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  • af Maria Priller
    167,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2016 in the subject Business economics - Offline Marketing and Online Marketing, grade: 1,0, , language: English, abstract: The paper deals with launching Manner granola into the United States. Furthermore, a suitable marketing mix for the Austrian market is described, which includes the four P¿s product, price, place and promotion. Moreover, Hofstede¿s four dimensions in the USA and the marketing mix for the United States are illustrated. Finally, a conclusion of the elaborated outcomes are given.

  • af Maria Priller
    454,95 kr.

    Social media is a very powerful tool in today's business and the impact on society is proved. But to what extent has the social media platform Instagram an impact on Generation Z? The main objective of this book is to investigate whether Instagram has an impact on Generation Z¿s decision-making behaviour when choosing an Austrian spa facility. According to the determined research questions, this book aims to examine as well to what extent a professional Instagram account has an impact on the decision-making process, what the motivations are to use Instagram regarding a wellness stay and how Generation Z perceives the Austrian spa industry. In addition, recommendations for an enhanced Instagram performance for Austrian späs will be given. To answer the research questions properly, a quantitative research method according to the expectation, motivation and attitude model by J. Gnoth was applied. Through the research process, the author came to the conclusion that Instagram¿s impact will increase continuously in the future. In addition, Austrian spas should enhance their Instagram performance to attract more potential Generation Z visitors.

  • af Maria Priller
    600,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Communications - Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Social Media, grade: 2, University of applied sciences (Tourism & Leisure Management), language: English, abstract: The main objective of this master thesis is to investigate whether Instagram has an impact on Generation Z¿s decision-making behaviour when choosing an Austrian spa facility. According to the determined research questions, this thesis aims to examine as well to what extent a professional Instagram account has an impact on the decision-making process, what the motivations are to use Instagram regarding a wellness stay and how Generation Z perceives the Austrian spa industry. In addition, recommendations for an enhanced Instagram performance for Austrian späs will be given. For the secondary research, relevant books, articles, journals, studies and websites have been used. To answer the research questions properly, a quantitative research method in the form of an online questionnaire according to the expectation, motivation and attitude model was applied.

  • af Maria Priller
    326,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich BWL - Offline-Marketing und Online-Marketing, Note: 2,8, Campus02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft Graz, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Social Media im Allgemeinen, deren Arten und Besonderheiten, sowie dem Social Media Marketing. Des Weiteren geht die Autorin auf Themenbereiche, wie Ziele von Social Media-Maßnahmen, Strategieentscheidung und Erfolgsmessung ein. Da das Thema der sozialen Medien äußerst umfangreich ist, versucht die Autorin sich auf bestimmte Themengebiete zu spezialisieren und diese näher zu beschreiben. Sie möchte einen Einblick gewähren, wie wichtig und vorteilhaft die Nutzung von Social Media ist und dass sie eine große Rolle in der heutigen Gesellschaft spielen. Des Weiteren unterteilt sich die Arbeit in drei Hauptkapitel und mehrere Unterkapitel. Im ersten Kapitel beschreibt die Autorin Allgemeines über Social Media. Im zweiten Kapitel wird der Themenbereich Social Media Marketing bearbeitet und im letzten Kapitel versucht die Autorin auf die Chancen und Risiken der Social Media näher einzugehen.

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