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  • af Patrick Grayson
    297,95 kr.

    How to Write - Right! The name says it all. My dream is to make your writing dream come true. Some teach writing. Others teach about publishing. This book teaches both. I am a writer. I am also a publisher and a writing coach. I have been all of these things for a long time. I love writing and write as often as possible. As this phase of my life is more about giving, so I give you my experience, and dare I say, my wisdom of all things to do with how to make a book (not only books but writing skill) and having it published. So Some of the topics that I will be talking about: - I want to write a book. How do I start? - How do I advance from a novice to a great writer? - Do I need to learn grammar before I can write? - Should I self publish my book? - Why most manuscripts do not work? - Creativity, can I develop it? - How do authors and writers develop ideas? - How do you say what you mean to say? And there will be more, such as ePubs, editing, and creativity, all designed to support you as a writer who wants to be published If you follow these pages you will become a better writer, and also learn how to get your book published. As a writing coach I (first) set out to write How to Write - Right! with the attitude that this is to be the most practical book on writing to emerge in years. I have tried to give you as wide a view as possible of writing skill, technology in writing, working with creativity, publishing, self-publishing, marketing your book and many more topics. The book is also aimed at people who have a need to communicate by the written word, in the form of emails, reports and letters - which is everyone. In order to provide this overview, I have sacrificed depth of material. This book can guide you to being a very good writer, but it will not make you a great writer. For this, you will need to broaden your knowledge by reading books that specialise in subjects like; the writing of novels, characterisation and many more. I have written the book from a writer's point of view, as I am a writer. I also weigh in with my knowledge as a publisher. This means I will teach you writing skills and about publishing and self-publishing. To this I add the learning that I have had through helping (literally hundreds) of new writers/authors ( I will also show you how to avoid the common mistakes that most 'would be' writers make when they submit a manuscript to a publisher. I also focus on the most important component that most books on writing ignore - you - that your writing is an extension of who you are. Some may describe their life with the aid of a pen, others see their life as a result of what their pen has told them! This is not a book of words that you read once and put down, it is more of a course, and so I encourage you to work through the various exercises, sample writings and journaling. All are designed to assist you to emerge at the other end of this book as a competent writer. I once read that if you read sixty-seven books on a given subject, you would have the equivalent knowledge of a PhD on that subject. I believe that if you read this one book on writing, you will have most of the tools required to write in almost any format (but, I still want you to read as many books on writing as possible). Surely if you want to write a great novel, then it makes sense to read the latest top selling novels. If you are a motivational writer, then read the last twenty or so motivational sellers. Thereby, you will absorb writing skill on characterisation, dialogue, etc, especially if you read for ideas. Look at the brevity of their ideas as well as the way they describe things - do the ideas flow? Lastly, I can't teach about writing, without teaching about life and our connection to it. As it is life and connection to it that becomes our writing. I hope that my methods inspire you to become a more fulfilled you.

  • af Patrick Grayson
    272,95 kr.

    When I write, there is a quantum leap from what I know to what I put down. I love where it comes from, and subsequently I have learnt much from what I have written. My writings emerge from topics that I grapple to understand. For reference material, I use life and reverence. To read the work is to know me. Each story has a message to offer, a truth - well, the way I see truth. To get the most from these stories, only read one or two a day. If you read too many, the stories will get lost in each other. They have been categorised to make them easier to work through. Finally, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. The applause was deafening as he ambled to the podium. Although stooped, he carried an air of confidence and distinction that age could not disguise. Somehow he seemed larger than his diminutive self. Shaggy white hair flopped over his wide forehead. Enormous eyebrows sheltered bright sparkling eyes, eyes that twinkled with intelligence. His clothes were those of a gentleman who walks in the park. Not dapper nor pretentious; comfortable perhaps? Most notable was his smile, wide and authentic, the smile of a man who has had a satisfying life. Finally reaching the podium, he leaned on it for support. As the attendant helped with placing the mike on Dr Jennings's lapel, he surveyed the audience. He did this with confidence and interest. He saw eager young faces, the faces of the graduates to whom the day belonged. They were the cream of the MBA students who were to be capped after his speech. His first words were hardly audible, almost as if they were to himself. The students leaned forward, straining to hear. They did not want to miss a word from this captain of industry, whose modest beginnings had not prevented him from becoming a household name. With more focus and louder this time, he said, 'What would you do if you knew you could not fail?' Still, it was offered as if his mind were elsewhere and, as the students followed his speech, they learned that it was. He was reminiscing about a time, sixty-eight years earlier, when he was fourteen. He talked about a dream he had had. A profound dream, that had directed the course of his life, shaped him as an icon, not only in his own country but around the world. In the dream, he saw himself determinedly striding up a mountain, higher and higher, short of breath, tired, but driven. Onwards he continued, passing gnarled, stunted trees and ice-covered moss until, in mist and cold, he reached the summit. Immediately, he heard a friendly voice, 'So you finally made it?' Peering into the swirling haze, he saw an elfin man, with a long white beard and bushy hair that seemed to merge with the fog. 'Sit down on this stone and rest, for I have a message that I am to pass on to you.' Some forty-five minutes later, zombie-like, he made his way back down the mountain, with the words of the elfin man ringing in his ears, '"Live your life as if you cannot fail." 'And so, ladies and gentleman, I did, ' announced Dr Jennings. 'I had the mantra I cannot fail guiding me all these years. Consequently, I did not have the insecurities that seem to inhibit most of society. I recommend that you contemplate what you would do if you knew you could not fail.' He became quiet, letting that last thought sink in. 'You would be dauntless, navigating through life's impediments, as if they did not exist. Knowing that you could not fail would give you the confidence to embark on any project, in any situation, knowing that you would win. With no thought of ridicule, your creativity would flow. With the outcome assured, you would work with zeal for the early fruition of all that you did. You would do more in your life and there would no procrastination. Imagine the tasks you could accomplish in your allotted time, if you knew that there was no risk!'

  • af Patrick Grayson
    226,95 kr.

    I started to write this book as a doodle, why not, as that is how I started writing in the first place. Yes a doodle but a cathartic doodle, one that was not meant to go anywhere except to the unfinished manuscript folder on my PC. But like a truck with a heavy load on a downward slope, it took off, faster and faster, not easily stopped. Of course it helped that periods of my family's history is interesting, but it was more than that. There was a compulsion, an imperative that was larger than me. The story that needed to be told is one of insidious illnesses that affects a large percentage of the population of western society - the illnesses are dementia, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. This is a story of people, real people, and how their lives were destroyed by these diseases. It is about the ravages of World War Two and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and although my life has not been unduly affected by their diseases it is often a destroyer of the loved ones of the diseased. As this is a story about people with various afflictions, I wanted it to remain about those people and so have not deviated with long medical descriptions or treatments, and have kept complex terminology to a minimum. And although I want to highlight the plight of those with the afflictions so readers can understand how sad and debilitating they are, it is a story and not a textbook, and so that is why I have kept complexity from it. The same with geographical detail and history, where I have given just enough to round out the story and not to flummox. It is the real story of war, love, hate and disease - but more importantly, it is the story of life. The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven John Milton About 10th of June It all started when my daughter Kimmy sent me a text message saying: "Grampa (my father) is back in hospital. I don't know how bad it is, I'm trying to find out. It was Helen (Dads wife) who phoned me and of course she's frantic. If I find out more I'll let you know, love Kim". 'Hell', I know what this means. For now though I'm going to do my best to resist as I have been there before. But in my heart of hearts I know that I must go back to Australia and do what must be done. I arrived in South Africa only three weeks earlier on a two-month visit to my family and also to house-sit my son's place whilst he and his family were on holiday in Europe. I SMSed Kim back and said that "I'll phone Helen and see how she is." I knew Kim was not going to be happy, as she would have liked me to have said, "OK, I'm on my way to take control", but for now it will have to do. The minute Helen picked up the phone I knew that I could not unduly delay my return but I needed to until Lance and his family returned in another four days' time. As I talk to her, I know of old, the quivering voice and could imagine her hands shaking, claw-like as she works through a panic attack. As a result of her illness she has virtually no body fat, I could see her face with the shrunken-skin stretched drum tight, accentuating the protruding, pointed cheekbones, with her hazel eyes - small coffee beans in their large sockets. I know the despairing stare and the pain that those eyes contain. I could hear the tears in her eyes and I shudder. Her words were incongruous with this memory as she says, "It's okay, ...I can... cope". We both know that she can't. I promised to phone back the next day and monitor her.

  • af Patrick Grayson
    197,95 kr.

    Learn to control your life with this story telling teacher who offers tales and wisdom shaped by his own difficult life. A life that only started to work when he learnt to trust himself and his place within the Universe. What this book will do for you? * Know ThySelf is jam-packed with 1001 ideas to help you become the person you have always wanted to be. * Know Thyself is one of the most comprehensive self-help workbooks ever written. Pat writes with simplicity and honesty, first getting to the core of your controlling behaviours and then offering methods for relief. * Know Thyself explains the link between being positive and working with your spirituality. You are taught that, in action there is hope, in trust there is freedom. * Know Thyself will explain the difference between your ego and soul, what is real spirituality * Know Thyself can teach you how to express your God-given power and to live with enthusiasm and zeal This workbook is also a journal where you record your profound insights.

  • af Patrick Grayson
    207,95 kr.

    "A delightful read illustrating the wisdom and humour animals bring to our lives. Having little four legged family members myself, I could totally relate and thoroughly enjoyed Yogi's adventures and story." Laverne Hyman Thank you for letting me read "Yogi". Within the pages are gems; precious gems that will inspire, enlighten and bring joy to others who will read the book. It's a fantastic book for anyone and everyone who has a dog; or rather who has a dog that they consider part of the family. For the others who think they have nothing more than a security alarm on four legs, I hope they are open-minded enough to read this book and discover what an amazing, life-enriching creature they have right under their noses. "Yogi" made me giggle and "Yogi" filled my heart to near bursting. I think humankind has never fully appreciated the extent to which these companions of ours help us, perhaps because most of the help they provide is in a way that is not tangible, scientific or apparent through our physical senses. What they provide we are only now touching on, through opening our intuitive and telepathic skills. Sammy Thompson. "The way Pat puts across the physical and emotional needs of dogs (doggy facts) is absolutely enchanting and enlightening His writing has brought Yogi and Sparkleberry to life with the most entertaining personalities. Well done Pat." Jenny Shonne, International Animal Intuitive Speaker, educator and author

  • af Patrick Grayson
    207,95 kr.

    A compilation of short stories that imparts the wisdom of the agesNappealing to all age groups. The journey to a place of fantasy and intuition will awaken the eternal child who dwells within and knows that nothing is impossible.

  • - Chinese people in Australia, their history here, and their influence, then and now.
    af Patrick Grayson
    252,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Grayson
    207,95 kr.

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