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Bøger af Nicholas De Lange

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  • af Nicholas De Lange, Elena Narinskaya & Sybil Sheridan
    1.139,95 kr.

  • af Nicholas De Lange
    222,95 kr.

    Comenzando con la pregunta - quien es el pueblo judio?-, esta obra ofrece un lucido estudio del judaismo y del pueblo judio. Escrito para judios y no judios por igual, el libro pone de manifiesto la extraordinaria riqueza y variedad del judaismo, su profundidad historica y el vigor y la resistencia, en ocasiones sorprendente, de sus tradiciones: en el hogar, en la sinagoga, en su literatura, en la vida individual y en la comunitaria. Nicholas de Lange, como estudioso judio y personal conocedor, explica la historia y los pormenores de los rituales y costumbres heredadas; de la religion organizada (sea ortodoxa, conservadora, reformista o liberal); de conceptos como sionismo, diaspora o mesianismo. Pariendo de que la mitad del mundo judio vive en Estados Unidos y el resto se halla ampliamente dispersa; esta obra es sensible al contexto global del judaismo, tanto historicamente como en la actualidad. Examina la filosofia y la teologia del judaismo, especialmete tras el Holocausto, y ofrece especulaciones acerca del futuro. El Dr. de Lange no elude las dificultades planteadas por las cuestiones de la identidad judia y por algunas d las irreconciliables diferencias que existen dentro del judaismo asi como entre el judaismo y otras culturas. El judaismo contiene ilustrativos mapas y tablas, un glosario completo, una cronologia, bibliografia e indice, y puede ser utilizado como libro de consula para comprobar detalles y fechas y tambien como lectura puramente placentera. Se trata de una introduccion estimulante y completa una importante cultura mundial."

  • af Nicholas De Lange
    1.373,95 kr.

    Much scholarly attention has been paid to the Greek Bible translations employed in the Byzantine Church, whereas those used in the Byzantine synagogue have so far been largely ignored. Nicholas de Lange attempts to remedy this lack by collecting together all the available evidence for such translations from the Cairo Genizah fragments and other manuscript sources, setting it within its context in Byzantine Judaism. He traces the history of the translations over a period of a thousand years and demonstrates the persistence of a certain approach to translation which ultimately goes back to ancient Judaism and has left its mark on the Septuagint and in the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as in the Rabbinic literature and the Targums. Much attention focuses on the lost translation of Akylas (also known as Aquila) which played a key role in the dissemination of Rabbinic Judaism in the Greek-speaking communities of the Near East and Europe. There are traces also of the Septuagint, something which raises intriguing questions about a continuing Kulturkampf in Byzantium between Hellenism and Rabbinism; might this have implications for the understanding of Byzantine Karaism and Jewish-Christian relations? Byzantine Judaism played a key role in the transmission of Jewish religious culture from the Near East to Western Europe, meaning that this study has wide ramifications. The book is intended as a contribution to Greek Bible studies, Byzantine studies and Jewish studies. Most of the source materials were discovered and published by the author, with this being the first time they have been brought together and studied in book form.

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