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  • - Cómo Encontrar tu Yo Sensible y Usar tu Don para Sanar y Ayudar a los Demás mientras Proteges tu Energía Positiva
    af Natalia Adams
    108,95 kr.

    EMPATÍA¿Eres más sensible que la persona promedio? ¿Sientes que entiendes las emociones de otras personas mejor que ellas mismas?Si es así, sigue leyendo...Ser una persona empática no es fácil, pero, una vez que entiendes tus fortalezas y las usas adecuadamente, la vida será mucho más plena y significativa para ti.Las personas empáticas pueden sentirse como si estuvieran atrapadas en el lodo porque son muy sensibles. Sin embargo, si eres capaz de aprender a controlar tus emociones y a usarlas de forma que te beneficien a ti también, no solo a otras personas, puedes usar este don a tu favor.Esto es lo que vas a aprender: Los 6 tipos de Empatía.6 beneficios de ser una persona empática.Usar tu don en situaciones de la vida real como trabajo, aficiones y relaciones.Cómo conectar y tratar con tu familia y pareja siendo una persona empática.Cómo lidiar correctamente con los narcisistas.Cómo puedes usar tu poder para sanar a los demás y crear un mundo más sano.Protegerte de los vampiros energéticos.Cómo convertir la energía negativa en positiva sin importar las circunstancias.6 trucos de cuidado personal para tener una vida más sana y feliz.Cristales curativos y los tipos de cristales que necesitas para ayudarte a sanar. ¡Encuentra tu verdadero yo y aprovéchate de tu poder hoy mismo!

  • - Gana Paz Interior al Entender e Implementar el Budismo en tu Vida para Incrementar tu Energía y Reducir el Estrés y la Ansiedad
    af Natalia Adams
    153,95 kr.

    BUDISMO PARA PRINCIPIANTESUna guía intuitiva hacia una de las tres religiones mayoritarias del mundo y hacia la sabiduría que hay detrás de su filosofía y sus enseñanzas.Hubo una vez un príncipe que dejó todo lo que tenía para recorrer el Camino de Medio y alcanzar la iluminación. Se conmovió tanto por el sufrimiento y los problemas de las personas que vio fuera de los muros de su palacio que abandonó su vida de riqueza y todo lo que un príncipe podría querer para buscar una forma de acabar con el ciclo del sufrimiento. Sus acciones dieron lugar al nacimiento de una de las religiones más pacíficas del mundo.Cualquier principiante que busque iniciarse en el Budismo va a necesitar Budismo para Principiantes en su biblioteca. El Budismo es una de las tres religiones más antiguas y, aun así, sigue sin entenderse por completo todo lo que esta religión abarca. A pesar de ser una religión, el aspecto más notable que la distingue del resto es que el Budismo no venera a ningún dios o deidad. Sí, Buda no era un dios; era una persona. Fue un príncipe, sí, pero no un dios.El príncipe Siddhartha Gautama fue el primer Buda que caminó sobre la Tierra y, desde entonces, ha habido muchos otros Budas. Buda no es una persona, sino el nombre de aquellos que se las han arreglado para alcanzar con éxito lo que todos los budistas buscan: la iluminación y el nirvana. Si te has preguntado alguna vez por qué las estatuas de Buda parecen ser tan diferentes, esta es una de las razones. El príncipe Siddhartha fue el primero, pero, definitivamente, no fue el último.El Budismo es una religión que se centra en enseñar a sus seguidores sobre el sufrimiento, las causas de ese sufrimiento y lo que pueden hacer para poner fin a ese ciclo. El sufrimiento es una parte inevitable de la vida y, aun así, es una parte que casi todos nos empeñamos en negar. El Budismo cree que la clave de la felicidad reside en nuestra habilidad de abrazar el sufrimiento de la vida y desarrollar una mayor comprensión del mundo que nos rodea para que, algún día, podamos dejar de sentirnos afligidos por el dolor que trae el sufrimiento.Esta es la guía ideal para cualquiera que esté buscando ampliar su comprensión de esta extraordinaria religión y la forma en que sus enseñanzas pueden transformar la forma en que vivimos. Budismo para Principiantes aborda lo siguiente: Una mirada histórica al Budismo y la historia de un príncipe.Cómo la filosofía budista puede usarse para vivir una vida mejor.Una mirada a la vida, la muerte y la espiritualidad.Comprender lo que significa ser budista.Una introducción a los gestos, la disciplina correcta y las prácticas.Comprender el sufrimiento, el karma, la reencarnación y el yoga.Cómo es la vida de un budista.Las prácticas que puedes implementar en tu vida.Atención plena y técnicas de aceptación para ayudarte a controlar la ansiedad y el estrés.La dieta de un budista, Prácticas de meditación.Lo que no sabías sobre el Budismo.¡Sube y añádelo a la cesta para conseguir tu copia hoy mismo!

  • - Gain Inner Peace Through Buddhism Teachings While Finding Your Sensitive Self To Heal And Help Others Through Your Empath Abilities
    af Natalia Adams
    118,95 kr.

    Empath and BuddhismBeing an Empath isn't easy, but once you understand your strengths and use them accordingly, life will be much more fulfilling and meaningful for you.Empaths can sometimes get stuck in the mud because they're so sensitive. However, if you're able to learn how to control your emotions and use them in a way that benefits you and not just the other person, you can really use this to your advantage in life.This is also the ideal guide for anyone who is looking to broaden their understanding of the Buddhism religion and it's positive way of life to transform the way that you live.Here Is What You're Going To Learn About...The 6 types of Empaths6 benefits of being an EmpathUsing your gift in real life situations such as work life, hobbies and relationshipsHow to connect and deal with your family and partner when being an EmpathHow to go about a narcissist the right wayHow you can use your power to heal others and create a healthier worldProtecting yourself from energy vampiresHow to turn negative energy into positive energy no matter the circumstance6 self care hacks that will create a healthier and happier lifeCrystal healing and the types of crystals you need to help you healA historical look at Buddhism and the story of a princeHow Buddhist philosophy can be used to live a better life A look at life, death, and spiritualityUnderstanding what it means to be a BuddhistAn introduction into the gestures, Right Discipline, and practicesThe benefits of BuddhismUnderstanding suffering, karma, reincarnation, and yogaWhat the life of a Buddhist is likeThe practices you can implement in your life3 Mindfulness and acceptance techniques to help manage stress and anxietyA Buddhist's dietMeditative practicesWhat you didn't know about BuddhismFind your true self and take advantage of your power.Scroll Up and 'Add To Cart' To Get Your Copy Today!

  • - Gain Inner Peace by Understanding and Implementing Buddhism in Your Life to Increase Your Energy and Reduce Stress and Anxiety
    af Natalia Adams
    118,95 kr.

    Buddhism For BeginnersAn insightful guide into one of the world's three major religions and wisdom behind its philosophy and teachings. There once was a prince who left everything; he had to walk the Middle Path and attain enlightenment. So moved was he by the sufferings and the plight of the people that he saw outside the palace walls that he left a life of wealth, riches, and everything that a prince could want to search for a way to end the cycle of suffering. His actions brought about the birth of one of the world's most peace-loving religions Any beginner who is looking to take up Buddhism is going to need Buddhism for Beginners in their library. Buddhism is one of the world's three oldest religions, yet not many fully understand what this religion encompasses. Despite being a religion, the one notable thing about Buddhism that distinguishes it from the rest is that Buddhism does not worship any God or deity. Yes, Buddha was not a God; he was a person. A former prince maybe, but not a God. Prince Siddhartha Gautama was the very first Buddha to walk the earth, and since then, several Buddhas have come and gone. Buddha is not a person, but a name for those who have managed to successfully attain what all Buddhists seek to do: Attain Nirvana (Enlightenment). If you were wondering why the statues of Buddha always seem to be depicted different, this is one of the reasons why. Prince Siddhartha was the first, but he certainly was not the last. Buddhism is a religion that focuses on teaching its followers about suffering, the causes of suffering, and what they can do to end the cycle. Suffering is an inevitable part of life, yet it is a part that nearly everyone strives or deny. Yet, Buddhism believes that the key to happiness lies in our ability to embrace the sufferings of this life, and develop a greater understanding of the world around us so that we might one day no longer be afflicted by the pain that suffering brings. This is the ideal guide for anyone who is looking to broaden their understanding of this remarkable religion and the way its teachings can transform the way that we live. What Buddhism for Beginners is going to cover includes: - A historical look at Buddhism and the story of a prince- How Buddhist philosophy can be used to live a better life - A look at life, death, and spirituality- Understanding what it means to be a Buddhist- An introduction into the gestures, Right Discipline, and practices- The benefits of Buddhism- Understanding suffering, karma, reincarnation, and yoga- What the life of a Buddhist is like- The practices you can implement in your life- Mindfulness and acceptance techniques to help manage stress and anxiety- A Buddhist's diet- Meditative practices- What you didn't know about BuddhismScroll Up and 'Add To Cart' To Get Your Copy Today!

  • - How to Find Your Sensitive Self and Use Your Gift to Heal and Help Others While Protecting Your Positive Energy
    af Natalia Adams
    173,95 kr.

    Empath Are you more senstive than the average person?Do you feel like you understand peoples emotions more than they do? If so keep reading...If you can relate to this, then analyzing your true self through this book is a must to take your life and relationships to the next level.Being an Empath isnt easy, but once you understand your strengths and use them accordingly, life will be much fulfilling and meaningful for you.Empaths can sometimes get stuck in the mud because theyre so sensitive, once you are able to control your emotions and use them in a way that benefits you and not just the other person, you can 10x your life real quick. Here Is What You're Going To Learn About... 6 Types of Empaths and which one are you 6 benefits of being an empath Using your gift in real life situations sucha s work life, hobbies etc Family and Relationships when being an Empath How to deal with meeting Narccissts How you can use your power to heal others and create a healthier world Protecting youself from energy vampires and how you can turn negative energy into Positive energy 6 self care hacks that will creat a healthier and happier life Crystal healing and the types of crystals you need to help you heal Find your true self and take advantage of your power today!

  • - Gain Inner Peace by Understanding and Implementing Buddhism in Your Life to Increase Your Energy and Reduce Stress and Anxiety
    af Natalia Adams
    128,95 kr.

    Buddhism For Beginners An insightful guide into one of the world's three major religions and wisdom behind its philosophy and teachings. There once was a prince who left everything; he had to walk the Middle Path and attain enlightenment. So moved was he by the sufferings and the plight of the people that he saw outside the palace walls that he left a life of wealth, riches, and everything that a prince could want to search for a way to end the cycle of suffering. His actions brought about the birth of one of the world's most peace-loving religions Any beginner who is looking to take up Buddhism is going to need Buddhism for Beginners in their library. Buddhism is one of the world's three oldest religions, yet not many fully understand what this religion encompasses. Despite being a religion, the one notable thing about Buddhism that distinguishes it from the rest is that Buddhism does not worship any God or deity. Yes, Buddha was not a God; he was a person. A former prince maybe, but not a God. Prince Siddhartha Gautama was the very first Buddha to walk the earth, and since then, several Buddhas have come and gone. Buddha is not a person, but a name for those who have managed to successfully attain what all Buddhists seek to do: Attain Nirvana (Enlightenment). If you were wondering why the statues of Buddha always seem to be depicted different, this is one of the reasons why. Prince Siddhartha was the first, but he certainly was not the last. Buddhism is a religion that focuses on teaching its followers about suffering, the causes of suffering, and what they can do to end the cycle. Suffering is an inevitable part of life, yet it is a part that nearly everyone strives or deny. Yet, Buddhism believes that the key to happiness lies in our ability to embrace the sufferings of this life, and develop a greater understanding of the world around us so that we might one day no longer be afflicted by the pain that suffering brings. This is the ideal guide for anyone who is looking to broaden their understanding of this remarkable religion and the way its teachings can transform the way that we live. What Buddhism for Beginners is going to cover includes: - A historical look at Buddhism and the story of a prince - How Buddhist philosophy can be used to live a better life - A look at life, death, and spirituality - Understanding what it means to be a Buddhist - An introduction into the gestures, Right Discipline, and practices - The benefits of Buddhism - Understanding suffering, karma, reincarnation, and yoga - What the life of a Buddhist is like - The practices you can implement in your life - Mindfulness and acceptance techniques to help manage stress and anxiety - A Buddhist's diet - Meditative practices - What you didn't know about BuddhismScroll Up and 'Add To Cart' To Get Your Copy Today!

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