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Bøger af Pat Carson

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  • af Pat Carson
    163,95 kr.

    Provides a bank of approximately 200 original (not from past papers) questions with answers and covers units A2 1, A2 2 and A2 3.Useful for homework, setting as classwork or for pupil exam practice.Includes questions on practical techniques and data analysis.The detailed answers include an indication of the process used to obtain the solution.Has been subject to a detailed quality assurance process by an independent Physics expert.Contents Unit 4 (A2 1): Deformation of Solids, Thermal Physics, Circular Motion, Oscillations and Atomic and Nuclear Physics - 4.1 Deformation of Solids4.2 Thermal Physics4.3 Uniform Circular Motion4.4 Simple Harmonic Motion4.5 The Nucleus4.6 Nuclear Decay4.7 Nuclear Energy4.8 Nuclear Fission and FusionUnit 5 (A2 2): Fields and their Applications - 5.1& 5.2 Force Fields and Gravitational Fields5.3 Electric Fields5.4 Capacitors5.5 Magnetic Fields5.6 Deflection of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields5.7 & 5.8 Particle Accelerators and Fundamental ParticlesUnit 6 (A2 3): Practical Techniques and Data Analysis -

  • af Pat Carson
    428,95 kr.

    Designed for the revised CCEA specification and subject to a detailed quality assurance process by an independent Physics expert.With approximately 50 exercises with answers for numerical questions and sample examination questions provided throughout.Also includes a section on practical techniques eg: precision, accuracy, analysis and interpretation.Contents Unit 4 (A2 1): Deformation of Solids, Thermal Physics, Circular Motion, Oscillations and Atomic and Nuclear Physics - 4.1 Deformation of Solids4.2 Thermal Physics4.3 Uniform Circular Motion4.4 Simple Harmonic Motion4.5 The Nucleus4.6 Nuclear Decay4.7 Nuclear Energy4.8 Nuclear Fission and FusionUnit 5 (A2 2): Fields and their Applications - 5.1 Force Fields5.2 Gravitational Fields5.3 Electric Fields5.4 Capacitors5.5 Magnetic Fields5.6 Deflection of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields5.7 Particle Accelerators5.8 Fundamental ParticlesUnit 6 (A2 3): Practical Techniques and Data Analysis - 6.1 Implementing6.2 Analysis6.3-6.5 Evaluation, Refinement and CommunicationUnit 7: Further Data Analysis and Synoptic Assessment - 7.1 Working with Numbers7.2 Obtaining Straight Line Graphs7.3. Synoptic AssessmentAnswers

  • af Pat Carson
    157,95 kr.

    This revision guide has been written to address the content of units A2 1 and A2 2 of the revised Physics specifi cation for CCEA. It is designed to support the textbook, Physics for CCEA A2 Level 2nd Edition, by providing students with a consistent approach to the subject throughout the course and as they prepare for their examinations.The chapters follow the outline of the CCEA specification, providing a summaryof the key learning points, exercises and examination-style questions, withanswers included. The book has been subject to a quality assurance check by anindependent Physics expert.Contents Unit 4 (A2 1): Deformation of Solids, Thermal Physics, Circular Motion, Oscillations and Atomic and Nuclear Physics - 4.1 Deformation of Solids4.2 Thermal Physics4.3 Uniform Circular Motion4.4 Simple Harmonic Motion4.5 The Nucleus4.6 Nuclear Decay4.7 Nuclear Energy4.8 Nuclear Fission and FusionUnit 5 (A2 2): Fields and their Applications - 5.1 Force Fields5.2 Gravitational Fields5.3 Electric Fields5.4 Capacitors5.5 Magnetic Fields5.6 Deflection of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields5.7 Particle Accelerators5.8 Fundamental Particles

  • af Pat Carson
    398,95 kr.

    Follows the CCEA AS Physics specification, including a chapter covering Astronomy.This text has been subject to a detailed quality assurance process by an independent Physics expert.Full colour throughout with a bright and clear presentation this text book contains approximately 50 exercises with answers for numerical questions. Sample examination questions are provided throughout and includes a section on practical techniques eg: precision, accuracy, analysis and interpretation.Contents Unit AS 1: Forces, Energy and Electricity1.1 Physical Quantities1.2 Scalars and Vectors1.3 Principle of Moments1.4 Linear Motion1.5 Dynamics1.6 Newton's Laws of Motion1.7 Linear Momentum and Impulse1.8 Work Done, Potential and Kinetic Energy1.9 Electric Current, Charge, Potential Difference and Electromotive Force Resistance and Resistivity1.11 Internal Resistance and Electromotive Force1.12 Potential Divider CircuitsUnit AS 2: Waves, Photons and Astronomy2.1 Waves2.2 Refraction2.3 Lenses2.4 Superposition, Interference and Diffraction2.5 Quantum Physics2.6 Wave-Particle Duality2.7 AstronomyUnit AS 3: Practical Techniques and Data Analysis 3.1 Implementing Analysis3.3-3.5 Evaluation, Refinement and CommunicationAnswersThe authors are both experienced in teaching A-level Physics for CCEA.

  • af Pat Carson
    157,95 kr.

    Covering AS1, AS2 and AS3 of the Physics AS specification from CCEA, this book provides a bank of 276 original practice questions with answers. They are not past paper questions and have all been subject to a detailed quality assurance process by an independent Physics expert.Useful for homework, setting as classwork or for pupil exam practice.Includes a set of questions on practical techniques and data analysis.Detailed answers include an indication of the process used to obtain the solution.Contents Unit AS 1: Forces, Energy and Electricity1.1 Physical Quantities1.2 Scalars and Vectors1.3 Principle of Moments1.4 Linear Motion1.5 Dynamics1.6 Newton's Laws of Motion1.7 Linear Momentum and Impulse1.8 Work Done, Potential and Kinetic Energy1.9 Electric Current, Charge, Potential Difference and Electromotive Force Resistance and Resistivity1.11 Internal Resistance and Electromotive Force1.12 Potential Divider CircuitsUnit AS 2: Waves, Photons and Astronomy2.1 Waves2.2 Refraction2.3 Part 1, Lenses2.3 Part 2, Defects of vision2.4 Part 1, Superposition2.4 Part 2, Interference2.4 Part 3, Diffraction2.5 Quantum Physics2.6 Wave-Particle Duality2.7 AstronomyUnit AS 3: Practical Techniques and Data Analysis Answers

  • af Pat Carson
    157,95 kr.

    This revision guide has been written to address the content of units AS 1 and AS 2 of the revised Physics specification for CCEA. It is designed to support the textbook, Physics for CCEA AS Level 2nd Edition, by providing students with a consistent approach to the subject throughout the course and as they prepare for their examinations. The chapters follow the outline of the CCEA specification, providing a summary of the key learning points, exercises and examination-style questions, with answers included.The book has been subject to a quality assurance check by an independent Physics expert.Contents Unit AS 1: Forces, Energy and Electricity1.1 Physical Quantities1.2 Scalars and Vectors1.3 Principle of Moments1.4 Linear Motion1.5 Dynamics1.6 Newton's Laws of Motion1.7 Linear Momentum and Impulse1.8 Work Done, Potential and Kinetic Energy1.9 Electric Current, Charge, Potential Difference and Electromotive Force Resistance and Resistivity1.11 Internal Resistance and Electromotive Force1.12 Potential Divider CircuitsUnit AS 2: Waves, Photons and Astronomy2.1 Waves2.2 Refraction2.3 Lenses2.4 Superposition ,Interference and Diffraction2.5 Quantum Physics2.6 Wave-Particle Duality2.7 AstronomyAnswers

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