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  • af Miguel Ángel Fernández
    288,95 kr.

    Arthur, confined to bed, saves the memory of mankind when assisted by his Iphone and the millenary secrets provided by the Solar Doctrine.Is it possible to save the memory of humanity by using an Iphone and without getting out of bed? Nothing shall become impossible for Arthur, an apparently normal guy who, condemned to be bedridden in a hospital and facing the thresholds of life and death, shall get in contact with the Solar Doctrine. Assisted by his magical Iphone, the Solar discipline lost in the mists of time shall allow Arthur to fight from his bed against the most monstrous and titanic forces of the 21st century, becoming at last a legendary hero.Miguel A. Fernandez is an essayist and novelist.See more works from the author here:

  • af Miguel Ángel Fernández
    343,95 kr.

    In historical times men dominated the world. In mythical and legendary times it is however the hero who is powerful, dominating the earth, heavens and winds in alliance with the divine powers.The Solar Warrior is one of these heroic and semi-divine forms, an eternal figure, which emerges as the highest expression of human virtue.By redeeming chaos and defeating all the Titanic forces that are in alliance with the dragons and serpents, the Solar Warrior illumines the whole of existence, even in its darkest and most misty aspects. The gleam of his eyes and the firmness of his Sword pave the way of a new dawn for humanity, in a stunning way, as a shooting star that sets the direction for all those who look towards the infinite. In this first book "Origins, Rise and Decline", belonging to "The Solar Warrior" trilogy, the author, Miguel A. Fernandez aids the reader in travelling with an eagle´s sight and perceiving in detail the mythical and primordial spirit of the Solar Warrior, and how this figure was expressed in different historical moments, with the Order of the Knight Templars being its last historical incarnation in the West.The reader shall go on a journey in this first book of "The Solar Warrior" trilogy to a world already lost in the mists of times where the warrior principles of courage, fidelity and sacrifice managed to surmount powerful historical currents, tempering the hearts of a few men to attain the maximum expression of virtue applied to the State: the Solar Empire, a semi-divine construction that has also remained mysteriously enclosed in myth and legend.In the second part of this book is described the final twilight of the incarnation of the Solar Warrior in the West, showing how this mutation deeply altered the spirit of the post-renaissance man in the domains of thought, science and art. Also described is the emergence of the SuperDragon, a collective and irrational force that little by little began to gain preponderance within the spiritual domain of men, fostering a Titanic struggle between technique and the hellish forces of darkness which would eventually produce today´s planetary Techno-System, which shall be described more in detail in the books "The Eclipse" and "A New Hope" of "The Solar Warrior" trilogy.Miguel A. Fernandez draws in this book upon the cultural heritage of the West as upon the work of "cultural heavyweights", such as Theodore Roszak, Joseph Needham, Lewis Mumford, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jacques Ellul, Max Weber, Julius Evola, and hundreds of other referenced authors. In addition to this book trilogy, Miguel A. Fernandez is also author of the free novel: "The Solar Doctrine".

  • - A quest to discover the spirit of the Atlantic Ocean
    af Miguel Ángel Fernández
    343,95 kr.

    In 2002 took place one of the biggest ecological destructions in Spanish history. In parallel to this tragic event, two young individuals, David and Ariadna, experienced a love that aimed to restore the primordial balance, not only between man and woman, but also between humanity and nature herself. The magic triggered by this exceptional relation demanded David to face a heroic quest, relating to the corporate powers of his time as a means to unveil the potentials of a more harmonic future for humanity.

  • - A aventura de descubrir o espiritu do Oceano Atlantico
    af Miguel Ángel Fernández
    343,95 kr.

    En 2002 tivo lugar unha das maiores destrucións ecolóxicas na historia de España. Paralelamente a este tráxico suceso, dous mozos, David e Ariadna, experimentan un amor que busca restaurar o equilibrio primordial, non só entre o home e muller, senón tamén entre a humanidade e maila natureza. A maxia provocada por esta excepcional relación esixe que David se enfronte a unha busca heroica ligada ás potencias corporativas da súa época como un medio para revelar o potencial dun futuro máis harmonioso para a humanidade.Nesta novela histórica, David descobre a maxia que reside nas augas e as montañas de Galicia. Tal viaxe require que empregue tódolos medios, técnicas e estratexias dispoñibles para capturar as inefables fontes de poder que impulsan a vida e explotan a natureza, nunha pura procura do coñecemento, concibido tamén como unha aventura heroica. Esta procura tamén é unha investigación que ensina sobre a verdadeira responsabilidade, chegando finalmente á pregunta máis decisiva e abismal: ¿Cal é o propósito do poder? ¿Poder polo poder ou o poder polo espírito?... Ao longo desta loita, as respostas non só emerxerán da mente de David, senón tamén dos espíritos da natureza coa que se relaciona a novela .

  • - Saving the Meaning of the Earth
    af Miguel Ángel Fernández
    378,95 kr.

    The main goal of Operative Traditions II - Nigredo is to present new alternatives for revolutionizing a more harmonic relation to the earth. In times of resource depletion, natural exploitation, pollution, global warming, pandemics and social distress, this 2nd volume of Operative Traditions aims to serve as an intellectual foundation that allows restoring a vision of the cosmos in which the human condition artistically recovers a traditional and archaic dialogue with nature. By resorting on the ideas of many extraordinary Western and Eastern thinkers, Miguel A. Fernandez presents the reader the cultural roots that have determined the crisis of today, and proposes a new vision of the relations that can be developed between humanity and the earth. In this vision, the earth is conceived as a living entity characterized with meaning. The discovery of this meaning entails a heroic quest for knowledge that boldly rejects the false cultural assumptions that impede creatively defining a harmonic relation to mother earth, and to enlighten her magnificent power.Miguel A. Fernandez is an industrial engineer, specialized in chain supply logistics, process modeling/simulation, sustainability initiatives, conservative/ethnographic projects and energy production consultancy. Miguel is author of several essays and novels that can be purchased in this website Cover Art: Scott Affleck

  • - Rediscover the Magic of Art and Science
    af Miguel Ángel Fernández
    398,95 kr.

    The main goal of Operative Traditions III - Albedo is to present new alternatives for revolutionizing a more harmonic relation to the earth. The recovery of the ancient spirit of craft presented in this book allows human senses to progressively regain access to novel domains of experience where mystery, uncertainty and chaos can be configured in parallel to a profoundly liberating practice.In this book, the realm of science also recovers the playful, alchemical, colorful and interactive attributes it lost for several centuries, serving as the foundation for gaining a symbolic perception of the universe which not only heightens the relation with reality, but even produces its own reality in parallel to the creation of new values. This book is a first approach to the experience of magic, amidst the technological and scientific circumstances of the 21st century. Miguel A. Fernandez is an industrial engineer, specialized in chain supply logistics, process modeling/simulation, sustainability initiatives, conservative/ethnographic projects and energy production consultancy. Miguel is author of several essays and novels that can be purchased in this website

  • - Building the Meaning of the Earth
    af Miguel Ángel Fernández
    398,95 kr.

    The main goal of Operative Traditions IV - Rubedo is to present new alternatives for revolutionizing a more harmonic relation to the earth. In this book is shown how architecture can serve as the most excellent healing and regenerative practice capable of harmonizing human´s actions with the earth´s inherent potentials. Along the several sections of this book, such technical field recovers its purest artistic capacities, which is not only that of expressing the transcendent forces that configure matter at all levels, but also in the sense of allowing the individuals who participate in such construction to serve an idea. The main purpose of this exposition is to ultimately demonstrate that a culture is something that ought to be built. Hence Operative Traditions IV - Rubedo distills the creative potentials of the earth amidst the most high-tech conditions of our times. The result is a revolutionary view on architecture, which in this book is coined Operative Architecture. This type of architecture not only restores the cultural and cosmological value of architecture itself, but also incorporates the most excellent engineering spirit of our times, driving it towards a universal vision that symbolically manifests the deep connections existent between human action and the cosmos at large. Miguel A. Fernandez is an industrial engineer, specialized in chain supply logistics, process modeling/simulation, sustainability initiatives, conservative/ethnographic projects and energy production consultancy. Miguel is author of several essays and novels that can be purchased in this website

  • - A Book Where Ernst Junger and Julius Evola Meet at Last
    af Miguel Ángel Fernández
    318,95 kr.

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