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Bøger af Nagy

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  • - Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Research Institute, Black Forest, March 30-April 6, 1974 / Abhandlungen Zur Tagung Im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Schwarzwald, Vom 30. Marz Bis 6. April 1974
    af Nagy & Butzer
    763,95 kr.

  • - 6th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara and Herculane (Romania), June 1-11, 1981
    af Douglas, Apostol, Nagy & mfl.
    716,95 kr.

    The annual Operator Theory conferences in Timigoara are conceived as a means to promote cooperation and exchange of in formation between specialists in all areas of Operator Theory.

  • - Proceedings of the Conference held at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Research Institute, Black Forest, August 14-22, 1971 / Abhandlungen zur Tagung im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Schwarzwald, vom 14. bis 22. August 1971
    af Nagy, Bautzer & KAHANE
    1.062,95 kr.

    Chapter IV contains papers on harmonic analysis in connection with approximation and, finally, Chapter V is devoted to approximation by splines, algebraic polynomials, rational functions, and to Pade approximation.

  • - 5th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara and Herculane (Romania), June 2-12, 1980
    af Douglas, Nagy, Constantin & mfl.
    737,95 kr.

    The first of the annual Operator Theory conferences in Ti mi~oara held four years ago was a meeting of operator theory spe cialists from the National Institute for Scientific and Techni cal Creation in Bucharest and from the University of Timi~oara.

  • - Proceedings of the Conference held at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Research Institute, Black Forest, August 14-22, 1971 / Abhandlungen zur Tagung im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Schwarzwald, vom 14. bis 22. August 1971
    af Nagy, Bautzer & KAHANE
    799,95 kr.

    Chapter IV contains papers on harmonic analysis in connection with approximation and, finally, Chapter V is devoted to approximation by splines, algebraic polynomials, rational functions, and to Pade approximation.

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