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Bøger af Mary Kloska

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  • af Mary Kloska
    177,95 kr.

    In Our Lady's Shadow-the Spirituality of Praying for Priests is a guide for women, taking them deep into a meditation upon the relationship between Our Lady and Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. It reflects on the development of their relationship-from His Childhood (as 'Little Jesus Crucified'), through His Mission and Passion (where Our Lady was His Helpmate and Gift), to His Resurrection and life with Her in eternity. Through this meditation, the reader not only comes to know more deeply the relationship of Mary with Her Son, but also Her role in helping all men called to the priesthood. By entering into Our Mother's spirituality of praying for priests, the reader is taught the best way to spiritually accompany priests as a spiritual mother, sister, daughter, and friend.

  • af Mary Kloska
    167,95 kr.

    This work is a collection of treasures Jesus has shared with Mary Kloska's heart. In offering this to the reader, Mary hopes to witness to the great power Jesus' Cross contains in itself. Her heart cringes at the thought of her interior life with Him being laid open so bare before the world, but she remembers that her Spouse was crucified naked, bearing all of Himself to the world and allowing us to reach out and touch His naked wounds so that we can know the fathomless abyss of His Love contained within them. And so, Mary allows herself to be spiritually 'naked' with Him in order for you all to receive His Love in this intimate way. Because Jesus gives such great gifts to be shared with all of His Church, Mary prays that who she is does not distract you from Who He is, for that is what He wants to show to you here. Mary lays herself bare as His little wife crucified with Him on the Cross. Similar to St. Paul, she must simply live so that she can say, "I no longer live, but Jesus Crucified lives in me." She prays you meet Him here in these pages. Amen. Alleluia. Fiat.

  • af Mary Kloska
    172,95 kr.

  • - A Rosary Prayer Book
    af Mary Kloska
    167,95 kr.

    Sometimes gathering as few as a few hundred people, sometimes as many as 100,000 people a day, Mary Kloska has led spiritual warriors each morning on social media in prayer for myriads of intentions. Following the Church's traditional patrons for each day of the week, she has compiled a book of all of the prayers she uses at her Morning Rosary for the readers to use in their private prayer as well. In addition to prayers prayed daily at the end of the Rosary, including the 'Hail Holy Queen' and 'St. Michael Prayer, ' there are also special prayers with litanies for each day of the week. Including short meditations on each mystery of the rosary, Mary inspires those praying along with her to go deeper into the Heart of Prayer. Taking them spiritually to Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem-from the stable in the Nativity to the foot of the Cross on Golgotha, from the upper room on Pentecost to the heights of heaven during Our Lady's Coronation-Mary invites those who pray with her spiritually to travel with Jesus, Mary, the angels, and the saints into the Heart of God

  • af Mary Kloska
    207,95 kr.

    Ta ksi¿¿ka to kolekcja skarbów, którymi Pan Jezus zechciä si¿ podzieli¿ z sercem autorki ¿ Mary Kloska. Dziel¿c swoje refleksje z czytelnikiem, Mary pragnie jak najlepiej zäwiadczy¿ o wielkiej mocy, jak¿ zawiera w sobie Krzy¿ Chrystusa. Jej serce dr¿y na my¿l o tym, ¿e jej w¿asne ¿ycie duchowe ujawni si¿ przed ¿wiatem, lecz pami¿ta tak¿e o tym, ¿e jej Oblubieniec zostä ukrzy¿owany nagi ¿ ofiaruj¿c ludziom cäego siebie. Mo¿emy wyci¿gn¿¿ ku Niemu r¿ce i dotkn¿¿ Jego nagich ran, aby poznä niezg¿¿bion¿ otch¿ä Bo¿ej Mi¿o¿ci, która jest w nich ukryta. Zatem, Mary decyduje si¿ by¿ ¿naga" duchowo razem z Nim, aby¿my mogli otrzymä Jego Mi¿o¿¿ ¿ w taki w¿änie intymny sposób. Poniewä Jezus daje tak wielkie dary do podziäu z cäym swoim Ko¿cio¿em, Mary modli si¿, aby to, kim ona jest, nie odwróci¿o uwagi od tego, kim On jest. On sam chce nas do tego doprowadzi¿. Mary ukazuje si¿ jako Jego mäa ¿ona ukrzy¿owana wraz z Panem na Krzy¿u. Zgodnie z tym, co powiedziä ¿wi¿ty Pawe¿, Mary pragnie po prostu ¿y¿ tak, aby móc przyznä, ¿e ¿ju¿ nie ja ¿yj¿, ale Chrystus (Ukrzy¿owany) ¿yje we mnie". Autorka niniejszej ksi¿¿ki modli si¿, aby¿my mogli Go spotkä na kartach tej ksi¿¿ki. Amen. Alleluja. Fiat.¿Trudno wyobrazi¿ sobie bardziej aktualny traktat duchowy ni¿ ten. Autorka zabiera czytelnika w g¿¿b pi¿kna, tajemnicy, m¿dro¿ci i mocy Jezusa Ukrzy¿owanego poprzez duchowe spostrze¿enia i obserwacje, które s¿ ¿wie¿e, inspiruj¿ce i cudownie o¿ywiaj¿ce dla ducha. Jak deszcz na pustyni, ksi¿¿ka ta wkracza w ¿duchow¿ pustk¿" naszych czasów i, co za tym idzie, niew¿tpliwie stanie si¿ wän¿ lektur¿ wielkopostn¿, a tak¿e punktem odniesienia dla Nowej Ewangelizacji." O. Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, autor ksi¿¿ek: ¿The Prayer of Jesus Crucified: A Simple Way to Go Further in Prayer"; ¿Adventures in The Father's Joy! Mission Stories for the New Evangelization"; ¿To Whom The Heart Decided To Love"; ¿The Redemption Of San Isidro: a Tale of Mercy and Love"

  • af Mary Kloska
    182,95 kr.

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