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  • af Matthew Medney
    180,95 kr.

    Time. Space. Existence. The end of all things. The beginning of something new. The reconciliation of decisions. This is what awaits our fatal remains of civilization at the last black hole at the end of time. The Neo-human, Harmony, Multitude, Remnant, Echo, and the Time Traveler all are summoned by chance, fate, or technology to discuss the trials and tribulations of the stardust ancestors they arose from. But what is there to do, when all of time is ending, when the last particles of the universe are dissipating and moving on from the realm? That is a question for our unlikely conclave to decide. What type of legacy will they, can they, leave a dying universe?

  • af Matthew Medney
    180,95 kr.

    100 years ago, they vanished. No one knew why, no one knew how -- no one knew anything. The scientists were stunned, hell the world was stunned, and as for myself, I knew it was a moment that would haunt our history. My name is Betty Anders, a small-town teacher with an intrepid husband. David and I lived our peaceful, uneventful lives in Nebraska: I taught, while he pursued his research in biogenetic engineering. His breakthrough discovery -- quantum entangled botany -- gave us hope for a brighter, more sustainable future... which turned to utter fear when the government took it too far. Of course they did. Our remaining peace evaporated when the missiles started falling, fired by cruelly-intentioned leaders of the Alliance. I know what you're thinking... WHAT freaking missiles? But bear with me, there's a lot to cover, and not a lot of time. Soon we found ourselves confined to David's bunker, frantically searching for any information. Who was left? How had the fallout altered the landscape? I couldn't help my mind go to the simple prevailing truth that my husband's scientific break- through is now the most important piece of knowledge on the planet. As we brace ourselves to leave the bunker, I wonder, above all, if these events are somehow linked to the great mystery of what happened with the Native Americans those 100 years ago. While David and I find our place in this post-apocalyptic world, we need your help in summoning the courage to push forward as I have a feeling that the lines of history are all converging on this moment in time.

  • af Matthew Medney
    257,95 kr.

    There is no Drake Equation. There is no question on sentience. The galaxy is alive and filled with life. The only issue: we humans aren't invited. The Galactic Star Alliance awaits your exploration. In this illustrated novel co- created & written by Matthew Medney (Heavy Metal Magazine CEO & NYU adjunct professor) and John Connelly (Lockheed Martin Aerospace Engineer), humankind acknowledges the vastness of time, the cyclical nature of civilization, and the obscurity of our own history. If our galaxy is so full of sentient life, why has no one said hello? We thought of a simple, logical reason: no one wants too. Stepping back and casting an objective eye on ourselves, it seems painfully obvious that humans lack a fundamental respect for our planet and for each other. We possess extremely short memories and long grudges, and the likelihood of receiving alien tools to hasten our expansion seems downright foolhardy. The Galactic Star Alliance has been alive and well for millions of earth years. Hundreds of thousands of sentient worlds and trillions of beings walk, run, and crawl across the many home worlds of the Alliance. This revelation led to many questions: How is faster-than-light speed travel possible, and could cohesive, interstellar civilizations exist without it? Is it conceivable to govern a coalition not of different countries, but of different species? Each question led to another and each answer built our world, piece by piece until it spanned thousands of answers and millions of light-years. As for the title, from where would our judges watch us? But our galaxy has spoken to us humans. There are some who believe it is out there. Not as science-fantasy but as science. Introduce Bernard William Hubert. World renowned astrophysicist, and Lead Scientist of the seminal company of exploration, Outer Limits. While on loan to CERN, a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions leaves Bernard as the sole survivor. While the scientific community & world looks to him for answers, he simply states the unthinkable "it has to be aliens." Inconceivable to the world, the Hubert family is investigated and his family's name tarnished. Disgraced and shunned. Bernard claws his way back into the equation with his new company C.O.R.E as they work tirelessly to design an engine capable of interstellar travel. Follow Bernard on his road to redemption and discovery in this ensemble cast of futurism, space travel and the fate of our species. This illustrated novel includes 35 pieces of beautiful, full-color, painted artwork by Utku Ozden.

  • af Matthew Medney
    237,95 kr.

    On an Earth with a dying Sun, there are two kinds of people. The Chosen. And the left behind. We thought it was over. We thought we had lost. A burnt out star left us without enough warmth to thrive, our days as a species were numbered. But then, then a miracle happened. We received a transmission from an alien civilization that scanned our Sun and knew we needed help. So they threw us a life raft in the form of designs for Space Arks, we built 3. Interstellar capable, with pre-programmed coordinates to bring us to their home world, a place we were told could be called home. 100,000 humans per Ark, chosen to represent the best in us, a last ditch effort to save humanity. Do I trust these aliens? Hell no. But what choice do we have? Paulson's the name, Caleb Paulson, you can think of me as the architect of this mission. We're heading to this alien system with no idea what lies ahead.

  • af Matthew Medney
    237,95 kr.

    Hi it's me, Alessandra, you can call me Sanny though, wait, don't think that's because we're close or anything, I just don't want to hear you butcher the rolling R in my name thats all. Anyhow I guess you're wondering why you're here, how did we even meet? You know I'm just a high school senior right? I know, impressive, but stay with me, I'm trying to uncover the truth about these strange occurrences, these strange coincidences happening in my home town of East Valley. Actually, let's take a step back for a moment, and level set a few things. First of all, you ever wonder why it feels like the elite class never ages, why no matter how hard you work, no matter how "lucky" you get, seemingly you can't reach the levels of what you see in the media? I would think that alone would spawn questions about things, about how, and who and why, and when. But evidently, when you ask those questions, you are faced with resistance, with lies, with attacks... lucky for me, that's my favorite flavor of admiration. Seriously, no wonder these mysteries haven't been uncovered yet, haven't been given their 15 minutes of fame. Everytime you poke around, you get framed or canceled or worse... expelled. Gosh, I sound like Hermione Granger, but I'm serious. I don't come from much, well actually, I don't really come from anything, my mom and I live in the poorest part of town, and I'm one of the "lucky ones" bused into EVR to "show" inclusion from the most prominent public school in the nation. As you know if you were paying any attention up above, my dad died before I was born, so I don't know much about him, but I do know his death, and my mom being the absolute legend she is, is what secured me a spot at EVR. And I've been taking advantage of that privilege ever since the ripe old age of 9. Come to think of it, it's a bit strange isn't it that I was picked, ehhh whatever, well come back to that. As I was saying, I aced every class, was smarter at every turn, ha, these locals never saw anyone like me, and that's the way I like it. No stupid, not my race, not the color of my skin, we're talking about my economic class, my lack of privilege and my big ole brain. Stay with me here, this isn't a story about race, it's a story about the capitalist caste system we have lulled ourselves into here in America. So when I say I am the last person who should be snooping around, asking the tough questions, you know I mean it. But there I go again, too smart for my own good. I can't just leave these questions in my head unanswered, I can't just let these oddities persist without justification, I'm just not wired that way. So whether I get expelled, or (hopefully at least) tortured, I will find some of the truths about the underbelly of the American elite class, all the while graduating from one of their elite schools, in the midst of applying to one of their elite institutions; God the irony of the elitism is not lost on me. Hopefully if I'm lucky, I can get a front row seat to how the sausage is made. To how these people stay in power, to what the operation entails to create the system and most interestingly of it all, why the hell does it feel like there's shit that happens that reality can't explain? Now that you know a bit more about what we're up against, the possible dangerous afoot, are you still willing to see this through? Ya? Ok then, down the rabbit hole we go.

  • af Matthew Medney
    237,95 kr.

    Mutant Labs is your typical science lab. They do work on rockets, gene splicing, finding cures, and you know...interdimensional energy type stuff. The company is currently working on their potentially biggest breakthrough yet: a renewable energy device strong enough to power an entire city block, but small enough to fit into the palm of your paw: about the size of a ball of yarn, and comprised of a powerful synthetic thread that draws power from alternate planes of existence. It's complicated, but it works, trust us. So what's this great innovation called? Mutant Labs are currently calling it: The Cluster. But with all great inventions, hubris is always a problem. The Mutant Labs higher-ups want the Cluster ready for market "yesterday", forcing project leader Flux and his team of idiot geniuses to scramble and cut some corners to get it working in time for the big event. But taking shortcuts can be dangerous when you're working with that interdimensional energy type stuff. With realities overlapping, we've now entered the Mutantverse. And let me tell you, it's a real cluster fu@%.

  • af Morgan Rosenblum & Matthew Medney
    217,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Medney
    256,95 kr.

    Female Indiana Jones In Space- Adrienne James is, high adventure amongst the stars! Searching for rare antiquities and in a world where art is the form of currency, follow Adrienne as she battles evil in search of the ultimate prize, the E-Ra-Du.In a far-off galaxy obsessed with rarity and the exotic treasures of a million worlds, thousands of treasure-hunting factions vie for the rarest treasure of them all—the fabulous and mysterious E-Ra-Du!  Long rumored to be the source of ultimate power and hidden somewhere in the galaxy by the long-lost Elders, the E-Ra-Du holds the key to dominance over the cosmos. The star-scattered secrets leading to it and the spoils it promises have long been lost over eons. And now AeroJ, capital of the galaxy, is rocked by the death of the leader of the virtuous Luman's, Waldun Li, while he and his partner, the intrepid and infamous Adrienne James, were hot on the trail of the E-Ra-Du! Still reeling from his shocking death, Adrienne, who must now take on the mantle of High Luman, is about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime—which begins, of course, at her own funeral...

  • af Matthew Medney
    235,95 kr.

    An adventurer in the 1930s by the name of Raymond Colt II discovers a buried fortress frozen in ice and time.  Colt awakens an ancient alien technology known as Deinos, that had been in slumber for millennia.  More than a century later, Deinos now rules over mankind in totality.  But a resistance endures. This rebel group of scientists and militants led by Stella & Ramond Colt V, look to undo the horrors that beset their society when their Great Great Grandfather accidentally activated “The Machine”.What happens if you bury your demons? Dogma Resistance examines the human flaw of ignoring your greatest fears. As our characters fight for the right to live freely due to the mistakes of their ancestors, we evaluate the themes of paying for our parents' mistakes. What are we willing to do? Is it fair? And how much will we suffer because of their hubris. This theme holds true for the impending climate crisis we are facing as well as the technological and infrastructure nightmares ahead of our future children. Dogma Resistance is currently in development as a Live Action TV show and an Animated Movie.   Written By: Matthew Medney & Morgan Rosenblum Story By: Matthew Medney & Morgan Rosenblum, Voodoo Bownz, Jonny Handler  Artist: Santa Fung Colorist: Alan Quah Created By: Herø Projects

  • af Matthew Medney
    185,95 kr.

    100 years ago, they vanished. No one knew why, no one knew how - no one knew anything. The scientists were stunned, hell the world was stunned, and as for myself, I knew it was a moment that would haunt our history. My name is Betty Anders, a small-town teacher with an intrepid husband. David and I lived our peaceful, uneventful lives in Nebraska: I taught, while he pursued his research in biogenetic engineering. His breakthrough discovery - quantum entangled botany - gave us hope for a brighter, more sustainable future... which turned to utter fear when the government took it too far.

  • af Matthew Medney
    187,95 kr.

    What are we willing to do as a society to fulfil our sensory needs? This growing problem in our current society of the ''10 second attention span'' is interpreted through the lens of futuristic technologies. We pose the question, ''What would the experience be like, if we could live while we sleep?'' But just like with all technologies, there''s an unknown cost that comes due. Yun-Yeong Bin AKA ''Rip'' lives a double life - that of an underachieving engineering student by day, and two personas each night in the hit VR game FUTURE she plays in her sleep. The catch: one of those personas is her dead best friend, and the lines begin to blur.

  • af Matthew Medney
    187,95 kr.

    Sometimes the only path forward is through the past. Two things you need to know: The earth is dying and time travel is real. We have exhausted, no, abused, the fossil fuels of this planet and now we're facing a self-inflicted extinction level event. Our only hope, my team of Time Inflectors must travel back in time in order to save all of our futures. Earth is on the verge of extinction. We have limited crude oil and our primary fuel sources are negligible. The carbon clouds signal the end of our species. We have but a few options: leave the planet… or fix it. We are the TFA, a special Canada-based agency that stumbled across a revolutionary discovery. The fifth Elemental force. Time. We built a freaking time machine based on the new physical sciences, believing we can go back to the "inflection points" of this extinction level event and fix things. The irony here is that the fuel we need to operate the invention, is the very fuel that led us to this juncture. Even with the precautions in place we only have enough for a limited number of time jumps, 5 to be exact. To make things even more difficult, time travel has a few additional "restrictions" as the discovery of time as a fundamental force provides a Quantum and Physical science sandbox. This means that the tachyons that interact with matter do so similarly to protons and neutrons; they cannot engage in something that would create a paradox. In layman's terms, they prohibit certain interactions between those from the future and those in the present. I'm Doctor Malik Fikai, one of the three Inflectors tasked with going back and fixing this mess before it happens, otherwise our future is history. "The Fifth Force is a clever, educational read and will be the perfect book to study in either science or art classes" - Darryll Robson Monkeys Fighting Robots

  • af Bruce Edwards & Matthew Medney
    187,95 kr.

  • - Stable
    af Morgan Rosenblum & Matthew Medney
    187,95 kr.

  • - The Galactic Star Alliance
    af Matthew Medney
    235,95 kr.

    While on loan to CERN, a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions leaves world-remowned astrophysicist Bernard as the sole survivor. While the world looks to him for answers, he simply states the unthinkable - ''it has to be aliens.'' Inconceivable to the world, Hubert is investigated and his family''s name tarnished. Disgraced and shunned, Bernard works tirelessly to design an engine capable of interstellar travel. Follow Bernard on his road to redemption and discovery in this ensemble cast of futurism, space travel and the fate of our species. This expanded edition contains more illustrations, a sneak peek at the sequel, and more.

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