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Bøger af Nicolai Chen Nielsen

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  • Spar 23%
    af Lars Tvede & Nicolai Chen Nielsen
    188,95 - 268,95 kr.

    Verden forandrer sig stadigt hastigere, og med den stigende acceleration stiger risikoen for, at vi træffer de forkerte beslutninger, eller at vi ganske enkelt sakker bagud. Løsningen er at navigere effektivt i fremtidens tendenser. Med andre ord skal vi blive fremtidsklar.I Fremtidsklar skitserer de to forfattere dels et kort over fremtiden, og dels kommer de med bud på, hvad individer og organisationer kan gøre i dag for at navigere i de supertrends, der kommer. De præsenterer de mindsets og værktøjer, der kræves for at blive fremtidsklar, på tværs af otte kritiske områder. Disse omfatter, hvordan man navigerer ud fra ens værdier, udvikler et growth mindset, tænker eksponentielt, maksimerer chancen for succes og bliver mere modstandsdygtig.Endelig kigger forfatterne ind i fremtidens arbejdsplads, fremtidens organisation og fremtidens ledelse. De beskriver 10 shifts, som organisationer skal igennem for at blive fremtidsklar, herunder at opprioritere værdier, skabe en fleksibel ”on demand”-organisation, gå fra talentstyring til talentaktivering og ikke mindst at lave en menneskecentreret kultur.Lars Tvede og Nicolai Chen Nielsen har tilsammen rådgivet mere end 200 organisationer, herunder +25 Fortune 500-virksomheder, om ledelsesstrategier, fremtiden og organisatoriske transformationer; udgivet 19 bøger, herunder bestsellere såsom Bobler, bullshit og børsfest, Det kreative samfund, Iværksætter, Supertrends, Leadership at Scale og Return on Ambition; og vundet adskillige iværksætterpriser. De har mere end 30 års erfaring med at hjælpe ledere og organisationer til at forstå, navigere i og drage fordel af fremtidens supertrends. De har brugt de sidste tre år på at bringe ny forskning og deres praktiske erfaring sammen i bogen Fremtidsklar.

  • - A Radical Approach to Your Achievement, Growth, and Well-Being
    af Nicolai Chen Nielsen
    223,95 kr.

  • af Nicolai Chen Nielsen
    233,95 kr.

    "A compact, insightful, and practical guide for leaders and managers to flourish in our coming Exponential Age"-Azeem Azhar, founder, Exponential ViewIn 1798, the influential cleric, scholar, and economist Thomas Malthus predicted that the world would soon run out of food, as linear food production growth would be unable to feed the exponentially growing population. Fast forward 200 years, and the world's population has grown almost 10 times, and we are closer to colonizing Mars than we ever will be to running out of food.The reason? Innovation.Innovation driven by mass digitization and the convergence of exponentially growing technologies. We know that exponential laws often follow predictable patterns, and this allows us to predict when futuristic applications will become possible and economically feasible.In From Malthus to Mars, Nicolai Chen Nielsen and Lars Tvede outline the wild future that we are speeding into. Wild, among other things, in terms of anti-ageing, compact farming, robotics, radically new energy solutions, and a fast, fluid, and flexible world of work. The authors map concrete forecasts for when upcoming technologies will break through and change our world, and they paint a picture of what the future in the coming years will look like.We will learn that while the future is destined to bring a multitude of new opportunities and enhanced abundance, it will also bring increased demands for us as individuals and as organizations. To equip us to thrive in the future, Nielsen and Tvede outline eight key mindsets. These mindsets will help us navigate future trends, reach our most desired future, and give us the ability, as we understand trends, to apply exponentiality and make decisions under uncertainty. The authors also present ten shifts that winning organizations of the future must consider in order to transform themselves and their industries, again and again.Between them, Nielsen and Tvede have founded/co-founded 13 companies, advised more than 30 Fortune 500 companies, developed thousands of leaders, and published 20 books.

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