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  • af Napoleon Hill
    218,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    193,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    126,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    323,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    163,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill's transformational classic on creating wealthAlso includes the bonus essay "Adversity-A Blessing in Disguise"Originally published in 1937, Napoleon Hill's life-changing philosophy of success has sold millions of copies and changed countless lives. Since its publication, Think and Grow Rich has become one of the most iconic and pivotal self-improvement titles ever written. Hill's simple, revolutionary "13 Steps to Riches" form a philosophy of empowerment that will help you live the life you've always dreamed of. This edition of Think and Grow Rich is part of the new Basics of Success series, a collection of everyday guidebooks for everyone looking to improve their life. In addition to the original 1937 text, this edition includes rare bonus content from Hill in the form of his essay "Adversity-A Blessing in Disguise." Important, practical, and transformative, Think and Grow Rich's wisdom will empower readers to create the lives they want to live!

  • af Napoleon Hill
    198,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    228,95 kr.

    In 'How to Own Your Own Mind' is Napoleon Hill's classic lesson on how to organize your thinking to attain success. This is one of the most influential books which actually helps us to understand the way we should process our minds. The reader will receive a one-of-a-kind master class on how to think for success from motivational pioneer and author of Think and Grow Rich. In its effective chapters, Hill demonstrates how to organize, prioritize, and act on information so that it translates into opportunity. It explains the difference between imagination and creative vision and how our mind becomes desperate to find solutions to problems if we are persistent. Knowledge is not power. Only applied knowledge is power. This book teaches you how to use what you know, and how to know what's worth knowing. "The name Napoleon Hill is synonymous with practical advice on how to get ahead."-Mitch Horowitz, CNBC Top 10 Hardcover Library Books: A Wrinkle in Time (9789389440188) How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (9789387669161) Their Eyes Were Watching God (9789389440577) The Magic of Believing (9789388118217) Zen in the Art of Archery (9789354990298) A Cloud by Day, a Fire by Night (9789391181611) Siddhartha by Hermann hesse (9789387669116) The Richest Man in Babylon (9789354990717) The Book of Five Rings (9789389440553) The Knowledge of the Holy (9789389157239) Note: Search by ISBN

  • af Napoleon Hill
    323,95 kr.

    A GUIDED JOURNAL FOR ESTABLISHING EFFECTIVE MENTAL HABITS Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich(R) has sold more than 80 million copies since it was published in 1937. His principles and insights have been tested and proven successful by millions of people worldwide. With this companion journal, you will discover a new way to implement the 17 success fundamentals that form Hill's philosophy of personal achievement. Each success principle is deconstructed into its component attributes so that you can focus on building one new habit each week. Action prompts, journaling activities, worksheets, and bonus resources will enable both new and longtime practitioners of Hill's Science of Personal Achievement to attain heightened levels of self-mastery and accomplish their biggest goals. Contents include: Journaling prompts for cultivating self-awareness, faith, and purpose Guidance for turning fear and failure into stepping-stones to success Activities for strengthening personal initiative, decisiveness, and accurate thinking Worksheets for enhancing concentration, imagination, and a positive mindset Templates for budgeting time and money With this powerful, practical new format, anyone can apply the 17 principles of individual achievement in their own life and enjoy the success, happiness, and peace of mind that result when you Think and Grow Rich(R)!

  • af Napoleon Hill
    193,95 kr.

    El Lenguaje del Pensamiento de Napoleon Hill es tu guía para entender, generar y dirigir pensamientos más poderosos para que puedas vivir y trabajar con más intención, gozo y éxito. La herramienta más poderosa que está al alcance de los seres humanos no es el dinero, la fuerza física, la influencia o una red de contactos; es la mente. Nuestras mentes determinan nuestros resultados en la vida, así como nuestra habilidad de disfrutar de la travesía. A fin de aprovechar nuestros pensamientos para crear el éxito material, no requerimos ventajas personales como la riqueza, las conexiones o la educación. Simplemente necesitamos utilizar las recursos mentales que ya poseemos, por medio de cultivar una comprensión profunda del funcionamiento de la mente y de la manera en que los pensamientos se pueden transformar en sus contrapartes físicas. A fin de crear cambios positivos en nuestras vidas, debemos aprender a hablar el lenguaje del pensamiento, el cual tiene su propia fórmula. Este libro contiene las mejores lecciones de Napoleon Hill acerca de los componentes que constituyen el lenguaje del pensamiento, así como instrucciones modernizadas y fáciles de seguir sobre cómo aprovechar estos elementos para generar más pensamientos poderosos. En particular, descubrirás cómo: Magnetizar tus impulsos de pensamiento con el deseoRefinar tus pensamientos con definitividad de propósitoControlar y dirigir tus emociones hacia fines productivosApoyar tus metas con una estructura de motivos convincentesCrear hábitos de pensamiento positivo por medio de la concentración y la repeticiónProteger tu mente de las influencias externas negativasEntre más practiques los principios delineados en este libro, más fluidez adquirirás en el lenguaje del pensamiento. A medida que tu facilidad para este lenguaje se desarrolle, experimentarás mayor control sobre tus pensamientos y emociones, lo cual te permitirá disfrutar de más éxito en tu búsqueda de tu objetivo principal definitivo. No existen limitaciones para la mente acondicionada para el logro. ¿Estás listo para escribir tu historia de éxito con un lenguaje más poderoso? > Napoleon Hill's The Language of Thought is your guide to understanding, generating, and directing more powerful thoughts so that you can live and work with more intention, joy, and success. The single most powerful tool available to human beings is not money, physical strength, influence, or a network; it is the mind. Our thoughts determine our outcomes in life, as well as our ability to enjoy the journey. In order to harness our thoughts to create material success, we do not require any personal advantage such as wealth, connections, or education. We simply need to utilize the mental resources already within our possession by cultivating a thorough understanding of the workings of the mind and the manner in which thoughts may be transformed into their physical counterparts. In order to create positive change in our lives, we must learn to speak the language of thought, which has its own unique formula. This book contains Napoleon Hill's best lessons on the components that make up the language of thought, as well as easy-to-follow, modernized instructions on how to leverage these elements to generate more powerful thoughts. In particular, you will discover how to: Magnetize your thought impulses with desireRefine your thoughts with definiteness of purposeControl and direct your emotions to productive endsSupport your goals with a compelling network of motivesCreate positive thought habits through concentration and repetitionProtect your mind from negative external influencesThe more you practice the principles outlined in this book, the more fluency you will gain in the language of thought. As your facility for this language develops, you will experience greater control over your thoughts and emotions, which will enable you to enjoy more success in the pursuit of your definite major purpose. There are no limitations to the mind conditioned for achievement. Are you ready to write your success story with more powerful language? "You will attract to you...the very things, or the very station in life, that you create in your thoughts." --Napoleon Hill

  • af Napoleon Hill
    183,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill spent twenty years of his life interviewing the most successful men in America in order to write the first book on the science of personal achievement. In the course of his studies, he developed seventeen success principles. These teachings explain each of them, In order, they are Definiteness of Purpose, the Master Mind Alliance, Going the Extra Mile, Applied Faith, Self-Discipline and Cosmic Habit Force. Hill often referred to these as the most important of the success principles. Hill and his last wife, Annie Lou, established the Napoleon Hill Foundation(R) 1962, and it continues today to publish his books, videos, audios and lectures. These six lectures were transcribed but never before published and only recently found by the Foundation. The Trustees of the Foundation have chosen the title "Napoleon Hill's Positive Influence" for this book because these lectures deal with many of the influences which help people to become successful, and which drove Hill to achieve his own successes. One of Hill's greatest influences was business tycoon Andrew Carnegie, who commissioned him in 1908 to undertake his twenty-year investigation. During his investigation, he discovered that important positive influences on successful people included having self-discipline, learning from adversity, working in harmony with others, selecting "pace makers", surrounding oneself with positive books and mottos, being guided by Faith and what Hill called "Infinite Intelligence", social and physical heredity, and the law of Cosmic Habit force, by which one's habits become ingrained in one's personality and character. All of these positive influences are covered in these lectures. In addition to Andrew Carnegie, a number of individuals were positive influences in Hill's life, and they too are discussed in the lectures. Those who he knew personally, and who are referenced in the lectures, include Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Franklin Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Elmer Gates, Alexander Graham Bell and Edwin Barnes. On a more personal level, he speaks fondly of his step-mother and his wives who helped him with his endeavors. We are fortunate to be able to present an Introduction to the book by Napoleon's grandson, J.B. Hill, and a Preface by Napoleon Hill Foundation(R) Executive Director Don M. Green, both of which explain the important roles played by these women in bringing positive influences to bear on his life and work. We hope you will enjoy and benefit from this newly discovered treasure trove of "Napoleon Hill's Positive Influence".

  • af Napoleon Hill
    193,95 kr.

    ¡Napoleon Hill en las noticias! Es una publicación de trabajos no recopilados previamente, que fueron publicados a lo largo de la vida del Dr. Hill en periódicos y revistas de números especiales. Estos artículos publicados por reporteros y el Dr. Hill nos dan una idea de la popularidad del autor y su atractivo estilo como escritor y orador motivacional. Me parece que se puede encontrar un verdadero tesoro en la serie Science of Success, que incluye 35 artículos del Miami Herald y 18 ensayos adicionales en profundidad que detallan los principios del éxito, un concepto a la vez. Como estudiante, instructor y director del Centro Mundial de Enseñanza de Napoleon Hill, que difunde la filosofía del éxito del Dr. Hill, siempre tengo el deseo de encontrar escritos adicionales que el Doctor haya escrito. Al leer estas columnas de periódicos, el Dr. Hill usa los mismos conceptos pero con diferentes ilustraciones para transmitir sus conceptos al lector y hacerlos comprensibles para cualquiera. > Judith Williamson Director, Centro de Educación Mundial de Napleon Hill

  • af Napoleon Hill
    233,95 kr.

    From the Napoleon Hill Foundation comes a collection of never-before-published writings from Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich(R) and Outwitting the Devil(R), on obtaining the greatest of all the riches available to human beings--peace of mind. Although Napoleon is famous for his insight on building financial wealth, he ultimately believed that the greatest success in life was not monetary and that true riches came from the peace of mind one achieves by helping others. The writings contained in this book will guide you toward this priceless asset so you can enjoy: Mastery over all forms of worry Freedom from fear and self-doubt Control over one's thoughts The ability to close the door on the sorrows of the past The magic power of belief And much more! Included is a manuscript that was discovered by J. B. Hill, Napoleon's grandson and a trustee of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, that had been given to his father in the 1950s. Titled "How to Get Peace of Mind," it was intended to be released as a series of newspaper columns but for reasons unknown was never published. It is presented here for the first time, along with a previously unpublished excerpt from an unfinished autobiographical work by Napoleon written in 1947 and several editorial essays written by Napoleon and published in 1919 and 1920 in his magazine, Hill's Golden Rule. All explore the subject of attaining peace of mind. The final chapter in the book features a previously unpublished transcript of a 1948 radio program in which Napoleon disclosed what single ability is essential to achieving success and happiness. There is no greater freedom than that which peace of mind brings. Chart your own course to a serene mindset with help from Napoleon Hill's Pathways to Peace of Mind.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    148,95 kr.

    The Thirteen Steps to Riches described in this book offer the shortestdependable philosophy of individual achievement ever presented for thebenefit of the man or woman who is searching for a definite goal in life.Before beginning the book you will profit greatly if you recognize thefact that the book was not written to entertain. You cannot digest the contentsproperly in a week or a month.After reading the book thoroughly, Dr. Miller Reese Hutchison, nationallyknown Consulting Engineer and long-time associate of Thomas A. Edison,said- "This is not a novel. It is a textbook on individual achievementthat came directly from the experiences of hundreds of America's mostsuccessful men. It should be studied, digested, and meditated upon. Nomore than one chapter should be read in a single night. The reader shouldunderline the sentences which impress him most. Later, he should go backto these marked lines and read them again. A real student will not merelyread this book, he will absorb its contents and make them his own. This bookshould be adopted by all high schools and no boy or girl should be permittedto graduate without having satisfactorily passed an examination on it. Thisphilosophy will not take the place of the subjects taught in schools, but itwill enable one to organize and apply the knowledge acquired, and convert itinto useful service and adequate compensation without waste of time.Dr. John R. Turner, Dean of the College of The City of New York, afterhaving read the book, said- "The very best example of the soundness of thisphilosophy is your own son, Blair, whose dramatic story you have outlined inthe chapter on Desire.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    273,95 kr.

    The book was commissioned at the request of Andrew Carnegie, at the conclusion of a multi-day interview with Hill. It was said to based upon interviews with over 100 American millionaires, including self-made industrial giants such as Henry Ford, J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, across nearly 20 years. The Law of Success was first presented as a lecture, and was delivered by its author in many major cities and in many smaller localities throughout the United States over a period of more than seven years.The Inc magazine included this among the "14 Great Books for Anyone Who Wants Get Ahead in Life".Hill was born in a one-room cabin near the Appalachian town of Pound in southwest Virginia. His parents were James Monroe Hill and Sarah Sylvania (Blair) and he was the grandson of James Madison Hill and Elizabeth (Jones). His grandfather came to the United States from England and settled in southwestern Virginia in 1847. At the age of seventeen, Hill graduated from high school and moved to Tazewell, Virginia, to attend business school. In 1901, Hill accepted a job working for the lawyer Rufus A. Ayers, a coal magnate and former Virginia attorney general.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    168,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    228,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill on two occasions wrote extensive memoirs about his life, starting with his youth in Wise County, Virginia, and ending, apparently, during World War II. I say "apparently" because the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation contain these two manuscripts, but they are obviously incomplete and end in the 1940s. Mr. Hill died in 1970. His last book, Grow Rich with Peace of Mind, was written in 1967 and sheds some light on his later years; but his own journals and memoirs of those years, if they ever existed, have not yet been found. The two memoirs were titled by Mr. Hill, Wheel of Fortune and Hand of Destiny. They contain details of his life, including his four marriages, two divorces and one annulment, which we at the Foundation have not seen in any of his other writings or speeches. They also contain many details about his successes and failures in business and there were more failures than successes, as he readily admits. The memoirs contain thoughtful insights into the state of mind of this great thinker--how he dealt with failure, profited from defeat, turned adversity into advantage, and ultimately achieved happiness with his last wife, Annie Lou, happiness which had eluded him for most of his life. Mr. Hill has said that the Master Mind principle, in which two or more minds work harmoniously to achieve a common goal, is the most important of the seventeen principles of success he studied during his decades of research into how people attain happy and successful lives. One of the many interesting stories in the memoirs is about how he and his third wife, Rosa Lee, used the Master Mind principle to discover the only one of the seventeen principles that no one had understood or realized before, Cosmic Habitforce. The Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation(R) have combined the two memoirs into one, editing out repetition and putting events in chronological order where it made sense to do so. They chose to title the combined memoirs Master Mind, in recognition of the importance this principle played in his philosophy and life, and as a tribute to the mental giant who was the greatest thinker and writer ever in the fields of personal achievement and self-improvement.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    171,95 kr.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    233,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich(R) and The Law of Success comes a master class in individual achievement. Learn how to implement the success system responsible for the remarkable accomplishments of America's greatest entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders. After dedicating over 20 years of his life to studying the success secrets of more than 500 of America's most prosperous individuals, Napoleon Hill organized his findings into the world's first practical philosophy of human achievement. The 17 core principles form the Science of Personal Achievement(R) and are presented here for your study and implementation. Use the techniques in this book to develop mastery over your thoughts so that you can enjoy "wealth" in its broadest sense--financial, spiritual, mental, and material. Discover the building blocks of success, such as: The 12 great riches of life The 7 factors that contribute to Definiteness of Purpose The 8 fundamentals for building faith The 7 rules for accurate thinking And much more The greatest achievements of humankind began as the material of thought. With the insights from Hill's extensive research, you will be able to establish mental habits that lead to financial security, health, and the peace of mind necessary for happiness.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    268,95 kr.

    Automatic Wealth, The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind-Including:As a Man Thinketh, The Science of Getting Rich, The Way to Wealth and Think and Grow Rich The Bestsellers on this Book give sound advice about money or how to obtain it. Just shoot to the stars and stay focused on your dreams and it will happen. There is nothing that we can imagine, that we can't do. So what are we waiting for, let's begin the journey of self fullfillment. 4 Bestsellers in 1 Book:As a Man Thinketh by James AllenYour thoughts and your dreams determine what you are and what you will be. This little book is meant to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that they themselves are makers of themselves, by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage. Contents: Effect of Thought on Circumstances; Effect of Thought on Health and Body; Thought and Purpose; Thought Factor in Achievement; Vision and Ideals; Serenity;The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles,THIS book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who have, so far, found neither the time, the means, nor the opportunity to go deeply into the study of metaphysics, but who want results and who are willing to take the conclusions of science as a basis for action, without going into all the processes by which those conclusions were reached.The Way to Wealth by Benjamin FranklinThe first American book on personal finance, The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin is still the best and wisest money book ever written. Originally published in 1758 as the preface to Poor Richard' s Almanack, this little gem has been through innumerable printings and sold millions of copies to those in search of smart but entertaining advice about hard work, earning and saving money and debt. As the 21st Century charges along and the current economic climate continues to send out mixed messages, Franklin' s simple but wise commentary on the value of industry and frugality resonates as much for us today as it did for listeners nearly 350 years ago. This book is very short, but he gets to the point.Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve."Napoleon HillBe prepared, therefore, when you expose yourself to the influence ofthis philosophy, to experience a CHANGED LIFE which may help you notonly to negotiate your way through life with harmony and understanding, butalso to prepare you for the accumulation of material riches in abundance.Teaching, for the first time, the famous Carnegie formula formoney-making, based upon the THIRTEEN PROVEN STEPS TORICHES. Organized through 25 years of research, in collaboration with more than 500 distinguishedmen of great wealth, who proved by their own achievements that this philosophy ispractical.

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