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  • af Michael Meiling
    228,95 kr.

    Low-cost airlines have existed in Europe since the liberalisation of air transport in the late 1990s. Their orientation and character have changed again and again over time. In the meantime, there are already the first "ultra" low-cost airlines. On the other hand, many established airlines are also getting involved in the price war, so that the differences are blurring to some extent. Twenty-five years ago, the effects of climate change and its consequences for air transport were still little researched; today, low-cost airlines, with their difficult environmental balance sheet, are sometimes given the role of bogeyman. Can low-cost airlines survive in this increasingly difficult environment? Is the permanent cost pressure detrimental to safety? Should they switch to the ecologically more sensible long-haul routes? Will cooperation bring about a turnaround? These and many other questions are examined by the author, who has experience in the industry. The conclusion may surprise.

  • af Michael Meiling
    189,95 kr.

    Billig-Fluggesellschaften gibt es in Europa seit der Liberalisierung des Luftverkehrs in den späten 1990er-Jahren. Ihre Ausrichtung und der Charakter haben sich im Laufe der Zeit immer wieder gewandelt. Mittlerweile gibt es bereits erste ¿Ulträ-Billigfluglinien. Auf der anderen Seite lassen sich auch viele etablierte Airlines auf den Preiskampf ein, so dass die Unterschiede zum Teil verschwimmen. Vor 25 Jahren waren die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und seine Folgen für den Luftverkehr noch wenig erforscht, heute kommt den Billigfliegern mit ihrer schwierigen Umweltbilanz teilweise die Rolle eines Buhmanns zu. Können Billigflieger in diesem immer schwieriger werdenden Umfeld überleben? Schadet der permanente Kostendruck der Sicherheit? Sollen sie auf die ökologisch sinnvollere Langstrecke ausweichen? Bringen Kooperationen die Wende? Diese und viele andere Fragen werden von dem branchenerfahrenen Autor untersucht. Das Fazit dürfte den einen oder anderen überraschen. A Silicon Valley soldier of fortune builds an electric car and turns a large fortune into a small one. That could be the end of the story. He wouldn't have been the first. Fisker, Coda, Better Place, Aptera, the list has plenty of room for losers. But even looking through the sunglasses, Tesla has made it. In many ways. Great cars, hyped like Apple, a functioning infrastructure, while the competition is still arguing with local suppliers about plug sizes. A total package that feels like it's miles ahead of the competition. How was that possible? Was everyone asleep? Why Tesla of all companies? And what will happen when autonomous driving arrives? Will Apple and Google take over then? Or does Tesla have the answer here too? The author works as an analyst in the automotive industry and has been closely observing the chaotic development of electromobility for years.

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