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  • af Margo Holmes
    87,95 kr.

  • af Margo Holmes
    107,95 kr.

    GOD'S GREAT PROMISE: THE HOLY SPIRIT Helping your child understand what happened on the day of Pentecost After His death and resurrection, Jesus walked the earth for forty days. Just before He ascended to heaven to once again be with His Father, He stood in the midst of the disciples and said, "Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high." (Luke 24:49) Obediently, the disciples waited, and Jesus kept His promise. On the day of Pentecost, when they were gathered in the upper room to pray, suddenly, a sound like a mighty, rushing wind came from heaven and filled the room. Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and with power. It changed their lives. Every child needs to know they can have the same Holy Spirit living in them.

  • af Margo Holmes
    87,95 kr.

    Giving Your Child a Glimpse of God's Power Written specifically for "beginning readers," the books in the GOD LOVES YOU Series are easy to read and understand. Numerous illustrations keep children interested and help them relate to the subject material. The prayer and the review questions at the end of each book provide a perfect opportunity for children to absorb what they have learned into their hearts, their minds, and their actions. In God Does Great Things! children learn how God used Peter to change the life of a man who had never been able to walk. Then later, when Peter was in prison and needed help, God sent an angel to deliver him.

  • af Margo Holmes
    107,95 kr.

    Teaching your child the compassion of God This popular parable about the prodigal son begins with the younger son's request to receive his inheritance before his father dies. He then journeys to a far land and wastes it all on sinful living. Finally, starving and desperate, he remembers the goodness of his father. Repenting of his foolishness, he returns home. The father who never stopped loving his son, runs to meet him, then embraces and kisses him. This story reveals that no matter how lost we may become or how far we may travel from God, He is filled with compassion. His arms are always wide open, ready to receive us and to restore us to our rightful place with Him.

  • af Margo Holmes
    87,95 kr.

    Introducing the very young to the twelve apostles Written specifically for "beginning readers," the books in the "GOD LOVES YOU" Series are easy to read and understand. Numerous illustrations keep children interested and help them relate to the subject material. The prayer and the review questions at the end of each book provide a perfect opportunity for children to absorb what they have learned into their hearts, their minds, and their actions. In They Followed Jesus, children learn about the uniqueness of each of the followers Jesus chose to be one of His apostles. It shows how they were just ordinary individuals who were given the extraordinary opportunity of walking with the Son of God when He was on earth.

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