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Bøger af Nick Thacker

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  • - "Ein umfassender Leitfaden zu den verborgenen Schätzen, der reichen Kultur und den bezaubernden Landschaften dieses niederländischen Hafens - Ausgabe 2024"
    af Nick Thacker
    198,95 kr.

    Begeben Sie sich auf eine unvergessliche Reise: Arnheim Reiseführer 2024"Tauchen Sie ein in die bezaubernde Welt von Arnheim mit unserem sorgfältig zusammengestellten Reiseführer, der Ihr Fernweh wecken und die Geheimnisse dieser faszinierenden Stadt enthüllen soll. Entdecken Sie die verborgenen Schätze, kulturellen Schätze und landschaftlichen Wunder, die Sie hinter jeder Ecke erwarten, während Sie Arnheim in seiner ganzen Pracht erkunden.Tauchen Sie ein in das reiche Geflecht aus Geschichte, Kultur und natürlicher Schönheit, das Arnheim ausmacht, von seinen historischen Straßen und mittelalterlicher Architektur bis hin zu seinen malerischen Parks und lebhaften Märkten. Egal, ob Sie ein Geschichtsinteressierter, ein Kunstliebhaber oder ein Naturliebhaber sind, Arnheim hat für jeden etwas zu bieten, und unser umfassender Reiseführer ist Ihr Schlüssel, um seine Schätze zu entdecken.Navigieren Sie wie ein Einheimischer durch die Stadt mit Insidertipps und Expertenempfehlungen zu den besten Attraktionen, Restaurants und Unterkünften, die Arnheim zu bieten hat. Von charmanten Bed & Breakfasts bis hin zu trendigen Boutique-Hotels helfen wir Ihnen, die perfekte Unterkunft zu finden und Ihre Reise wirklich unvergesslich zu machen.Folgendes finden Sie auch in diesem BuchPersönliche Erfahrung des AutorsArnheim kennenlernenArnheims Geschichte und KulturKlima und beste ReisezeitNützliche Tipps für Reisen in ArnheimUnd vieles mehr.

  • - Entdecken Sie die bezaubernde Stadt Niederlande: Ihr ultimativer Leitfaden für ein unvergessliches Abenteuer im Jahr 2024
    af Nick Thacker
    198,95 kr.

    HAARLEM Reiseführer 2024. Tauchen Sie ein in den zeitlosen Reiz einer Stadt, in der Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen Geschichten vergangener Jahrhunderte flüstern, in der ruhige Kanäle den lebendigen Geist der niederländischen Kultur widerspiegeln. Von malerischen Landschaften bis hin zu geschäftigen Märkten enthüllt dieser sorgfältig zusammengestellte Reiseführer die Schätze von Haarlem lädt Sie ein, seine charmanten Viertel zu erkunden, kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zu genießen und in jeder Ecke versteckte Schätze zu entdecken. Egal, ob Sie ein Geschichtsliebhaber, ein kulinarischer Kenner oder ein begeisterter Abenteurer sind, dieser Reiseführer ist Ihr Kompass Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse und Wunder von Haarlem im Jahr 2024.

  • - UNDUnser ultimativer Reisebegleiter für unvergessliche Abenteuer in Dänemarks lebendiger Hauptstadt - Ausgabe 2024"
    af Nick Thacker
    199,95 kr.

    "Tauchen Sie ein in das Herz der pulsierenden Hauptstadt Dänemarks mit dem ultimativen Begleiter: dem 'COPENHAGEN Travel Guide 2024'." Begeben Sie sich auf eine unvergessliche Reise durch die bezaubernden Straßen, malerischen Kanäle und das reiche kulturelle Angebot Kopenhagens, wo jeder Kopfsteinpflaster eine Geschichte erzählt und jede Ecke ein verborgenes Juwel offenbart.Entdecken Sie den zeitlosen Reiz der Stadt, während Sie durch ihre Wahrzeichen schlendern, von den majestätischen Türmen des Schlosses Rosenborg bis zu den farbenfrohen Fassaden des Hafens Nyhavn. Lassen Sie sich von Ihrem Reiseführer durch die belebten Straßen von Strøget führen, Europas längster Fußgängerzone, wo an jeder Ecke trendige Boutiquen, gemütliche Cafés und historische Sehenswürdigkeiten locken.Tauchen Sie ein in die blühende kulinarische Szene Kopenhagens, wo traditionelle dänische Köstlichkeiten und innovative Gastronomie aufeinander treffen. Von herzhaftem Smørrebrød bis hin zu köstlichem Gebäck - verwöhnen Sie Ihren Gaumen mit Insiderempfehlungen und versteckten kulinarischen Hotspots, die nur Einheimische kennen.Entdecken Sie die lebendige Kunst- und Kulturszene der Stadt, in der erstklassige Museen, hochmoderne Galerien und lebhafte Straßenaufführungen auf Sie warten. Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse des dänischen Designs im Danish Design Museum, bestaunen Sie zeitgenössische Meisterwerke im Louisiana Museum of Modern Art und tauchen Sie in den märchenhaften Tivoli-Gärten in die legendären Geschichten von Hans Christian Andersen ein.Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Reisender sind oder Ihr erstes Abenteuer beginnen, der "KOPENHAGEN Reiseführer 2024" ist Ihr Reiseführer, um die Seele dieser dynamischen Stadt zu entdecken. Vollgepackt mit Insidertipps, detaillierten Karten und wichtigen Informationen sorgt dieser unverzichtbare Begleiter dafür, dass jeder Moment Ihres Kopenhagen-Erlebnisses voller Wunder, Entdeckungen und unvergesslicher Erinnerungen ist."

  • - "Entdecken Sie das Herz Marokkos: Ihr unverzichtbarer Reisebegleiter für 2024"
    af Nick Thacker
    198,95 kr.

    Begeben Sie sich mit unserem umfassenden Reiseführer auf eine unvergessliche Reise durch die bezaubernden Straßen, belebten Souks und antiken Wahrzeichen von Marrakesch. Tauchen Sie ein in die reiche Vielfalt der marokkanischen Kultur, von den labyrinthischen Gassen der Medina bis zum majestätischen Atlasgebirge. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Reisender sind oder Ihr erstes Abenteuer beginnen, unser Reiseführer bietet Insidertipps, versteckte Schätze und Attraktionen, die man gesehen haben muss, um Ihren Besuch in Marrakesch wirklich unvergesslich zu machen.Entdecken Sie mit Zuversicht: Von der Navigation durch die labyrinthische Medina bis hin zum Genießen der Aromen der marokkanischen Küche - unser Reiseführer vermittelt Ihnen wichtige Einblicke und praktische Ratschläge, damit Sie sich mühelos in Marrakesch zurechtfinden. Entdecken Sie die architektonischen Wunder der Stadt, genießen Sie die lebendige Streetfood-Szene und entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse der berühmtesten Wahrzeichen Marrakeschs.Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden: Bleiben Sie immer auf dem Laufenden mit aktuellen Informationen zu den neuesten Veranstaltungen, Festivals und kulturellen Feiern, die das ganze Jahr über stattfinden. Egal, ob Sie einen Besuch des Internationalen Filmfestivals von Marrakesch planen oder in die Farben des Festivals der Volkskunst eintauchen möchten, unser Guide stellt sicher, dass Sie nichts verpassen.Lokale Einblicke: Erhalten Sie Einblicke in die dynamische Kultur und Traditionen der Stadt mit Berichten aus erster Hand von lokalen Experten und erfahrenen Reisenden. Von Etikette-Tipps bis hin zu grundlegenden Sprachkenntnissen ermöglicht Ihnen unser Reiseführer, mit der lebendigen Gemeinschaft von Marrakesch in Kontakt zu treten und auf Ihrer Reise sinnvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen.Besuchen Sie Marrakesch nicht nur - erleben Sie es wie ein Einheimischer mit dem ultimativen Reisebegleiter für 2024. Entdecken Sie den Zauber von Marrakesch und schaffen Sie Erinnerungen, die ein Leben lang anhalten. Schnappen Sie sich noch heute Ihr Exemplar des Marrakesch-Reiseführers 2024!"

  • - Découvrez le coeur du Maroc: votre compagnon de voyage indispensable pour 2024
    af Nick Thacker
    198,95 kr.

    Embarquez pour un voyage inoubliable à travers les rues enchanteresses, les souks animés et les monuments anciens de Marrakech avec notre guide de voyage complet. Plongez dans la riche tapisserie de la culture marocaine, des ruelles labyrinthiques de la médina aux majestueuses montagnes de l'Atlas. Que vous soyez un voyageur chevronné ou que vous vous lancez dans votre première aventure, notre guide vous fournit des conseils d'initiés, des trésors cachés et des attractions incontournables pour rendre votre visite à Marrakech vraiment inoubliable.Explorez en toute confiance: de la navigation dans le labyrinthe de la médina à la savouration des saveurs de la cuisine marocaine, notre guide vous fournit des informations essentielles et des conseils pratiques pour naviguer facilement à Marrakech. Découvrez les merveilles architecturales de la ville, laissez-vous tenter par la scène culinaire de rue animée et découvrez les secrets des monuments les plus emblématiques de Marrakech.Restez informé gardez une longueur d'avance grâce à des informations à jour sur les derniers événements, festivals et célébrations culturelles qui se déroulent tout au long de l'année. Que vous planifiiez une visite au Festival International du Film de Marrakech ou que vous vous imprégniez des couleurs du Festival des Arts Populaires, notre guide vous assure de ne rien manquer.Aperçu local: obtenez un aperçu de la culture et des traditions dynamiques de la ville grâce aux témoignages d'experts locaux et de voyageurs chevronnés. Des conseils d'étiquette aux bases linguistiques, notre guide vous permet de vous connecter avec la communauté dynamique de Marrakech et de nouer des liens significatifs tout au long de votre voyage.Ne vous contentez pas de visiter Marrakech - vivez-la comme un local avec le compagnon de voyage définitif pour 2024. Débloquez la magie de Marrakech et créez des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie. Procurez-vous votre exemplaire du Guide de Voyage Marrakech 2024 dès aujourd'hui !"

  • af Nick Thacker
    173,95 kr.

    It all comes down to this. Can she survive her final challenge?Ember Clarke has been through the wringer. Her body has been beaten, bruised, shot and stabbed for five straight weeks. But the final week of her punishment will bring new challenges she never could have expected...As her world crumbles around her, Ember must scramble to protect the people she cares about the most. But with more than one deadly foe stalking her, it may not be enough. She's been tried.She's been tested. Will she prevail? Can Ember see it through to the finish line, or will the assassins finally get their wish and slit her throat?Buy Final Target to end the hunt today!###Final Target is the last book in the epic Six Assassins crime and action thriller series. If you like heroes seeking redemption, jaw-dropping twists, and pages so exciting they practically turn themselves, you'll love Jim Heskett's and Nick Thacker's complete six-part tale.From Amazon and USA Today Bestselling Authors Jim Heskett and Nick Thacker, authors of the well-loved Harvey Bennett Thrillers series, comes a brand-new thriller series, for fans of Harlan Coben, Stieg Larsson, and Vince Flynn.

  • af Nick Thacker
    153,95 kr.

    An ancient conspiracy. You know the legend... but do you know the truth? Ancient science, modern conspiracy, and nonstop action come together in this whirlwind debut novel. From USA Today bestselling author Nick Thacker, The Atlantis Stone is a perfect read for the armchair traveler! When a mysterious artifact is uncovered by a secretive organization, a feud is reignited between two men. Both entrepreneurs will do whatever it takes to gain possession of the material. In 1791, two men began planning the layout for the nation's capitol city. One is shunned and resigns in disgrace, and the other is all but forgotten. Years later, an original copy of the plans-long thought to have been destroyed- is found, with hastily marked notations by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. During the second World War, American military scientists discover some fascinating properties of the hydrogen atom and its link to an ancient mystical number. The exact findings are never published, but a national laboratory is built in 1943 to further their research in covert silence. America is told it is a defense project, code-named 'The Manhattan Project.' An ego-maniacal entrepreneur and his company, Vilocorp, will stop at nothing to build the "perfect" human specimen. His firm's research has been getting closer every day, but they seem to have uncovered a horrific, ancient secret that has been locked away for thousands of years. Now, it's up to Bryce to understand the mystery surrounding the events and ancient symbolism before Vilocorp unleashes a hellish fury upon the earth; one that hasn't been seen for ages... The Atlantis Stone is a new twist on the age-old conspiracy. From the Pyramids of Giza to the mysterious idols at Easter Island, take a journey around the world with this nonstop, fast-paced action-adventure travel thriller. For fans of National Treasure, The Da Vinci Code, and James Rollins: pick up your copy and start reading today!

  • - A Harvey Bennett Novella
    af Nick Thacker
    98,95 kr.

    It was a secret worth killing for. And it just crash-landed in his backyard.From the action-packed adventure series full of nonstop twists, turns, and thrills comes a new short novel.When a plane crashes near Harvey Bennett's home in Alaska, he races to the scene to provide help to anyone who might have survived. He quickly realizes that the pilot may not be who he says he is.And he's also not the only one around.... someone else is looking for the pilot. And for his cargo.Who are they, and what do they want from him?And why are they trying to kill him?The Phoenix Project is a short novella in the bestselling Harvey Bennett Thrillers series. Meant to be enjoyed as a standalone story, it fits between existing novels in the series.If you're a fan of James Rollins, Dan Brown, Bobby Akart, J. Robert Kennedy, Douglas E. Richards, and other travel adventure technothrillers, you'll absolutely love this one.

  • af Nick Thacker
    218,95 kr.

    An ancient conspiracy. You know the legend... but do you know the truth? Ancient science, modern conspiracy, and nonstop action come together in this whirlwind debut novel. From USA Today bestselling author Nick Thacker, The Atlantis Stone is a perfect read for the armchair traveler! When a mysterious artifact is uncovered by a secretive organization, a feud is reignited between two men. Both entrepreneurs will do whatever it takes to gain possession of the material. In 1791, two men began planning the layout for the nation's capitol city. One is shunned and resigns in disgrace, and the other is all but forgotten. Years later, an original copy of the plans-long thought to have been destroyed- is found, with hastily marked notations by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. During the second World War, American military scientists discover some fascinating properties of the hydrogen atom and its link to an ancient mystical number. The exact findings are never published, but a national laboratory is built in 1943 to further their research in covert silence. America is told it is a defense project, code-named 'The Manhattan Project.' An ego-maniacal entrepreneur and his company, Vilocorp, will stop at nothing to build the "perfect" human specimen. His firm's research has been getting closer every day, but they seem to have uncovered a horrific, ancient secret that has been locked away for thousands of years. Now, it's up to Bryce to understand the mystery surrounding the events and ancient symbolism before Vilocorp unleashes a hellish fury upon the earth; one that hasn't been seen for ages... The Atlantis Stone is a new twist on the age-old conspiracy. From the Pyramids of Giza to the mysterious idols at Easter Island, take a journey around the world with this nonstop, fast-paced action-adventure travel thriller. For fans of National Treasure, The Da Vinci Code, and James Rollins: pick up your copy and start reading today!

  • af Nick Thacker
    248,95 kr.

    In 1791, two men began planning the layout for the nation's capital city. One is shunned and resigns in disgrace, and the other is all but forgotten. Years later, an original copy of the plans long thought to have been destroyed is found, with hastily marked notations by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. During the second World War, American military scientists discover some fascinating properties of the hydrogen atom and its link to an ancient mystical number. The exact findings are never published, but a national laboratory is built in 1943 to further their research in covert silence. America is told it is a defense project, code-named The Manhattan Project. An ego-maniacal entrepreneur and his company, Vilocorp, will stop at nothing to build the perfect human specimen. His firm's research has been getting closer every day, but they seem to have uncovered a horrific, ancient secret that has been locked away for thousands of years. Now, it's up to two men to understand the mystery surrounding the events and ancient symbolism before Vilocorp unleashes a hellish fury upon the earth; one that hasn't been seen for ages...

  • - Omnibus Edition: A Tropical Adventure Thriller Collection
    af Nick Thacker
    308,95 kr.

    He's a bartender... and an assassin. Mason Dixon just wants to make classy drinks for classy people. To pay off his bar and live in peace. The problem? The best way he can find to pay off the bar is to take contracts. Marks, as he calls them. These marks are the kind who don't deserve to live, and it's Mason's speciality to ensure that they don't. Grab a barstool, pour yourself a stiff drink, and get ready for nonstop action like you've never seen before. The Mason Dixon series, in its full glory, is all here - action, adventure, boat races, gunfights, and intrigue set with the backdrop of South Carolina's tropical beaches. Get started today!

  • af Nick Thacker
    173,95 kr.

    An assassin with a lethal grudge and a homemade prison: can Ember escape this high-tech dungeon before it's too late?Halfway through her six-week trial-by-combat punishment, contract killer Ember Clarke has had enough. Unfortunately for her, the newest assassin on her trail this week refuses to stop. ...And when Ember wakes up handcuffed in a magnetized holding cell, she knows she's trapped.Desperate to earn her freedom, Ember tries everything she can think of to escape. But the walls are impregnable, and her captor has promised to kill her by the end of the week. Can Ember find a way to flee this dangerous basement while there's yet time?Buy Captive Target to escape the dungeon today!###Captive Target is the fourth book in the adrenaline-fueled Six Assassins crime and action thriller series. If you like heroes in need of redemption, sinister twists and turns, and cliffhangers guaranteed to make you stay up reading past your bedtime, you'll love Jim Heskett's and Nick Thacker's epic six-part tale.From Amazon and USA Today Bestselling Authors Jim Heskett and Nick Thacker, authors of the well-loved Harvey Bennett Thrillers series, comes a brand-new thriller series, for fans of Harlan Coben, Stieg Larsson, and Vince Flynn.Get started today!

  • - 3 Action-Adventure Thrillers
    af Nick Thacker
    288,95 kr.

    Nonstop action and adventure for the armchair traveler! An ancient mystery and a race around the world to find a deadly power source. An underwater research station that's been lost for decades. The world's largest active volcano and a deadly virus. If you want nonstop action, thrills and exotic locations, and heroes you can't stop rooting for, Killer Thrillers delivers all this and more - three books for the price of one! From the author of the bestselling Harvey Bennet Thrillers series comes a collection of action-packed thrillers sure to please!

  • af Nick Thacker
    298,95 kr.

    Nonstop Action and Adventure for the Armchair Traveler! An ancient mystery and a race around the world to find a deadly power source. An underwater research station that's been lost for decades. The world's largest active volcano and a deadly virus. If you want nonstop action, thrills and exotic locations, and heroes you can't stop rooting for, Killer Thrillers delivers all this and more - three books for the price of one! From the author of the bestselling Harvey Bennet Thrillers series comes a collection of action-packed thrillers sure to please!

  • af Nick Thacker
    173,95 kr.

    Deep within the Amazon rainforest, a secret lurks. A secret that could change the world....A secret worth killing for.When her company discovers a remarkable hidden message in the dreaming brains of her subjects, Dr. Amanda Meron unknowingly invites disaster unto her company. The clues seem to be pointing her to one of the remote places on the planet: The Amazon Rainforest.When Harvey "Ben" Bennett gets a hint that the nefarious organization he's been searching for has turned up in Brazil, he and his new girlfriend Juliette Richardson race to the jungle to discover what they're after - and hopefully stop them.From the myth of the lost city of El Dorado to emerging science technology, The Amazon Code has it all: action-packed adventure, an exotic setting, and characters you'll fall in love with.

  • af Nick Thacker
    173,95 kr.

    Bombs hidden across Denver. A race against time to defuse them. Will she die saving the city, or will she live to see it go up in smoke?Elite assassin Ember Clarke has a lot to atone for in this life. And she knows the killer after her this week has plenty to be angry about. So angry, in fact, he's planted a bomb in Denver, and it's set to detonate within hours.Ember scrambles to save innocent lives from becoming collateral damage in an assassins' war. But the biggest shock of all comes when Ember learns this bomber has several more ready to detonate. Can Ember find the hidden bombs and defuse them, or will the Mile High City's citizens pay the ultimate price?###Vendetta Target is the fifth book in the pulse-pounding Six Assassins crime and action thriller series. If you like heroes with secrets, shocking reveals, and pages so exciting they almost turn themselves, you'll love Jim Heskett's and Nick Thacker's epic six-part tale.From Amazon and USA Today Bestselling Authors Jim Heskett and Nick Thacker, authors of the well-loved Harvey Bennett Thrillers series, comes a brand-new thriller series, for fans of Harlan Coben, Stieg Larsson, and Vince Flynn.Buy Vendetta Target to save the city today!

  • - Books 1-3
    af Nick Thacker
    333,95 kr.

    Harvey Bennett is just a park ranger... Harvey Bennett is an unassuming everyman, the kind of guy who likes to be left alone. But when a bomb goes off at his park, he can't help but get involved. Grab the first three books in the series for one low introductory price! With a 4.5-star average on Amazon, these books are being compared to Dan Brown, James Rollins, and Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Jump in and discover the next great series in armchair travel and adventure. Books in this box set: The Enigma Strain The Amazon Code The Ice Chasm

  • af Nick Thacker
    193,95 kr.

    Shane Riley, ex-Australian Special Forces, is a retrieval specialist. People want something, and he finds it, no matter where it is. He works for rich power brokers, collectors, black market dealers, and anyone willing to pay the right price.He only has one rule: he does not retrieve people.He gets interrupted on an offshore dive, and the two men requesting his presence bring him to a rich politician in South Korea, who wants his help.His daughter's been taken by a government entity in North Korea, and he wants Shane to get her back.Shane balks, citing his "one rule," but this time the South Korean man knows exactly what will entice him to help. His daughter, he claims, was trying to contact Shane's wife before she was taken....Shane's wife - who was murdered a year ago.

  • af Nick Thacker
    218,95 kr.


  • af Nick Thacker
    218,95 kr.

    When it all goes wrong, he is the plan.Jim Ryker just wants to live a quiet life and stay out of trouble. Thing is, trouble seems to always find him. This time it's in the form of his past: the CIA needs one more thing. One more mission. The take? A potentially world-changing weapon has turned up in the worst-possible place: Katakstan, a country fighting a holy war against America. But the weapon is the least of his worries. His friend is there, being tortured. And he's not the only person Jim's interested in saving...Unfortunately he's not the plan... he's the backup plan. Join Jim Ryker (real name redacted) in a world-spanning, nonstop action thriller novel.Fans of military action-adventure will be right at home, as well as fans of Lee Child, Vince Flynn, and Jack Carr.

  • af Nick Thacker
    193,95 kr.

    I parchi di divertimento dovrebbero essere un luogo di svago e divertimento......non di morte.L'apertura di un parco a tema scientifico e di biologia marina è prevista per la fine dell'anno. Ma sembra che ci sia qualcosa di sinistro sotto la superficie.Harvey Bennett e la sua squadra pensano di essere stati inviati a Paradisum per indagare sui protocolli di sicurezza del nuovo parco.Ma quello che trovano li terrorizza...

  • af Nick Thacker
    218,95 kr.

    È stato assassinato per un segreto che si è portato nella tomba.200 anni dopo, quel segreto lo perseguita di nuovo.Meriwether Lewis è stato assassinato. L'organizzazione che ne è all'origine è cresciuta silenziosamente nell'ombra.E solo Harvey Bennett e la CSO possono fermarli.Harvey "Ben" Bennett è tornato, e non è solo. La sua nuova squadra - le Operazioni Speciali Civili - sta dando gli ultimi ritocchi alla loro nuova sede quando riceve una telefonata: C'è stato un omicidio. E sulla sua scia è stato rubato un manufatto apparentemente insignificante.Ben e la sua compagnia si recano a Filadelfia per indagare sulla morte e vengono accolti da una moderna Società Filosofica Americana - e scoprono che stanno proteggendo un segreto mortale che risale alla storia fino agli stessi Padri Fondatori.Qual è il segreto per cui Meriwether Lewis è morto?E perché oggi molti sono disposti a uccidere per esso?Dall'autore del bestseller The Enigma Strain, arriva The Jefferson Legacy, l'ultimo capitolo della serie di thriller di Harvey Bennett.Tradotto con (versione gratuita)

  • af Nick Thacker
    218,95 kr.

    Save himself? Or save the world?When ex-Air Force computer genius Josh Lane is kidnapped at gunpoint and wakes up in a cell, he's faced with a deadly ultimatum: solve a computer problem... or die.With no way out and no idea who his captors are, Josh must use all his skills and quick thinking to survive. But as he delves deeper into the complex puzzle, he realizes that the stakes are even higher than he thought.The consequences of failure could be catastrophic.But to win... that may cost even more.It's a game called Escape from Eden, and Josh is the newest Contestant. He has no choice but to play, even if losing means death."A brilliant, groundbreaking technothriiller!"From USA Today Bestselling Author Nick Thacker comes a near-future, action-packed technological thriller you simply will not be able to put down. Twists at every turn, the Josh Lane Technothrillers series is perfect for fans of Robert Ludlum, Douglas E. Richards, and Tom Clancy.

  • af Nick Thacker
    218,95 kr.

    Something in the ice, frozen for millennia... and it just woke up. When Harvey Bennett and his elite CSO team are sent to Russia to investigate a top-secret research facility, they have no idea what they're about to encounter.What they find is a chilling discovery that could change the world...As Harvey and his team race to uncover the truth behind The Cerberus Protocol, they soon realize that they are not the only ones interested finding out what's inside the station.Powerful forces are willing to stop at nothing to capture and exploit the discovery for their own nefarious purposes.With time running out, Harvey and his team must fight their way through a web of deception, danger, and betrayal, before it's too late.And then he's visited by someone he never expects to show up...Packed with action, suspense, and unforgettable characters, The Cerberus Protocol is a heart-pumping thrill ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.If you're a fan of Michael Crichton or James Rollins, then you won't want to miss this gripping new release.From USA Today bestselling author Nick Thacker, don't miss this thriller that combines genetic engineering, travel adventure, and nonstop action-packed surprises!

  • af Nick Thacker
    193,95 kr.

    Jack Barr is back. But so are his problems. After barely escaping with his life in Jamaica, Jackson Barr, Jr. is suddenly thrown into the fray once again.Victor is still alive, and he's surfaced again. The Vínculo cartel is moving truckloads of weapons and drugs across Columbia into Peru, and the CIA thinks they have a chance to bring them down.Jack is given a chance to take Victor down once again.But as he quickly discovers: not everything is as it seems.Don't miss this next installation in the all-new Jack Barr Thrillers series!For fans of Ludlum, Patterson, Cussler, and Clancy, as well as lovers of any fast-paced action thrillers.

  • af Nick Thacker
    193,95 kr.

    It was just a family vacation... until the terrorists came aboard. Jackson Barr, Jr., along with his wife and kids, are enjoying a Caribbean cruise when all hell breaks loose. At port in Jamaica, an explosion rocks the ship, and all passengers are sent to shore on lifeboats, where they are told they'll be reunited with their children.But Jack senses something's not right, and hides on the ship. His wife calls from shore: the kids are not there. Now alone on a ship with terrorists in control, Jack must fight for his life - and his kids' lives - in order to reunite his family and bring down whoever's doing this. From USA Today bestselling author of the million-sold Harvey Bennett Thrillers series, this fast-paced action thriller is perfect for fans of Ludlum, Cussler, Patterson, and Child.

  • af Nick Thacker
    168,95 kr.

    Una porta nel ghiaccio viene scoperta nel bel mezzo del nulla in Antartide.E si è appena aperta...Nascosta sotto una lastra di ghiaccio, la Draconis Industries sta lavorando a una nuova e potente tecnologia.Harvey Bennett e la sua nuova squadra vengono mandati a chiuderle, ma ciò che trovano all'interno è molto più sinistro di quanto potessero immaginare.La cosa peggiore è che un esercito di soldati cinesi, che spera di mettere le mani sulla tecnologia, è alle loro calcagna.The Ice Chasm è il terzo capitolo di un thriller fantascientifico dal ritmo incalzante che vi terrà incollati al bordo della sedia. È un technothriller senza sosta, ricco di azione, sull'intelligenza artificiale, sulla spinta incessante verso la scoperta scientifica, sulle cospirazioni aziendali e sulla condizione umana.Godetevelo come romanzo a sé stante o come continuazione della serie! Se vi piacciono James Rollins, Dan Brown e Clive Cussler, allora amerete l'intera serie di thriller di Harvey Bennett.Tradotto con (versione gratuita)

  • af Nick Thacker
    193,95 kr.

    Un'esplosione scuote Yellowstone. Una strana malattia inizia a diffondersi. Un supervulcano minaccia di eruttare.E niente di tutto questo è stato un incidente.Un solitario ranger del parco di Yellowstone è costretto a entrare in azione, facendo squadra con una bellissima donna del CDC.Harvey Bennett non è un killer esperto, ma combatterà per ciò che è giusto.E farà di tutto per distruggere i terroristi dietro l'attacco.Da Yellowstone attraverso il paesaggio americano, Harvey e Juliette devono fare tutto il necessario per sopravvivere, prima che sia troppo tardi.Prendete oggi il primo libro della serie di thriller d'azione e avventura dal ritmo incalzante che è stata descritta come "National Treasure incontra Indiana Jones" e "il nuovo James Rollins".

  • af Nick Thacker
    193,95 kr.

    Nelle profondità della foresta amazzonica si nasconde un segreto. Un segreto che potrebbe cambiare il mondo.Un segreto per cui vale la pena uccidere.Quando la sua azienda scopre uno straordinario messaggio nascosto nel cervello sognante dei suoi soggetti, la dottoressa Amanda Meron invita inconsapevolmente la sua azienda alla catastrofe. Gli indizi sembrano indirizzarla verso uno dei luoghi più remoti del pianeta:La Foresta Amazzonica.Quando Harvey "Ben" Bennett riceve l'indizio che l'organizzazione nefasta che stava cercando è stata scoperta in Brasile, lui e la sua nuova fidanzata Juliette Richardson corrono nella giungla per scoprire cosa stanno cercando e, si spera, per fermarli.Dal mito della città perduta di El Dorado alla tecnologia scientifica emergente, Il Codice Amazzonico ha tutto: avventura ricca di azione, un'ambientazione esotica e personaggi di cui vi innamorerete.

  • af Nick Thacker
    218,95 kr.

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