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Bøger af Patricia Baird Clark

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  • - Equipping and Releasing God's People for Spirit-Empowered Ministry
    af Patricia Baird Clark
    197,95 kr.

    In this 218 page book, Patricia Baird Clark calls the church forward to understand and minister for the bizarre abuse called satanic ritual abuse. With no formal psychological training she has been able to bring people with diagnoses such as schizophrenia, paranoia, bipolar disorder and borderline personality into complete remission through Jesus Christ. One of these women had been hospitalized in psychiatric hospitals seven times, heavily medicated and given electric shock treatments. No one had ascertained she was severely abused or had dissociative identity disorder. This is a common problem because most mental health professionals are not trained to understand spiritual realities such as the prevalence of Satanism in our society or the existence of demonic powers. This is why the church needs to get involved. The effects of such spiritually driven abuse can only be undone by the power of Jesus Christ brought forth through a committed, loving Christian. This book describes how cultists and demons working together construct a demonically powered inner world in their victim where memories and dissociated parts remain hidden from the conscious mind. Through releasing the Holy Spirit in prayer to reveal these things to the troubled person, the memories and dissociated parts are brought to the surface where ministry can take place. The pain of each episode needs to be released. The lies believed because of the abuse must be renounced and replaced with God's truth. Demons that came in through the abuse must be cast out. Forgiveness must be extended to those who did the abuse. The Holy Spirit must be released to heal the pain. This is obviously the work of the church. Only those who are called by God should do this ministry, but many are called and don't know it. How can they know it when they've not heard of the abuse (which is carefully concealed by the media) nor do they realize the power of Christ within to set others free? We have been conditioned to believe in diseases and medical science when we should be looking for spiritual conditions and biblical solutions administered by Christians. Many mental health professionals are not Christians so would not be able to bring the presence of Jesus to heal much less be able to cast out demons. In many mental health clinics, Christian prayer and deliverance are forbidden. This is why it is imperative for Christian lay persons and ministers to get involved in this ministry. With the call of God and this book, Restoring Survivors of Ritual Abuse in hand, the church can join powerfully with Jesus in His ministry to heal the broken hearted and set the captives free.

  • af Patricia Baird Clark
    172,95 kr.

    This book reveals the way back into the Paradise of God-a realm that will be entered by the great end-time church even while on earth in physical bodies. God told Adam and Eve that in the day they sinned they would surely die, and indeed they did. The spiritual side of them died although their physical bodies lived on many years. All human beings have a spiritual side that has been as though dead. It must be awakened by God in these end times when we have reached a certain stage of faithfulness and maturity determined by God alone. He will then awaken that side of our being so we can experience His presence as never before. Then the Great King Himself will bring us to absolute perfection by His personal daily communications with us. We must only hear and obey as our loving Bridegroom leads us into dimensions of love, glory and power such as the world has never seen. We will then minister as Jesus did to a lost and dying world.All this is revealed in the author's verse-by-verse inward and allegorical interpretation of Revelation 4, 5 and 6 made possible because on February 11, 1997, the Lord's presence came to her with the message "Come up hither" whereupon her spiritual side was awakened and she was led through the open door of Revelation 4. Only one who has been through this door could possibly interpret the deeper meaning of these three chapters.

  • af Patricia Baird Clark
    197,95 kr.

    The lives of untold multitudes of people have been deleteriously affected by satanic ritual abuse-a kind of abuse that intentionally implants demons in its victims to keep them controlled and in bondage to the Devil. Without help these people will spend a lifetime battling these unseen entities. Victory is elusive due to the secrecy that pervades it.This book lifts the cover off that secrecy by disclosing a deeply spiritual interpretation of the battles between the king of the north and the king of the south in Daniel 11. Commonly Scripture is understood historically and outwardly, but there is also an inward and spiritual understanding that lies just beneath the surface. This spiritual view is seen here when we remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spirits of wickedness in high places. Just as there are presidents and kings in this world, they also exist in the unseen world of spirits. In Daniel 11, the king of the north represents a powerful demon of shame that rules in the lives of survivors of abuse. This shame that came in via childhood abuse, keeps them in darkness and depression (north). The king of the south represents the demons that go forth from perpetrators to control their SRA victims from a distance. This understanding comes from Jesus' words in Luke where he says that an unclean spirit goes out of a man and walks through "dry places" (the definition of south in Daniel). This spirit eventually goes and brings in seven other spirits more wicked than himself. The spiritual reality in Satanism today is that a perpetrator who desires more power will send a demon (king of the south) out to go to his SRA victim and bring back some of her/his demons of power (seven spirits more wicked than himself) for his use. Satanists in their rituals call up demons from hell and instill them in their SRA victims. These demons are then accessed for power by the perpetrators in various ways. Satan does not give his most powerful demons directly to a perpetrator. The most powerful ones are instilled in the SRA victim during rituals. In order to access these powerful demons, the perpetrators have to do some evil thing to further ruin the life of their victim who is their living sacrifice. The laws of powerful, successful living in Jesus Christ are revealed in Scripture. The Devil takes these laws and perverts them for his own use. For example regarding power, the Word says: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God..." Romans 12:1). Any Christian who truly walks with God knows that power and victory over the enemy comes when we "die to self" i.e. present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice. Of course, no Satanist is going to die to self for anyone or anything, hence his victim does the daily dying and he gets the powers (demons) through sexual abuse giving him rights to later send forth demons from a distance (king of the south) to use whenever he perceives he needs them. This is why some people in everyday life are sexually abused over and over again by many people. They often have no memory of satanic abuse because they dissociated and because demons block their memories.Every verse in Daniel 11 reveals details of the spiritual forces behind satanic ritual abuse leading up to the coming of the Antichrist. Evil people who want to rule the world through satanic powers must get their power by abusing SRA victims-lots of them. They travel all over the world "on business" and everywhere they go they participate in rituals. They sexually abuse enormous numbers of people. When they want their powers, they send forth their own demons and access power (bring back demons) from all the persons they raped in rituals. This knowledge reveals why pedophilia and human trafficking are so pervasive today. The end of Dan 11 reveals Christians being triumphant over evil world powers.

  • af Patricia Baird Clark
    232,95 kr.

  • af Patricia Baird Clark
    207,95 kr.

  • af Patricia Baird Clark
    177,95 kr.

  • af Patricia Baird Clark
    227,95 kr.

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