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  • af Melissa Haag
    167,95 kr.

    Resolution One: Never go hiking again.Resolution Two: Don't bleed on any more hibernating vampires. An impromptu hike sends Everly toppling gracelessly into a vampire cave. The surly, tall, and devastatingly handsome vampire isn't interested in the bonbons Everly offers to make amends for waking him. He'd rather have him adapt to the modern world, of course. However, after one of her friends disappears, Everly abandons Cross's lessons and asks for his help navigating the Shadow Trade world instead. Filled with supernatural creatures of every sort, it's a place she never wanted to enter. A single misstep could cost Everly her life. But she'll risk anything to keep the people she cares about safe. With sugary bribes, ancient artifacts, mysterious tattoos, and extremely sexy supernaturals, Blood and Bonbons is the next must-read paranormal romance/ urban fantasy/cozy mystery blend of the year.

  • af Melissa Haag
    192,95 kr.

    I hate. I thought I hated before the letter, before the werewolves, but now I understand that was nothing more than a chip on my shoulder. The urbat took what was mine. And, they will pay. Isabelle leads a very normal life...for an emotional syphon. If not for Ethan and his bar, she would have lost her sanity long ago. But everything changes with the crash of her fighting cage and a man who transforms into a wolf. There's something about Carlos-when he's not growling at her-that makes her do things she wouldn't normally do, like sigh and daydream. Attraction aside, she is faced the very real evidence that werewolves and urbat exist, and the urbat are after her. And the only way she can keep Ethan safe is to join with the werewolves and Carlos. It's a race against time to stop a war, fight for love, and find the last Judgement.

  • af Melissa Haag
    167,95 kr.

    Clay is a man of few human talents. As a wolf, he hunts well and can fight off a grizzly twice his size, but has no aspirations. The idea of a Mate isn't something he has ever seriously entertained. Dreamed about, maybe, but he knows the chances are nearly non-existent. Then he meets Gabby, a human girl. She hates him at first sight, yet he can't let her go. Who he was is no longer important. Now, who he needs to become to win her over is the only thing that matters.

  • af Melissa Haag
    372,95 kr.

    Fury FrayedMegan's temper lands her in a town of misfit supernatural creatures. It's the one place she should be able to fit in, but she can't. Instead, she itches to punch the smug sheriff in his face, pull the hair from a pack of territorial blondes, and kiss the smile off the shy boy's face. Unfortunately, she can't do any of that, either, because humans are dying and all clues point to her.With Megan's temper flaring, time to find the real killer and clear her name is running out. As much as she wants to return to her old life, she needs to embrace who and what she is. It's the only way to find and punish the creature responsible.Fury FocusedLife in Uttira isn't easy for Megan. Knowing what she is hasn't helped her control her temper. Her mood swings don't bother her as much as the weird side effects that come with them. When things start to go up in flames around her, she knows she needs help controlling her abilities. But, the only person with the answers abandoned Megan in Uttira months ago.Megan knows she must find her mother in the real world. However, the only way out of the magical barrier surrounding Uttira is with the mark of Mantirum. A mark she will only receive if she can manage to control her temper...or die trying.Fury FreedWhile preparing to leave Uttira after graduation, Megan finds the Book of Fury. The answers she's needed about who she is, her purpose, and her powers have been there the whole time, along with a shocking revelation.Now, it's not just a matter of finding Megan's mother. Megan must find the two preceding generations as well, because the book is clear on one thing: there can only be three furies.

  • af Melissa Haag
    87,95 kr.

    Zepher's gone missing, and Tink needs to determine why before she has another situation on her hands. The voices in her head are warning her to look deeper at her community, and what she learns isn't good. She and Rogan haven't yet escaped the influence of the girdack, and Zepher's disappearance is just the beginning of the trouble waiting for them. Only one thing can possibly save her family: facing the Lutha.

  • af Melissa Haag
    167,95 kr.

    My sisters hate their gifts, but they don't know how lucky they are. They have a home and family. I have nothing. But, I am Courage, and I know my purpose. I exist for one reason only: to complete the Judgement.Olivia is blind, yet sees. And what she sees, she keeps to herself. Her father conspires for control while Olivia does her own plotting with forces that only she understands. Now, time is running out, and choices that will impact the world must be made.

  • - Books 1 - 3
    af Melissa Haag
    352,95 kr.

    Brace yourself for this three-book introduction to a world filled with action, humor, and heaps of shifter romance!Every millennium, six uniquely gifted women are born to keep the balance between the races. While humans think they are alone, the werewolves are barely surviving, and a third race responsible for culling their numbers remains hidden from all.This bundle contains three books: Hope(less) - As a human, Gabby is determined to leave the supernatural world behind. However, she doesn't count on meeting a silent, ruggedly-handsome werewolf with a single-minded determination to make her his mate. When she tries to run, he's not the only one to follow. Something truly dangerous is after her, and Gabby must turn to Clay for help if she ever hopes to discover who is hunting her for the secrets she's spent her whole life protecting.(Mis)fortune - Kept prisoner by a man who changes into a wolf and used for the predictions that tormented her, Michelle meekly follows orders to keep her brothers safe. She knows she needs to escape, but there's nowhere she can hide forever, and no one who can protect her. Unless she can find someone stronger than her captor.(Un)wise - When the dreams start, Bethi's very normal life goes down the toilet. Every past life she relives has Dog-men and her eventual tormented death at their hands. This time she's determined to find a way to live. While the dreams hint at an answer, they're also clear about the risk, and it's not only her life that hangs in the balance. She, and the other five women like her, need to figure out how to live...or everyone will die.

  • af Melissa Haag
    167,95 kr.

    Thomas' race is dying. To protect those left, the Elders create a safe haven. However, the safety of their sanctuary is threatened by the cause of their kind's decline. A human. But, she's not like the rest; and despite his hatred of humans, Thomas wants her for his own. When females start dying while trying to reach safety, Thomas realizes it's no longer just humans who pose a threat, but desperate males. Thomas must secure his place at Charlene's side as leader of sanctuary, or everything they've worked together to build will crumble, and any hope of a future for Thomas's race will die.

  • af Melissa Haag
    182,95 kr.

    They kept me prisoner for four years, using me for my predictions. They thought they had me subdued, meekly following orders, but they were wrong. I was waiting for a chance to run. I had to be careful, though. They had my brothers, and the leader wasn't exactly human.The sudden death of her stepfather gives Michelle the only chance she may ever have to escape, and she takes it. She needs a place to hide and someone to listen to her predictions so her head doesn't explode. Yet, there's nowhere she can hide and no one to protect her from the monsters pursuing her.Then, she meets Emmitt. He's calm, kind, caring...and a werewolf. If she can find a way to trust him, he might be able to do more than just keep her safe. He might be the one who can help her fight for answers about her gift and the other women like her.Only time will tell if what she discovers is enough to keep those she loves safe from an emerging evil.

  • af Melissa Haag
    182,95 kr.

    After six years away from his pack, Emmitt realizes he has no idea what he wants from life. His parents want him to lead the pack, and the Elders expect him to further integrate his people into human society. His reluctance to take on the demanding responsibility of leadership has him dragging his feet to return home. Finding his Mate changes everything. Michelle's shy and beautiful and on the run. She needs somewhere to stay and someone to take care of her. Suddenly, responsibility doesn't seem like such a burden to Emmitt. He'll do whatever it takes to earn her trust and keep her safe...even from one of his own kind.

  • af Melissa Haag
    197,95 kr.

    Le cerveau de Gabby fonctionne comme un véritable radar, ce qui s'avère très pratique pour éviter les gens. Surtout les hommes. Ils semblent tous un peu trop l'apprécier. Sa différence l'a rendue solitaire, mais elle s'y est habituée. Plutôt bien. Même si, au fond, elle regrette de ne pas savoir pourquoi elle est différente des autres. En quête de réponses, elle découvre alors une communauté secrète de loups-garous. Elle va s'immerger dans leur culture et apprendre à connaître leur monde, jusqu'à sa rencontre avec Clay. Il est négligé, sujet à des sautes d'humeur, intense sans avoir besoin d'ouvrir la bouche, et il croit que Gabby est faite pour lui. Elle va devoir employer tous les stratagèmes possibles pour convaincre Clay de s'en aller, et toute sa volonté pour ne pas tomber amoureuse de lui en découvrant peu à peu l'homme qui se cache sous des abords aussi frustes. Avec Hope[less], le premier tome de la série Le Jugement des Six, plongez dans le monde captivant des loups-garous, où les jeunes femmes sont douées d'aptitudes inexpliquées. Le jugement a sonné...

  • af Melissa Haag
    122,95 kr.

    Reap the Shadow, Slay the Light I don't know what I am, but I'm not human...and neither are the creatures that killed my mom. Running will only carry me so far because there's a darkness within me, ready to destroy me, and a burning light, begging for escape. It's the light that screams to my pursuers and works them into a frenzy. Though the darkness might kill me, releasing the light might kill us all... WarWolf: Half breed Ema fights to suppress her werewolf emotions and deny her warlock powers. It isn't easy being a half-breed, but she is determined to slide through life unnoticed by either group. When the warlock leaders team up with humans to force paranormal registration, Ema believes she must choose between her two unwanted worlds. An unexpected companion shows her not all emotions are bad, and power has its benefits. Moved "Werewolves are real but the legends are wrong..." It's the secret Gillian's father has tried to keep from her and the reason he's so overprotective. But, he goes too far when he exiles Gillian to a house in the middle of nowhere. Her new landlord, Racer, is more like a cute jailer who has strict orders to keep her safely trapped. Battle lines between independence and obligation are drawn as Gillian decides just how far she's willing to go to win back her freedom. And Racer needs to decide what he's willing to endure to keep her close.

  • af Melissa Haag
    167,95 kr.

    I left home because I didn't want to end up in a cage like a lab rat. Hitching rides, begging for cash, and sleeping on the ground got old fast. That was the only reason I braved an overgrown path to a group of buildings. I'd hoped to find a bed and a decent night's sleep. However, what I found was a place overrun by werewolves.While on the run, Charlene finds herself surrounded by werewolves, creatures she can't control with her mind like she can humans. Their existence has her believing she's found a safe place to stay, a place where secrets are okay. However, she soon discovers she's anything but safe. Charlene must learn how to use her abilities to influence the strange new species because if she can't, the next bite she suffers might just kill her.Read how the cycle begins, and have no doubt. Charlene's past will shape the future of the Judgements.

  • af Melissa Haag
    157,95 kr.

    Life in Uttira isn't easy for Megan. Knowing what she is hasn't helped her control her temper, an unfortunate personality trait that might just keep her from graduating. Her mood swings don't bother her as much as the weird side effects that come with them. When things start to go up in flames around her, she knows she needs help controlling her abilities. But, the only person with the answers abandoned Megan in Uttira months ago.Megan knows she must find her mother in the real world. However, the only way out of the magical barrier surrounding Uttira is with the mark of Mantirum. A mark she will only receive if she can manage to graduate from Girderon Academy. In order to start her search, Megan needs to learn to control her temper...or die trying.

  • af Melissa Haag
    182,95 kr.

    Carlos has spent his entire life avoiding attachments to individuals and has devoted his time to protecting his race. His childhood taught him that something is out there, threatening the existence of werewolves, and he will let nothing interfere with his vendetta to stop the threat.Physical attachment and vendetta collide when he sees Isabelle. She's meant to be his Mate and instinct demands that he protect her above all else. However, letting go of his past is as impossible as embracing a future filled with love. Isabelle wants nothing to do with him, except to fight. Carlos must find a way through her emotional armor and hope, together, they can heal and face the threat.

  • af Melissa Haag
    167,95 kr.

    Luke's been kicked in the teeth by fate enough to know: nice guys finish last. He's done being nice and waiting for his due. Finding Bethony, another potential Mate, was supposed to be his chance at a true Mate. However, she's young and afraid and needs time to get to know him first. Bethony has different plans. She's willing to Claim Luke but only to stop her terrifying dreams; she's not interested in love or romance. The closer the pair get to the Compound, the deeper the danger becomes. Luke isn't the only wolf looking for Bethi. He must choose between Bethi's safety and peace of mind or his dream of finding a true Mate.

  • af Melissa Haag
    167,95 kr.

    The dreams start, and Bethi's very normal life goes down the toilet. She soon realizes the dreams are actually memories from past lives... and not just hers. She sees the lives of other women like her.The recalled memories follow the same terrifying pattern: Dog-men chase her, and she sees her eventual tormented death. Learning from the past, Bethi sets out to find a way to live this time around. The dreams hint at an answer.She needs to be strong enough to find it or die... again.

  • af Melissa Haag
    147,95 kr.

    Home before sunset. Sleep before dark. Never go outside at night. According to the family curse, Tessa needs to find "the right boy" before her next birthday or she'll be living by those rules forever. It should be easy. After all, with a touch, she can see her future with a boy...a future where he dies young. She would do anything to get rid of her curse, except follow in her ancestors' footsteps. Then, she meets Morik. He's a demon and the reason behind the visions and the rules. He long ago brokered a deal with Tessa's ancestors, and he's come to collect. Tessa has a choice to make. Stand before Morik as her ancestors failed to do or continue to hide from what waits in the dark. Her time to decide is running out.

  • af Melissa Haag
    187,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    157,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    192,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    192,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    177,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    157,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    157,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    157,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    192,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    130,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    157,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Haag
    162,95 kr.

    La vie à Uttira n'est pas facile pour Megan. Elle a beau enfin savoir ce qu'elle est, cela ne l'aide pas à maîtriser ses accès d'humeur, un trait de caractère bien malheureux qui risque fort de l'empêcher de poursuivre ses études. Ses crises de colère ne la dérangent pas autant que les curieux effets secondaires qui les accompagnent. Quand tout commence à prendre feu autour d'elle, elle sait qu'elle doit apprendre à contrôler ses capacités. Mais la seule personne qui puisse répondre à ses questions a abandonné Megan à Uttira il y a des mois.Megan sait qu'elle doit retrouver sa mère dans le monde réel. Toutefois, le seul moyen de franchir la barrière magique qui entoure Uttira, c'est d'obtenir la marque de Mantirum. Une marque qu'elle ne recevra que si elle parvient à terminer ses études à l'académie Girderon. Afin d'entamer ses recherches, Megan doit apprendre à maîtriser sa mauvaise humeur... quoi qu'il en coûte.

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