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Bøger af Osip Mandelstam

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  • af Osip Mandelstam
    128,95 kr.

    Osip Mandel'shtam - genial'nyj russkij pojet, obladavshij unikal'nym chuvstvom jazyka, pervenstvo kotorogo sredi pojetov priznavala Anna Ahmatova; avtor izyskannoj prozy, perevodchik. Vot uzhe chetvert' veka, kak ja, meshaja vazhnoe s pustjakami, naplyvaju na russkuju pojeziju, no vskore stihi moi sol'jutsja s nej, koe-chto izmeniv v ee stroenii i sostave, - pisal O. Mandel'shtam o svoem pojeticheskim kredo. I okazalsja prav, navsegda ostaviv nepodrazhaemyj sled v istorii russkogo stihoslozhenija i literatury. Tot, kto hot' raz slyshal, chital proizvedenija Mandel'shtama, navsegda ostaetsja zavorozhennym magiej ego slova.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    128,95 kr.

    Osip Mandel'shtam - genial'nyj russkij pojet, obladavshij unikal'nym chuvstvom jazyka, pervenstvo kotorogo sredi pojetov priznavala Anna Ahmatova; avtor izyskannoj prozy, perevodchik. Vot uzhe chetvert' veka, kak ja, meshaja vazhnoe s pustjakami, naplyvaju na russkuju pojeziju, no vskore stihi moi sol'jutsja s nej, koe-chto izmeniv v ee stroenii i sostave, - pisal O. Mandel'shtam o svoem pojeticheskim kredo. I okazalsja prav, navsegda ostaviv nepodrazhaemyj sled v istorii russkogo stihoslozhenija i literatury. Tot, kto hot' raz slyshal, chital proizvedenija Mandel'shtama, navsegda ostaetsja zavorozhennym magiej ego slova.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    128,95 kr.

    Osip Mandel'shtam - genial'nyj russkij pojet, obladavshij unikal'nym chuvstvom jazyka, pervenstvo kotorogo sredi pojetov priznavala Anna Ahmatova; avtor izyskannoj prozy, perevodchik. Vot uzhe chetvert' veka, kak ja, meshaja vazhnoe s pustjakami, naplyvaju na russkuju pojeziju, no vskore stihi moi sol'jutsja s nej, koe-chto izmeniv v ee stroenii i sostave, - pisal O. Mandel'shtam o svoem pojeticheskim kredo. I okazalsja prav, navsegda ostaviv nepodrazhaemyj sled v istorii russkogo stihoslozhenija i literatury. Tot, kto hot' raz slyshal, chital proizvedenija Mandel'shtama, navsegda ostaetsja zavorozhennym magiej ego slova.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    208,95 kr.

    Osip Mandel'shtam - genial'nyj russkij pojet, obladavshij unikal'nym chuvstvom jazyka, pervenstvo kotorogo sredi pojetov priznavala Anna Ahmatova; avtor izyskannoj prozy, perevodchik. Vot uzhe chetvert' veka, kak ja, meshaja vazhnoe s pustjakami, naplyvaju na russkuju pojeziju, no vskore stihi moi sol'jutsja s nej, koe-chto izmeniv v ee stroenii i sostave, - pisal O. Mandel'shtam o svoem pojeticheskim kredo. I okazalsja prav, navsegda ostaviv nepodrazhaemyj sled v istorii russkogo stihoslozhenija i literatury. Tot, kto hot' raz slyshal, chital proizvedenija Mandel'shtama, navsegda ostaetsja zavorozhennym magiej ego slova.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    243,95 kr.

    Osip Mandel'shtam - genial'nyj russkij pojet, obladavshij unikal'nym chuvstvom jazyka, pervenstvo kotorogo sredi pojetov priznavala Anna Ahmatova; avtor izyskannoj prozy, perevodchik. Vot uzhe chetvert' veka, kak ja, meshaja vazhnoe s pustjakami, naplyvaju na russkuju pojeziju, no vskore stihi moi sol'jutsja s nej, koe-chto izmeniv v ee stroenii i sostave, - pisal O. Mandel'shtam o svoem pojeticheskim kredo. I okazalsja prav, navsegda ostaviv nepodrazhaemyj sled v istorii russkogo stihoslozhenija i literatury. Tot, kto hot' raz slyshal, chital proizvedenija Mandel'shtama, navsegda ostaetsja zavorozhennym magiej ego slova.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    143,95 kr.

    Osip Mandelstam's second collection of poems, Tristia, astonished Russian readers in 1922 with its daring verse forms and meditations on revolution, exile, death and rebirth. Thomas de Waal's new translation gives English-language reader the chance to experience the entire collection for the first time.

  • af Osip Mandelstam, Vladimir Mayakovsky & Val Vinokur
    198,95 kr.

    Original poetry by Val Vinokur, accompanied by a selection of poems by Osip Mandelstam and Vladimir Mayakovsky, translated from the Russian by Vinokur. Edited by Emily Skillings, "Relative Genitive" is the second book from Poets & Traitors Press, which publishes hybrid books of poetry by a single author-translator.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    178,95 kr.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    178,95 kr.

    Osip Mandelstam is a central figure not only in modern Russian but in world poetry, the author of some of the most haunting and memorable poems of the twentieth century. A contemporary of Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetayeva, and Boris Pasternak, a touchstone for later masters such as Paul Celan and Robert Lowell, Mandelstam was a crucial instigator of the "revolution of the word" that took place in St. Petersburg, only to be crushed by the Bolshevik Revolution. Mandelstam's last poems, written in the interval between his exile to the provinces by Stalin and his death in the Gulag, are an extraordinary testament to the endurance of art in the presence of terror. This book represents a collaboration between the scholar Clarence Brown and W. S. Merwin, one of contemporary America's finest poets and translators. It also includes Mandelstam's "Conversation on Dante," an uncategorizable work of genius containing the poet's deepest reflections on the nature of the poetic process.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    153,95 kr.

    Mandelstam wrote many brief, spontaneous poems about his friends, enemies and everyday occurrences over his entire writing life. This volume collects them in English for the first time.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    178,95 kr.

    The ninety-odd poems Mandelstam wrote in Voronezh are the pinnacle of his poetic achievement, bearing witness to his consistent independence of mind and concern for the freedom of thought.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    148,95 kr.

    Osip Mandelstam fødtes i 1891 i Det Russiske Kejserrige og døde i 1938 i en sovjetisk fangelejr i det østlige Sibirien. Dette liv danner rammen om en digtning, der først er sky og vemodig, for i de sidste år at blive tragisk og irrationel. I den mellemliggende tid opsøger Mandelstams forfatterskab forskellige svar på, hvordan modernismens muligheder skulle finde form på russisk.Kun min fælle kan slå mig ihjel præsenterer et tosproget udvalg af Mandelstams digte – udvalgt og oversat af Jon Kyst. Forord af Mandelstam-kenderen Oleg Lekmanov.

  • - Selected Poems and Prose
    af Osip Mandelstam
    183,95 kr.

    Osip Mandelstam has become an almost mythical figure of modern Russian poetry, his work treasured all over the world for its lyrical beauty and innovative, revolutionary engagement with the dark times of the Stalinist era. While he was exiled in the city of Voronezh, the black earth region of Russia, his work, as Joseph Brodsky wrote, developed into "a poetry of high velocity and exposed nerves, becoming more a song than ever before, not a bardlike but a birdlike song ... something like a goldfinch tremolo."      Peter France-who has been brilliantly translating Mandelstam's work for decades-draws heavily from Mandelstam's later poetry written in Voronezh, while also including poems across the whole arc of the poet's tragically short life, from his early, symbolist work to the haunting elegies of old Petersburg to his defiant "Stalin poem." A selection of Mandelstam's prose irradiates the poetry with warmth and insight as he thinks back on his Petersburg childhood and contemplates his Jewish heritage, the sunlit qualities of Hellenism, Dante's Tuscany, and the centrality of poetry in society.

  • - Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam
    af Christian Wiman & Osip Mandelstam
    154,95 kr.

    A new selection and translation of the work of Osip Mandelstam, perhaps the most important Russian poet of the twentieth centuryPolitical nonconformist Osip Mandelstam's opposition to Stalin's totalitarian government made him a target of the communist state. The public recitation of his 1933 poem known in English as "The Stalin Epigram" led to his arrest, exile, and eventual imprisonment in a Siberian transit camp, where he died, presumably in 1938. Mandelstam's work?much of it written under extreme duress?is an extraordinary testament to the enduring power of art in the face of oppression and terror.Stolen Air spans Mandelstam's entire poetic career, from his early highly formal poems in which he reacted against Russian Symbolism to the poems of anguish and defiant abundance written in exile, when Mandelstam became a truly great poet. Aside from the famous early poems, which have a sharp new vitality in Wiman's versions, Stolen Air includes large selections from The Moscow Notebooks and The Voronezh Notebooks. Going beyond previous translators who did not try to reproduce Mandelstam's music, Christian Wiman has captured in English?for the first time?something of Mandelstam's enticing, turbulent, and utterly heartbreaking sounds.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    183,95 kr.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    560,95 - 1.345,95 kr.

  • - Selected Prose
    af Osip Mandelstam & Osip Mandel'Shtam
    163,95 kr.

    Osip Mandelstam has come to be seen as a central figure in European modernism. This volume includes his autobiographical sketches, ""The Noise of Time""; his novella ""The Egyptian Stamp""; ""Fourth Prose""; and his travel memoirs. There are essays by Clarence Brown.

  • - Poems 1930-1937
    af Osip Mandelstam
    171,95 kr.

    This edition combines two previous separate editions of The Moscow Notebooks and The Voronezh Notebooks published by Bloodaxe. The Moscow Notebooks cover his years of persecution (1930-34), when he was arrested for writing an unflattering poem about Stalin. In Voronezh he broke a silence of 18 months, writing the 90 poems of the Voronezh Notebooks.

  • - Selected Poems by Osip Mandelstam
    af Osip Mandelstam
    158,95 kr.

    Offers a selection of Osip Mandelstam's poetry in English translation.

  • af Osip Mandelstam
    156,95 kr.

    Features poems about tennis and ice-cream and silent movies, poems that seem to jump into being on impulse. A blend of classical serenity and brash iconoclasm, this title is based on the most complete edition of 1928, was published, alongside "The Collected Critical Prose and Letters", to mark Mandelstam's centenary in 1991.

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