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Forlænget returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Bøger af Mette Lindegaard Attrup

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  • af Niels Ahrengot, Mette Lindegaard Attrup & John Ryding Olsson
    678,95 kr.

    Power in Projects, Programs and Portfolios is the best-selling Danish project management book. It highlights the immensely successful Scandinavian approach to leadership within project management, and takes a more holistic approach to project work and project management. This authoritative book deals with both classic project management disciplines, agile methods and focuses on the essential link between strategic priorities, any program´s impact and a project’s powerful execution. It takes an in depth look at areas such as change management, change communication, benefit tracking, program management and portfolio management.This book offers you a large number of practical tools within projects management and leadership with on-line access to concrete and easy-to-use practical tools and templates. Recent years have seen a pronounced increase in the need for professional project managementand the careful handling of associated portfolios. This success is essential as key projects become ever more vital for the development and survival of organizations. It is no longer enough for projects to ‘just’ produce a set of deliverables. They are expected to make a genuine difference within the organization and effect that organization’s role in the wider world. Consequently, project management is not just about project managers, it’s about how senior management handle crucial portfolios successfully too. Such active project management requires power, strength, drive and energy not only within the individual project itself but also within the organization’s programs and entire project portfolio. It places new demands on both the project manager and their seniormanagement.

  • Spar 12%
    af Niels Ahrengot, Mette Lindegaard Attrup & John Ryding Olsson
    638,95 kr.

  • af Niels Ahrengot, Mette Lindegaard Attrup & John Ryding Olsson
    681,95 - 720,95 kr.

    Projekter er vitale for organisationers overlevelsesevne og samfundetsudvikling, og at være en god projektleder er vigtigere end nogensindefør. Bogen POWER I PROJEKTER OG PORTEFØLJE har gennem årene etableret sigsom den vigtigste grundbog i projektledelse for både erfarne og nye projektlederei såvel offentlige som private organisationer. Mere end 80.000projektledere haft glæde af de tidligere udgaver af denne bog på universiteter,uddannelsesinstitutioner og hos kursusudbydere.Bogens grundstamme er stadig projektets målsætning, planlægning, estimering,styring og risikohåndtering kombineret med blødere emner somledelse, interessenthåndtering, forandringsledelse, kommunikation ogkonflikthåndtering.I denne 5. udgave er der samtidig mange vigtige fornyelser i både indholdog formidling. Der er fokus på bæredygtighed i alle facetter af projektledelseog hele værdikæden. Der beskrives to nye projekttyper, og hvordander arbejdes konstruktivt med forandringer i udviklingsteams ogvia adfærdsdesign og narrativ coaching, ligesom hybrid projektledelseog moderne porteføljeledelse med udgangspunkt i køteori, pipeline ogporteføljevægt er inddraget. Bogen har fået et nyt og indbydende layout,og der er tilføjet opsummerende pointer sidst i kapitlerne.En af bogens stærke sider er fortsat den bevidste anvendelsesorienteringmed fokus på kobling mellem teori og praksis, og på forlagets website erder gratis online-adgang til en række nyttige værktøjer.

  • af Niels Ahrengot, Mette Lindegaard Attrup & John Ryding Olsson
    629,95 kr.

    Power in Projects, Programs and Portfolios is the best-selling Danish project management book. It highlights the immensely successful Scandinavian approach to leadership within project management, and takes a more holistic approach to project work and project management. This authoritative book deals with both classic project management disciplines, agile methods and focuses on the essential link between strategic priorities, any program´s impact and a project’s powerful execution. It takes an in depth look at areas such as change management, change communication, benefit tracking, program management and portfolio management.This book offers you a large number of practical tools within projects management and leadership with on-line access to concrete and easy-to-use practical tools and templates. Recent years have seen a pronounced increase in the need for professional project managementand the careful handling of associated portfolios. This success is essential as key projects become ever more vital for the development and survival of organizations. It is no longer enough for projects to ‘just’ produce a set of deliverables. They are expected to make a genuine difference within the organization and effect that organization’s role in the wider world. Consequently, project management is not just about project managers, it’s about how senior management handle crucial portfolios successfully too. Such active project management requires power, strength, drive and energy not only within the individual project itself but also within the organization’s programs and entire project portfolio. It places new demands on both the project manager and their seniormanagement.

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