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  • af Nicholas Sparks
    116,95 kr.

    "Un hombre tiene un cuaderno viejo, traído y llevado mil veces, en su regazo. Una mujer a su lado escucha lo que él le lee cada mañana, aunque no acaba de entender.Muchos años antes, Noah Calhoun vuelve a casa, a Carolina del Norte, después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Noah intenta que la plantación de la que procede vuelva a su antigua gloria, pero las imágenes de la preciosa joven que conoció catorce años antes -una mujer a la que amó como a ninguna otra- no paran de perseguirle.A pesar de que no ha sido capaz de volver a encontrarla, tampoco ha conseguido olvidar el verano que pasaron juntos. Es entonces cuando, de manera inesperada, vuelve a dar con ella. Allie Nelson está comprometida con otro hombre, pero reconoce que la pasión que una vez sintió por Noah no ha disminuido ni un ápice con el paso del tiempo. Sin embargo, los obstáculos que una vez impidieron su relación continúan existiendo y la brecha entre sus mundos es demasiado grande como para no hacerle caso.""Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965.Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine y al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y El viaje más largo. Cada suspiro es la vigésima novela del autor con la que se ha confirma como el gran referfente mundial de las novelas de amor y sentiemientos. "

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    116,95 kr.

    "Durante su tercera misión en Irak, el soldado estadounidense Logan Thibault encuentra la fotografía de una joven sonriente medio enterrada en la arena del desierto. En la base, nadie la reclama y él acaba guardándola.De repente Logan empieza a tener suerte: gana en las partidas de póker, sobrevive a un ataque que mata a dos de sus compañeros. De vuelta a EEUU, Logan buscará a la mujer retratada pero desde luego no se espera a la persona fuerte pero vulnerable con la que se topa en Hampton, Carolina del Norte. La atracción que siente por ella le pilla desprevenido así que acaba manteniendo la historia de la fotografía, su amuleto, su secreto.Un secreto que puede acabar destruyendo la maravillosa historia de amor que acaba de comenzar.""Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965.Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine y al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y El viaje más largo. Cada suspiro es la vigésima novela del autor con la que se ha confirma como el gran referfente mundial de las novelas de amor y sentiemientos. "

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    116,95 kr.

    Hace tres años que sus padres se separaron, pero ella nunca lo superó. Su padre, concertista y profesor de piano, vive alejado de todo en una casita cerca de la playa, donde Ronnie y su hermano pequeño irán a pasar las vacaciones. En este entorno idílico, Ronnie descubrirá la importancia de los diferentes tipos de amor que pueden poblar la vida de una persona: el que existe entre padres e hijos, el amor por la música y el más importante para ella, el primer amor por un chico.En esta novela, que se basa en el guion que el propio Nicholas Sparks ha escrito para la película del mismo nombre ?protagonizada por Miley Cyrus?, el autor nos conduce una vez más a través de todas esas relaciones que pueden rompernos el corazón y también por aquellas que conseguirán sanarlo.Por el autor de El cuaderno de Noah y Noches de tormenta.Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965.Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine y al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y El viaje más largo. Cada suspiro es la vigésima novela del autor con la que se ha confirma como el gran referfente mundial de las novelas de amor y sentiemientos.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    116,95 kr.

    La vida de Miles Ryan pareció acabar en el mismo instante en que su mujer murió en un accidente de tráfico hace ya dos años. Missy había sido su primer amor y Miles cree que sin duda será también el último.Como policía en la pequeña localidad de New Bern en Carolina del Norte, además, tiene la posibilidad de seguir investigando para descubrir al responsable de la muerte de Missy, que huyó de la escena del accidente. Sarah Andrews es la profesora del hijo de Miles, Jonah. Sarah abandonó Baltimore tras un divorcio difícil para empezar de cero en el amable pueblo donde ahora vive. Tal vez su propia experiencia es la que le otorga una especial sensibilidad hacia lo que Jonah y su padre están viviendo. Poco a poco, Sarah y Miles empiezan a confiar el uno en el otro, a reír, algo que no habían hecho en años y, finalmente, a enamorarse. Ninguno de los dos será capaz de adivinar lo conectados que están a un terrible descubrimiento que les obligará a cuestionarse todo aquello en lo que siempre habían creído y que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965. Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah, al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine, al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y La última canción. Es autor de más de 20 novelas que han sido traducidas a más de 50 idiomas y publicadas en 25 países.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    116,95 kr.

    Trevor Benson no tuvo intenciones de volver a New Bern, Carolina del Norte. Pero una terrible explosión a las fueras del hospital en el que trabajaba como cirujano, le obliga a volver a casa desde Afganistán con graves heridas. La destartalada cabaña que había heredado de su abuelo parece el lugar ideal para recuperarse.Trevor, que cuida las amadas colmenas de abejas de su abuelo, no está preparado para enamorarse de alguien del pueblo. Sin embargo, desde su primer encuentro, Trevor siente una conexión especial que no puede ignorar con Natalie Masterson, la ayudante del sheriff. Pero incluso cuando ella parecía corresponder a sus sentimientos, Natalie permanece muy distante, haciendo que Trevor se cuestione qué podría estar escondiendo.Para complicar aún más las cosas en New Bern, de pronto aparece Callie, una adolescente que vive en un aparcamiento de caravanas. Al saber que Callie conocía a su abuelo, Trevor espera esclarecer las misteriosas circunstancias de su muerte, pero Callie ofrece muy pocas pistas, hasta que una crisis desencadena una carrera que descubrirá la verdadera naturaleza de su pasado, un pasado mucho más entrelazado con la muerte del anciano de lo que Trevor podría haber imaginado.En su búsqueda por desentrañar los secretos de Natalie y Callie, Trevor aprenderá el verdadero significado del amor y el perdón... y que en la vida, para seguir adelante, a menudo debemos regresar al lugar donde todo comenzó.Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965. Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah, al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine, al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y La última canción. Es autor de más de 20 novelas que han sido traducidas a más de 50 idiomas y publicadas en 25 países.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    144,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Miles Ryan kæmper med sorgen over tabet af sin kone i en bilulykke og med vreden mod den flugtbilist, der kostede hende livet. Ikke mindst sørger han over, at hans søn Jonah nu må vokse op uden sin mor.Sarah Andrews ser, hvordan Jonah kæmper hver dag. Og som hans lærer, ser hun også snart hans fars sorg i øjnene og genkender en spejling af sine egne kvaler.De to nærmer sig hinanden og begynder så småt at læge hinandens dybe sår. Men ingen af dem kan vide, at de er forbundet af en hjerteskærende hemmelighed, der rejser sig som en truende flodbølge mod den gnist, de sammen er ved at gentænde i deres tilværelse.Nicholas Sparks er blandt de mest elskede forfattere til den moderne kærlighedsfortælling, og han har gennem årtier forført læsere kloden over med sine uforglemmelige historier om svimlende forelskelse, tragiske menneskeskæbner og bånd, der aldrig kan brydes.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    147,95 kr.

    Noah Calhouns og Allie Nelsons lever i adskilte verdener. Adskilt af banale klasseskel. Af en hjerteskærende verdenskrig. Af en tung hånd på skæbnens ror.Men en magisk sommer af svimlende forelskelse og gyldne stunder spænder på tværs af alt dette og binder dem uløseligt sammen. Og da Noah i 1946 vender hjem til North Carolina efter at have kæmpet nogle andres krig, må han og Allie beslutte sig for, om deres historie skal afsluttes brat. Eller om den blot er ved at begynde.Notesbogen er en rørende fortælling om kærlighed på trods og om de stjernestunder, der kan oplyse vores liv og i glimt skabe eviggyldig indsigt og klarhed. Det er Nicholas Sparks’ stratosfærisk populære debutroman, der straks tryllebandt læsere og etablerede ham som et fænomen på den litterære verdensscene.Nicholas Sparks er blandt de mest elskede forfattere til den moderne kærlighedsfortælling, og han har gennem årtier forført læsere kloden over med sine uforglemmelige historier om svimlende forelskelse, tragiske menneskeskæbner og bånd, der aldrig kan brydes.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    116,95 kr.

    Cuando Katie aparece en la pequeña localidad de Southport, en Carolina del Norte, su precipitada llegada provoca muchas preguntas sobre su pasado.Katie es hermosa pero no le gusta lucirse y tiene una determinación obstinada por evitar cualquier relación demasiado personal hasta que una serie de desafortunados sucesos la obligan a establecer ciertos lazos: uno con Alex, un viudo propietario del colmado del pueblo y que tiene dos hijos pequeños y un gran corazón; el otro, con Jo, su soltera y muy franca vecina. Poco a poco, Katie irá dejando caer sus barreras, echando raíces en la comunidad y acercándose cada vez más a Alex y su familia. Pero Katie no puede dejar enterrado el oscuro secreto que oculta su pasado y que todavía la persigue y la aterroriza. Un pasado que la obligó a emprender un viaje a través del país. Katie acabará por darse cuenta de que debe escoger entre una vida segura pero carente de emociones y otra que aun siendo más arriesgada puede darle mucha felicidad?Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965. Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah, al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine, al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y La última canción. Es autor de más de 20 novelas que han sido traducidas a más de 50 idiomas y publicadas en 25 países.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    117,94 kr.

    Da Theresa Osborne samler en flaskepost op på stranden, vækkes hendes journalistiske nysgerrighed tilsammen med en basal menneskelig drivkraft efter at finde en mand, der kan sætte ord til så intense følelser:Jeg savner dig, min elskede, som jeg altid gør, meni dag er min længsel endnu større, fordi havet harsunget en sang for mig, en sang, som handler omvores liv sammen. For Garrett Blake er flaskeposten den eneste måde at give udtryk for en kærlighed, der ikke længere har et sted at høre hjemme. Hverken han eller Theresa kan vide, at den samtidig skal vise sig at udstikke vejen mod en menneskelig forbindelse, de end ikke vidste, de var på udkig efter.Nicholas Sparks er blandt de mest elskede forfattere til den moderne kærlighedsfortælling, og han har gennem årtier forført læsere kloden over med sine uforglemmelige historier om svimlende forelskelse, tragiske menneskeskæbner og bånd, der aldrig kan brydes.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    117,94 kr.

    Noah Calhouns og Allie Nelsons lever i adskilte verdener. Adskilt af banale klasseskel. Af en hjerteskærende verdenskrig. Af en tung hånd på skæbnens ror.Men en magisk sommer af svimlende forelskelse og gyldne stunder spænder på tværs af alt dette og binder dem uløseligt sammen. Og da Noah i 1946 vender hjem til North Carolina efter at have kæmpet nogle andres krig, må han og Allie beslutte sig for, om deres historie skal afsluttes brat. Eller om den blot er ved at begynde.Notesbogen er en rørende fortælling om kærlighed på trods og om de stjernestunder, der kan oplyse vores liv og i glimt skabe eviggyldig indsigt og klarhed. Det er Nicholas Sparks’ stratosfærisk populære debutroman, der straks tryllebandt læsere og etablerede ham som et fænomen på den litterære verdensscene.Nicholas Sparks er blandt de mest elskede forfattere til den moderne kærlighedsfortælling, og han har gennem årtier forført læsere kloden over med sine uforglemmelige historier om svimlende forelskelse, tragiske menneskeskæbner og bånd, der aldrig kan brydes.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    88,95 kr.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    128,95 kr.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    112,95 kr.

    In this #1 New York Times bestseller, treat yourself to an epic love story that spans decades and continents as two people at a crossroads -- one from North Carolina and one from Zimbabwe -- experience the transcendence and heartbreak of true love.Hope Anderson is at a crossroads. At thirty-six, she's been dating her boyfriend, an orthopedic surgeon, for six years. With no wedding plans in sight, and her father recently diagnosed with ALS, she decides to use a week at her family's cottage in Sunset Beach, North Carolina, to ready the house for sale and mull over some difficult decisions about her future.Tru Walls has never visited North Carolina but is summoned to Sunset Beach by a letter from a man claiming to be his father. A safari guide, born and raised in Zimbabwe, Tru hopes to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding his mother's early life and recapture memories lost with her death. When the two strangers cross paths, their connection is as electric as it is unfathomable . . . but in the immersive days that follow, their feelings for each other will give way to choices that pit family duty against personal happiness in devastating ways.Illuminating life's heartbreaking regrets and enduring hope, EVERY BREATH explores the many facets of love that lay claim to our deepest loyalties--while asking the question, How long can a dream survive? p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-indent: 36.0px; font: 12.0px Arial}

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    192,95 kr.

    Experience the unforgettable, heartbreaking love story set in post-World War II North Carolina about a young socialite and the boy who once stole her heart -- one of PBS's "e;Great American Reads"e;.Every so often a love story so captures our hearts that it becomes more than a story-it becomes an experience to remember forever. The Notebook is such a book. It is a celebration of how passion can be ageless and timeless, a tale that moves us to laughter and tears and makes us believe in true love all over again... At thirty-one, Noah Calhoun, back in coastal North Carolina after World War II, is haunted by images of the girl he lost more than a decade earlier. At twenty-nine, socialite Allie Nelson is about to marry a wealthy lawyer, but she cannot stop thinking about the boy who long ago stole her heart. Thus begins the story of a love so enduring and deep it can turn tragedy into triumph, and may even have the power to create a miracle...

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    97,95 kr.

    Opposites attract in this moving #1 New York Times bestseller of love lost and found between a medical student and the man who captures her heart.Travis Parker has everything a man could want: a good job, loyal friends, even a waterfront home in small-town North Carolina. In full pursuit of the good life - boating, swimming , and regular barbecues with his good-natured buddies -- he holds the vague conviction that a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his style. That is, until Gabby Holland moves in next door. Spanning the eventful years of young love, marriage and family, THE CHOICE ultimately confronts us with the most heart-wrenching question of all: how far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    97,95 - 155,95 kr.

  • - A captivating story of enduring love from the author of The Notebook
    af Nicholas Sparks
    107,95 - 185,95 kr.

    The New York Times and international number one bestselling author Nicholas Sparks returns with a powerful new love story.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    97,95 - 172,95 kr.

    In this suspenseful New York Times bestseller, a chance encounter between a successful lawyer and a rebellious bad boy will change life as they know it forever, as their pasts catch up with them . . . Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot. With a history of violence and bad decisions behind him and the threat of prison dogging his every step, he's determined to walk a straight line. To Colin, that means applying himself single-mindedly toward his teaching degree and avoiding everything that proved destructive in his earlier life. Reminding himself daily of his hard-earned lessons, the last thing he is looking for is a serious relationship.Maria Sanchez, the hardworking daughter of Mexican immigrants, is the picture of conventional success. With a degree from Duke Law School and a job at a prestigious firm in Wilmington, she is a dark-haired beauty with a seemingly flawless professional track record. And yet Maria has a traumatic history of her own, one that compelled her to return to her hometown and left her questioning so much of what she once believed.A chance encounter on a rain-swept road will alter the course of both Colin and Maria's lives, challenging deeply held assumptions about each other and ultimately, themselves. As love unexpectedly takes hold between them, they dare to envision what a future together could possibly look like . . . until menacing reminders of events in Maria's past begin to surface.Rich in emotion and fueled with suspense, SEE ME reminds us that love is sometimes forged in the crises that threaten to shatter us . . . and that those who see us for who we truly are may not always be the ones easiest to recognize.

  • - A beautiful story that will capture your heart
    af Nicholas Sparks
    99,95 kr.

    'When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings' HeatSometimes the end is just the beginning . . .Russell Green has it all: a loving family, a successful career and a beautiful house. But underneath his seemingly perfect world, cracks are beginning to appear . . . and no one is more surprised than Russ when the life he took for granted is turned upside down. Finding himself single-handedly caring for his young daughter, while trying to launch his own business, the only thing Russ knows is that he must shelter his little girl from the consequences of these changes. As Russ embarks on this daunting and unexpected new chapter of his life, a chance encounter will challenge him to find a happiness beyond anything he could ever have imagined.From the author of The Notebook and See Me comes a beautiful story of heartbreak, strength and unconditional love that will capture your heart._____________________________Praise for Nicholas Sparks:'Pulls at the heartstrings' Sunday Times'When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings' Heat'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat on The Longest Ride'An A-grade romantic read' OK! on Safe Haven'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror on The Lucky One

  • - A stunning love story that will take your breath away
    af Nicholas Sparks
    104,95 kr.

    The stunning love story from the multi-million-copy bestselling author of The Notebook, The Lucky One and The Longest Ride. Nicholas Sparks is one of the world's most beloved authors.____________________Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot.At twenty-eight, he's focused on getting his teaching degree and avoiding all the places and people that proved so destructive in his past. The last thing he's looking for is a serious relationship. But when he crosses paths with Maria Sanchez one rainswept night, his carefully structured life is turned upside down. And when Maria, a hardworking lawyer, meets Colin she begins to question every notion she has ever had about herself and her future - and what truly makes her happy. Before the couple has a chance to envision a life together, menacing reminders from events in Maria's past start to surface. And as the threat of violence begins to shadow her every step, she and Colin will be pushed to breaking point. A story of obsession, reinvention and a love that defies every expectation, See Me is a incredible love story from multi-million-copy bestselling author Nicholas Sparks.____________________*The breathtaking new love story from Nicholas Sparks, Every Breath, is available now*Praise for multi-million-copy bestseller phenomenon, Nicholas Sparks:'When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings' Heat'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat on The Longest Ride'An A-grade romantic read' OK! on Safe Haven'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror on The Lucky One

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    117,95 kr.

    The bestselling love story behind the massive Hollywood filmTwo couples. Two love stories. One epic tale.Ninety-one-year-old Ira Levinson is in trouble. Struggling to stay conscious after a car crash, an image of his adored - and long-dead - wife Ruth appears. Urging him to hang on, she lovingly recounts the joys and sorrows of their life together - how they met, the dark days of WWII and its unrelenting effect on their families.A few miles away, college student Sophia Danko's life is about to change. Recovering from a break-up, she meets the young, rugged Luke and is thrown into a world far removed from her privileged school life. Sophia sees a new and tantalising future for herself, but Luke is keeping a secret that could destroy it all.Ira and Ruth. Sophia and Luke. Two couples, separated by years and experience, whose lives are about to converge in the most unexpected - and shocking - of ways.The new love story from the multi-million-copy bestselling author of The Notebook, The Lucky One and The Best of Me. Nicholas Sparks is one of the world's most beloved authors.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    117,95 kr.

    How do you learn to trust again?Denise Hilton, a young single mother, is driving through Edenton, North Carolina, when her car skids off the road during a storm.With her is her four-year-old son, Kyle, a boy with severe learning disabilities for whom she has sacrificed everything. When volunteer fireman Taylor McAden finds her she is unconscious and bleeding, but when she wakes an even more chilling truth becomes clear: Kyle is gone.When confronted by raging fires or deadly accidents, Taylor feels compelled to take terrifying risks to save lives, and the search for Kyle is no exception. But there is one leap of faith Taylor cannot bring himself to make - to commit to a relationship. Will this chance meeting with Denise prove any different?

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    117,95 kr.

    Two fragile people. One desperate second chance.Reeling and desolate, Adrienne Willis needs space to rethink her life after her husband leaves her for a younger woman. Fleeing everything, she jumps at the chance to look after her friend's guesthouse in the coastal town of Rodanthe, North Carolina. But there is a storm heading for Adrienne, in more ways than she can imagine.Stranded and isolated as the weather closes in, Adrienne has only one guest: Paul Flanner, a man running from his own shattered past. Taking refuge, Paul and Adrienne have only each other to turn to. Against all the odds, their one weekend sets in motion feelings that will resonate through the rest of their lives.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    117,95 kr.

    From the author of The Notebook and See Me, this is an epic love story you'll never forgetLove can heal us, and it can tear us apart . . .Miles's life is shattered when he loses his beloved wife to a hit-and-run driver. Struggling to hold things together for his son, Jonah, but obsessing over finding justice, a powerful new romance throws everything into uncertainty.As Jonah's teacher, Sarah, discusses his struggling son with Miles, an attraction develops between them with bewildering intensity. But Sarah has a secret of her own, one that links her to Miles with a shocking force - and long-buried truths begin to unravel, putting the strength of their passion to the test.*The breathtaking new love story from Nicholas Sparks, Every Breath, is available to pre-order now*Praise for Nicholas Sparks 'Pulls at the heartstrings' Sunday Times 'When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings' Heat 'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat on The Longest Ride'An A-grade romantic read' OK! on Safe Haven'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror on The Lucky One

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    143,95 kr.

    After her husband's death, a young widow with a faithful Great Dane must decide between two men -- but as new love blossoms, jealousy turns deadly in this suspenseful New York Times bestseller.Julie Barenson's young husband left her two unexpected gifts before he died - a Great Dane puppy named Singer and the promise that he would always be watching over her. Now four years have passed. Still living in the small town of Swansboro, North Carolina, twenty-nine-year-old Julie is emotionally ready to make a commitment to someone again. But who? Should it be Richard Franklin, the handsome, sophisticated engineer who treats her like a queen? Or Mike Harris, the down-to-earth nice guy who was her husband's best friend? Choosing one of them should bring her more happiness than she's had in years. Instead, Julie is soon fighting for her life in a nightmare spawned by a chilling deception and jealousy so poisonous that it has become a murderous desire...

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    90,95 kr.

    Fall in love with this small-town love story about a widower sheriff and a divorced schoolteacher who are searching for second chances -- only to be threatened by long-held secrets of the past.Miles Ryan's life seemed to end the day his wife was killed in a hit-and-run accident two years ago. As deputy sheriff of New Bern, North Carolina, he not only grieves for her and worries about their young son Jonah but longs to bring the unknown driver to justice. Then Miles meets Sarah Andrews, Jonah's second-grade teacher. A young woman recovering from a difficult divorce, Sarah moved to New Bern hoping to start over. Tentatively, Miles and Sarah reach out to each other...soon they are falling in love. But what neither realizes is that they are also bound together by a shocking secret, one that will force them to reexamine everything they believe in-including their love.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    97,95 - 197,95 kr.

    In this New York Times bestseller, a single mother sets out to find the North Carolina man who sent a message meant for someone else . . . and the journey may change her life forever.Divorced and disillusioned about relationships, Theresa Osborne is jogging when she finds a bottle on the beach. Inside is a letter of love and longing to "e;Catherine,"e; signed simply "e;Garrett."e; Challenged by the mystery and pulled by emotions she doesn't fully understand, Theresa begins a search for this man that will change her life. What happens to her is unexpected, perhaps miraculous-an encounter that embraces all our hopes for finding someone special, for having a love that is timeless and everlasting.... Nicholas Sparks exquisitely chronicles the human heart. In his first bestselling novel, The Notebook, he created a testament to romantic love that touched readers around the world. Now in this New York Times bestseller, he renews our faith in destiny, in the ability of lovers to find each other no matter where, no matter when...

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    97,95 - 157,95 kr.

    In this #1 New York Times bestselling follow-up to True Believer, a young couple's love faces the ultimate test when the past disrupts the life and family they've built together.There are a few things Jeremy Marsh was sure he'd never do: he'd never leave New York City; never give his heart away again after barely surviving one failed marriage; and, most of all, never become a parent. Now, Jeremy is living in the tiny town of Boone Creek, North Carolina, married to Lexie Darnell, the love of his life, and anticipating the birth of their daughter. But just as his life seems to be settling into a blissful pattern, an unsettling and mysterious message re-opens old wounds and sets off a chain of events that will forever change the course of this young couple's marriage.Dramatic, heartbreaking and surprising, this is a story about the love between a man and a woman and between a parent and a child. More than that, it is a story that beautifully portrays how the same emotion that can break your heart is also the one that will ultimately heal it.While the novel picks up the tale of Lexie Darnell and Jeremy Marsh that started in True Believer and will delight fans of that novel, it stands on its own as one of Nicholas Sparks's most deeply moving love stories.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    97,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Part love story and part ghost story, this is an unforgettable New York Times bestseller about a science journalist and a North Carolina librarian who dare to believe in the impossible.As a science journalist with a regular column in Scientific American, Jeremy Marsh specializes in debunking the supernatural-until he falls in love with the granddaughter of the town psychic.When Jeremy receives a letter from Boone Creek, North Carolina, about ghostly lights appearing in a cemetery, he can't resist driving down to investigate. Here, in this tightly knit community, Lexie Darnell runs the town's library. Disappointed by past relationships, she is sure of one thing: her future is in Boone Creek, close to all the people she loves. From the moment Jeremy sets eyes on Lexie, he is intrigued. And Lexie, while hesitating to trust this outsider, finds herself thinking of him more than she cares to admit. Now, if they are to be together, Jeremy must do something he's never done before-take a giant leap of faith.From #1 New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Sparks comes a love story about taking chances and following your heart. True Believer will make you believe in the miracle of love.

  • af Nicholas Sparks
    97,95 - 144,95 kr.

    In this stunning New York Times bestselling follow-up to The Notebook, a hardworking but distant husband vows to win back the love of his life by looking to Noah and Allie's legendary romance.After thirty years, Wilson Lewis is forced to face a painful truth: the romance has gone out of his marriage. His wife, Jane, has fallen out of love with him, and it is entirely his fault. Despite the shining example of his in-laws, Noah and Allie Calhoun, and their fifty-year love affair, Wilson himself is a man unable to express his true feelings. He has spent too little time at home and too much at the office, leaving the responsibility of raising their children to Jane. Now his daughter is about to marry, and his wife is thinking about leaving him. But if Wilson is sure of anything, it is this: His love for Jane has only grown over the years, and he will do everything he can to save their marriage. With the memories of Noah and Allie's inspiring life together as his guide, he vows to find a way to make his wife fall in love with him...all over again. In this powerfully moving tale of love lost, rediscovered, and renewed, Nicholas Sparks once again brings readers his unique insight into the only emotion that ultimately really matters.

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