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  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    177,95 kr.

    " Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly "learned" about herself-truth, fiction, deception, or just the superimposed bad feelings of others who've done a really good job smothering the diva within. What is a diva? Although the word now evokes the image of a vain or undisciplined person, author Michelle McKinney Hammond takes diva back to its original meaning. It comes from the word prima donna or "first lady" and was used todescribe the principal female singer in an opera or concert organization, who was the best of the best. In The DIVA Principle: Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude, Michelle shines a spotlight on ten women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude, including the Shulammite Woman in Song of Songs, the Queen of Sheba, Deborah in the book of Judges, the woman of Proverbs 31, and more. In the process, she encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. With solid, practical advice, Michelle suggests ways for women to get their head, heart, life, and act together so that they will emerge happy and victorious as divas in the best sense of the word. "--

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    167,95 kr.

    Cuando las circunstancias de la vida cambian, nos sentimos inseguros e incómodos. Al margen de que las causas del cambio sean pandemias, desastres naturales, traumas personales o problemas en el lugar de trabajo, nos encontramos dolidos, sorprendidos y confundidos sobre qué hacer. Michelle McKinney Hammond conoce las bolas curvas de la vida. Ella ha atrapado muchas de ellas. Pero cuando estaba de visita en Inglaterra para dar unas charlas y el mundo de repente entró en modo de confinamiento debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, la tomó por sorpresa igual que a nosotros. Era hora de que ella cambiara de marcha. Como una amiga que ha estado donde tú estás ahora, Michelle ofrece una voz tranquilizadora: Cuando todo cambió ¡Dile sí a lo próximo! Tejiendo historias de las Escrituras con relatos de su propia vida, ofrece lecciones sinceras, oraciones y preguntas de reflexión para ayudarte a abrazar lo próximo que llegue a tu vida. Cuando todo cambió... Provee herramientas prácticas para navegar el cambio. Da principios espirituales sólidos para lidiar con los cambios de la vida. Permite considerar el valor de los errores. Ayuda a aceptar el cambio como una oportunidad. Cambia tu perspectiva para esperar lo mejor mientras Dios te redirige. "La mentalidad lo es todo cuando te enfrentas a un cambio inesperado", señala Michelle. "...Estés listo o no, el cambio sucede. No es el fin. ¡Siempre hay un 'próximo'!" ¡Dile que sí! When life circumstances change, we feel insecure and uncomfortable. Whether the causes of change are pandemics, natural disasters, personal trauma, or workplace issues, we find ourselves hurt, surprised, and confused about what to do. Michelle McKinney Hammond knows the curveballs of life. She has caught many of them. But when she was visiting England to give talks and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she was caught by surprise just like us. It was time for her to change gears. Like a friend who's been where you are now, Michelle offers a reassuring voice: When Everything Changed: Say Yes to the Next Thing! Weaving stories from Scripture with accounts from her own life, she offers candid lessons, prayers, and thoughtful questions to help you embrace whatever comes your way next. When Everything Changed... Provides practical tools to navigate change. Gives sound spiritual principles to deal with life's changes. Allows you to consider the value of the errors. Helps you to accept change as an opportunity. Changes your perspective to hope for the best as God redirects you. "Mindset is everything when you're faced with unexpected change," says Michelle. "Whether you are ready or not, change happens. It is not the end. There is always a 'next'!" Say yes to your next!

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    187,95 kr.

    When circumstances in our life change, many of us are left feeling uncertain and uneasy. From pandemics to natural disasters, from personal traumas to workplace issues, we often find ourselves at a crossroads--hurting, blindsided, and confused about what to do. Michelle McKinney Hammond knows all about life's curveballs. She's caught plenty of them. But when she was visiting England for some speaking engagements and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode because of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was taken by surprise along with the rest of us. It was time for her to shift gears. Again. Like a dear friend who's been where you are now, Michelle offers a calming voice of reason in When Shift Happens: Say Yes to Your Next! Weaving stories from Scripture with tales from her own life, she offers heartfelt lessons, prayers, and reflection questions to help you embrace your next. When Shift Happens will: Provide practical tools for navigating change Give you solid spiritual principles for dealing with life's shiftsEnable you to consider the value of mistakesHelp you embrace change as opportunityShift your perspective to expect the best as God redirects"Mindset is everything when confronted with unanticipated change," Michelle notes. "You are never out of options unless you choose to be. Emerging cycles all point to one thing--whether you are ready or not, shift happens. It's not the end. There's always a next!"

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    172,95 kr.

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    157,95 kr.

    What You Don't Know about Yourself Will Hinder You. What You Don't Know about Men Will Hurt You.What You Don't Know about Relationships Will Cost You.Why does the modern-day search for romance so often end in disappointment, especially for women? Is it something we do? Something we don't do? Are we missing important information about the opposite sex-or about ourselves? Is there something wrong with us that we long so desperately for "til death do us part"? Sadly, many women today see their ongoing singleness as a weakness or lack of worth. In truth, our dreams go unfulfilled not because we do not deserve for them to come true, but often because of wrong assumptions-assumptions that can easily be corrected. Drawing on both male and female perspectives, this book deals with the hard issues and questions you and other women ponder as you consider how to obtain lasting love. What Women Don't Know (and Men Don't Tell You) will help you adjust your desires, redefine what you are attracted to, set your values in order, and determine your goals-freeing you at last to pursue the loving relationship you desire.

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    167,95 kr.

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    197,95 kr.

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    372,95 kr.

    In this fun, easy read, bestselling writer and speaker Michelle McKinney Hammond interlaces humour with truth and equips readers of both genders to approach love with confidence and hope.

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond & Holly Virden
    151,95 kr.

    This down-to-earth, often humorous guide redirects singles from putting their lives on hold and waiting for a mate, to living each day to the fullest now.

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