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  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    812,95 kr.

    Studying poetry, especially its major themes, means, from another point of view, interpreting the dreams of the poets who wrote it with all their imaginary powers. For we often dream before we contemplate, as Gaston Bachelard famously put it, and we suffer through dreams and heal through dreams too. Of course, dreams give us the ability to create images, not simply to see them, but to interpret them afterwards.Every image seen in a dream brings to mind another image experienced in real life.And since most dreams, according to Erich Fromm, have a common character, they don't obey the laws of logic that govern waking thought, so they become a kind of poetic images. And this leads us to study them in depth, with an academic vision and a methodological approach.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    587,95 kr.

    Antes de falar da utilidade da arte em geral e da sua influência em todos os domínios da sociedade moderna, é necessário começar por definir o significado da própria arte. A arte pode ser vista como uma atividade humana baseada no poder da imaginação criativa e na construção de coisas a partir de palavras, ou na construção de palavras a partir de coisas. Mas com uma visão que ultrapassa o ordinário e chega ao extraordinário. A partir deste ponto de vista cultural sobre o significado da arte, podemos ver que esta atividade pode ser encontrada em todas as áreas da sociedade moderna, uma vez que é impossível não a encontrar. Porque os seres humanos dependem dela para existir e viver de uma forma ou de outra.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    592,95 kr.

    Prima di parlare dell'utilità dell'arte in generale e della sua influenza su tutti i settori della società moderna, dobbiamo iniziare a definire il significato stesso di arte. L'arte può essere vista come un'attività umana basata sul potere dell'immaginazione creativa e sulla costruzione di cose a partire dalle parole, o sulla costruzione di parole a partire dalle cose. Ma con una visione che va oltre l'ordinario per arrivare allo straordinario. Da questo punto di vista culturale sul significato dell'arte, possiamo vedere che questa attività si trova in tutti gli ambiti della società moderna, poiché è impossibile non trovarla. Perché gli esseri umani dipendono da essa per esistere e vivere in un modo o nell'altro.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    587,95 kr.

    Bevor wir über den Nutzen der Kunst im Allgemeinen und ihren Einfluss auf alle Bereiche der modernen Gesellschaft sprechen, müssen wir zunächst die Bedeutung der Kunst selbst definieren. So kann man Kunst als eine menschliche Aktivität betrachten, die auf der Kraft der kreativen Vorstellungskraft und der Konstruktion von Dingen aus Worten oder der Konstruktion von Worten aus Dingen beruht. Allerdings mit einer Vision, die über das Gewöhnliche hinaus zum Außergewöhnlichen führt. Aus diesem kulturellen Blickwinkel auf die Bedeutung der Kunst lässt sich feststellen, dass diese Tätigkeit in allen Bereichen der modernen Gesellschaft zu finden ist, da man sie nicht übersehen kann. Da der Mensch auf sie angewiesen ist, um auf die eine oder andere Weise zu existieren und zu leben.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    542,95 kr.

    Before talking about the usefulness of art in general and its influence on all areas of modern society, we must first define the meaning of art itself. Art can be seen as a human activity based on the power of the creative imagination and the construction of things from words, or the construction of words from things. But with a vision that goes beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary. From this cultural point of view on the meaning of art, we can see that this activity can be found in all areas of modern society, since it's impossible not to find it. Because human beings depend on it to exist and live in one way or another.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    612,95 kr.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    612,95 kr.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    457,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    612,95 kr.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    577,95 kr.

    Este livro divide-se em duas partes principais. A primeira trata de um grande intelectual francês, o sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu, considerado um dos mais importantes sociólogos no domínio da sociologia moderna. A segunda parte trata da utilidade da arte na sociedade moderna através do génio da imagem e da sua influência sobre as pessoas, e da função cultural da televisão, daí o papel do intelectual e a influência simbólica das suas ideias no curso da sociedade e no seu desenvolvimento. E uma vez que o intelectual, de uma forma ou de outra, segundo Edgar Morin, "é alguém que trabalha sobre ideias, e particularmente sobre ideias de importância humana, social e moral", podemos dizer que o papel do intelectual é muito importante na sociedade moderna.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    267,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch enthält zwei große Teile. Der erste Teil handelt von einem großen französischen Intellektuellen, dem Soziologen Pierre Bourdieu, der als einer der wichtigsten Soziologen in der modernen Soziologie gilt. Und im zweiten Teil geht es um den Nutzen der Kunst in der modernen Gesellschaft durch das Genie des Bildes und seinen Einfluss auf die Menschen sowie die kulturelle Funktion des Fernsehens.Daher wird hier in den beiden Teilen dieses Buches über die Rolle des Intellektuellen und den symbolischen Einfluss seiner Ideen auf den Verlauf der Gesellschaft und ihre Entwicklung gesprochen. Und da der Intellektuelle laut Edgar Morin "auf die eine oder andere Weise derjenige ist, der an Ideen arbeitet, insbesondere an Ideen von menschlicher, sozialer und moralischer Bedeutung", kann man sagen, dass die Rolle des Intellektuellen in der modernen Gesellschaft sehr wichtig ist.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    542,95 kr.

    This book is in two main parts. The first deals with a great French intellectual, the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, who is considered one of the most important sociologists in the field of modern sociology. The second part deals with the usefulness of art in modern society, through the genius of the image and its influence on people, and the cultural function of television. Hence, both parts of this book deal with the role of the intellectual and the symbolic influence of his ideas on the course of society and its development. And since, in the words of Edgar Morin, the intellectual "is one who works on ideas, and particularly on ideas of human, social and moral importance", we can say that the role of the intellectual is very important in modern society.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    572,95 kr.

    Questo libro si articola in due parti principali. La prima tratta di un grande intellettuale francese, il sociologo Pierre Bourdieu, considerato uno dei più importanti sociologi nel campo della sociologia moderna. La seconda parte tratta dell'utilità dell'arte nella società moderna attraverso il genio dell'immagine e la sua influenza sulle persone, e della funzione culturale della televisione, quindi del ruolo dell'intellettuale e dell'influenza simbolica delle sue idee sul corso della società e sul suo sviluppo. E poiché l'intellettuale, in un modo o nell'altro, secondo Edgar Morin, "è qualcuno che lavora sulle idee, e in particolare sulle idee di importanza umana, sociale e morale", possiamo dire che il ruolo dell'intellettuale è molto importante nella società moderna.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    267,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga sostoit iz dwuh osnownyh chastej. Perwaq poswqschena wydaüschemusq francuzskomu intellektualu, sociologu P'eru Burd'e, kotoryj schitaetsq odnim iz naibolee znachimyh sociologow w oblasti sowremennoj sociologii. Vo wtoroj chasti rech' idet o pol'ze iskusstwa w sowremennom obschestwe cherez genij obraza i ego wliqnie na lüdej, o kul'turnoj funkcii telewideniq, a znachit, o roli intellektuala i simwolicheskom wliqnii ego idej na hod obschestwa i ego razwitie. A poskol'ku intellektual, tak ili inache, po slowam Jedgara Morina, "äto tot, kto rabotaet nad ideqmi, i osobenno nad ideqmi, imeüschimi chelowecheskoe, social'noe i moral'noe znachenie", to mozhno skazat', chto rol' intellektuala ochen' wazhna w sowremennom obschestwe.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    457,95 kr.

    To speak of a sociology of the spectacle, as Richard Demarcy puts it, "is first and foremost to specify the various poles of research: according to a traditional computer schema, we must distinguish, at the very least, the sender pole and the receiver pole. It is generally the latter that the sociology of culture (...) has focused on", which has led us, based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Edgar Morin, and other sociologists, to study these two poles at the same time, that of receiver and that of sender. In other words, people who watch movies and people who like to watch movies.And since we've been working on the theme of women's representation in Moroccan cinema, as a social fact, to use Émile Durkheim's expression, we've chosen, as a means of research, to conduct interviews with cinema people first, before analyzing a few Moroccan films that have tackled this very theme.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    542,95 kr.

    Art can only be "a social act that removes the barriers between people, re-establishing the current of brotherhood between consciences". And for this social act to be seen by the majority of people in society, for it to attract and influence them, it is obliged to pass through very powerful media tools, which in this case are only television and cinema, and from this comes their very important role and their very remarkable influence in the unfolding of modern society.To illustrate this, we have chosen to study the usefulness of art in modern society through these two media tools themselves.So we've tried to focus on the importance of cultural programs on television, on the one hand, and the indispensable role of film festivals, on the other.

  • af Noureddine Mhakkak
    542,95 kr.

    If traditional pedagogy is mainly focused on the contents to be communicated to the learners, we can see that the new pedagogy is mainly interested in the fact that these learners can acquire skills and know how to use and develop them. This is why this pedagogy uses methods that take into consideration the interest of the learners. Thus, it leaves them a large margin of freedom and respects their personalities by pushing them towards personal creativity. This requires a different pedagogical style which is only teamwork and understanding of the personality of each learner. In addition, the new pedagogy opens its doors to the mastery and use of technology by putting it at the service of teaching. We see in particular here the interest of the film and the song in such a pedagogy. These two media can help learners to better understand the lessons, and to grasp their deep meaning.

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