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  • af Paul Sterling
    152,95 kr.

    Unlock the Path to Optimal Kidney Health with "Master Your Renal Health"!Concerned about your kidney health and searching for a comprehensive guide to enhance it? Look no further! This groundbreaking ebook provides you with essential tools to transform your renal health and live a vibrant, energetic life. What will you find in "Master Your Renal Health"?

  • af Paul Sterling
    182,95 kr.

    ¡Descubre el camino hacia una salud renal óptima con "Domina tu Salud Renal"!¿Te preocupa la salud de tus riñones y estás buscando una guía completa para mejorarla? ¡No busques más! Este revolucionario ebook te brinda las herramientas esenciales para transformar tu salud renal y vivir una vida plena y enérgica. ¿Qué encontrarás en "Domina tu Salud Renal"?

  • af Paul Sterling
    157,95 kr.

    Are you ready to transform your relationship with diabetes? "Managing Diabetes" is much more than a guide; It is your integral companion on the journey towards total control of your health. Written by experts in the field, this book unravels the mysteries of Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes, providing you with practical strategies backed by the latest medical research. Imagine a future where diabetes no longer dictates your daily choices, but you take control. From the moment you open the pages of this book, you will be immersed in a world of knowledge that will empower you to effectively manage your blood sugar and adapt to a lifestyle that promotes optimal health. What can you expect from "Managing Diabetes"? From fundamental nutrition principles designed specifically for diabetic needs to tailored exercise strategies, each chapter is packed with practical tools to help you make informed decisions about your well-being. Don't let diabetes be the narrator of your story; take the helm with "Controlling Diabetes." This book is your ticket to a future where you define the rules. Start your journey to freedom and lasting health today. Your best version is waiting for you!

  • af Paul Sterling
    177,95 kr.

    ¿Estás listo para transformar tu relación con la diabetes? "Controlando la Diabetes" es mucho más que una guía; es tu compañero integral en el viaje hacia un control total de tu salud. Este libro, escrito por expertos en la materia, desentraña los misterios de la Diabetes Tipo 1, Tipo 2 y Gestacional, proporcionándote estrategias prácticas respaldadas por la última investigación médica. Imagina un futuro donde la diabetes ya no dicta tus elecciones diarias, sino que tú tomas el control. Desde el momento en que abres las páginas de este libro, te sumergirás en un mundo de conocimientos que te capacitarán para gestionar eficazmente el azúcar en sangre y adaptarte a un estilo de vida que promueva la salud óptima. ¿Qué puedes esperar de "Controlando la Diabetes"? Desde principios fundamentales de nutrición diseñados específicamente para las necesidades diabéticas hasta estrategias de ejercicio adaptadas, cada capítulo está lleno de herramientas prácticas que te ayudarán a tomar decisiones informadas sobre tu bienestar. No dejes que la diabetes sea la narradora de tu historia; toma el timón con "Controlando la Diabetes". Este libro es tu boleto hacia un futuro donde tú defines las reglas. Comienza tu viaje hacia la libertad y la salud duradera hoy mismo. ¡Tu mejor versión te está esperando entre estas páginas!

  • af Paul Sterling
    212,95 kr.

    ¿Estás buscando una solución definitiva para tus problemas gástricos? Esta guía exhaustiva te lleva de la mano a través del complejo mundo de la gastritis, desde entender los intrincados procesos de la digestión hasta descifrar los síntomas y las causas. Con un enfoque profundo en el diagnóstico y tratamientos tanto convencionales como holísticos, este libro es tu compañero indispensable en el viaje hacia un estómago saludable y libre de molestias. Lo que aprenderás:Comprende los procesos digestivos como un experto.Profundiza en los tipos y causas de la gastritis para una comprensión completa.Reconoce los síntomas a través del lenguaje gástrico y aprende a interpretar las señales de tu cuerpo.Domina el arte del diagnóstico y el diagnóstico diferencial para una evaluación precisa de tu salud gástrica.Explora enfoques de tratamiento convencionales y holísticos, dándote el poder de elegir lo que mejor se adapte a ti.Descubre estrategias de prevención y ajustes en el estilo de vida que pueden marcar la diferencia en tu bienestar gástrico.Obtén apoyo nutricional sólido y aprende cómo la dieta puede ser tu aliada en la lucha contra la gastritis.Abordamos trastornos gástricos más allá de la gastritis, asegurando que estés preparado para cualquier desafío.Enfócate en la salud gástrica en grupos específicos como niños, ancianos y mujeres embarazadas, garantizando un cuidado adaptado.Explora la conexión entre el bienestar mental y emocional y tu salud gástrica para una abordaje holístico y completo.Con esta guía en tus manos, estarás equipado con el conocimiento y las herramientas necesarias para conquistar la gastritis y vivir una vida plena y sin molestias estomacales. ¡Tu viaje hacia un estómago feliz comienza aquí!

  • af Paul Sterling
    167,95 kr.

    Unlock the secrets to optimal digestive health with "Mastering Gastric Wellness." This authoritative guide takes you on a journey through the complexities of gastric health, from understanding the nuances of gastritis to exploring advanced treatments and holistic approaches. Why Choose "Mastering Gastric Wellness"?In-Depth Knowledge: Dive deep into the world of gastric health, exploring various disorders, symptoms, and cutting-edge treatments, all explained in clear, concise language.Expert Guidance: Written by medical professionals, this book offers expert insights, evidence-based advice, and practical tips for managing gastric issues effectively.Holistic Solutions: Discover a range of solutions, from pharmaceutical treatments to holistic approaches like yoga, acupuncture, and dietary interventions, ensuring you have a holistic toolkit for managing your digestive health.Empowerment and Support: Feel empowered to take control of your well-being. Learn how to recognize symptoms, make informed decisions, and foster mental and emotional resilience on your health journey.Time-Tested Wisdom: Benefit from centuries-old practices merged with the latest medical advancements, providing you with a well-rounded perspective on gastric health.Comprehensive and Accessible: Whether you're a medical professional, a patient, or someone interested in understanding digestive health, this book caters to all levels of knowledge, making complex medical information accessible to everyone.Invest in Your Well-being Today! "Mastering Gastric Wellness" is more than a book; it's your ultimate guide to digestive health. Equip yourself with the knowledge to lead a fulfilling life, free from the constraints of digestive issues. Purchase your copy now and embark on a transformative journey toward gastric wellness. Note: Embrace the power of knowledge. Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated; your voice can inspire others on their journey to gastric wellness. Leave a review and be part of a supportive community committed to optimal health!

  • - 5 Communication Secrets For Couples Who Want Less Pain And More Passion
    af Paul Sterling
    237,95 kr.

    This Best Seller Reveals What To Do... and What NOT To Do... if You Want Open, Honest, and Intimate Communication... * CLICK "READ MORE" TO FIND OUT MORE & TO GET 3 FREE BONUSES (when you buy the book.) * *** BONUSES FOR BOOK BUYERS *** - FREE 7 RELATIONSHIP-SAVING VIDEO PRESENTATIONS - FREE LIVE WEBINAR - FREE RELATIONSHIP SAVING CHEAT SHEET FOR YOUR REFRIGERATOR Go to http: // THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU IF: - You are tired of small disagreements blowing up into big fights - You still love each other but hate the way you deal with conflicts - You want to bring back love, trust, and intimacy - You want less pain and more passion in your relationship HERE'S WHAT INSIDE: -Want open and honest communication to soar in your relationship? It happens almost automatically when you eliminate Destructive Habit #1 (jump to page #17). -Discover the communication secret every pizza place knows that will radically reduce the number of misunderstandings you have when you apply it at home. (this secret is revealed in chapter #4) -Ready for more intimacy and understanding? Put an end to Destructive Habit #5 (the Fatal F's) and watch communication rush back in... (starts on page 83). -Warning: don't make the BSW mistake described on page #17. It stops any chance of intimacy or open, honest communication. -Has your communication gotten stuck in a downward spiral, does it feel like relationship rut where the more you talk about something, the worse it gets? Want to know why... read chapter #6 several times. -Discover what causes you... or your partner... to take things personally and what to do about it. (revealed in chapter #3) -Working really hard - but not making any headway in your relationship? Check out the story starting on page 13. -You may want to cut out the Argument Prevention Cheat Sheets - Summary Pages 111 - 116, but luckily you don't have to - there is a special bonus color PDF for your fridge. Okay, there is more, but if you are still reading, you must know that one of the most important foundations of a great relationship is great communication. Go to http: // READ WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE BOOK: "Get the book and study it. Understanding and avoiding the 5 hurtful mistakes Paul points out in this book will help you prevent many of your upsets and arguments and bring back open and honest communication to your relationship." -Scott Catamas, founder, Love Coach Academy "A quick read with immediate results. ... There is nothing in this book that you don't need." -Cathleene Cienfuegos "Such a good book! Clear and simple -- but challenging! There is a lot of really useful material here that requires some real attention, study, and practice." -Mary C. Paul Sterling is an international public speaker, best-selling author, a relationship coach and a Tanric Educator. He is the developer of communication tools to help couples go from being stuck in a downward spiral to being able to turn their relationship around. Paul's communication method makes sure that both people feel heard, understood, and valued. He studied extensively with the founder of Nonviolent Communication, is certified in Neuro-Associative Communication by Tony Robbins, and is a master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. When he is not traveling around the world and teaching, Paul enjoys white water kayaking in Colorado and learning how to surf in Hawaii. For more info about upcoming events or relationship coaching, click on the link below. http: //

  • af Paul Sterling
    189,95 - 317,95 kr.

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