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Bøger af Marshall Goldsmith

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  • - Sparking positive change and making it last
    af Marshall Goldsmith & Mark Reiter
    106,95 kr.

  • - How successful people become even more successful
    af Marshall Goldsmith
    108,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Perhaps one small flaw is the only thing that keeps you from where you want to be. This book states that people often do well in spite of certain habits rather than because of them - and need a 'to stop' list rather than what 'to do'. It intends to help global leaders overcome their unconscious annoying habits and become more successful.

  • af Marshall Goldsmith
    233,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Discover the steps to earning your path to fulfillment and living without regrets—from the world-renowned executive coach and New York Times bestselling author of Triggers and What Got You Here Won't Get You There ONE OF SUMMER’S BEST BUSINESS BOOKS: Inc., Society for Human Resource Management • “My life changed for the better when I started working with Marshall Goldsmith. The Earned Life is a wonderful book.”—Dr. Jim Yong Kim, served as president of the World Bank“We are living an earned life when the choices, risks, and effort we make in each moment align with an overarching purpose in our lives, regardless of the eventual outcome.”That’s the definition of an earned life. But for many of us, that pesky final phrase is a stumbling block: “regardless of the eventual outcome.” Not being attached to the outcome goes against everything we’re taught about achievement and fulfillment in modern society.But now, in his most personal and powerful work to date, world-renowned leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith offers a dazzling but simple approach that accommodates both our persistent need for achievement and the inescapable “stuff happens” unfairness of life.Taking inspiration from Buddhism, Goldsmith reveals that the key to living the earned life, unbound by regret, requires committing to a habit of earning and, crucially, connecting that habit to something greater than the isolated achievements of careerism. By grounding our achievements in a higher aspiration, he shows, we can avoid the easy temptation to wallow in regret.Goldsmith implores readers to avoid the Great Western Disease of “I’ll be happy when. . . .” He offers practical advice and exercises aimed at helping us shed the obstacles, especially the failures of imagination, that prevent us from creating our own fulfilling lives. With this book as their guide, readers can close the gap between what they plan to achieve and what they actually get done—and avoid the trap of existential regret, the kind that reroutes destinies and persecutes our memories.Packed with illuminating stories from Goldsmith’s legendary career as a coach to some of the world’s highest-achieving leaders as well as reflections on his own experiences, The Earned Life is a road map for ambitious people seeking a higher purpose. “Marshall Goldsmith is a wonderful coach, educator, and author.”—Albert Bourla, CEO, Pfizer

  • - Posperar en el Lugar de Trabajo Moderno
    af Marshall Goldsmith
    205,95 kr.

    Bienvenido a "La Carrera Ágil: Adaptarse y Prosperar en el Mundo Laboral Moderno", una guía integral diseñada para ayudar a las personas a mejorar sus oportunidades laborales y navegar por el mundo laboral en constante cambio. Ya sea que estés comenzando tu viaje profesional o buscando realizar un cambio significativo en tu carrera, este libro es tu mapa para el éxito.En el mundo actual, que evoluciona rápidamente y es impredecible, abrazar la agilidad se ha vuelto crucial para navegar por el entorno laboral moderno. El tradicional camino profesional lineal ha dado paso a un enfoque más flexible y adaptable conocido como la Carrera Ágil. Este nuevo paradigma reconoce que las carreras ya no son fijas y lineales, sino más bien viajes dinámicos y siempre en evolución.Este libro se crea con la creencia de que todos tienen el poder de dar forma a su trayectoria profesional y desbloquear su máximo potencial. Está diseñado para proporcionar ideas prácticas, estrategias y ejercicios que te guiarán desde los conceptos básicos del desarrollo profesional hasta la creación de un plan de carrera de una página y la construcción de una hoja de ruta de carrera Ágil a largo plazo.A lo largo de este libro, emprenderás un viaje transformador de autoexploración, aprendizaje y crecimiento. Obtendrás una comprensión profunda de tus habilidades, intereses y valores, y aprenderás cómo aprovecharlos para crear oportunidades de carrera significativas y satisfactorias. Desarrollarás una mentalidad de crecimiento y aprenderás a abrazar el cambio, adaptarte a nuevos desafíos y mejorar continuamente.El libro se divide en capítulos que abarcan una amplia gama de temas, que incluyen evaluar tus habilidades e intereses, comprender el mundo laboral en constante evolución, crear un plan de carrera flexible de una página, desarrollar una hoja de ruta de carrera ágil a largo plazo y estrategias para el crecimiento y desarrollo continuo. Cada capítulo proporciona valiosas ideas, ejercicios prácticos y ejemplos de la vida real para ayudarte a aplicar los conceptos a tu propio viaje profesional.Ya sea recién graduado, profesional de mitad de carrera o alguien que busca hacer una transición profesional, este libro es para ti. Está diseñado para encontrarte donde estás y proporcionarte las herramientas y el conocimiento para tomar el control de tu trayectoria profesional y crear oportunidades de crecimiento y éxito.A medida que progresas en este libro, recuerda que tu trayectoria profesional es única para ti. Acepta los ejercicios, reflexiona sobre tus experiencias y adapta las estrategias según tus circunstancias individuales. La clave es abordar tu carrera con curiosidad, resistencia y un compromiso con la mejora continua.¿Estás listo para embarcarte en un viaje profesional emocionante y transformador? Sumérgete y desbloquea tu máximo potencial. ¡Tu carrera Ágil te espera!

  • af Marshall Goldsmith
    238,95 kr.

    The surest way to strengthen your leadership skills is to learn from the best of the best. Hear previously unpublished ideas from industry-acclaimed thought leaders and executive leadership coaches on what it takes to achieve groundbreaking success.

  • af Marshall Goldsmith
    247,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Discover the steps to earning your path to fulfillment and living without regrets—from the world-renowned executive coach and New York Times bestselling author of Triggers and What Got You Here Won't Get You There ONE OF SUMMER’S BEST BUSINESS BOOKS: Inc., Society for Human Resource Management • “My life changed for the better when I started working with Marshall Goldsmith. The Earned Life is a wonderful book.”—Dr. Jim Yong Kim, served as president of the World Bank“We are living an earned life when the choices, risks, and effort we make in each moment align with an overarching purpose in our lives, regardless of the eventual outcome.”That’s the definition of an earned life. But for many of us, that pesky final phrase is a stumbling block: “regardless of the eventual outcome.” Not being attached to the outcome goes against everything we’re taught about achievement and fulfillment in modern society.But now, in his most personal and powerful work to date, world-renowned leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith offers a dazzling but simple approach that accommodates both our persistent need for achievement and the inescapable “stuff happens” unfairness of life.Taking inspiration from Buddhism, Goldsmith reveals that the key to living the earned life, unbound by regret, requires committing to a habit of earning and, crucially, connecting that habit to something greater than the isolated achievements of careerism. By grounding our achievements in a higher aspiration, he shows, we can avoid the easy temptation to wallow in regret.Goldsmith implores readers to avoid the Great Western Disease of “I’ll be happy when. . . .” He offers practical advice and exercises aimed at helping us shed the obstacles, especially the failures of imagination, that prevent us from creating our own fulfilling lives. With this book as their guide, readers can close the gap between what they plan to achieve and what they actually get done—and avoid the trap of existential regret, the kind that reroutes destinies and persecutes our memories.Packed with illuminating stories from Goldsmith’s legendary career as a coach to some of the world’s highest-achieving leaders as well as reflections on his own experiences, The Earned Life is a road map for ambitious people seeking a higher purpose. “Marshall Goldsmith is a wonderful coach, educator, and author.”—Albert Bourla, CEO, Pfizer

  • af Marshall Goldsmith
    298,95 kr.

    "Our lives exist on a continuum between two poles: fulfillment and regret. We invest enormous resources of time and energy into staying healthy, being recognized for our achievements, nurturing our relationships, and making money. When we make the right investments, we earn our lives: our choices, risks, and efforts lead us to a rewarding outcome that we regard as fair and just, regardless of external validation. But how can we know if we're investing in the right things? How can we ensure that our 'earned rewards' add up to an overarching sense of purpose in our lives? ... Goldsmith shows us how to live our own lives--not someone else's version of them. The key to living the earned life, unbound by regret, requires our commitment to a habit of earning and connecting it to something greater than the isolated achievements of our personal ambition"--

  • af Marshall Goldsmith & Chip R Bell
    415,95 kr.

    Leaders Creating Leaders This latest edition of the classic Managers as Mentors is a rapid - fire read that guides leaders in helping associates grow in today's tumultuous organizations. Thoroughly revised throughout with twelve new chapters, this edition places increased emphasis on the mentor acting as a learning catalyst with the prot g rather than simply handing down knowledge. As with previous editions, a fictional case study of a mentor - prot g relationship runs through the book. But now this is augmented with interviews with six top US CEOs. New chapters cover topics such as the role of mentoring in spurring innovation and mentoring a diverse and dispersed workforce accustomed to interacting digitally. Also new to this edition is the Mentor's Toolkit, six resources to help in developing the mentor - prot g relationship. This hands - on guide teaches leaders to be the kind of confident coaches integral to learning organizations. ''Continual learning is a key to effective leadership ... Managers as Mentors is a practical yet powerful book for helping leaders make continual learning a valuable addition to their strategy.'' Mike Krzyzewski, Head Coach, Duke University Men's Basketball, 2010 NCAA Champions. ''Mentoring is the highest of the teaching arts, and in this new edition, Chip Bell and Marshall Goldsmith have skillfully crafted the essential handbook for all those who are trusted advisors to aspiring leaders.'' Jim Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge and Dean's Executive Fellow of Leadership, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University. ''Managers as Mentors will be the indispensable handbook of managers/leaders across the sectors.'' Frances Hesselbein, President and CEO, The Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute, and former CEO, Girls Scouts of the USA.

  • af Marshall Goldsmith & Mark Reiter
    108,95 - 146,95 kr.

  • af Marshall Goldsmith
    298,95 kr.

    Do you ever find that you are not the patient, compassionate problem solver you believe yourself to be? Are you surprised at how irritated or flustered the normally unflappable you becomes in the presence of a specific colleague at work? Have you ever felt your temper accelerate from zero to sixty when another driver cuts you off in traffic?Our reactions don’t occur in a vacuum. They are usually the result of unappreciated triggers in our environment—the people and situations that lure us into behaving in a manner diametrically opposed to the colleague, partner, parent, or friend we imagine ourselves to be. These triggers are constant and relentless and omnipresent. So often the environment seems to be outside our control. Even if that is true, as Goldsmith points out, we have a choice in how we respond.In Triggers, his most powerful and insightful book yet, Goldsmith shows how we can overcome the trigger points in our lives, and enact meaningful and lasting change. Goldsmith offers a simple “magic bullet” solution in the form of daily self-monitoring, hinging around what he calls “active” questions. These are questions that measure our effort, not our results. There’s a difference between achieving and trying; we can’t always achieve a desired result, but anyone can try. In the course of Triggers, Goldsmith details the six “engaging questions” that can help us take responsibility for our efforts to improve and help us recognize when we fall short.Filled with revealing and illuminating stories from his work with some of the most successful chief executives and power brokers in the business world, Goldsmith offers a personal playbook on how to achieve change in our lives, make it stick, and become the person we want to be.

  • - Practical Lessons for a Lifetime of Leadership
    af Marshall Goldsmith, Sam K Shriver & Kathy McDermott
    223,95 kr.

    Everything a leader does matters. Anyone who has ever experienced the impact of poor leadership understands the significance of effective leadership. When a leader is doing the right things, we may not recognize every action or characteristic as "leadership" in the moment, but we can feel it. So how do we model that behavior? The authors of Lessons from Leaders distill decades of experience from fifteen remarkable leaders into a collection of entertaining stories that will inspire and guide readers to transform the way they lead. Not based on one voice or perspective, this book features a diverse spectrum of leaders from all walks of life. Some are more recognizable than others, but their lessons are uniquely relatable and compelling. The candid and illuminating accounts of each leader''s vastly different personal leadership journey-the people and experiences that shaped their beliefs, practices, and priorities-reveal the essential skills and characteristics that define extraordinary leadership.Lessons from Leaders is not steeped in theory or complexity but is grounded in personal truths that paint a consistent picture of who a leader is and what a leader does. Each chapter includes an actionable Leadership Lesson that outlines steps the reader can take to reflect and apply meaningful insights.Not a book that will be read once and put on the shelf, leaders at every level will want to highlight enduring takeaways, make notes in the margins, and use Lessons from Leaders as a compass to guide their journey to becoming an extraordinary leader.

  • - How Successful People Become Even More Successful
    af Marshall Goldsmith & Mark Reiter
    299,95 kr.

    What Got You Here Won't Get You There is an insightful book penned by the renowned author, Marshall Goldsmith. Published in 2007 by Hyperion, this book delves into the intricacies of personal and professional growth. The genre of the book is a blend of self-help and business, making it a must-read for individuals aiming for self-improvement in their personal and professional lives. Marshall Goldsmith beautifully elucidates how the habits that brought you success in the past might not necessarily lead to success in the future. It's an enlightening journey that encourages readers to introspect and shed counterproductive habits to pave the way for future success. Published by Hyperion, this book is a testament to Goldsmith's expertise and understanding of successful growth strategies. This book is written in English.

  • - How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It
    af Marshall Goldsmith
    353,95 kr.

    Mojo is the moment when we do something that's purposeful, powerful, and positive and the rest of the world recognizes it. This book is about that moment--and how we can create it in our lives, maintain it, and recapture it when we need it.In his follow-up to the New York Times bestseller What Got You Here Won't Get You There, #1 executive coach Marshall Goldsmith shares the ways in which to get--and keep--our Mojo. Our professional and personal Mojo is impacted by four key factors: identity (who do you think you are), achievement (what have you done lately?), reputation (who do other people think you are--and what have you've done lately?), and acceptance (what can you change--and when do you need to just "e;let it go"e;?). Goldsmith outlines the positive actions leaders must take, with their teams or themselves, to initiate winning streaks and keep them coming.Mojo is: that positive spirit--towards what we are doing--now--that starts from the inside--and radiates to the outside. Mojo is at its peak when we are experiencing both happiness and meaning in what we are doing and communicating this experience to the world around us. The Mojo Toolkit provides fourteen practical tools to help you achieve both happiness and meaning--not only in business, but in life.

  • - Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job
    af Marshall Goldsmith & Sally Helgesen
    174,95 - 254,95 kr.

    Ready to take the next step in your career . . . but not sure what's holding you back? Read on. Leadership expert Sally Helgesen and bestselling leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith have trained thousands of high achievers--men and women--to reach even greater heights. Again and again, they see that women face specific and different roadblocks from men as they advance in the workplace. In fact, the very habits that helped women early in their careers can hinder them as they move up. Simply put, what got you here won't get you there . . . and you might not even realize your blind spots until it's too late. Are you great with the details? To rise, you need to do less and delegate more. Are you a team player? To advance, you need to take credit as easily as you share it. Are you a star networker? Leaders know a network is no good unless you know how to use it. Sally and Marshall identify the 12 habits that hold women back as they seek to advance, showing them why what worked for them in the past might actually be sabotaging their future success. Building on Marshall's classic best seller What Got You Here Won't Get You There, their new book How Women Rise is essential reading for any woman who is ready to advance to the next level.

  • - How Successful People Become Even More Successful
    af Marshall Goldsmith
    193,95 kr.

    The corporate world is filled with men and women who have worked hard to reach upper level management. They're intelligent, skilled, and even charismatic. But only a handful of them will ever reach the pinnacle—and as executive coach Marshall Goldsmith shows in this book, subtle nuances make all the difference. These are small transactional flaws performed by one person against another that, using Goldsmith's straightforward, jargonfree advice, are easy behaviors to change. EDITORIAL REVIEWS:From Publishers Weekly Goldsmith, an executive coach to the corporate elite, pinpoints 20 bad habits that stifle already successful careers as well as personal goals like succeeding in marriage or as a parent. Most are common behavioral problems, such as speaking when angry, which even the author is prone to do when dealing with a teenage daughter's belly ring. Though Goldsmith deals with touchy-feely material more typical of a self-help book—such as learning to listen or letting go of the past—his approach to curing self-destructive behavior is much harder-edged. For instance, he does not suggest sensitivity training for those prone to voicing morale-deflating sarcasm. His advice is to stop doing it. To stimulate behavior change, he suggests imposing fines (e.g., $10 for each infraction), asserting that monetary penalties can yield results by lunchtime. While Goldsmith's advice applies to everyone, the highly successful audience he targets may be the least likely to seek out his book without a direct order from someone higher up. As he points out, they are apt to attribute their success to their bad behavior. Still, that may allow the less successful to gain ground by improving their people skills first. (Jan. 2) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. —This text refers to the Hardcover edition.From Booklist By now, the CEO as celebrity is old hat. (Just start counting the books from former company heads.) That goes for the executive-recruiter-cum-president-makers. What has yet to be explored—until now—is the celebrity business coach, the individual who helps C-level executives correct flaws, whether invisible or public. A frequent interviewee in major business magazines like Fortune, Goldsmith, with the sage help and advice of his collaborator Reiter, pens a self-help career book, filled with disguised anecdotes and candid dialogue, all soon slated for bestsellerdom. His steps in coaching for success are simple, honest, without artifice: gather feedback from appropriate colleagues and cohorts, determine which behaviors to change (and remember, Goldsmith specifically focuses on behavior, not skills or knowledge), apologize, advertise, listen, thank, follow up, and practice feed-forward. Admittedly, this shrewd organizational psychologist only works with leaders he knows will listen, follow advice, and change—especially considering that he doesn't receive fees until improvements are secure and visible. On the other hand, these are words and processes anyone will benefit from, whether wannabe manager or senior executive. Barbara Jacobs Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved—This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

  • af Marshall Goldsmith, Don Brown & Bill Hawkins
    287,95 kr.

    World-renowned leadership expert and bestselling author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There, Marshall Goldsmith teams up with two behavioral-science gurus to give salespeople the tools for breaking damaging habits--and win more sales

  • - Are You Ready?
    af Marshall Goldsmith
    193,95 kr.

    A leader's greatest challenge can be knowing when it's time to step aside. A great deal has been written for corporate boards on the issue of succession planning. But most executives have few resources to help guide them through the process. How do you start preparing yourself--and your successor--for your inevitable leadership transition?In this concise book, leading executive coach and bestselling author Marshall Goldsmith offers candid advice on succession from the outgoing executive's perspective. From choosing and grooming a successor while sidestepping political minefields, to finally handing over responsibility, Goldsmith walks you through each step in the succession process.Done right, your successor can enter to applause while you gracefully bow out and start the next chapter of your life.

  • - How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It
    af Marshall Goldsmith
    96,95 kr.

    Mojo is the concept of positive momentum: success building upon success. It anchors our self-esteem, shapes our careers and influences those around us. This title addresses the vital phases of gaining, retaining and recapturing mojo. It focuses on the importance of organisational momentum and explains what leaders must do to foster it.

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