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  • - The Original, an Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation (16pt Large Print Edition)
    af Napoleon Hill
    367,95 kr.

    Think and Grow Rich - Over 80 Million Copies Sold This edition of Napoleon Hill's Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill's personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937. The most famous of all teachers of success spent ''''a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort'''' to produce the ''''Law of Success'''' philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book. In Think and Grow Rich, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. This book will teach you the secrets that could bring you a fortune. It will show you not only what to do but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success. Money and material things are essential for freedom of body and mind, but there are some who will feel that the greatest of all riches can be evaluated only in terms of lasting friendships, loving family relationships, understanding between business associates, and introspective harmony which brings one true peace of mind! All who read, understand, and apply this philosophy will be better prepared to attract and enjoy these spiritual values.BE PREPARED! When you expose yourself to the influence of this philosophy, you may experience a CHANGED LIFE which can help you negotiate your way through life with harmony and understanding and prepare you for the accumulation of abundant material riches.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    167,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    227,95 kr.

  • - 365 Meditations For Making Each Day a Success
    af Napoleon Hill
    257,95 kr.

  • - The Lost Writings
    af Napoleon Hill
    145,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill's Golden Rules: The Lost Writings consists of a series of magazine articles Napoleon Hill wrote between 1919 and1923 for Success Magazine, of which he eventually become an editor. Hill's obsession with achieving material success had led him from poverty stricken Appalachian Mountains with the desire to study successful people.

  • - A Teenager's Revision (Annotated)
    af Napoleon Hill
    215,95 kr.

    This fully annotated edition of "Think and Grow Rich" includes: Explanations of historical contextLiterary comments and analysesillustrations of objects, stories, and places mentioned in the bookThis book provides priceless ideas for today's teens that will help you develop a successful mindset for success in school, relationships, and future professional pursuits. It teaches you to set big goals, have faith in your abilities, surround yourself with uplifting people, persevere in the face of adversity, picture yourself succeeding, and act decisively.Written by Napoleon Hill, this updated and especially designed for teens edition of the timeless classic "Think and Grow Rich," takes you on a voyage of transformation. An essential resource if you want to reach your full potential, weather you're an aspiring business owner, a dreamer with lofty goals, or just someone who is ready to realize your entire potential. This version of a well-respected masterwork, which is available in both paperback and e-book, is sure to hold your interest, broaden your horizons, and propel you on to a promising future. "Think and Grow Rich: A Teenager's Revision (Annotated) " Introduces the 13 Steps to Riches, which offers clear tools for accomplishing your goals. Think and Grow Rich has guided countless people on their path to prosperity, selling millions of copies over almost 75 years of publication. Many of today's most prominent motivational speakers rely on this book as their foundation because, as the title says, wealth is mostly determined by one's beliefs. This book is your manual for thinking, believing, and attaining riches that exceeds your most ambitious expectations.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    419,95 kr.

    Um mergulho profundo na vida do mais querido autor motivacional de todos os tempos Napoleon Hill escreveu em duas ocasiões extensas memórias sobre sua vida, começando com sua juventude em Wise County, Virgínia, e terminando durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Os arquivos da Fundação Napoleon Hill contêm esses dois manuscritos, mas eles estão obviamente incompletos e terminam na década de 1940 - Hill morreu em 1970. Seu último livro, Enriqueça com paz de espírito, escrito em 1967, lança alguma luz sobre seus últimos anos; mas seus próprios diários e memórias daqueles anos, se é que existiram, ainda não foram encontrados. As duas memórias contêm muitos detalhes sobre seus sucessos e fracassos nos negócios - e houve mais fracassos do que sucessos, como ele admite prontamente. Elas contêm insights profundos sobre o estado de espírito desse grande pensador - como ele lidou com o fracasso, lucrou com a derrota, transformou a adversidade em vantagem e, finalmente, alcançou a felicidade. Os curadores da Fundação Napoleon Hill combinaram as duas memórias em uma, eliminando as repetições e colocando os eventos em ordem cronológica quando fazia sentido fazê-lo. A roda da fortuna é uma sincera homenagem ao maior pensador e escritor de todos os tempos nas áreas de realização pessoal e autoaperfeiçoamento.

  • - Transforming Your Thoughts into Success
    af Napoleon Hill
    153,95 kr.

    Unleash the Power of Your Mind! Delve into the secrets of mastering your mindset, taming resilience, and achieving unparalleled success. Know the powerful strategies to break free from limitations, manifest abundance and push yourself towards your loftiest ambitions. Learn to shape your thoughts, channel your focus and amplify your productivity. This guide illuminates the path to unlocking your mind's immense power. Experience this transformative journey authored by the legendary Napoleon Hill in The Master Mind: Turning Your Thoughts into Success.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    196,95 kr.

    NAPOLEON HILL'S THE 12 MIRACLES OF LIFEA NEW, NEVER-BEFORE PUBLISHED BOOK BY THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THINK AND GROW RICH!From NAPOLEON HILL, author of the bestselling success book of all time, a NEW book about The 12 MIRACLES OF LIFE.In this life-changing book for you will discover the secrets to happiness, success, and wealth by learning: THE LAW OF GROWTH THROUGH ETERNAL CHANGETHE NECESSITY OF STRUGGLETHE MASTERY OF POVERTYFAILURE MAY BE A BLESSINGSORROW, THE PATH TO THE SOULOUR UNSEEN GUIDESNATURE'S DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE AND THE FIXATION OF NATURAL LAWSHOW TO TRANSMUTE THE CREATIVE FORCE OF SEXTIME, NATURE'S UNIVERSAL CURE FOR ALL HUMAN ILLSWISDOM ROBS DEATH OF ITS STINGTHE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE MAKES MEN FREE (one of THE Great Miracles of all times)THE INEXORABLE POWER OF FAITHBE PREPARED! When you expose yourself to the influence of this philosophy, you may experience a CHANGED LIFE which can help you negotiate your way through life with harmony and understanding and prepare you for the accumulation of abundant material riches."You can't have everything in life. However...You can have everything you really want!"--Napoleon Hill

  • af Napoleon Hill
    185,95 kr.


  • af Napoleon Hill
    87,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    162,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    192,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    97,95 - 472,95 kr.

    This Large Print edition is written in an easy to read size 16 font. Also available is Think and Grow Rich: Extra Large Print, written in bold and size 24 print. Think and Grow Rich is Napoleon Hill's masterpiece; more than just another book on making money, it is a book of distilled wisdom that guides the reader towards both acquiring wealth, and living a more fulfilled life. Researched over twenty-five years, Napoleon Hill interviewed dozens of millionaires, and some of the richest men of all time including Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford. This book puts together the common factors found in some of the most important Americans of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and presents the information in a simple and straight forward manner that can be understood by all.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    115,95 - 264,95 kr.

    Think and Grow Rich is the number one Inspirational classic for individuals who are interested in learning from important figures in history. The text in this book is the original 1937 edition written by Napoleon Hill, which has often been reproduced, but no updated version has ever been able to compete with the original text. Think and Grow Rich is a timeless classic and should be read by students of business, people with entrepreneurial spirit, and anybody who is interested in furthering their lives and reaching their goals. This book will guided many to success, and has sold millions of copies for nearly three quarters of a century.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    315,95 kr.

    This is the collectors edition of Think and Grow Rich, which is the number one Inspirational classic for individuals who are interested in learning from important figures in history. The text in this book is the original 1937 edition written by Napoleon Hill, which has often been reproduced, but no updated version has ever been able to compete with the original text. Think and Grow Rich is a timeless classic and should be read by students of business, people with entrepreneurial spirit, and anybody who is interested in furthering their lives and reaching their goals. This book will guided many to success, and has sold millions of copies for nearly three quarters of a century.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    122,95 - 137,95 kr.

    La actitud mental positiva es considerado como uno de los libros de autoayuda que mayor éxito han logrado en este siglo. Ha inducido a miles de hombres, mujeres y adolescentes a adquirir una buena salud física, mental y moral, a buscar la felicidad y a aspirar a la riqueza, y a conseguir altas metas u otros objetivos que no violen las leyes de Dios ni los derechos de sus semejantes. Explica específicamente cómo se puede utilizar su cerebro y de su sistema nervioso. Le indica qué hacer y cómo hacerlo cuando llegue el momento de aprovechar y utilizar los poderes inconscientes de su mente.

  • - Negócio e Finanças
    af Napoleon Hill
    642,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill nasceu em 26 de outubro de 1883 no Estado da Virgínia, Estados Unidos em uma família pobre e morreu no ano 1970. Quando tinha 10 anos de idade sua mãe morreu e, em seguida, se tornou um filho rebelde. Dois anos depois seu pai se casou. Em 1908, Napoleon Hill teve a oportunidade de entrevistar o industrial Andrew Carnegie, que não só era o homem mais rico do mundo na época, mas o segundo homem mais rico que a humanidade já conheceu. Andrew Carnegie, na ocasião com 73 anos, viu um brilho diferente nos olhos de Napoleon Hill e decidiu revelar ao jovem repórter a sua crença de que seria possível, por meio de extenso trabalho de pesquisa, identificar em homens de triunfo características que poderiam ser desenvolvidas nas pessoas. Era a ciência pela qual tinha prosperado e se tornado um homem tão importante, uma espécie de fórmula para o sucesso. Uma seleção de virtudes, que se combinadas em uma personalidade garantiriam o completo êxito de tal indivíduo. Disse que era necessário identificar as características dos homens e mulheres de sucesso e que poderiam ser implementadas pelo homem comum, contanto que houvesse um método. O milionário, então, propôs a Hill que iniciasse um grandioso projeto para investigar minuciosamente essas virtudes de pessoas triunfadoras e que desenvolvesse um curso que permitisse aos interessados desenvolver estas características. O Sr. Andrew deu a Hill exatos 60 segundos (sem que ele soubesse disso) para decidir se aceitaria ou não este desafio. Segundo o milionário, os homens que tomam decisões prontamente são capazes de mover-se com uma determinação de propósitos muito maior. Disse que estava certo de que o trabalho não poderia ser cumprido em menos de duas décadas, afinal, fazer sucesso por um ano é relativamente fácil, permanecer, que é o grande desafio. Porém, estava convicto também de que valeria a pena, pois o resultado beneficiaria milhões de pessoas no mundo inteiro.Napoleon Hill dedicou mais de 20 anos de sua vida entrevistando e investigando grandes vencedores, e suas carreiras, a fim de isolar e identificar as razões pelas quais tantos e tão poucos conseguem alcançar o sucesso. Entrevistou mais de 16.000 pessoas dentre elas os 500 milionários mais importantes da época e que mostraram a ele a fonte de suas riquezas. Foi consultor de Relações Externas da Casa Branca durante o mandato do Presidente Woodrow Wilson e também o responsável por escrever e preparar os célebres discursos pronunciados pelo Presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt durante seu mandato. Dentre outras personalidades que fizeram parte da pesquisa de Napoleon Hill temos: Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, Theodore Roosevelt, William Jennings Bryan, George Eastman, John D. Rockefeller. O resultado de sua pesquisa foi apresentado em 1928, ano que publicou sua primeira obra "A Lei do Triunfo". Antes de sua publicação oficial esta obra foi submetida a banqueiros, comerciantes e professores universitários, que, pelo seu espírito eminentemente prático e grau de cultura superior, pudessem analisá-lo e criticá-lo. Também apresentou para as duas universidades mais importantes dos Estados Unidos da américa para que examinassem atentamente a obra para corrigir ou eliminar as declarações que parecessem sem base do ponto de vista econômico. Nem uma única modificação foi proposta.Este livro foi o primeiro tratado mundial sobre formação de líderes e até hoje se apresenta como um dos livros mais estudados do mundo. Hill concluiu que uma das principais características que estes homens tinham em comum e que elevava as suas lideranças era a aplicação do Master Mind. Ele apresentou formalmente, nesta obra, o conceito sobre o que é Master Mind e como aplicá-lo. Napoleon Hill além de pioneiro no estudo do comportamento humano para o sucesso, ainda é provavelmente o pensador que mais inspira outros autores nessa área do conhecimento

  • af Napoleon Hill
    185,95 kr.

    This book provides a synopsis of the original 1937 text of Hill's masterpiece, Think and Grow Rich. It extracts the key principles, instructions, and examples so that the modern professional, regardless of how busy he or she is, can benefit from the timeless wisdom found in Hill's book.To receive the greatest possible benefit from its wisdom, read no more than one chapter per day, allowing the space and time to fully digest its insights and to enable your imaginative faculties to act on the thought impulses generated thereby. You will also undoubtedly find your progress magnified by working through this content in the setting of a book club or study group, wherein the mastermind principle can be applied to reach higher-level orders of thinking. Regardless of your approach, when you commit yourself to practicing the steps outlined in this book, you will surely open yourself up to great personal growth and momentum toward achieving your dreams.""Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.""Within this one line is distilled a success formula so simple that anyone can apply it--and yet so demanding that only a minority of the population ever fully lives it out. Upon it was built a success philosophy that explains how human desires can be translated into material reality, a framework that rests upon the power of thoughts to seek expression in physical form. Through this singular concept, the world's wealthiest and most successful individuals--rich in money, relationships, power, peace of mind, and social standing--have built and maintained their prosperity. It is the foundational principle of Napoleon Hill's Science of Success program, an achievement philosophy that effectively helped end the Great Depression and that has since made more millionaires, cultural icons, and thought leaders than any other.Hill was born in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia. He began his writing career at age thirteen as a mountain reporter for small-town newspapers. In 1908, as a young special investigator for a nationally known business magazine, he was sent to interview the great steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. During that interview, Carnegie shared the secrets that had enabled him to acquire hundreds of millions of dollars--a magic law of the human mind, a little-known psychological principle that was amazing in its power.Believing that this magic formula should be shared with those who did not have the time or resources to discover it on their own, Carnegie tasked Hill with spending twenty years or more developing this principle into a philosophy of personal success. This research would be conducted without pay; Carnegie merely provided Hill with access to over five hundred of America's greatest business leaders in order to test his success formula. In 1937, after twenty-nine years of research and writing, Hill published Think and Grow Rich, which contains the thirteen success principles that form the core of the Science of Success. Since its release, it has sold over one hundred million copies worldwide. No literary work in the personal development genre has had a greater creative impact than Think and Grow Rich.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    191,95 kr.

    This book provides a synopsis of the original 1937 text of Hill's masterpiece, Think and Grow Rich. It extracts the key principles, instructions, and examples so that the modern professional, regardless of how busy he or she is, can benefit from the timeless wisdom found in Hill's book. To receive the greatest possible benefit from its wisdom, read no more than one chapter per day, allowing the space and time to fully digest its insights and to enable your imaginative faculties to act on the thought impulses generated thereby. You will also undoubtedly find your progress magnified by working through this content in the setting of a book club or study group, wherein the mastermind principle can be applied to reach higher-level orders of thinking. Regardless of your approach, when you commit yourself to practicing the steps outlined in this book, you will surely open yourself up to great personal growth and momentum toward achieving your dreams. "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Within this one line is distilled a success formula so simple that anyone can apply it--and yet so demanding that only a minority of the population ever fully lives it out. Upon it was built a success philosophy that explains how human desires can be translated into material reality, a framework that rests upon the power of thoughts to seek expression in physical form. Through this singular concept, the world's wealthiest and most successful individuals--rich in money, relationships, power, peace of mind, and social standing--have built and maintained their prosperity. It is the foundational principle of Napoleon Hill's Science of Success program, an achievement philosophy that effectively helped end the Great Depression and that has since made more millionaires, cultural icons, and thought leaders than any other. Hill was born in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia. He began his writing career at age thirteen as a mountain reporter for small-town newspapers. In 1908, as a young special investigator for a nationally known business magazine, he was sent to interview the great steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. During that interview, Carnegie shared the secrets that had enabled him to acquire hundreds of millions of dollars--a magic law of the human mind, a little-known psychological principle that was amazing in its power. Believing that this magic formula should be shared with those who did not have the time or resources to discover it on their own, Carnegie tasked Hill with spending twenty years or more developing this principle into a philosophy of personal success. This research would be conducted without pay; Carnegie merely provided Hill with access to over five hundred of America's greatest business leaders in order to test his success formula. In 1937, after twenty-nine years of research and writing, Hill published Think and Grow Rich, which contains the thirteen success principles that form the core of the Science of Success. Since its release, it has sold over one hundred million copies worldwide. No literary work in the personal development genre has had a greater creative impact than Think and Grow Rich.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    197,95 kr.

    This Large Print edition is written in an easy to read size 16 font. Also available is Think and Grow Rich: Extra Large Print, written in bold and size 24 print. Think and Grow Rich is Napoleon Hill's masterpiece; more than just another book on making money, it is a book of distilled wisdom that guides the reader towards both acquiring wealth, and living a more fulfilled life. Researched over twenty-five years, Napoleon Hill interviewed dozens of millionaires, and some of the richest men of all time including Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford. This book puts together the common factors found in some of the most important Americans of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and presents the information in a simple and straight forward manner that can be understood by all.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    197,95 kr.

    "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." "Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along." "The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat." Napoleon Hill This exceptional self-help book is a perfect guide on personality development which will escort you with functional techniques to achieve success in life. Drawing from the lives of numerous men of achievement and inspired by Andrew Carnegie's magic formula for success, this book will enable you to master the secret of true and lasting triumph in life. A best-seller of all times, this book will help you accomplish your dreams in the complex and competitive modern age by enabling you with a positive mental attitude.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    232,95 kr.

    The book is a collection of 17 lectures that Hill gave in Chicago in the mid-1950s. The lectures cover a wide range of topics related to success, including goal setting, positive thinking, and the power of the subconscious mind. Hill's Master Course is based on his research into the lives of successful people. He interviewed over 500 of the most successful people in the world, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison. Hill found that all of these successful people shared certain common traits, such as a burning desire to succeed, a positive mental attitude, and the ability to take action. In his Master Course, Hill teaches readers how to develop these same traits and achieve their own success. He provides a step-by-step plan that covers everything from setting goals to overcoming obstacles. Hill's Master Course is a comprehensive and practical guide to success that has helped millions of people achieve their dreams.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    192,95 kr.

    The Path to Personal Power' by Napoleon Hill is a motivational and inspirational book that provides practical guidance for individuals seeking to unleash their personal power and achieve success in various aspects of life. Drawing from Hill's extensive research and interviews with successful individuals, the book presents a roadmap to personal growth and empowerment. In the book, Hill explores the importance of self-discipline, persistence, and a burning desire to achieve one's goals. He delves into the power of positive thinking, visualization, and goal-setting as essential tools for personal transformation. The story serves as a guidebook for individuals seeking to harness their inner potential and create a life of abundance and fulfillment. By implementing the principles and techniques outlined in the book, readers can unlock their personal power, overcome limitations, and achieve their dreams.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    197,95 kr.

    "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill outlines the principles and strategies for achieving financial success and personal fulfillment. Hill interviewed over 500 successful individuals, including Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison, to distill their insights into a comprehensive guide for readers. The book emphasizes the power of one's thoughts and beliefs in shaping their reality. Hill introduces the concept of the "Law of Attraction," which suggests that focusing on positive thoughts and visualizing success can attract wealth and opportunities. He also highlights the importance of setting clear goals, developing a burning desire to achieve them, and maintaining unwavering faith and persistence. Hill emphasizes the significance of building strong relationships and networking with like-minded individuals who can provide support and guidance on the journey to success. Additionally, he stresses the importance of mastering one's emotions, overcoming fear, and developing self-discipline. "Think and Grow Rich" offers practical advice and timeless wisdom to help readers transform their mindset and take control of their financial destiny. It continues to inspire and motivate individuals seeking personal and financial growth.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    162,95 kr.

    The Magic Ladder to Success is a self-help book written by Napoleon Hill in 1930. The book is a distillation of Hill's lifetime of research into the principles of success. Hill argues that success is not something that happens to you, but something that you create. He identifies 17 factors that he believes are essential for success, including: a burning desire, a definite chief aim, self-discipline, imagination, initiative, persistence, and the habit of doing more than is expected. Hill also emphasizes the importance of a positive mental attitude and a willingness to learn from your mistakes. The Magic Ladder to Success is a classic self-help book that has been read by millions of people around the world. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to achieve success in any area of their life.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    162,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    237,95 kr.


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