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  • af Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari
    248,95 kr.

    "Our Lord is Light; our holy Prophet is Light; our unswerving Islamic faith is Light; our Holy Qur¿¿n is Light; and our prayer is Light. Why then do you wish to live in darkness? Why do you aloofly imagine, with your delimited and narrow mind, that the Light is merely an abstract concept that cannot be seen?" inquires Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari.Divine Light, luminous vision (mush¿hada), and mystical experience are central to the Qur¿¿nic revelation, the Hadith corpus, and the Sufi tradition. In this major contemporary treatise on Islamic spirituality, Shaykh al-Karkari provides a detailed esoteric commentary on the Light Verse (¿yat al-n¿r) as well as other verses concerning Light in the Qur¿¿n. He then highlights the centrality of luminous vision in the teachings of renowned Sufis of the Sh¿dhiliyya order and beyond, including Ab¿ Madyan and Ab¿ ¿¿mid al-Ghaz¿l¿. The book concludes with a commentary on Ibn ¿A¿¿¿ Ill¿h al-Iskandar¿'s aphorisms on luminous vision. Throughout the treatise, the Shaykh identifies popular questions pertaining to contemporary Sufi practice and invites us to consider the challenges we face along the spiritual path.He proclaims, "You know Islam with your bodily idol, yet your spirit does not recognize it, for you are absent from witnessing the Lights of the Real and the Lights of His holy Messenger. You say, "I bear witness," yet your insight is blotted out, your heart blind, and your inner heart rusted over. Your testimony is mere speech, not witnessing. Come with me, then, upon a voyage into the depths of pure meaning. Let us travel from one verse to another, until you come to know that the road has been one from the Messenger of God until today-the road named the Radiant Path, whose night is as bright as its day, from which none stray but those bound for ruin."

  • af Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari
    198,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered about the world around you? Have you ever wondered about the reason of your existence? Have you ever wondered about Allah? Have you ever wondered about yourself?"The one who knows his nafs knows his Lord."The goal is to know our nafs, to face its reality and to perfect it...However, if you want to be sure of the right direction, you need to find the person who will know how to help you on this path full of pitfalls. Someone who has walked the path himself and who can tell you about the shortcomings of the nafs, who can tell you about Allah and who can communicate his love for our Creator. This book is a collection of preaching by our sheikh Sidi Mohamed Fawzi Al Karkari, may Allah sanctify his secret, which will give you a taste of the reality of his science."The one who has no Sheikh, Shaytan is his Sheikh."

  • af Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari
    253,95 kr.

  • - A Contemporary Treatise on Divine Light, Prophecy, and Sainthood
    af Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari
    223,95 kr.

    In this compilation of spiritual discourses (sing. mudh¿kara), Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari offers a Sufi commentary on the functions, degrees and implications of prophethood (nub¿wa), messengerhood (ris¿la), and sainthood (wil¿ya). Major themes include the identification of the Prophet Muhammad with "the supreme intellect" (al-¿aql al-akbar); the manifestation of the all-encompassing Muhammadan Reality through the different prophetic figures; the notion of prophetic inerrancy (¿i¿ma); the doctrine of the Perfect Man (al-ins¿n al-k¿mil); and the universality of the Mu¿ammadan nation.In his discussion on sainthood, the Shaykh offers a commentary on the Path to God as expressed in the well-known Holy Tradition (¿ad¿th quds¿), narrated in ¿ä¿¿ Bukh¿r¿, in which God proclaims: "Whoever aggresses against one of My friends, I declare war on them...My servant continues to draw near unto Me with supererogatory devotions until I love him; and when I love him, I am his hearing by which he hears, his sight by which he sees, his hand by which he clutches, and his foot by which he walks. If he asks of Me, I will surely give him; and if he seeks refuge in Me, I will surely give him refuge." Throughout these discourses, the Shaykh offers practical advice for seekers regarding the complementarity between the exoteric Law (shar¿¿a) and esoteric Truth (¿aq¿qa); the love of the Prophet and his descendents; and the attainment of unmediated knowledge of God (märifa). Special emphasis is placed by the Shaykh on the seeker's visions (mush¿had¿t) of God's Light; recognizing the traces of the Divine Names in creation; and how to derive knowledge of God from one's spiritual experiences.

  • - A Contemporary Sufi Commentary on the Story of God's Confidant (kalīm Allāh) in the Qurʾān
    af Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari
    253,95 kr.

    Moses is one of the most revered Prophets in Islam. The fact that he is mentioned in the Qurʾān more than any other figure bespeaks his eminence and the significance of his prophetic narrative to spiritual wayfaring. His election by God and the unfolding events of his prophetic mission have served as a model for Sufi wayfaring. To this effect, God proclaims: I cast upon you a love from Me, that you might be trained under My eye (Q Ṭāhā 20:39).In the Footsteps of Moses is a compilation of spiritual discourses (sing. mudhākara) by the contemporary Moroccan Sufi Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari. This book offers insights into the key events of the life of God's Confidant through the first reading of the divine Name. Describing his life, the Shaykh states: "When the Hidden Alif or the staff of Moses appears, union discloses itself in separation, and dry land appears in the ocean. The Pharaoh of the lower self drowns in the ocean of esoteric reality, and the Moses of the heart is delivered." Key events covered include the spiritual significance of Moses' birth; his mother's casting him into the river; being adopted by the Pharaoh's wife; his years of training under the direction of Shuʿayb in the desert of Midian; communing with God at Mount Ṭūr; the encounter with Pharaoh and his sorcerers; the splitting of the Red Sea; the golden calf; and his encounter with al-Khiḍr.

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