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Bøger af Neil Gaiman

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  • Spar 25%
    af Neil Gaiman
    82,95 - 263,95 kr.

    Neil Gaiman genfortæller på ægte Gaimansk facon med dybde, passion og humor de fascinerende historier fra den nordiske mytologi. Gaiman forbliver tro mod myterne og formidler dem, så både unge og voksne trækkes ind i de gamle guders magtkampe, deres letantændelige temperamenter og deres forsøg på at narre hinanden og skabe intriger. ”Læser man mere end fire ord, har man vanskeligt ved at stoppe. Man ønsker mere. Man borer sine øjne ind i fortællingen og lader den folde sig ud.” Nordjyske Stiftstidende, 5 stjerner af 6 ”En gedigen genfortælling af de nordiske myter.” Politiken, 4 af 6 hjerter ”Helt igennem fantastisk!” "Bogen er yderst underholdende. Den er delt op så hver historie har sit egen afsnit i romanen. De er alle delt op i kapitler så man kan, hvis man har lyst, sagtens læse myterne lidt af gangen. Hvis der skulle komme endnu en bog om mytologi fra Gaimans hånd – vil jeg stille mig som først i køen. Han skriver fremragende." "Mytologier er fantastiske og Gaiman serverer dem her (i en virkelig god oversættelse af Karen Vad Bruun og Benni Bødker) i et meget spiseligt og fængende sprog. De er let tilgængelige og en rigtig god indgang til mytologien. I øvrigt både for nye, men også læsere, der allerede kender til de mytiske fortællinger. Oplagt julegave, hvis du spørger mig." "Guddommeligt." "En fed læseoplevelse.", 4 af 5 stjerner "Ved at fortolke fortællingerne så trofast og med så stor glæde tager Gaiman rollen som skjald og opfordrer os til at sætte os tæt sammen på en kølig vinternat og klukle og undre os sammen med ham." Financial Times "Gaimans genfortællinger burde være alle læseres første bog om nordisk mytologi." KIRKUS

  • - The Doll's House 30th Anniversary Edition
    af Neil Gaiman
    166,95 kr.

    The second installment of Neil Gaiman s seminal series, THE SANDMAN VOL. 2: THE DOLL S HOUSE, celebrates its 30th anniversary with all all-new edition!

  • af Neil Gaiman & Sam Kieth
    158,95 kr.

  • - Graphic novel
    af Neil Gaiman
    165,95 kr.

    Coraline er en graphic novel med farveillustrationer af P. Craig Russel. Bogen er en blanding af tegneserie, moderne eventyr og gåsehudsfremkaldende gyser; stramt komponeret og fyldt med en elementær og foruroligende spænding, der river læseren med fra første side.Den bygger på Neil Gaimans berømte børnebog Coraline. Da Coraline udkom som roman i 2003 i Danmark skrev pressen bl.a.: "Den er frækt og friskt skrevet med et tydeligt overskud og en udpræget visuel sans. Man vil sent glemme Coralines mildt sagt dominerende anden mor." – Børn & Bøger, Benni Bødker.Coraline er også filmatiseret.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    97,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    143,95 kr.

    Coraline er en blanding af  moderne eventyr og gåsehudsfremkaldende gyser. Bogen er stramt komponeret og fyldt med en elementær og foruroligende spænding, der river barnet med fra første side. Bogens mange betydningslag og tolkningsmuligheder har fået amerikanske kritiker og forfattere til at lovprise bogen og sammenligne den med Narnia og Alice i eventyrland."I think this book will nudge "Alice in Wonderland" out of its niche at last. It is the most splendid original, weird and frightening book I have ever read, and yet full of things children will love." - Diana Wynne Jones.Pressen skrev:»Oh, at skulle læse Coraline for første gang! … Her er en glædelig, gysende angelsaksisk fantasi om at stå på egne ben og mærke verden for fuld forældreløs styrke. Et magisk værk!«***** - Steffen Larsen, PolitikenAnbefalet som årets børnebog til sommerferien 2013 i PolitikenAnbefalet i Politikens gaveguide til børne- og ungdomsbøger, julen 2013

  • af Neil Gaiman
    97,95 kr.

    The unique and brilliant first novel from storytelling genius Neil Gaiman, author of the bestselling The Ocean at the End of the Lane

  • af Neil Gaiman
    166,95 kr.

    A stunning graphic novel adaptation of Neil Gaiman's retelling of Snow White.

  • af Neil Gaiman & Shawn McManus
    166,95 kr.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    215,95 kr.

    _______________From award-winning author Neil Gaiman comes this collector's edition box set, which contains paperback editions of three of his bestselling novels: The Graveyard Book, Coraline, and Fortunately, The Milk. Each book in this set is illustrated in trademark inspired, hilarious and moving style by acclaimed artist Chris RIddell, Children's Laureate and two-time winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal.From the creepy mists of the strange house in Coraline to the laugh-out-loud hilarity of Fortunately, the Milk, this box set is guaranteed to delight children and adults alike. The Graveyard Book: Nobody Owens, known to his friends as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn't live in a graveyard, raised and educated by ghosts. There are dangers and adventures for Bod in the graveyard. But it is in the land of the living that the real danger lurks, for it is there that the man Jack lives.Coraline:There is something strange about Coraline's new home. It's not the mist, or the cat that always seems to be watching her. It's the other house. Another mother and father with black-button eyes are waiting for Coraline to join them there. And they want her to stay with them. For ever...Fortunately, the Milk:Mum's away. Dad's in charge. There's no milk. So Dad saves the day by going to buy some. Really, that's all that happens. Very boring. There are absolutely NO aliens, pirates, or intergalactic police inside. And most definitely NOT a time-travelling hot-air balloon piloted by the brilliant dinosaur scientist Professor Steg...

  • af Neil Gaiman
    97,95 kr.

    The extraordinary, highly acclaimed novel from storytelling genius Neil Gaiman

  • af Neil Gaiman
    186,95 kr.

  • af Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
    146,95 kr.

    The hilarious end-of-the-world novel from two of the giants of fantasy fiction.

  • af Neil Gaiman & Sam Kieth
    238,95 kr.

  • - Fables and Reflections
    af Neil Gaiman
    166,95 kr.

    The sixth instalment of Neil Gaiman s seminal, New York Times best-selling series, The Sandman Vol. 6: Fables and Reflections, celebrates its 30th anniversary with an all-new edition, featuring a new cover from artist Dave McKean!

  • af Neil Gaiman
    88,95 - 198,95 kr.

    When a girl ventures through a hidden door she finds a secret world with shocking similarities to her own.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    158,95 kr.

    Vi kender alle eventyret om Hans og Grete, men i Neil Gaimans nyfortolkning og med John Kenn Mortensens tegninger er der noget at komme efter for både nye og ældre læsere.Gaimans eventyr om Hans og Grete er en dyster fortælling om de to børn, som efterlades alene i den store, mørke skov. I John Kenn Mortensens karakteristiske illustrationer understreges uhyggen, og resultatet er et mørkt eventyr om hungersnød, sult og fortvivlelse - men også om to børns stædige kamp for overlevelse og tilgivelse af de voksne, som satte dem i den umulige situation.Pressen skriver:»Det løber én koldt ned ad ryggen, når man læser og ikke mindst studerer illustrationerne i Hans & Grete – og det er netop også meningen. Illustrationerne emmer af fortvivlelse og dunkelhed, så de giver en ekstra dimension til det velkendte eventyr, og bogen kan varmt anbefales til store og små.«***** – Christoffer Boserup Skov, JAGOO, 27. oktober 2015»Neil Gaiman leverer en særdeles velfortalt nyfortolkning, som klokkeklart lever op til eventyrets tradition om på én og samme tid at skræmme og fortrylle sine læsere.«–»Neil Gaiman og John Kenn Mortensen har skabt et flot værk, eller rettere sagt; en smuk moderne genfortælling af det velkendte eventyr.«(7/10 stjerner) –»Tykke, lækre sider som i stedet for at være den typiske hvide farve har fået en lys brun farve, der giver historien en mere eventyrlig stemning. Mortensens smukke tegninger tilføjer en stor del af den dystre, smukke eventyrstemning der er at finde i hele bogen«(4/5 stjerner) –, 27. november 2015»Denne bog er blot et bevis på, at når to mesterværker, som Gaiman og 'Hans og Grethe', slår sig sammen, så bliver det intet mindre end fantastisk.«***** –, 2. december 2015»Flot udgave af eventyret i lækkert layout. De markante og uhyggelige tegninger giver bogen kant.«– Lektør, uge 1, 2016

  • af Neil Gaiman
    186,95 kr.

    The day after they moved in, Coraline went exploring.... In Coraline's family's new flat are twenty-one windows and fourteen doors. Thirteen of the doors open and close.The fourteenth is locked, and on the other side is only a brick wall, until the day Coraline unlocks the door to find a passage to another flat in another house just like her own.Only it's different.At first, things seem marvelous in the other flat. The food is better. The toy box is filled with wind-up angels that flutter around the bedroom, books whose pictures writhe and crawl and shimmer, little dinosaur skulls that chatter their teeth. But there's another mother, and another father, and they want Coraline to stay with them and be their little girl. They want to change her and never let her go.Other children are trapped there as well, lost souls behind the mirrors. Coraline is their only hope of rescue. She will have to fight with all her wits and all the tools she can find if she is to save the lost children, her ordinary life, and herself.Critically acclaimed and award-winning author Neil Gaiman will delight readers with his first novel for all ages.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    2.178,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the captivating world of the 'Sandman Box Set', a masterpiece penned by the renowned author Neil Gaiman. Published recently in 2020, this riveting collection encompasses the unique genre of fantasy and dark mythological tales that Gaiman is celebrated for. The Sandman Box Set is a journey into a world where dream and reality intertwine, where timeless myths meet modern narratives. Gaiman's imaginative storytelling and unforgettable characters make this a must-read for any fan of graphic novels. This set is a testament to Gaiman's creative prowess and his ability to weave intricate tales that captivate the reader's imagination. Published by the esteemed DC Comics, the Sandman Box Set is not just a collection of stories; it's an invitation to traverse the labyrinth of the human psyche through the eyes of the Dream King and his realm. Don't miss out on this timeless collection from one of the greatest storytellers of our time.

  • - Season of Mists 30th Anniversary New Edition
    af Neil Gaiman
    166,95 kr.

    The fourth installment of Neil Gaiman s seminal series, THE SANDMAN VOL. 4: SEASON OF MISTS, celebrates its 30th anniversary with all all-new edition!

  • af Neil Gaiman
    1.349,95 kr.

    Regardless of cultures or historical eras, all dreamers visit Morpheus' realm. Upon his escape from an embarrassing captivity at the hands of a mere mortal, Morpheus finds himself at a crossroads, forced to deal with the enormous changes within both himself and his realm.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    156,95 kr.

    Neil Gaiman''s enchanting, nationally bestselling children''s book Coraline is brought to new life by acclaimed artist P. Craig Russell in this gorgeously illustrated graphic novel adaptation.When Coraline steps through a door to find another house strangely similar to her own (only better), things seem marvelous.But there''s another mother there, and another father, and they want her to stay and be their little girl. They want to change her and never let her go.Coraline will have to fight with all her wit and courage if she is to save herself and return to her ordinary life. 

  • - five iconic novels by one of the world's most beloved writers
    af Neil Gaiman
    444,95 kr.

    A box set collection of five iconic novels by Neil Gaiman.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    126,95 kr.

    A glorious reinvention of the iconic bestseller Good Omens, soon to be a massive new TV launch on Amazon Prime Video and the BBC.

  • af Neil Gaiman & Jill Thompson
    166,95 kr.

  • - Adapted for the first time in stunning comic book form
    af Neil Gaiman
    216,95 kr.

    Shadows (Part 1): Now adapted as a graphic novel, the highly acclaimed epic from international bestseller Neil Gaiman.

  • - includes 'Chivalry', this year's Radio 4 Neil Gaiman Christmas special
    af Neil Gaiman
    106,95 kr.

    An extraordinary collection of Neil Gaiman's short fiction that will haunt your imagination and move you to the very depths of your soul.

  • Spar 24%
    af Neil Gaiman
    152,95 kr.

    Et musecirkus, en anden mor, en talende kat og et teater fyldt med hunde. Det er noget af det, du møder i Coraline. Hvis altså du tør følge pigen med det mærkelige navn ind bag den mystiske dør. Ind i en verden, der ved første øjekast ligner virkelighedens, men tag ikke fejl!Coraline er eventyr og gys, som river dig med fra første side.Den moderne klassiker er nu blevet illustreret på fineste vis af den franske illustrator Aurélie Neyret, der fanger stemningen i bogen lige på kornet.Pressen skrev bl.a. om bogen:»Oh, at skulle læse Coraline for første gang! … Her er en glædelig, gysende angelsaksisk fantasi om at stå på egne ben og mærke verden for fuld forældreløs styrke. Et magisk værk!«***** - Steffen Larsen, Politiken

  • af Neil Gaiman
    196,95 kr.

    The storm was coming.Shadow spent three years in prison, keeping his head down, doing his time. All he wanted was to get back to the loving arms of his wife and to stay out of trouble for the rest of his life. But days before his scheduled release, he learns that his wife has been killed in an accident, and his world becomes a colder place. On the plane ride home to the funeral, Shadow meets a grizzled man who calls himself Mr. Wednesday. A self-styled grifter and rogue, Wednesday offers Shadow a job. And Shadow, a man with nothing to lose accepts.But working for the enigmatic Wednesday is not without its price, and Shadow soon learns that his role in Wednesday's schemes will be far more dangerous than he ever could have imagined. Entangled in a world of secrets, he embarks on a wild road trip and encounters, among others, the murderous Czernobog, the impish Mr. Nancy, and the beautiful Easter -- all of whom seem to know more about Shadow than he himself does. Shadow will learn that the past does not die, that everyone, including his late wife, had secrets, and that the stakes are higher than anyone could have imagined. All around them a storm of epic proportions threatens to break. Soon Shadow and Wednesday will be swept up into a conflict as old as humanity itself. For beneath the placid surface of everyday life a war is being fought -- and the prize is the very soul of America. As unsettling as it is exhilarating, American Gods is a dark and kaleidoscopic journey deep into myth and across an America at once eerily familiar and utterly alien. Magnificently told, this work of literary magic will haunt the reader far beyond the final page.

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