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Bøger af Neta Jackson

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  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    128,95 kr.

    RISKING THE FORBIDDEN GAME, Introducing Maude Cary -- For Jamal and Hameem, The Game starts out as a fun and daring contest between the two young boys to see who can collect more items belonging to the "enemy"--the French soldiers who are keeping Morocco from gaining its independence. For a Muslim to be seen with anything belonging to the infidels is among the most punishable of sins, but the excitement of The Game calls to the adventurous boys, who even risk swiping belongings right off of the French soldiers. The Game becomes more risky when Jamal begins collecting pictures from the Christian missionary Maude Cary, whom he meets in the marketplace, Surely a whole set of the pictures must be worth enough points to win The Game! Then jamal realizes that each picture tells a story bout Jesus, and he's torn between believing the missionary's stories and believing the Muslim way. When a French traitor comes to Jamal for help, will he lead Jamal to the Truth? IS BECOMING A CHRISTIAN WORTH LOSING HIS FAMILY?

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    DRAWN BY A CHINA MOON, Introducing Lottie Moon -- "Dear Mollie, You can't believe what is happening here in China. . . ." Actually, what Mollie can't believe is that her best friend, Ida, and her family left Virginia to live in a "heathen" country. What about marrying handsome Southern husbands? Going to women's college together? However, Mollie's frustration slowly turns to fascination as Ida's letters describe her exciting life among the Chinese-sea worms for supper, wearing men's pants, Chinese New Year, and helping with the amazing missionary work of Lottie Moon. But as the years go by, China endures war, disease, and rebellion, and Molly becomes more and more worried about Ida. Realizing that each letter she receives could be the last, Mollie wants to help her beloved pen pal. But how . . . and at what price? Helping her friend means changing her life...forever!

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    SINKING THE DAYSPRING, Introducing John Paton -- Working at the docks is a dangerous occupation--especially for someone who doesn't know how to swim. But it's all Kevin Gilmore can do to keep himself and his ailing mother afloat. When Kevin is suddenly fired one day, their lives are dealt a terrible blow. The next thing he knows, his mother is dead, and he's on his own. All Kevin has of value are the one hundred shares he and his mother bought from a missionary raising money to build a ship called the Dayspring. The new ship will bring supplies to missionaries living on the islands of the South Sea. When he hears that the very same missionary, John Paton, is in Australia again and ready to launch the Dayspring, Kevin goes to him to cash in his shares, but instead ends up traveling with the missionary on the boat's first trip to the islands. Will the infamous pirate ships that trade rum for goods capture them before the Dayspring is able to reach the island people? IT'S SINK OR SWIM FOR THE BOY WHOSE FEAR IS WATER. . . .

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    AMBUSHED IN JAGUAR SWAMP, Introducing Barbrooke Grubb -- "Someday, foreigners will come who will reveal the mysteries of the spirit world." It seems clear to fourteen-year-old Kyemap that this ancient Lengua prophecy is fulfilled by Barbrooke Grubb. Kyemap wants to accept the missionary's teachings. But he fears the powerful witch doctors whose superstitious murders threaten the tribe's very survival. Kyemap's older cousin Poit takes an interest in the Englishman, too, offering to help him reach other Paraguayan tribes. But Kyemap knows his cousin only too well and suspects Poit is up to no good. Then Grubb takes a trip home, and Poit agrees to watch his herd of cattle. But Poit soon becomes impatient, butchering some cattle and holding feasts to impress tribal leaders. When Grubb returns and asks to see the herd, Poit leads him deep into the treacherous Jaguar Swamp. Kyemap fears the worst. Must he betray his cousin to protect the man whose message could save the Lengua people? Torn between his family and his future, Kyemap seeks the truth ...

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    ASSASSINS IN THE CATHEDRAL, Introducing Festo Kivengere -- With the help of Uganda's famous evangelist Festo Kivengere, Yacobo Kabaza and his family move to the Ugandan capital, Kampala, where Yacobo's father will be the new driver for Archbishop Luwum. As part of the cathedral's upcoming Centennial celebration, the archbishop asks Yacobo, an aspiring author, to write a play about the legendary three boys who became Uganda's first Christian martyrs. The young teenager is thrilled. However, the growing reign of terror of General Idi Amin and his "Special Forces," who falsely suspect the church of helping the rebels, overshadows Yacobo's excitement. When the archbishop doesn't return from a meeting with Amin, officials claim he died in a "car accident." Kivengere is forced to flee the country. But the church bravely goes on with preparations for the Centennial, and Yacobo's play begins rehearsals, with his brother, Blasio, playing the youngest martyr. As the Special Forces circle closer, and the legend of the martyrs becomes alarmingly real, will Yacobo have the strength to survive? Faced with death, their weapon is love.

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    THE DRUMMER BOY'S BATTLE, Introducing Florence Nightingale -- After their father dies, Robbie Robinson and his older brother, Peter, join the British army in order to make a living for their family. At first, army life is exciting, even fun. Then in 1854, they are sent to Russia to right in the Crimean War-Peter as a member of the famous Light Horse Brigade and twelve-year-old Robbie as a drummer boy. But the brothers are separated during the doomed charge of the Light Brigade, and Robbie fears for Peter's life. An injury to his left hand brings Robbie to Barracks Hospital in Scutari, Turkey, where he hopes to find Peter. Instead he meets Florence Nightingale, a nurse working hard to change for the better the way nurses do their jobs. Robbie becomes Florence's "right-hand man," running errands, delivering messages, and reporting alarming hospital conditions to her. But the doctors and officers running the hospital want to put a stop to Florence's improvements. Will Robbie and his friend find a way to succeed in spite of the challenges? Soldiers are dying all around him, and only Florence Nightingale can help save them!

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    QUEST FOR THE LOST PRINCE, Introducing Samuel Morris -- When the dying Kru king offers a ransom for his missing son, fourteen-year-old Jova determines to find Prince Kaboo, no matter what the danger. Without a prince to take the old king's place, his people will almost surely be defeated by their long-time enemies, the Grebos! And as a former captive of the cruel Grebos, there is nothing Jova fears more. But Jova has a secret advantage over the other young warriors who set out on the dangerous quest-he knows where to look for the missing prince! Only Jova followed Prince Kaboo when he miraculously escaped the Grebo village where they both were held. And only Jova knows the prince traveled to the dreaded "white man's city"-a place filled with people so strange-looking Jova was too fearful to enter. Now his search must take him right to that terrible place. What will he find when he arrives? For six long years, Jova has kept the secret. . . .

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    DANGER ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE: Introducing D.L. Moody -- Fourteen-year-old Casey Watkins wants nothing more than to escape his family's dreary, bare-bones life in the Philadelphia of 1893. When he learns of an opening in Adam Forepaugh's Circus, it seems like the perfect escape, and he convinces his mother and sister to join with him. Then "The Flying Eugenes," a family of trapeze artists, offer Casey a role in their death-defying act, and he is elated. Flying on the trapeze is more exciting than he ever dreamed! The pressure is on-Casey has only a few weeks to learn the act before the circus arrives in Chicago in time for the famous World's Fair. Once in Chicago, the boy is fascinated by D. L. Moody, the dynamic evangelist who preaches to standing-room-only crowds in the circus Big Top Sunday mornings. Casey never imagined that church could be more popular than the circus! But then a dangerous accident leaves him paralyzed with fear, and he runs to Moody looking for a way out. Will the evangelist be able to help him? The circus is counting on him . . . what if he falls?

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    THE QUEEN'S SMUGGLER Introducing William Tyndale Sarah Poyntz is the daughter of an English merchant who operates a shipping business from Antwerp, Belgium, in 1535. Her father is very interested in the ideas of William Tyndale, who has fled England as a condemned outlaw for refusing to stop his translation work of the English Bible. Tyndale believes that the Word of God should be read by the common people in their own language, a belief shared by the Poyntz family. But when Tyndale is captured and imprisoned, Sarah becomes the only hope for saving his fife. If she can successfully smuggle a copy of Tyndale's New Testament into the hands of the king's wife, Queen Anne, perhaps she can persuade him to spare Tyndale's life. If Sarah's desperate mission fails, her family is in peril of their lives. Will she have the courage to go through with it? Can Tyndale's life be spared?

  • af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    102,95 kr.

    ESCAPE FROM THE SLAVE TRADERS Introducing David Livingstone An urgent call for help cut through the morning mists that floated along the shore of Lake Shirwa. Two young African boys, Wikatani and Chuma, had been captured by slave traders, but the desperate cry would never reach their village. Easily overpowered by their captors, the boys' only hope is to endure a ruthless march through the jungles that takes them far from their village to a destination unknown. Where are the cruel Red Caps taking them? What chance might the boys have to escape? If they manage to escape, how will they ever find their way home again? Fortunately for Wikatani and Chuma, there is help on the way. David Livingstone, a missionary and British government official, is doing everything he can to put a halt to the slave traders who are devastating southeastern Africa during the 1860s. But is there any reason to hope that he might help two young boys? Will they have the courage to face the phenomenal adventure and peril before them?

  • af Neta Jackson
    163,95 kr.

    The Yada Yada Prayer Group is in trouble --- and they're having a hard time getting out.

  • af Neta Jackson
    160,95 kr.

    Prayer is a powerful spiritual weapon. And the Yada Yadas are about to learn just how strong it really is.

  • af Neta Jackson
    162,95 kr.

    Ruth and Ben are caught up in an unplanned pregnancy--in their 50s. Chanda is deluded by the glitter of her lottery dream come true. Florida wants to move her family, hoping to leave trouble behind. Avis is torn between honoring her new husband and helping her abused adult daughter.

  • af Neta Jackson
    161,95 kr.

    Ruth and Ben are caught up in an unplanned pregnancy--in their 50s. Chanda is deluded by the glitter of her lottery dream come true. Florida wants to move her family, hoping to leave trouble behind. Avis is torn between honoring her new husband and helping her abused adult daughter.

  • af Neta Jackson
    177,95 kr.

    PENNY WISE (Book 3 in the Windy City Neighbors series) introduces us to yet another family in "the neighborhood"-the Jaspers, busy with demanding jobs, busy with church, busy volunteering, parents of three active teenagers, juggling sometimes crazy schedules. All good things. Until all those "good things" feed into a series of crises that affects the whole family. Something's gotta change!PENNY WISE is a contemporary peek at an urban family wrestling with the spiritual and practical challenges of real life. The series employs the innovating storytelling technique of "parallel novels," each with its own drama and story arc, but whose characters' lives become intertwined with their neighbors and affect one another. Welcome to Beecham Street-a typical, isolated American neighborhood that is beginning to come out of its shell . . . for better or worse.

  • - A family treasury of true stories from the lives of Christian heroes.
    af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    197,95 kr.

  • - A family treasury of true stories from the lives of Christian heroes.
    af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    197,95 kr.

    Timeless Lessons for families from great Christians of the past.Drawn from the lives of fifteen key Christian heroes, Hero Tales, Vol. II is a beautifully illustrated treasury of forty-five exciting and educational readings designed to help foster Christian character qualities in families with elementary-age children. This inspiring collection presents a short biography and three true stories for each hero, including: John Bunyan, John Newton, Jim Elliot, Florence Nightingale, Watchman Nee, and Corrie ten Boom.Whether read together at family devotions or alone, Hero Tales, Vol II is an ideal way to acquaint children six to twelve with historically important Christians while imparting valuable lessons.This is volume II in a series of four Hero Tales originally published by Bethany House Publishers and is now republished by Castle Rock Creative

  • - A family treasury of true stories from the lives of Christian heroes.
    af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    197,95 kr.

    Timeless Lessons for families from great Christians of the past.Drawn from the lives of fifteen key Christian heroes, Hero Tales, Vol. III is a beautifully illustrated treasury of forty-five exciting and educational readings designed to help foster Christian character qualities in families with elementary-age children. This inspiring collection presents a short biography and three true stories for each hero, including: Billy Graham, Louis Palau, Mother Theresa, Brother Andrew, Lottie Moon, Jonathan & Rosalind Goforth.Whether read together at family devotions or alone, Hero Tales, Vol II is an ideal way to acquaint children six to twelve with historically important Christians while imparting valuable lessons.This is volume II in a series of four Hero Tales originally published by Bethany House Publishers and is now republished by Castle Rock Creative

  • af Neta Jackson
    154,95 kr.

    Jackson examines the many facets of forgiveness, grace, racial prejudice and healing in this enjoyable follow-up to "The Yada Yada Prayer Group." When a wildly diverse group of women gets together to pray, they have no idea how God's gonna rock their world.

  • af Neta Jackson
    112,95 kr.

    What do an ex-con, a former drug addict, a real estate broker, a college student and a married mother of two have in common?

  • - Stories of Anabaptist Martyrs Retold from "Martyrs Mirror"
    af Neta Jackson & Dave Jackson
    152,95 kr.

  • - A Yada Yada House of Hope Novel
    af Neta Jackson
    167,95 kr.

    Sometimes you find hope in the last place you look

  • af Neta Jackson
    167,95 kr.

    You can only walk forward when you learn how to lean.

  • af Neta Jackson
    152,95 kr.

    In the last place she ever imagined she'd be, Gabby will discover what she's made of--and for.

  • af Neta Jackson
    163,95 kr.

    A devastating fire wakes up the Yadas to a new reality: God is on the move.

  • af Neta Jackson
    152,95 kr.

    Sometimes the person you most need is the one least like you.

  • af Neta Jackson
    167,95 kr.

    Gabby knows God is the God of second chances. But can she give one to the man who betrayed her?

  • af Neta Jackson
    247,95 kr.

    Bedegruppen der forvandlede liv!Hvad i alverden kan en prøveløsladt, en tidligere narkoman, en ejendomsmægler, en universitetsstuderende og en gift mor til to have til fælles?INTET! Det var i hvert fald hvad Jodi Baxter troede, da hun på Chicago Kvindekonference blev sat i en bedegruppe sammen med elleve andre vidt forskellige kvinder. Men i løbet af konferencen skete der noget, der fik de tolv kvinder til at fortsætte med at bevare kontakten, og det blev starten på Yada yada-bedegruppen.I de kommende måneder går kvinderne fra at maile sammen til at mødes regelmæssigt. Deres forskellige baggrunde bliver til gensidig inspiration og støtte, og da Jodi står over for sit livs største krise, bruger Gud det nydannede fællesskab til at hjælpe hende med at få en helt ny forståelse for hans kærlighed og tilgivelse.En roman med humor og nerve, der vil åbne dine øjne for hvad et bønsfællesskab kan gøre i dit liv - når du tør åbne op og se fordelene ved forskellighederne. Dette er på ingen måde en traditionel bog om bøn - det er en hjertegribende og humoristisk roman, der handler om det levede og levende liv, som møder os alle og inspirerer os til at gå i gang.

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