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  • af Masterson Oliveira Galrão
    588,95 kr.

    No ano de 2008 o mundo foi surpreendido com uma crise sem precedentes originada nos EUA, causada pela venda de ações lastreadas em papéis sem garantias e confiabilidade, desencadeando uma crise de confiança no mercado financeiro daquele país e no resto do mundo por um efeito cascata. Afetado pela crise, coube ao governo brasileiro buscar entender e mitigar os efeitos da crise na sua economia nacional.

  • af Masterson Oliveira Galrão
    543,95 kr.

    One of the fields of action of people management is people development. This work presents general topics about civil construction, as well as particularities related to the process of people management and attributions, including the courses, training and qualification required for the professional planning technician. The general objective is to analyze the training of these professionals in the construction and assembly market. Its structure is based on five chapters and has as its theoretical reference the ideas of Chiavenato on human resources management and analyzes the field research carried out with the participation of 23 companies in the sector where important characteristics of the market, technical requirements, courses, training and other skills were verified.

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