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  • af Paul Moore
    101,95 kr.

    I AM YehovahI AM Yehovah, your Father in Heaven. I've been watching you and waiting for you to start a relationship with me. I know that many people are upset with me these days because of what is happening on the earth. Let me be perfectly clear I HATE what I see going on down here. Humanity's sins are piled high to Heaven, and I want you to know that I am about to move again on planet earth.This movement may never make the news until it's too late for the kingdom of darkness to resist it. I am about to awaken my children to the reality of who I am and who I am not, one by one. I am asking you to join my team of people who desire to see the planet restored to the brilliance it once had before the fall of man. You don't have to know anything, as I will teach you all you need to know. You see, I have given man over two thousand years to prove that life does not work for anyone without me. You can see it all over the planet. Wars have been raging for centuries. People hate each other for their differences in skin color, social status, ethnicity, where they live, and so many other things that humans hate each other.Churches, Mosques, and Synagogues have failed miserably in shepherding my people. Instead, they have served only to separate, divide and sow strife among my people. There is no unity. Everyone wants to be right, when in fact, everyone is wrong. You can't celebrate me in a church service, mosque service, or synagogue service. I am not there. I HATE what religion has done to this planet. I want my people happy and I WANT MY PEOPLE BACK!!!How am I going to do this? Well, I have two people right now on the planet who are being awakened. All others are asleep and in deep darkness. I am looking for more people, will you be one of them? I must warn you, my offer is not for the weak, but for those who have a backbone and are willing to do what I tell them to do. If you want to do things your way, you cannot be on my team. I am not looking for robots, but I am looking for people who know there is something wrong on this planet and are willing to help me make the necessary changes. You may be persecuted, mocked and some may even kill you for taking a stand with me. Remember, your life here is for but a moment. You are a vapor that appears for a short moment and then you disappear.If you want more out of life and a good feeling of satisfaction, then I suggest that you be open to relearning my ways and desire to do my will. If you want to have an abundance in this life and the next, I suggest you humble yourself and ask me to be your friend in your own words. Start spending quality time with me and we'll see where it goes. I am not asking you for any money and you do not have to give any money to any religious system anymore. You keep your money for yourself.Everything I offer you is free of charge in the sense you are not required to give me any money. I want to bless your treasuries with an abundance of every good thing and that includes money, but you must be willing to do things my way. You see how successful your way has been, now see what I can do, if only you will humble yourself, and be willing to be taught.You must realize that you know nothing and I know everything. If that statement upsets you, you are not ready to be in my Kingdom. I am the supreme being, you are a mist, a vapor. Greater men and women have lived on the earth and made their mark, yet compared to me, they were nothing. If you think you know it all (which you don't, you know nothing about me) about me and feel you have been serving me these past 20, 30, 40+ years, let me give you a newsflash, you have done nothing to promote a true and genuine relationship with me. All you have done is contributed to the divide between man and me.If you want to make a difference sign up and start talking to me. My servant Paul will show you what I require. https: // - papa

  • - A True Story of Strange Events From the Bermuda Triangle
    af Paul Moore
    132,95 kr.

    Nightmare on the Solitude A True Story of Strange Events From The Bermuda Triangle Nightmare on the Solitude is the true story of a voyage into the realm of the Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle. It was there in the middle of that body of water that the author, Kip Boland, found herself amidst events that didn't, and still don't, add up. Her journeys traversed the intracoastal waters off Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, going as far as the Bimini Islands. Her pleasure craft, The Solitude, found itself in the midst of stormy seas where ocean storms could spring up in an instant. Everything that the Devil's Triangle could throw at a person, seemed to be aimed at Kip and her crew. From unexplainable malfunctions of equipment, to a horrific shark attack, to bizarre paranormal activity, her battered crew struggled against the onslaught on winds and waves that threatened their voyages through those waters. Brace Yourself. Kip's true story will lure you into the midst of hell on water, as dictated by the unforgiving Devil's Triangle. It slowly reels you into her crisis of of being completely helpless and at the mercy of the foaming waters around her and her crew. Why did these things happen to her? Was the Triangle, or something within it, trying to tell her something? How could she ever explain what she saw to someone without them thinking she was crazy! How could she ever trust her gut instincts on those waters again? Would she and her crew survive the journey or would they become another unexplained statistic chalked up to the Bermuda Triangle? This book will slowly grab you with its tentacles of fear and horror until you are on The Solitude yourself! It keeps you eagerly reading and trying to tell Kip, "No! Don't go there! No! Don't do that!" This is one of the most subtle horror stories you will ever read. She survived it where others didn't. She came back to tell the story, where others couldn't. These paranormal activities were all but forgotten by the media and others who had heard of the happenings on The Solitude. Kip journaled these experiences after it was over and kept that journal locked up for over forty years and just recently accessed the writings that described those fateful trips between Florida and Bimini Islands.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    157,95 kr.

    April 1917. Bloody April, when the life expectancy of a pilot reduced to 17 days, Flashman finds himself a flight commander and back on the western front pursuing a possible traitor, trying to stay alive and work out who exactly is on his side. Shirking, sweating and shivering, our hero returns to England having completed his task and looking forward to a quiet life only to discover the worst is yet to come. Forced to change sides, he 'escapes' to Holland before being shanghaied into Jagdgeschwader 1, the Flying Circus with Richtofen as its commander. After witnessing the demise of the Red Baron himself, Flash returns to the fold fighting his way through the terror of the hundred days before the armistice. But with the peace does not come safety and after a brief sojourn in Paris, the chaos of post war Germany beckons and he is hurled into the maelstrom that is Weimar Germany, where he unwittingly assists in the rise of a new order of nationalists, marching fearfully, arm in arm with Hitler and Goering, into the centre of Munich as the Beer Hall Putsch propels the Nazis towards power.Father, Husband, Lover, Shirker, Cad, Coward, Flashman is once again reluctantly thrust centre stage whilst desperately cowering behind a legion of men and women in his attempts to avoid the action but from which there is no escape!

  • - La travesía a la rendición
    af Paul Moore
    92,95 kr.

    A veces te encuentras en medio de la nada, y es ahí, en medio de la nada, que logras encontrarte Nikki Volkov, una estudiante universitaria de veintitrés años con un pasado difícil, está atrapada en su zona de confort buscando la escurridiza seguridad y certeza de la vida. Rob Kelty, alumno de posgrado, es un producto del sueño americano: lo que él tiene no lo quiere, y lo que quiere no lo tiene, sin poder articular lo que es. Una pareja inesperada, unida por la búsqueda de la felicidad.En esta narración Nikki lleva al lector a un viaje intrépido desde la costa de California hasta las cumbres de Colorado en donde ella y Rob encuentran experiencias y condiciones que los acercan, al mismo tiempo que desafían los cimientos de su relación. Su destino finalmente se revela en la escarpada tierra virgen de las Montañas Rocosas donde la Tierra-Madre puede otorgar bendiciones que salvan vidas y también ser profunda e implacablemente cruel.

  • af Paul Moore
    107,95 kr.

    My Time in Heaven and Hell with Three Mistresses The storm raged. Hurricane-force winds. Rain pelted like thumbtacks. My small sailboat capsized and left me clinging to one thought. The Only thought that mattered. How would I get to my appointment with Mistress? "The House of Dominance" is where it all began. As a client, you first must trust them, sight unseen. Like a secret agent, you give them a 50% deposit at a drop location. I'm autistic in an emotional sense. In my younger years, I watched and learned when to laugh, cry and show emotions in a social environment so I could fit in and develop friendships. Still, relationships and friendships take work for me. To get excited and stimulated, I need risk-taking activities. I'm in Bangkok meeting a Dominatrix Mistress..

  • af Paul Moore
    87,95 kr.

    Cass is devastated; she's been betrayed by her closest friend, Tony, who has joined a rival gang called the Marauders. Cass is tied down in an abandoned building and they plan to rape and beat her to death. Tony is there, but seems oblivious to her peril. Will Cass escape or become another statistic? How can this young girl, even if she lives, ever trust another human being again? Tony has shattered her emotions by his apathy. So much had been done for her by this young boy and now he just doesn't care. How could he do this? This isn't the first time Cass has experienced betrayal, her parents abandoned her years ago, leaving her to fend for everything - the things that Tony had provided. Now, that was all gone and, should she survive, how will Cass face the many tough challenges that life has hit her with? Would she ever be able to love or trust another person? Tony's lack of support has left her shattered and numb. Will anyone be able to reach this young girl who has been brought down to the deepest depths of despair?

  • af Paul Moore
    252,95 kr.

    This is the story of Bob Osgood from his early years in New York City to his passing in Beverly Hills, CA. We get a picture of the Los Angeles area from a child's perspective during the Depression. More importantly we see Bob discover square dancing in a small country general store in Northern Arizona and the effect that experience had on him. Later Bob was reintroduced to square dancing at a leadership conference held at the beautiful conference ground at Asilomor, near Monterey, California. These two experiences changed Bob permanently, and then he went on the change square dancing. He studied under Dr. Lloyd 'Pappy" Shaw who inspired Bob to teach some of the first classes in the Los Angeles area. In the post WWII era, Bob started a square dance magazine, Sets in Order, which was the most widely read square dance magazine in the world. And Bob took square dancing worldwide with a series of tours to all parts of the world. Bob saw first hand the effect square dancing had on the military returning from the war and how square dancing had a profound effect on America. When the square dance activity became widespread, Bob saw the need to have callers use the same terminology when calling. Bob was the drive behind the formation of CALLERLAB, The International Association of Square Dance Callers. This book gives all readers a chance to meet a charismatic man who was dedicated to helping people have fun.

  • - Using skinfold calipers, with the four site method on adults.
    af Paul Moore
    112,95 kr.

    By reading this manual you will have more knowledge of how to understand and measure body composition. This is useful for nutritionists, fitness and sports coaches and individuals interested in improving health.Body fat measurement is an important indicator of not only fitness level but also a predictor of future health risks.A person's weight does not give a clear indication of the health of that individual. Body weight alone does not take into account the composition of a person in terms of lean body mass (muscle) versus fat mass.

  • af Paul Moore
    287,95 kr.

    Smith Mountain Lake has quickly become one of the East's most popular destinations for vacationers, second-homeowners, retirees, and telecommuters. The lake is a natural draw for water and mountain lovers of all sorts. Yet this rush to buy lots and homes here has meant problems for some. Smith Mountain Lake, like all waterfront destinations, has a number of issues that, if ignored, can have serious repercussions for property values and quality of life. Fortunately, each of these issues can be navigated successfully with good counsel and careful investigation. That is the purpose of this book. If you own or are considering buying property at Smith Mountain Lake, this book is a must!

  • - Create Enduring Wealth from the Historic Shift to Multifamily Housing
    af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

    The American Dream has shifted...Not long ago, Americans were bent on home ownership. Most viewed it as one of their great life goals and their largest investment. No more. Almost overnight, the demographics have shifted. For an increasing number of Americans of all ages and backgrounds, renting is in, and home ownership is out.Experienced commercial real estate investors know that the risk profile, returns and tax benefits of large scale multifamily are virtually unmatched. Unfortunately, access to these investments is unavailable to most investors. The author takes you on a journey through his surprising discoveries about the power of this unique asset class. The Perfect Investment teaches you... The secrets used by the super-wealthy to attain and maintain their wealth over generations (and why you're not invited to their party). Why multifamily investing scored 460% better than the stock market on a key risk vs. reward ratio. Why investing in flips, single family rentals, and small apartments is a not a path to multi-generational wealth for the vast majority of people. Why US demographics, the economy, and the fallout from the last recession have caused the perfect storm for the success of this asset class. How multifamily investors "partner" with the IRS to reap significant profits while paying virtually no taxes. (Your CPA may not know these tax codes, but you need to!) "The Perfect Investment is extremely compelling. So much so, that as soon as I finished reading the book, I contacted Paul and said, "I'm in!" As an early stage entrepreneur that is always swinging for the fences on high-risk, high-growth startups, this is a much-needed wakeup call to balance my investment strategy with the highest return/lowest risk investment available. Well done, Paul!"- Wade Myers, Chairman of RealManage (an Inc 5000 tech-enabled real estate management firm), tech entrepreneur and investor, and Harvard MBA and case study author"Paul Moore has written a terrific book for real estate investors, new or experienced. He explains the benefits and provides a detailed but concise pathway based upon personal experience and in easy to understand language. A great recommendation for getting started in commercial real estate investment."- Allen Smith, Vice President Investments, Marcus & Millichap (top 10 US commercial brokerage with $33B in annual sales)"The book is very impressive and complete. It goes beyond the basics and informs investors of all of the opportunities, and pitfalls, of investing in real estate. The ability for a potential investor, at any level of sophistication, to go to one location to access information about investing in multifamily real estate is very unique."- Rick Graf, President & CEO, Pinnacle Property Management Services (top 5 US property management firm with 146,000 apartment units under management)"As an investment advisor I am always seeking investments that will compliment the portfolio of a family or individual looking to grow their wealth without taking extraordinary risks. In this book, Paul builds a strong case for why multifamily housing provides a highly attractive risk to reward ratio on an investment you can actually touch and see!"- Micah Spruill, Managing Partner, Aurora Investment Advisors"The Perfect Investment is a great introduction for anyone looking to venture into commercial multifamily investing. Paul's approach during each step of the process is well defined and thoroughly explained. A perfect guide for the perfect investment."- Neal Golden, Vice Chairman and Texas Regional President of Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (top 3 US commercial brokerage-$100B in annual sales)

  • af Paul Moore & Sandra Gabriele
    274,95 - 1.247,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

    This is a photography book; it does not explain or attempt to teach you about photography, in Arizona or anywhere else. One of the greatest pleasures about photography is experimenting to see if the image you capture resembles the image you had in your mind when you took it. This book is small; it is intended to be small. It is an attempt to bring the cost of photography books down to as low as they can go without sacrificing digital quality of the images within. This is the thirty sixth volume in a series, length or number unknown at the moment. However, when the series becomes sufficiently voluminous, they will be combined into a larger, and unfortunately more expensive, volume. This volume contains about 40 images. Future volumes may contain a few more or a few less depending upon final digital size. I sincerely hope you enjoy the images within.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    197,95 kr.

  • af Paul Moore
    144,95 kr.

  • - Create Enduring Wealth from the Historic Shift to Multifamily Housing
    af Paul Moore
    174,95 kr.

    The Perfect Investment reveals how investors can have access to commercial multifamily investing, one of the most coveted but hard-to-access sectors of real estate.

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