cercando.Dia un'occhiata al libro e prenda la sua copia!Il software di slicing utilizzato in questo concetto è il programma gratuito Cura. Numerose illustrazioni supportano le spiegazioni del libro e rendono la risoluzione dei problemi chiara e semplice.Sia per i principianti assoluti della stampa 3D che per gli utenti già avanzati della stampa 3D, questo libro è un ottimo riferimento per la risoluzione dei problemi della stampa 3D! Rinunci a una ricerca noiosa e lunga di informazioni sulle possibili fonti di errore e prenda invece la sua copia di questo libro. Con oltre 40 modelli di errore, questo libro le fornirà solidi indizi per migliorare i suoi risultati di stampa 3D.Una breve panoramica degli errori trattati:a) L'hot-end non si riscalda b) L'ugello è intasato c) La stampa non si avvia d) Mancanza di adesione al letto di stampa e) Problemi con il filamento f) Under-extrusion e over-extrusion g) Curling h) Stringing o oozing i) Blob e zits j)Pillowing k) Vibrazioni e ringing (ghosting) l) Warping m) Elephant foot n) Oscillazione dell'asse Z o) Layer cracking / separation / splitting p) Layer shifting q) Strati mancanti r) Graffi sulla stampa s) La stampante 3D ribalta il pezzo stampato t) Cattivo riempimento degli spazi vuoti u) La stampa 3D non può essere rimossa dal letto di stampa v) La cucitura z è fortemente visibile w) Deviazioni dimensionali della stampa rispetto al modello CAD x) Problemi con il riempimento y) Problemi generali con la struttura di supporto z) La struttura di supporto cade.Dia un'occhiata al libro e prenda la sua copia!

  • - The Ultimate Guide To Fix all Common and Uncommon FDM 3D Printing Issues!
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    190,95 kr.

    Bonus Material: An optimized 3D printing slicing profile for Cura is included in the appendix of the book. Save yourself time-consuming 3D printing post-processing!This 3D printing troubleshooting compendium can help you: a) to prevent 3D printing errors, b) to improve the overall print quality of your 3D prints, c) to avoid costly 3D printing post-processing, and most importantly d) to identify and fix specific error patterns.This troubleshooting guide contains over 40 error patterns that can occur with an FDM 3D printer. On the one hand, this book identifies the causes of unsatisfactory printing results, and on the other hand, it shows specific problem-solving steps that you can apply for successful 3D printing. Use this compact guide for comprehensive troubleshooting and improve the quality of your print results in no time.The author of the book is an enthusiastic 3D printing user and engineer (M.Eng.) and professionally explains the tweaks that can make your errors disappear. After a brief introduction to the basic concepts of 3D printing, an analysis of the critical components of a 3D printer and a guide to print bed leveling, you will find an image directory of all the errors for easy and quick identification of the 3D printing problem you are looking for.Take a look inside the book and get your copy!The slicing software used in this concept is the free slicing program Cura. Numerous illustrations support the book's explanations and make troubleshooting clear and easy.Whether you are new to 3D printing or already an advanced 3D printing user, this book is a great reference for 3D printing troubleshooting! Forget the tedious and time-consuming search for information on possible error sources and get your copy of this book instead. With over 40 error patterns, this book will give you solid advice on how to improve your 3D printing results.A brief snippet on the errors covered:a) The hot end does not heat b) Clogged nozzle c) Printing does not start d) Poor print bed adhesion e) Filament issues f) Under-extrusion & Over-extrusion g) Curling h) Stringing or Oozing i) Blobs and Zits j) Pillowing k) Vibration & Ringing (Ghosting) l) Warping m) Elephant foot n) z-axis wobble o) Layer- Gaps (Layer Cracking / Separation / Splitting) p) Layer Shifting q) Missing Layers r) Scars on the print s) 3D printer knocks over parts t) Poor bridging of gaps u) Printed object cannot be removed from the print bed v) The z-seam is clearly visible w) Dimensional deviations between print and CAD model x) Problems with the infill y) General problems with the support structure z)Support structure falls off.Take a look inside the book and get your copy!

  • - Le manuel complet pour un depannage rapide et facile de l'impression FDM 3D pour les debutants et les utilisateurs avances
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    190,95 kr.

    En bonus, vous trouverez un profil d'impression 3D optimisé pour Cura en annexe du livre. Épargnez-vous un post-traitement d'impression 3D complexe !Ce guide de dépannage pour l'impression 3D peut vous aider à : a) prévenir les erreurs d'impression 3D, b) améliorer la qualité d'impression générale de vos impressions 3D, c) éviter un post-traitement d'impression 3D complexe et, surtout, d) identifier et corriger des modèles d'erreurs spécifiques.Ce guide de dépannage contient plus de 40 types d'erreurs qui peuvent se produire avec une imprimante 3D FDM. Ce livre identifie d'une part les causes des résultats insatisfaisants de l'impression et d'autre part les étapes concrètes de résolution que vous pouvez appliquer pour une impression 3D réussie. Utilisez ce guide compact pour un dépannage complet et améliorez la qualité de vos résultats d'impression en un clin d'¿il.L'auteur de ce livre est un utilisateur passionné d'impression 3D et un ingénieur (M.Eng.). Il vous explique de manière professionnelle les leviers qui peuvent faire disparaître vos images d'erreur. Après une brève introduction aux concepts de base de l'impression 3D, une analyse des composants critiques d'une imprimante 3D et un guide sur le nivellement du lit d'impression, vous trouverez un répertoire d'images de toutes les erreurs pour identifier facilement et rapidement le problème d'impression 3D que vous recherchez.Jetez un coup d'¿il au livre et obtenez votre exemplaire !Le logiciel de slicing utilisé dans ce concept est le programme de slicing gratuit Cura. De nombreuses illustrations soutiennent les explications du livre et rendent la recherche d'erreurs claire et facile.Pour les débutants comme pour les utilisateurs avancés, ce livre est un excellent outil de référence pour le dépannage de l'impression 3D ! Évitez une recherche d'informations longue et fastidieuse sur les sources d'erreurs possibles et procurez-vous plutôt votre exemplaire de ce livre. Avec plus de 40 exemples d'erreurs, ce livre vous donne des pistes pour améliorer vos résultats d'impression 3D.Un bref aperçu des erreurs couvertes :a) La "Hot End" ne chauffe pas b) La buse est obstruée c) L'impression ne démarre pas d) Manque d'adhérence e) Problèmes de filaments f) "Under Extrusion" et "Over Extrusion" g) "Curling" h) "Stringing" ou "Oozing" i) "Blobs" et "Zits" j) "Pillowing" k) "Vibration" et "Ringing" ("Ghosting") l) "Warping" m) Pied d'éléphant n) "z-axis wobble" z o) Couche- Lacunes ("Layer Cracking / Separation / Splitting") p) Déplacement des couches q) Couches manquantes r) Éraflures sur l'impression s) L'imprimante 3D renverse des pièces t) Mauvais pontage u) L'impression 3D ne peut pas être retirée du lit d'impression v) Le coutour z est très visible w) Déviations dimensionnelles entre l'impression et le modèle CAO x) Problèmes de remplissage y) Problèmes généraux de la structure de support z) Chute de la structure de support.Jetez un coup d'¿il au livre et obtenez votre exemplaire !

  • - La guia practica para principiantes
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    233,95 kr.

    Diseño CAD para principantes: El libro para todos aquellos que quieran adquirir unos sólidos conocimientos básicos en materia de CAD. Paso a paso, aprenden todo lo que necesitan saber para diseñar objetos en 3D de forma autónoma, para luego poder imprimirlos con una impresora 3D, por ejemplo.¡Pida un ejemplar ahora!El autor del libro es ingeniero (M.Eng.), diseñador entusiasta y usuario de la impresión 3D. Con la orientación de un profesional, se les lleva desde los fundamentos hasta las funciones avanzadas de un programa CAD. Se ha hecho especial hincapié en la comprensibilidad y sencillez del contenido, para que no tengan que preocuparse por la jerga.Tras una breve introducción a los fundamentos del diseño y al software de diseño utilizado, se explica el diseño paso a paso mediante ejemplos sencillos y prácticos. Los niveles de dificultad de los proyectos se basan los unos en los otros, de modo que se puede lograr un éxito de aprendizaje sin complicaciones.El software de diseño utilizado en este concepto es la versión gratuita del programa DesignSpark Mechanical y su uso se explica en detalle. Numerosas ilustraciones (aproximadamente 100 imágenes) apoyan las explicaciones del libro y crean así una introducción clara y sencilla al tema del diseño. El proceso completo, desde la primera línea de un boceto en 2D hasta el objeto 3D terminado, se explica mediante 7 ejemplos prácticos.Este libro se dirige en general a todas las personas interesadas en la técnica y a los usuarios particulares. No importa si es sólo con fines informativos sobre el diseño CAD o para la aplicación y ejecución de proyectos e ideas propias con dicho software. Todos los procedimientos se explican de forma detallada y comprensible. También se ha prestado atención a un tamaño compacto: aproximadamente 80 páginas.¡Pida un ejemplar ahora!

  • - Le guide ultime du debutant
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    233,95 kr.

    Conception & Modélisation CAO, le livre pour tous ceux qui veulent acquérir une solide connaissance de base sur le sujet de la CAO. Étape par étape, ils apprennent tout ce qu''il faut savoir pour concevoir des objets en 3D de manière autonome, afin de pouvoir ensuite les imprimer avec une imprimante 3D, par exemple.L''auteur du livre est un ingénieur, un concepteur enthousiaste et un utilisateur d''impression 3D. Grâce à un encadrement professionnel, ils sont amenés à passer des fonctions de base aux fonctions avancées d''un programme de CAO.Un accent particulier a été mis sur l''intelligibilité et la simplicité du contenu.Commandez votre exemplaire dès maintenant !Après une brève introduction aux bases de la conception et aux logiciels de conception utilisés, la conception est expliquée étape par étape à l''aide d''exemples simples et pratiques. Les niveaux de difficulté des projets s''appuient les uns sur les autres, de sorte que la réussite de l''apprentissage ne soit pas compliquée. Le logiciel de conception utilisé dans ce concept est la version gratuite du programme DesignSpark Mechanical et son utilisation est expliquée en détail. De nombreuses illustrations (environ 100 photos) appuient les explications du livre et constituent ainsi une introduction claire et simple au sujet du design. L''ensemble du processus, de la première ligne d''un croquis en 2D à l''objet 3D fini, est expliqué à l''aide de 7 exemples pratiques.Ce livre est généralement destiné à toutes les personnes intéressées par la technique et aux utilisateurs privés. Que ce soit à des fins d''information sur la conception CAO ou pour l''application et la mise en œuvre de vos propres projets et idées à l''aide de ces logiciels. Toutes les procédures sont expliquées de manière détaillée et compréhensible. L''attention a également été portée sur un format compact : environ 80 pages.Commandez votre exemplaire dès maintenant !

  • - The Ultimate Beginners Guide
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    248,95 kr.

    "CAD 101: The Ultimate Beginners Guide" is a book for all those who want to develop a profound understanding of how to use CAD software. Step by step, you will learn everything you need to know in order to design your own three-dimensional objects, so that you can print them with a 3D printer.The author of the book is a german engineer (M.Eng.), enthusiastic designer and 3D printing practitioner. You will learn the very basics up to more advanced functions of designing with CAD software under professional guidance. The clarity and simplicity of the content has been set to priority #1, so you don''t have to be afraid of technical terminology.After a brief introduction to the basics of design and the respective software being used, construction is explained step by step using simple and practical examples. The level of difficulty slowly rises with each project, so that an uncomplicated learning process is given. The design software used in this concept is the free version of "DesignSpark Mechanical". Numerous illustrations (approx. 100 figures) supplement the explanations in the book and thus provide a clear and simple introduction to the subject of design. Using 7 practical examples, the entire process from the first line of a 2D sketch to the finished 3D object is described in detail.This book is generally intended for all technically interested people and private users. No matter whether only for information purposes about CAD software and its usage or for real application and realization of your projects and ideas. All procedures are explained in a descriptive and comprehensible way. And all that within a compact format (approx. 80 pages), because who has a lot of time nowadays? Start now!

  • - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    126,95 kr.

    You can develop a basic and profound understanding of FDM 3D printing by using this 3D printing guide. You will learn everything you need to know about how to print objects using an FDM 3D printer!The author of the book is an enthusiastic 3D printing user and engineer (M.Eng.), who will guide you professionally from the basics to even more advanced settings. After a short introduction to the fundamentals of 3D printing and a 3D printer purchase advice, the usage of a 3D printer, as well as the required software (free software), is explained in a practical context.Ultimaker''s Cura is used as a free slicing software, and its functions are explained in detail. Several images support the explanations of the book and provide a clear and easy introduction to the topic. The entire process - starting with a ".stl" file (3D model) all the way to the printed object - is explained by means of descriptive examples (downloadable free of charge). Even if you do not own a 3D printer or do not want to buy one, you will be given an insight into this fascinating technology from the contents of the book! You also have the option of using an external 3D printing service provider or a makerspace instead of an own 3D printer.Table of contents (short form):1) Possibilities of 3D Printing2) 3D Printer Purchase Advice3) First 3D Print4) Getting started with necessary 3D Printing Software5) Advanced Objects and Advanced Settings6) Step by step Slicing and Printing of Examples7) Materials and Equipment8) 3D Scanning9) Troubleshooting and MaintenanceThis book is intended for anyone interested in 3D Printing! No matter if just for information purposes about the technology or for realizing own models. All procedures are explained in detail and are presented in a way that is very easy to understand! This practice guide is perfect for makers, creative people, inventors, engineers, architects, students, teenagers, and so on.Approx. 56 pages.

  • - 66 awesome projects to realize with a 3D printer For Beginners & Advanced!
    af M Eng Johannes Wild
    298,95 kr.

    This book offers you no less than 66 different projects that you can realize using a 3D printer. This book presents models from different categories, such as "Useful & Practical", "Household", "Toys", "Art", and so on. All objects are selected in such a way that they usually offer a helpful function or an actual use once they have been printed.In addition to inspiration about the fascinating possibilities of 3D printing and suggestions for your own projects, this book also gives you individual and valuable tips on the slicing process of the respective objects. The items are divided into different levels of difficulty. You will find very simple projects, such as a simple snap hook, up to quite complex objects, such as a fully functional, mechanical and 3D printed wall clock! Therefore the book is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners. You don''t even have to design the respective models first, you can download them (of course free of charge) online and thus get started immediately.The author of the book is an enthusiastic 3D printing practitioner and engineer (M.Eng.). He guides you professionally without using much technical jargon. After a short introduction about how to use this book, the projects are described and slicing tips are given.More than 100 illustrations complete the content of this book and will inspire you to print many awesome projects! This book is generally intended for all people interested in 3D printing. No matter whether only for information purposes about the possibilities of 3D printing or for actual application and realization of some projects. All proceedings are explained in detail. Approx. 180 pages.

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