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  • af Michael McWilliams
    192,95 kr.

    What really happened during the raid on the bin Laden house? Was the leader of al Qaeda killed? Read Osama's Angel and find out how bin Laden was taken alive and interrogated. Learn about the new interrogation methods pioneered at Gauntanamo Bay and how they were perfected and used on Osama bin Laden to discover his plans for a world-shaking act that would eclipse the attack on the Twin Towers and bring apocalyptic destruction to America. Osama's Angel is an action-packed story that brings to light CIA involvement in al Qaeda in the organizations infancy. The story is told by an author who has intimate knowledge of the tactical operational details of Special Forces actions. Readers will come away from this important book with detailed knowledge of exactly how an operation is mounted. From the choice of infiltration methods to the actual use of equipment and special weapons, Osama's Angel has the details that are often missing in similar books on the Special Forces. An insiders view of the White House and the politics that led to the decision to execute the raid give a rare insight on the interaction between the military establishment, career spies, politicians and support staff. Osama's Angel explains the inexplicable events linked to the Abbottabad attack. Why was SEAL Team 6 killed in a helicopter crash shortly after the raid? How did the CIA and the military pinpoint so many al Qaeda leaders after the raid? More importantly, who escaped the net, and what were their plans for the spread of world-wide terror? Osama's Angel is a profoundly thought provoking story, told in a very accessible way. It will interest anyone who is skeptical of official versions of government actions. Military buffs will delight in the detail of HAHO parachuting, Fast-Roping, house clearing, breaching of doors and detailed demolition tasks that only someone on the inside could tell. Osama's Angel is a fast-paced, thrilling novel about a story that is everyones business.

  • - A Leadership Guide to Inspire Reflection and Growth
    af Charles Williams, Michael McWilliams & Robert Thornell
    197,95 kr.

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