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Bøger af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes

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  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    101,95 kr.

    This book is about a little boy named Destin and his adventure with Jesus to win souls.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    141,95 kr.

    In this book Apostle Marguerite teaches the readers how to look beyond the hurt and pain caused by others and walk into a successful future through forgiveness

  • - Tihmyah And The Donut Man
    af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    101,95 kr.

    This book captures a child's relationship with the Lord and how she used the visits with the donut man to draw children to God.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    143,95 kr.

    This book was written because It is important as a people as we go forward, that we do not get tied in to the godless practice of leaders or political leaders but we must continue to look to the Lord in this end time.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    93,95 kr.

    This book is written with the intent of opening the eyes of individuals and challenging them to awake their trust and faith in the one who holds them in the palm of His hands.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    118,95 kr.

    This vision board book is a set of questions laid out to help think about and envision what they would like to achieve in his or her life for the future.

  • - "Fais-lui une priorite absolue dans ta vie"
    af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    188,95 kr.

    Il est de la plus haute importance que les hommes et les femmes cherchent à avoir la présence de Dieu dans leur vie. Nombreux sont ceux qui pensent pouvoir tout accomplir par eux-mêmes, mais à la fin ils ne se retrouveront que dans une voie très infructueuse. Le pouvoir de sa présence offre des souvenirs personnels des expériences passées et présentes de l'auteur avec l'Esprit Saint dans sa marche avec Dieu et enseigne comment attendre l'Esprit Saint pour la perspicacité et la direction dans la vie aussi bien que dans le ministère.

  • - Women Of Purpose
    af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    188,95 kr.

    This Magazine is aimed at empowering women around the world to walk in their purpose.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    Dit is een opwindende tijd om de wereld kennis te laten maken met een frisse stem en een wandelende brief van de allerhoogste God. Apostel Marguerite Breedy-Haynes heeft ons niet alleen een kaart gegeven van haar eigen levenservaringen en de reis die de HEER haar heeft genomen, maar ze deelt de intieme geheimen van haar succes als profetes en de diepe dingen die God aan haar heeft geopenbaard. haar terwijl ze ons meeneemt op deze reis. U zult ontdekken dat er iets is dat het hart, de geest en het leven van mensen uit alle lagen van de bevolking raakt in deze eerste kroniek van de vele die uit haar leven zullen komen.

  • - Abandonnez-Vous Pour Que Dieu Puisse Vous Utiliser Puissamment
    af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    Remise Totale est une collection passionnante de chapitres inspirés par le Saint-Esprit. Dans chaque page de ce livre, l'auteure exprime son désir le plus sincère de faire vivre au monde entier ce qu'elle a fait lorsqu'elle a livré toute sa vie à Dieu. Les pages de ce livre décrivent de nombreux points clés qu'elle a appris et appliqués à sa vie au ministère qui l'ont guidée à travers les étapes difficiles de sa vie et lui ont permis, par la grâce de Dieu, de voir une croissance impossible sans une telle reddition.

  • - Power In Talent
    af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    188,95 kr.

    This powerful Magazine includes interviews about those who are using their talents to glorify God

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    188,95 kr.

    This magazine is geared towards opening the eyes of many to the fact that God is a God without boundaries and limits and with Him all things are possible

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    123,95 kr.

    This vision board is a laid out questions to help assist children to view what they want to happen in their future, and encourage them to step into that future with confidence.

  • - Glory Carrier
    af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    188,95 kr.

    This powerful magazine speaks about many who have allowed God to take over their lives and have become Glory Carriers for Him.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    118,95 kr.

    This book speaks about children who have found a relationship with the light, who is Jesus and because they have the light, they are able to draw, not only other children but their parents to Jesus. I pray that every child that reads this book will have a relationship with Jesus and allow His light to be in them so that they can help other children and their families as well.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    Jesus Kristus är den enda älskaren som kommer att stanna hos dig i liv och död och det är min önskan att se att alla i den här världen odlar en kärleksaffär med honom eftersom hans kärlek varar över alla andra. Jag ber att upplevelserna jag delar med mig av i den här boken kommer att driva dig djupare in i en kärleksaffär med Gud och få dig att uppleva "Den största romansen genom tiderna."

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    Er is een vijand of vijanden die proberen je ziel te vernietigen, je hoop en zelfs datgene wat God op je hart heeft gelegd om uit te voeren, maar je moet vechten en wat is een betere manier om de vijand te bestrijden dan op je knieën in gebed. We moeten op onze hoede zijn voor satans plannen. De bijbel vertelt ons: "Uw tegenstander, de duivel, sluipt rond als een brullende leeuw, op zoek naar iemand om te verslinden" 1 Petrus 5:8. God gaf ons echter een strategie tegen de plannen van de vijand en dat is om onze geestelijke wapens te gebruiken.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    Er is niet één persoon op deze aarde die is uitgesloten van de plannen en complotten van satan en al deze aanvallen vinden eerst plaats in het geestenrijk. Daarom geloof ik dat dit boek zeer actueel is voor dit seizoen waarin we leven. Veel mensen zijn zich niet bewust van wat er achter de schermen in hun leven gebeurt en dit boek zal een eye-opener voor hen zijn

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    If you are facing a storm in your life, whether financial, physical or spiritual, this book was written for you. It is time that we make the enemy shudder at the very thought of our success because we were made to be overcomers. God is ready and waiting to empower you in your storm. You must keep your eyes on Him and do not allow the enemy to distract you at this time; especially when your victory is just around the corner. The reason why I have written this book is because it is my desire to see the people of God rise above every storm in their lives and, in the process becoming even more powerful in the Spirit. So keep your eyes upward and come on this journey with me - a journey of "Trusting God In The Storm."

  • - The Latter Rain Prophets Through Music
    af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    188,95 kr.

    This powerful Magazine contains stories of powerful prophetic musicians, fashion and much more

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    118,95 kr.

    God's word teaches us His heart and what better way to find out what pleases Him than to spend time listening to His voice in the scriptures. Walking In Your Destiny Devotional invites the readers to commune with God daily by reading His word, applying it and listening to His voice as He is eager to communicate with us.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    In de huidige samenleving zien we dat huizen, naties en regeringen uit elkaar vallen en de mensen die bij de naam van Jezus worden genoemd, lijken in hun voetsporen te treden. Velen hebben zichzelf de vraag gesteld: "Wat gebeurt er met deze wereld en waarom?" maar het antwoord is simpel: "Een gebrek aan gebed".Als ik vandaag een enquête zou houden over hoeveel vaders of moeders hun kinderen leren bidden of hoe vaak er per dag thuis gebeden wordt, zou het antwoord behoorlijk schokkend zijn. Hoe kan iets worden opgelost, tenzij de probleemoplosser wordt gezocht.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    The Jewish feasts are full of spiritual and prophetic significance. Passover corresponds to Jesus' death, First fruits - His resurrection, and the list goes on with each feast comparable in some form or manner to the life of Jesus and his return. Many celebrate Thanksgiving, July 4th in America and many other festivals and remember the events connected with those days, so why can't we celebrate feasts that were ordained by God. My pray is that those who come into contact with this book are open-minded to what the spirit of God is sharing with His servant in its pages and that they in turn will alert many to this divinely directed book.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    78,95 kr.

    This powerful book speaks about how to eradicate worry from your life with the help of God

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    161,95 kr.

    This magazine introduces beauty in many areas whether it be fashion, Health or style

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    This book is borne from a labor of love for God and his people. Apostle Marguerite Breedy-Haynes has not only shared some of her own healing experiences, but she teaches the key scriptures to use to receive our personal healing from God."He Healed Me" seeks to enlighten the readers to the hope that they have in God, especially the promise that He made to them concerning their Healing.

  • - My Love Affair With the Lord
    af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    Many people in the world today are seeking love and affection from family, friends and lovers but they are unaware that they are setting themselves up for great disappointments because they are looking for love from the wrong sources. Human love is limited and inconsistent and depends on which way their emotions fall on a daily basis and such love will only leave you open to hurt, pain and regret in the end. This book teaches however that God's love is not dependent on emotions and does not vary from time to time. His love is consistent and everlasting and does not depend on circumstances or situations. There is no greater love offered to us than the divine love of God and He is longing to share this love with you and have it returned to Him. It is up to you to accept it.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    178,95 kr.

    This book speaks about Injustice, corruption and police brutality and how God calls injustice an abomination which means He hates it and God will not stand idly by as injustice and corruption is carried out. It calls out to those called by the name of Jesus to also hate this abomination and seek to eradicate it from our homes, schools, neighbourhoods and nations.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    173,95 kr.

    "I will defeat your plans because I have spent time with the almighty God" unfolds deep insights and takes you on a spiritual journey, which will cause you the reader, to be drawn into a powerful life of seeking after God, through prayer. It shares the process which the author went through to accomplish great things in God and it highlights the necessity of prayer in the life of a believer.

  • af Marguerite Breedy-Haynes
    118,95 kr.

    This book teaches the importance in this hour for Christian and Non-Christian youth to understand the significance of rising up in prayer. In 2 chronicles 7:14 the bible says " if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." God in this hour is bringing such a shaking to the earth that He is commissioning the youth of the world to stand their ground in prayer.

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