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  • af Mosab Hassan Yousef
    251,95 kr.

    The Last Prophet is a fictious account of Islam's founder, Muhammed, a one-time shepherd and outcast revolutionary, and his journey to establish a religion, which has over two billion followers today.Death comes easily in the seventh-century Arabian desertfrom hunger and thirst to the relentless sun to war and raiding tribes who take by force the scarce resources needed to survive. In this harsh land, the powerful city of Mecca is a beacon, famous for its well, which provides abundant life-giving water, and its great temple, where pilgrims come to worship the totems of hundreds of gods. It is here that the prophet Muhammed is born. An orphan raised by his uncle, Muhammed is disparaged by society. He has traveled throughout Arabia, soaking in an array of knowledge and religious views. He is a man of wisdom and faith who is troubled by the world around him. When God speaks to him, he sets out to preach what he has been told. Though every tribe has their own deity, he speaks of just one God. He shuns arrogance and the pursuit of luxury over truth and seeks to abolish slavery. In this patriarchal culture, he insists smothering infant girls in the sand is murder, a custom to be abolished. As the prophet starts to develop a following, the leaders of the city recognize the threat his radical views have to their lifestyleone of wealth built in part upon the backs of slaves. The nobles try to turn the people and even his own family against Muhammed. They ban him and his tribe, and they torture and kill those who follow him. But no matter what they do to him, his influence continues to grow. The two sides eventually call upon allies throughout Arabia, rallying warriors for an epic battle that will forever change the course of history.

  • - My Story of Defying Terror, Facing the Unimaginable, and Finding Redemption in the Land of Opportunity
    af Mosab Hassan Yousef
    251,95 kr.

    From Hamas to America is a gripping memoir that follows the son of Hamas founder, Mosab Hassan, as he breaks away from his culture's practice of terrorism to becoming a double-agent for Israel to finally fleeing to America and becoming a US citizen, and ultimately finding peace. "This is my opportunity to share my journey with others, to let go of both the traumas and the triumphs, to find freedom, to proclaim my truth." Mosab Hassan Yousef has worn many labels: Hamas terrorist, Green Prince, spy, traitor, hero, Hollywood player, Muslim, Christian, yogi, stateless, refugee, deportee, citizen. But all these labels have one thing in common: they serve someone else's agenda. Now, for the first time, the New York Times bestselling author of Son of Hamas tells the full truth of his story. In it we see him growing up as the son of one of the founders of Hamas, being imprisoned and tortured by the Israelis, growing to hate the Hamas tactics of rape and violence, working with the Israeli intelligence to expose suicide bombers and save lives, seeking asylum in the US, fighting with Homeland Security to avoid deportation, rejecting Islam and converting to Christianity and making international headlines for it, becoming a top speaker in pro-Israel and conservative Christian circles, working with Hollywood to tell his story, and obtaining US citizenship and discovering the life-saving discipline of yoga. This is the inspiring story of someone who has been under threat of assassination or imprisonment for most of his life, but who somehow finds the path to freedom and peace. Few will walk in his shoes, but everyone can follow his example and make their own journey to find redemption and peace.

  • af Mosab Hassan Yousef
    182,95 kr.

    Hijo de Hamás es la conmovedora historia verdadera de un miembro del movimiento Hamás que rechazó su violento destino y ahora lo arriesga todo al exponer los secretos de la organización extremista islámica para mostrarle al mundo un camino hacia la paz. Mosab Hassan Yousef conoce este devastador grupo terrorista internamente desde que era un niño pequeño. Como hijo mayor de Sheikh Hassan Yousef, miembro fundador y el más famoso líder de Hamás, el joven Mosab ayudó a su padre por años en sus actividades políticas mientras era preparado para asumir su legado, ideología, estatus y poder. Pero todo cambió cuando Mosab dio la espalda al terror y a la violencia, y acogió en su lugar las enseñanzas de otro famoso líder del Medio Oriente. En Hijo de Hamás, Mosab Hassan Yousef, ahora con el nombre de "Joseph", da a conocer nueva información sobre la organización terrorista más peligrosa del mundo y revela la verdad sobre su propio papel, la dolorosa separación de su familia y de su tierra natal, la peligrosa decisión de hacer pública su nueva fe, y su creencia de que el mandato cristiano de "amar a tus enemigos" es el único camino hacia la paz en el Medio Oriente.

  • - A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices
    af Mosab Hassan Yousef
    162,95 kr.

  • af Mosab Hassan Yousef
    182,95 kr.

    Una conmovedora historia de terror, intriga politica y decisiones impensables. Hijo de Hamas es la conmovedora historia verdadera de un miembro del movimiento Hamas que rechazo su violento destino y ahora lo arriesga todo al exponer los secretos de la organizacion extremista islamica para mostrarle al mundo un camino hacia la paz.

  • - A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue and Unthinkable Choices
    af Mosab Hassan Yousef
    127,95 kr.

    An eye-opening insight into the mind and motives of Islamic terrorists with the true story of Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a founder leader of Hamas.

  • af Mosab Hassan Yousef & Ron Brackin
    187,95 kr.

    Søn af Hamas er den fængslende, sandfærdige beretning om en ung mand fra Hamas' inderkreds, som forkastede sin voldelige skæbne - og nu sætter sit liv på spil ved åbent at fortælle om Hamas' hemmeligheder for at vise verden en vej til fred. Helt fra barndommen har Musab Hassan Yousef haft indsigt i Hamas, den ekstremistiske, islamiske terrorgruppe. Som ældste søn af Sheikh Hassan Yousef, en af Hamas' grundlæggere og bevægelsens mest populære leder, støttede den unge Mosab i mange år sin far i hans politiske aktiviteter, alt imens han blev opdraget til at påtage sig sin arv, den politiske overbevisning, status .. og magt. Alt ændrede sig drastisk, da Mosab vendte terror og vold ryggen og i stedet sluttede sig til en anden berømt mellemøstlig leder og hans lære. I Søn af Hamas offentliggør Mosab Hassan Yousef, der nu kalder sig Joseph, hidtil ukendte oplysninger om den farligste terrorgruppe i verden og afslører samtidig sandheden om sin egen rolle, den smertefulde adskillelse fra familie og fædreland, og ikke mindst hans livsfarlige beslutning om at stå offentligt frem som kristen. Han er overbevist om, at det kristne bud om ´at elske sine fjender´ er den eneste farbare vej til fred i Mellemøsten.

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