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  • af Nathan Busenitz
    137,95 kr.

    Un texto indispensable para todo varón que desea crecer en piedad. ¿Cuál es el llamado de Dios para el hombre verdadero? ¿Qué es la masculinidad bíblica y cómo podemos cultivarla?Encontrarás respuestas a estas preguntas vitales en la vida de los varones de la Biblia, hombres como Abraham, David, Nehemías, Pablo y Timoteo. Todos ellos lucharon con los mismos asuntos que tú y otros varones enfrentan hoy. De su historia, aprenderás que el hombre verdadero...- anda por fe y ora con valentía- disfruta de la adoración y dirige con valor- atesora la Palabra de Dios y huye de la tentación- rehúsa claudicar y encuentra su satisfacción en Dios ¡Acepta el desafío de convertirte en un hombre verdadero, el hombre que Dios quiere que seas! Incluye preguntas de reflexión personal. ¿Qué rasgos de carácter valora Dios?Ser un hombre verdadero no tiene nada que ver con la fuerza física, con la habilidad atlética, con la riqueza financiera ni con el estatus social. En cambio, tiene todo que ver con una integridad personal, una obediencia de corazón y una dependencia diaria del Señor. La humildad, la fe y el amor son los rasgos de carácter de un hombre de verdad, uno que halla favor con Dios.En las páginas de este libro, te alentará leer sobre los santos de antaño, hombres como Abraham, Daniel y Pablo, que honraron al Señor mediante su fidelidad a Él. Recordarás el estándar al que Dios te ha llamado como creyente que anhela obedecer su Palabra. Serás desafiado a mantenerte firme, exhortado a vivir en rectitud, refrescado por la verdad de Dios y consolado por su gracia. En medio de todo esto, inevitablemente identificarás un tema recurrente. Este ha sido el tema de este breve prólogo. Es el tema de la vida de todo varón piadoso y debería ser el tema de la tuya también: El hombre verdadero camina con Dios. A must-read for any man who desires to grow in godliness. What is God's calling for men? What character qualities does He value?What is biblical manhood, and how is it cultivated?You'll find the answers to these all-important questions in the lives of the men of the Bible men like Abraham. David, Nehemiah, Paul, and Timothy. Every one of them struggled with the same issues men like you face today. From them, you'll learn that real men..- live by faith- pray with boldness- love to worship- lead with courage- treasure God's Word- flee temptation- refuse to compromise- find satisfaction in God Take the challenge to become all God wants you to be. His Word shows you the way. And you'll experience the successes and blessings only the Lord can give as you press on toward the heavenly prize.Includes Study Guide

  • af Nathan Busenitz
    187,95 kr.

    The church today faces great challenges. Right Thinking in a Church Gone Astray offers responses from trusted evangelical voices on 15 timely issues. With a careful look at God's Word, this resource provides much-needed clarity and biblical guidance.

  • af Nathan Busenitz
    137,95 kr.

    "Forerunners of the Faith lifts the eyes of its readers beyond the events and figures of the past. It places the focus on the Lord Jesus--on His work, His Word, and the worship He deserves."-John MacArthurSince 2009, Fundamentals of the Faith grounded thousands in the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. Forerunners of the Faith is a new course from of Grace Community Church and The Master's Seminary that will deepen your studies by introducing you to how God has moved sovereignly through church history.This rich and easy-to-follow curriculum traces the trials and triumphs of the historical church and provides insights into how God used ordinary men to uphold the integrity of His Word and witness to the world. These 13 lessons examine significant events of church history and how faithful servants became the pillars of faith we recognize them to be today: The Biblical FrameworkFrom Pentecost to PatmosThe Disciples of the ApostlesContending for the FaithDefending the Deity of Christ Grace and TruthControversies and CouncilsSchisms, Scholars, and SoldiersForerunners to the ReformationAfter Darkness, LightFrom Reformation to RevivalThe Gospel Goes ForthThe Battle for the Bible More than a didactic resource, Forerunners of the Faith offers spiritual encouragement and reminders of God's consistent faithfulness to his people. Bolster and enrich your faith by encountering the legacy of faithful believers on whose shoulders we stand."A compelling and Christ-exalting journey awaits you on the pages that follow."-John MacArthur

  • af Nathan Busenitz
    157,95 kr.

    Where was the gospel before the Reformation?Contemporary evangelicals often struggle to answer that question. As a result, many Roman Catholics are quick to allege that the Reformation understanding of the gospel simply did not exist before the 1500s. They assert that key Reformation doctrines, like sola fide, were nonexistent in the first fifteen centuries of church history. Rather, they were invented by Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others.That is a serious charge, and one that evangelicals must be ready to answer. If an evangelical understanding of the gospel is only 500 years old, we are in major trouble. However, if it can be demonstrated that Reformers were not inventing something new, but instead were recovering something old, then key tenets of the Protestant faith are greatly affirmed. Hence, the need for this book.

  • af Nathan Busenitz
    187,95 kr.

    How can we as Christians know how best to respond when the state encroaches upon the church? God vs. Government looks to the Bible for answers about remaining discerning and faithful to our heavenly Father's commands even when society tells us to do otherwise.

  • af Nathan Busenitz
    207,95 kr.

    This resource reinforces one's personal faith and provides a clear, concise, evangelistic tool to help share that faith with others.

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