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  • af Ofelia Castañeda López
    627,95 kr.

    La politica ambientale è l'insieme delle attività e delle procedure con cui i diversi livelli di competenza e organizzazione dello Stato o delle imprese e delle organizzazioni non governative cercano di proteggere l'ambiente e conservare la natura, adottate e adattate dai governi firmatari di accordi internazionali. Il panorama delle politiche ambientali nazionali si è evoluto da un approccio lineare e settoriale per fornire servizi specifici a breve o medio termine, spesso in funzione dei cicli elettorali. Questo tipo di risposta non è sempre la più appropriata per affrontare le sfide complesse e multisettoriali dello sviluppo sostenibile, il cui orizzonte temporale si estende per generazioni e richiede un impegno prolungato oltre i 6 anni di un mandato governativo. Lo sviluppo sostenibile richiede un approccio tripartito incentrato su ambiente, economia e società, che va contro il modo tradizionale di formulare e sviluppare le politiche. In Messico la politica ambientale è stabilita legalmente sulla base dei principi contenuti nell'articolo 15 della L.G.E.E.P.A.

  • af Ofelia Castañeda López
    487,95 kr.

    Environmental policy is the set of activities and procedures by which different levels of competence and organisation of the state or of business and non-governmental organisations seek to protect the environment and conserve nature, adopted and adapted by governments that are signatories to international agreements. The national environmental policy landscape has evolved from a linear, sectoral approach to provide specific services in the short or medium term, often depending on electoral cycles. This type of response is not always the most appropriate to address the complex and multi-sectoral challenges of sustainable development, whose time horizon spans generations and requires a sustained commitment beyond the 6 years of a governmental term. SD requires a three-pronged approach focusing on environment, economy and society, which goes against the traditional way of policy formulation and development. In Mexico environmental policy is legally established on the basis of the principles contained in Article 15 of the L.G.E.E.P.A.

  • af Ofelia Castañeda López
    577,95 kr.

    The Mexican Republic is located between the geographical coordinates: 14° 32' 27" South, 32° 43' 06" North, 86° 42' 36" Southeast and 118° 27' 24" West. There are 17 coastal states: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo; in such a way that the Mexican coast occupies an approximate surface of 1,020,965 km2, covering about 57.2% of the total surface of the territory. Climatic variability involves tropical to subtropical conditions; arid and semi-arid climates predominate in the north, and humid and sub-humid climates in the south. Approximately 37% of the territory corresponds to the sub-humid climate, which is present in the coastal plains of the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico and northeast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Genus Callinectes: Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae. Swimming crabs, wide distribution in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, life cycle with planktonic and benthic stages, ecological and economic importance. Pacific Ocean: C. arcuatus, C. bellicosus, C. toxotes; Gulf of Mexico: C. sapidus and C. rathbunae.

  • af Ofelia Castañeda López
    577,95 kr.

    La République mexicaine est située entre les coordonnées géographiques suivantes : 14° 32' 27" Sud, 32° 43' 06" Nord, 86° 42' 36" Sud-Est et 118° 27' 24" Ouest. Les États côtiers sont au nombre de 17 : Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán et Quintana Roo, de sorte que la côte mexicaine occupe une superficie approximative de 1 020 965 km2, soit environ 57,2 % de la surface totale du territoire. La variabilité climatique implique des conditions tropicales à subtropicales ; les climats arides et semi-arides prédominent dans le nord, et les climats humides et subhumides dans le sud. Environ 37 % du territoire correspond au climat subhumide, présent dans les plaines côtières du Pacifique, du golfe du Mexique et au nord-est de la péninsule du Yucatan. Genre Callinectes : Decapoda : Brachyura : Portunidae. Crabes nageurs, large distribution dans les océans Atlantique et Pacifique, cycle de vie avec des stades planctoniques et benthiques, importance écologique et économique. Océan Pacifique : C. arcuatus, C. bellicosus, C. toxotes ; Golfe du Mexique : C. sapidus et C. rathbunae.

  • af Ofelia Castañeda López
    577,95 kr.

    The importance of coastal ecosystems lies in the fact that they are considered one of the most productive systems on the planet in terms of primary productivity and high nutrient content, compared to other terrestrial environments, such as tropical rainforests and agricultural crops. One of the main components of these ecosystems are mangrove forests, whose ecological functions include the conversion of nutrients from organic matter, which represent an indispensable source for maintaining the productivity of coastal fisheries. Mangroves also function as traps for various types of contaminants, such as municipal organic waste, industrial waste, agricultural waste, and chemical substances from agricultural activities. For this reason, coastal ecosystems play a key role in maintaining the essential ecological cycles of coastal water quality, and their high productivity maintains a rich and complex food chain, which, in turn, characterizes the high fishery production in the country's lagoon systems.

  • af Ofelia Castañeda López
    457,95 kr.

    La importancia de los ecosistemas costeros radica en ser considerados uno de los sistemas más productivos del planeta en términos de productividad primaria y alto contenido de nutrientes, comparativamente con otros ambientes terrestres, como las selvas tropicales y cultivos agrícolas. Uno de los principales componentes de estos ecosistemas son los bosques de manglar, cuyas funciones ecológicas se encuentra la de ser convertidores de nutrientes a partir de materia orgánica, los cuales representan una fuente indispensable para el mantenimiento de la productividad de las pesquerías costeras. Asimismo, los manglares funcionan como trampas de contaminantes de diversas clases, como son los desechos orgánicos municipales, residuos industriales, desechos agrícolas y sustancias químicas de actividades agropecuarias. Por esta razón, los ecosistemas costeros juegan un papel primordial en el mantenimiento de los ciclos ecológicos esenciales de la calidad de las aguas costeras, y su elevada productividad mantiene una rica y compleja cadena alimenticia, que, a su vez, caracteriza la elevada producción pesquera en sistemas lagunares del país.

  • af Ofelia Castañeda López
    632,95 kr.

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