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Bøger af Pat M. Moore

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  • af Pat M. Moore
    133,95 kr.

    Pat Moore often thinks about growing up in New Hampshire with seven siblings -- five were younger than her. Those memories have evolved into a lifetime fondness for children.She has adored being a mother, stepmother, and grandmother. Pat has seven grandchildren, many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews.She is writing a series of "Happy Town" books to guide youngsters (and adults) about thinking better (happier & wiser) thoughts, acting with love & kindness, and enjoying the magic that surrounds us every day.Pat has always loved books and writing. She enjoys participating with her friends in writer groups and book clubs.She holds a BA from the University of Maryland and an MS from George Washington University. She and her husband established PMR Communications Group in 2003. They live in Virginia.

  • af Pat M. Moore
    133,95 kr.

    Until Karmali Kitty and Mikhial Monkey met, neither had a best friend. They did not know how great it is to have someone you can share your thoughts and feelings with. They did not know how safe it feels nor how best friends teach each other new things, making life better, more interesting, and more fun.Now, the two of them talk to each other most days. They play together and teach each other about music and basketball.Monkey and Kitty have also formed a band and write songs. Their music brings joy into the world and makes it a better place.Mikhail and Karmali are working on a new song. It's about helping others and changing the world around you. They want you to help them. Can you add a verse or two? Try it! It's easier than you may think and lots of fun.

  • af Pat M. Moore
    143,95 kr.

    HAPPY TOWN'S HAPPY HOLIDAYS is filled with hope and joy.Its rhymes and colorful pictures show how Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are different, yet in many ways alike.These holidays have much in common. They celebrate life, love, and unity.In December, the world seems to shift; millions of people become kinder and more accepting. Many focus on peace and the possibilities that come with the Winter Solstice's new light and a New Year.HAPPY TOWN'S HAPPY HOLIDAYS asks:If we can be charitable, accepting, and hopefulduring the Holidays and the beginning of each year,why not live this way all year long?This book helps kids understand how to make this happen.Our children's future and that of the world depend on how many of us can live a life of love, acceptance, joy, sharing and caring. This can be easier than we think.

  • af Pat M. Moore
    143,95 kr.

    This book begins with a series of tongue twisters that will make kids giggle. The entertaining pictures and text will help children to appreciate all of nature and to recognize that animals have superpowers too.Groundhogs signal that Spring is coming, which we welcome after winter's cold and snow. February 2 is Groundhog Day. Some believe that groundhogs come out of their holes on this day after 5 months of hibernating.It's fun to see these roly-poly creatures roam around grassy, wooded areas in late morning and afternoon. They look like beavers, badgers, and other animals but are unique in lots of ways.Groundhogs have numerous names - "woodchucks" is just one of them. Where did these names come from? Why are they still used? These animals have terrific engineering skills and are incredibly resourceful. Learn more about their summer and multi-level winter homes, what they eat, and the reason they hibernate. Find out why most farmers don't like groundhogs, even though they can be quite helpful to people and plants.

  • af Pat M. Moore
    143,95 kr.

    Enjoy Halloween and Thanksgiving more than ever with THE PUMPKIINS OF HAPPY TOWN.Children's imaginations will grow as they think about the faces they can carve on pumpkins, as well as the pumpkin sizes & shapes that best suit the characters they have in mind.With fresh faces, pumpkins gain personalities and a new name, Jack-o'-lanterns. The thrill of make-believe builds until Halloween night when jack-'o-lanterns light the paths for trick-or-treaters.After neighborhood parades & trick-or-treating, kids return home tired but happy. They fall asleep dreaming of princesses and superheroes.But the pumpkins know that Thanksgiving is a few weeks away. There's still a lot to do. They are excited to have more opportunities to decorate homes & tables and to become pumpkin pies.Happy Towners find joy in our world every day. Of course, they love orange pumpkins. Pumpkins are perfect for this town since they help bring people together in joy and love.Why not add the PUMPKINS OF HAPPY TOWN to your fall season and traditions?

  • af Pat M. Moore
    138,95 kr.

    WELCOME TO HAPPY TOWN is a children's book about compassion and love.It illustrates how kids can feel better by being kinder to themselves and others.The book reminds us that nature's music, mystery, and miracles are everywhere, but often go unnoticed.HAPPY TOWN offers enjoyable activities that help children pay closer attention to their world.By learning to connect with all types of life, kids can better appreciate that choosing kindness and joy is the best way to live. In turn, they can become happier and help to create a better world.With awareness and connection, children think better thoughts. This increases their gratitude for life and love, as well as their individual specialness.WELCOME TO HAPPY TOWN teaches youngsters about the power of their thoughts. Thoughts can make us happy, sad, compassionate or mad. Feelings of sadness and anger can be softened by recognizing that we are beautiful beings in an amazing universe that's filled with wonder and hope. More often than we may know, we have the power to choose our thoughts. This realization helps us all to feel better and live more harmoniously.

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