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  • af Nidhi Sharma
    1.527,95 kr.

    This book covers all aspects of how various Hormonal diseases affect Skin Health. It covers essential parts of the most common Hormonal disease - Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), i.e., its Pathogenesis, investigations, and individual clinical features with their Line of management.Chapters also provide information about other common yet less discussed hormonal issues like- Diabetes, Thyroid disease, and obesity affecting the skin and what signs and symptoms should be looked for in such patients for early diagnosis and treatment.Hence, this book assists Dermatologists, Consulting Physicians, Post Graduates, and Interns in a holistic understanding and practical management of standards as well as other miscellaneous issues like Diet and Hormones and Urticaria and Hormones.

  • af Nidhi Sharma
    517,95 kr.

    A Redução do Ruído e a Optimização de Recursos em cada nível da cadeia de abastecimento é um problema difícil de optimização, especialmente quando a base de conhecimentos gerada a partir de grandes conjuntos de dados. O Processamento Digital de Imagem e a Ciência de Dados de Imagem são áreas primordiais onde ocorrem problemas de optimização e conjuntos de dados ruidosos devido à mutação, à incerteza de entrada e à versatilidade da natureza. O Algoritmo de Redução de Ruído fornece a solução modulada para problemas de optimização relacionados com a indústria de processamento de imagem. O trabalho proposto (HIPID: Hadoop Image Processing Interface Denoising) em que as tarefas MapReduce trabalham em cálculos In-Situ em que os cálculos se deslocam para os dados, o que reduz o tempo de execução da cópia de dados repetidamente. O trabalho pretendido inclui o estudo de sistemas distribuídos, técnicas de redução de ruído no processamento de imagens para reduzir o ruído nas imagens através de um filtro adaptativo com a optimização. Uma abordagem mais orientada aplica-se ao ambiente HIPI para analisar o tempo de execução, PSNR e MSE das imagens, para alcançar melhores PSNR para saídas visuais qualitativas.

  • af Nidhi Sharma
    317,95 kr.

    Noise Reduction and Optimize of Resources at each level of the supply chain is a hard optimization problem especially, where the knowledge base generated from large datasets. Digital Image Processing and Image Data Science are prime areas where optimization and noisy data sets problems are occurred due to mutation, the uncertainty of input, and versatility of nature. Noise Reduction Algorithm provides the modulate solution for optimization problems related to image processing industry. The proposed work (HIPID: Hadoop Image Processing Interface Denoising) in which MapReduce tasks work on In-Situ computations in which computations are moving towards the data which reduces the execution time of copying data again and again. The purposed work includes the study of distributed systems, noise reduction techniques in image processing to reduce the noise in images by an adaptive filter with the optimization. Further purposed approach applies to HIPI environment to analyze the execution time, PSNR and MSE of images, to achieve better PSNR for qualitative visual outputs.

  • af Nidhi Sharma
    476,95 kr.

    Time was when the Orthodontist regarded treatment of malocclusion as a static mechanical procedure. The problem of ¿retention and relapse¿ is likely to continue to tense the Orthodontist because of the complexities of the etiological factors and one has to be thorough with all the implicating concepts. The choice of the type of retention, duration of retention, has a great bearing on successful post retention cases. Any violation of the biologic limit, which trespasses the low of optimality, will end in miserable failure.

  • af Nidhi Sharma
    425,95 kr.

  • af Nidhi Sharma
    407,95 kr.

  • af Nidhi Sharma, Nikita Sonawane & Supreeya Patel
    542,95 kr.

  • af Nidhi Sharma, Sudhanshu Aggarwal & Raman Chauhan
    332,95 kr.

  • af Nidhi Sharma, Nikita Sonawane & Supreeya Patel
    516,95 kr.

  • af Nidhi Sharma & Amit Singh Chauhan
    518,95 kr.

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