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Bøger af Paulo Coelho

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  • - The Alchemist in te reo Maori
    af Paulo Coelho
    328,95 kr.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    156,95 kr.

    Here Paulo Coelho details his journey across Spain along the legendaryroad of San Tiago, which pilgrims have travelled since Middle Ages. On this contemporary quest, he encounters a Chaucerian variety of mysterious guides and devilish opponents and learns to understand the nature of truth through the simplicity of life. The Pilgrimage holds an important place in Paulo Coelho's literary canon. His first book, it not only paved the way for his phenomenal novel The Alchemist , but it also fully expresses his humanist philosophy and the depth of his unique search for meaning.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    96,95 kr.

    In the famous Dam Square in Amsterdam he finds young people playing music, while discussing sexual liberation, the expansion of consciousness and the search for an inner truth. For Paulo and Karla it is a life-defining love story that leads to choices that will set the course of the rest of their lives.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    89,95 kr.

    Den, der vil forstå verden, må lære at se den med sine egne øjne. •To mennesker sætter sig ud over deres egne begrænsninger og kaster sig ud i det modige liv, som de altid har drømt om. •En ny og bemærkelsesroman "Hippie tager læseren med tilbage til de år – for nogle en umulig drøm – med livsglæde og nysgerrighed. År, hvor man virkelig troede på, at man kunne lave revolution med blomster, og at drømme kunne gå i opfyldelse. Altid." Italien, Il Giornale de Vicenza" •"Paulo Coelho er tilbage, i år med en fabelagtig idé, der er lige så usædvanlig som farverne på forsiden af hans nye roman. Titlen er rammerne omkring og emnet for Coelhos nye værk: Den 70-årige brasilianer præsenterer Hippie, et kapitel af hans eget liv, en rejse gennem hippiebevægelsens Europa i 1970'erne. Tyskland, Buchreport Da den unge og rebelske Paulo og den hollandske pige Karla mødes i Amsterdam i 1970, rammer kærligheden dem som et lyn fra en klar himmel. De beslutter at drage ud i verden sammen og søge nye erfaringer på hippieruten i en Magisk Bus. Med på bussen er en flok ligesindede og ikke mindst tidens musik, der dengang satte verden på den anden ende. De unge rejsende søger nye værdier – og er ligeglade med andres mening.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    154,95 kr.

    El Alquimista, de Paulo Coelho, sigue cambiando la vida de sus lectores para siempre. Con más de dos millones de copias vendidas alrededor del mundo, El Alquimista se ha establecido como un clásico moderno, admirado universalmente. La obra maestra de Paulo Coelho cuenta la mágica historia de Santiago, un joven pastor andaluz que anhela viajar en busca de un tesoro valioso, el más extravagante que jamás alguien haya encontrado. La historia de los tesoros que Santiago encuentra en su camino nos enseña, como sólo pocas historias pueden, sobre de la sabiduría esencial de escuchar nuestro corazón, aprender a leer los presagios esparcidos a lo largo del camino de la vida y, sobre todo, a perseguir nuestros sueños. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho continues to change the lives of its readers forever. With more than two million copies sold around the world, The Alchemist has established itself as a modern classic, universally admired.Paulo Coelho's masterpiece tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found.The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us, as only a few stories can, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, above all, following our dreams.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    89,50 - 96,95 kr.

    Sunday MirrorWhen Mata Hari arrived in Paris she was penniless. But as paranoia consumed a country at war, Mata Hari's lifestyle brought her under suspicion. Told in Mata Hari's voice through her final letter, The Spy is the unforgettable story of a woman who dared to break the conventions of her time, and paid the price.

  • - /(Spanish edition)
    af Paulo Coelho
    135,95 kr.

    From Paulo Coelho, author of the international bestseller The Alchemist, comes a poignant, richly poetic story that reflects the depth of love and life.Rarely does adolescent love reach its full potential, but what happens when two young lovers reunite after eleven years? Time has transformed Pilar into a strong and independent woman, while her devoted childhood friend has grown into a handsome and charismatic spiritual leader. She has learned well how to bury her feelings . . . and he has turned to religion as a refuge from his raging inner conflicts.Now they are together once again, embarking on a journey fraught with difficulties, as long-buried demons of blame and resentment resurface after more than a decade. But in a small village in the French Pyrenees, by the waters of the River Piedra, a most special relationship will be reexamined in the dazzling light of some of life's biggest questions.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    168,95 kr.

    Bestseller del New York Times?En Brida, mi tercera novela, que escribí justo después de El Alquimista, cuento la historia de una joven mujer que se adentra en la brujería y experimenta con diferentes tradiciones de magia. Exploro muchos temas que me apasionan, como la Gran Madre, las religiones paganas y las percepciones del amor?.-Paulo CoelhoEsta es la fascinante historia de Brida, una hermosa joven irlandesa, y su búsqueda del conocimiento. En su aventura conoce a un hombre inteligente que le enseña cómo vencer sus miedos y a una mujer que le enseña rituales antiguos. Ellos ven en Brida un don, pero deben dejarla emprender su propio viaje de descubrimiento. New York Times Bestseller?In Brida, my third novel, which I wrote just after The Alchemist, I tell the story of a young woman who dives into sorcery and her experiences with different magical traditions. I explore many themes that are dear to me, such as the Great Mother, pagan religions, and the perceptions of love.?-- Paulo CoelhoThis is the spellbinding tale of Brida, a beautiful young Irish woman, and her quest for knowledge. On her journey, she meets a wise man who teaches her about overcoming her fears, and a woman who teaches her ancient rituals. They see in her a gift, but must let Brida make her own voyage of discovery.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    136,95 kr.

    Bestseller del The New York Times?Una lectura increíblemente hermosa?. ? Seattle Post-Intelligencer¿Cómo encontramos el coraje para ser siempre fieles a nosotros mismos, aunque no estemos seguros de quiénes somos?Ésa es la pregunta central de La Bruja de Portobello, un profundo trabajo del autor súper ventas Paulo Coelho. Es la historia de una mujer misteriosa llamada Athena, contada por los muchos que la conocían bien -o que acaso apenas la conocían-.La Bruja de Portobello es el tipo de historia que trasformará el modo en que los lectores piensan sobre el amor, la pasión, la alegría y el sacrificio. The New York Times Bestseller?An incredibly beautiful read.? ? Seattle Post-IntelligencerHow do we find the courage to always be true to ourselves?even if we are unsure of who we are?That is the central question of international bestselling author Paulo Coelho's profound work The Witch of Portobello. It is the story of a mysterious woman named Athena, told by the many who knew her well?or hardly at all.The Witch of Portobello is the kind of story that will transform the way readers think about love, passion, joy, and sacrifice.

  • - Edicion Illustrada
    af Paulo Coelho
    308,95 kr.

    El Alquimista, ahora por primera vez disponible en Espana en Norte America, ha sido aclamado en Espana y en America Latina como una de las novelas mas importantes de la decada. Esta edicion especial esta bellamente ilustrado y hace un gran regalo para un amigo especial.

  • - Una Novela
    af Paulo Coelho
    168,95 kr.

  • - Una Novela de Obsesion
    af Paulo Coelho
    168,95 kr.

    La nueva novela del aclamado autor de El alquimista y Manual del Guerrero de la luz acerca del poder de una obsesión, y la búsqueda de un hombre que intenta recuperar un amor perdido. El narrador de El zahír es un aclamado autor de renombre internacional que vive en París y disfruta de los privilegios que le otorgan su fama y su dinero. Esther, su esposa desde hace diez años, es corresponsal de guerra y a pesar de su éxito profesional, y su relativa libertad de los confines tradicionales del matrimonio, se enfrenta a una crisis existencial que la atormenta silenciosamente. Un día, Esther desaparece con su amigo Mikhail -quien podría o no ser su amante- y, perplejas ante la ausencia de indicios, las autoridades deciden cuestionar al narrador. Todos se preguntan si Esther fue secuestrada o asesinada, o si fue que simplemente decidió abandonar un matrimonio que la dejaba insatisfecha. El narrador no tiene las respuestas pero poco a poco comienza a interrogarse sobre su propia existencia. Sin embargo un día, Mikhail, el hombre con quien Esther fue visto por última vez, encuentra al narrador y promete llevarlo a donde se encuentra su mujer. Se embarcan un viaje que los lleva del suntuoso glamour de Paris, a Kazakhstan, el lugar de origen de Mikhail. Y es en este misterioso lugar, marcado por una historia a la vez trágica y espiritualmente poderosa, que el narrador comienza a hacer sorprendentes descubrimientos sobre si mismo. Esta evocadora novela escrita por el aclamado autor de best sellers internacionales es la fascinante historia de una obsesión por recuperar un amor perdido, y una búsqueda por comprender cómo se relaciona con la libertad, la realización personal, y la necesidad que cada cual tiene de alcanzar sus metas.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    193,95 - 255,95 kr.

    A special 25th anniversary edition of the extraordinary international bestseller, including a new Foreword by Paulo Coelho.Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom and wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery,The Alchemisthas become a modern classic, selling millions of copies around the world and transforming the lives of countless readers across generations.Paulo Coelhos masterpiece tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. His quest will lead him to riches far differentand far more satisfyingthan he ever imagined. Santiagos journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, of recognizing opportunity and learning to read the omens strewn along lifes path, and, most importantly, to follow our dreams.

  • af Paulo Coelho & SparkNotes
    73,95 kr.

    SparkNotes Literature Guides: Making the reading experience fun! When a paper is due, and dreaded exams loom, here's the lit-crit help students need to succeed! "SparkNotes Literature Guides" make studying smarter, better, and faster. They provide chapter-by-chapter analysis; explanations of key themes, motifs, and symbols; a review quiz; and essay topics. Lively and accessible, SparkNotes is perfect for late-night studying and paper writing. "Includes" An A+ Essay--an actual literary essay written about the Spark-ed book--to show students how a paper should be written. 16 pages devoted to writing a literary essay including: a glossary of literary termsStep-by-step tutoring on how to write a literary essayA feature on how not to plagiarize

  • af Paulo Coelho
    96,95 kr.

    Another stunning novel by the author of The Alchemist.Aleph marks a return to Paulo Coelho's beginnings. In a frank and surprising personal story, one of the world's most beloved authors embarks on a remarkable and transformative journey of self-discovery.Facing a grave crisis of faith, and seeking a path of spiritual renewal and growth, Paulo decides to start over: to travel, to experiment, to reconnect with people and the world. On this journey through Europe, Africa, and Asia, he will again meet Hilal-the woman he loved 500 years before-an encounter that will initiate a mystical voyage through time and space, through past and present, in search of himself.Aleph is an encounter with our fears and our sins; a search for love and forgiveness, and the courage to confront the inevitable challenges of life.

  • - Selections from Classic Literature
    af Paulo Coelho
    96,95 kr.

    'Anthology' comes from the Greek word that stands for garlands - a bouquet of flowers. An anthology then, should be a sort of reminder of something else, a small token of something much larger. In the case of flowers, they bring with their fragrance and colorfulness the reminder of the fields, of a season. Coelho's anthology, therefore, is not only a collection of texts or poems, but a gift, something arranged according to his sensitivities, to give to others. The selection of books presented in this volume have been chosen as if from a vast field of flowers, stretching infinitely into time's horizon. Coelho's selection is ordered in to the four elements, symbolizing both our world on all its directions, and the way we dwell in this world, the way we say it. In 'Earth' we find writers as diverse as Oscar Wilde and D H Lawrence; in 'Air' Nelson Mandela and Gabriel Garcia Marques; in 'Fire' Rumi and Mary Shelley; in 'Water' Hans Christian Anderson and Machiavelli.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    96,95 kr.

    Another incredible novel from the #1 internationally bestselling author of The Alchemist.July 14, 1099. The city of Accra awaits the invasion of the crusaders who have surrounded the gates. There, within the city walls, men and women of every age have gathered to hear the words of a mysterious man known only as the Copt. He has summoned the townspeople to address their fears with truth, hope and comfort.They begin with questions about defeat and struggle; they contemplate the virtues of loyalty and solitude; and they ultimately turn to questions of beauty, love, wisdom, and what the future holds. "e;What is success?"e; poses the Copt. "e;It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace."e;* * *Now, centuries later, the manuscript containing the Copt's extraordinary insights on courage, solitude, loyalty and loss has been unearthed from a cave in Cairo.A Manuscript Found in Accra is a revelatory exploration of our most enduring and transcendental values, and a testimony to everyday wisdom.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    96,95 kr.

    The Winner Stands Alone is the enthralling new novel by the incomparable Paulo Coelho.The story is set during the Cannes International Film Festival and the entire action plays out over 24 hours. Igor is a wealthy Russian businessman. His wife Ewa left him two years ago and Igor has never really come to terms with their break up, especially as Ewa is now remarried to a famous fashion designer, Hamid Hussein. Igor is insanely jealous and when Ewa left him he told her that he would destroy 'whole worlds' in order to get her back, and he intends to keep his promise...Igor has followed Ewa and her new husband to Cannes and his plan is to cause as much violence and destruction as possible until Ewa realises how much he loves her and comes back to him. Ewa loved Igor but she was absolutely terrified of him. She knows that Igor has killed people in the past when he was a soldier, but she also knows a dark secret - that he once cold bloodedly murdered a beggar who was bothering them in a restaurant. Igor is clearly unhinged and he will stop at nothing to regain her love and so he goes on a ruthless killing spree until he tracks down Ewa...The star-studded film festival acts as a backdrop to Igor's maniacal murdering spree and we are ntroduced to various characters along the way, all of whom are desperately trying to get their big break in the shallow world of show business; Gabriela a young and naive actress who is being exploited by her agent and Jasmine a troubled young Rwandan refugee working as a model.The Winner Stands Alone is a gripping, fast-paced thriller, and Coelho cleverly weaves in elements of social satire, poking fun at our celebrity and money obsessed culture.

  • - Una Novela
    af Paulo Coelho
    137,95 kr.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    96,95 kr.

    A novel from Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist.A stranger arrives in the small mountain village. He carries with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars.Burying these in the vicinity, the stranger strikes up a curious friendship with a young woman from the village - Miss Prym. His mission is to discover whether human beings are essentially good or evil.In this stunning novel, Paulo Coelho's unusual protagonist sets the town a moral challenge from which they may never recover. A fascinating meditation on the human soul, The Devil and Miss Prym illuminates the reality of good and evil within us all, and our uniquely human capacity to choose between them.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    96,95 kr.

    'The Zahir', Paulo Coelho's novel, now available in ebook , incorporates exclusive new content including an extra section containing interviews with Paulo and plenty of information for those for whom the book just wasn't enough.It begins with a glimpse or a passing thought. It ends in obsession.One day a renowned author discovers that his wife, a war correspondent, has disappeared leaving no trace. Though time brings more success and new love, he remains mystified - and increasingly fascinated - by her absence. Was she kidnapped, blackmailed, or simply bored with their marriage? The unrest she causes is as strong as the attraction she exerts.His search for her - and for the truth of his own life - takes him from France to Spain, Croatia and, eventually, the bleakly beautiful landscape of Central Asia. More than that, it takes him from the safety of his world to a totally unknown path, searching for a new understanding of the nature of love and the power of destiny.With 'The Zahir', Paulo Coelho demonstrates his powerful and captivating storytelling.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    168,95 kr.

    Elévate a tu destinoManual del Guerrro de la Luz es un acompañante atemporal e inspirador de El Alquimista, un bestseller internacional que ha cautivado a millones de lectores alrededor del mundo. Cada pequeño pasaje nos invita a vivir nuestros sueños, aceptar la incertidumbre de la vida y elevar nuestro destino único. En su estilo inimitable, Paulo Coelho nos ayuda a sacar el Guerrero de la Luz que llevamos dentro. Muestra a los lectores cómo embarcarse en la ruta del Guerrero: ese que aprecia el milagro de estar vivo, que acepta el fracaso, y cuya misión lo lleva a la plenitud y la alegría. Rise to Your DestinyWarrior of the Light is a timeless and inspirational companion to The Alchemist?an international bestseller that has beguiled millions of readers around the world. Every short passage invites us to live out our dreams, to embrace the uncertainty of life, and to rise to our own unique destiny. In his inimitable style, Paulo Coelho helps bring out the Warrior of the Light within each of us. He shows readers how to embark upon the way of the Warrior: the one who appreciates the miracle of being alive, the one who accepts failure, and the one whose quest leads to fulfillment and joy.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    96,95 kr.

    This is a modern-day adventure story featuring Paulo's supernatural encounter with angels - who appear as warrior women and travel through the Mojave desert on their motorbikes.Haunted by a devastating curse, Paulo is instructed by his mysterious spiritual master to embark upon a journey - to find and speak to his guardian angel in an attempt to confront and overcome his dark past. The Valkyries is a compelling account of this forty day quest into the searing heat of the Mojave Desert, where Paulo and his wife, Chris, encounter the Valkyries - warrior women who travel the desert on motorcycles, spreading the word of angels.This exotic spiritual odyssey is a rare combination of truth, myth, imagination and inspiration. Ultimately it is a story about being able to forgive our past and believe in our future.

  • - Klassisk Coelho ala Pilgrimsrejsen og Alymisten
    af Paulo Coelho
    89,95 - 128,95 kr.

    •En traditionel historie om bedrag men nytænkende ved, at Coelho har brugt de sociale medier til at skabe bogens handling og karakterer. •Flere af Coelhos bøger har toppet New York Times’ bestseller liste igennem årene – Alkymisten som den længst placerede i en ubrudt periode, nu i over 6 ½ år.. •Utroskab handler heller ikke om, at kærligheden er ophørt. Når man krydser grænsen, er det måske en måde at finde sig selv igen på. En kvinde i 30’erne begynder at stille spørgsmålstegn ved rutinerne og forudsigeligheden i sin hverdag. I andres øjne har hun et perfekt liv: Et solidt ægteskab, en kærlig mand, søde og velopdragne børn og et godt job som journalist. Imidlertid er hun træt af at skulle forstille sig og lade som om alt er godt, når det eneste, hun føler ved livet, er en enorm apati. Tilfældet giver hende en mulighed for at kaste sig ud i en affære, som er lige så uventet som dumdristig, og som vækker en side af hende, som hun troede for længst var forsvundet. Paulo Coelho (f. 1947 i Rio de Janeiro) er en af verdens mest læste forfattere. Mest kendt er han for Alkymisten, som har solgt over 65 mio. eksemplarer i 168 lande og. Den er således blandt verdenshistoriens bedst sælgende bøger af en nutidig forfatter. Hans bøger er oversat til 80 sprog og har tilsammen solgt 175 mio. eksemplarer. Over 17 mio. mennesker følger Coelho på Facebook – med 20.000 nye fans hver dag.

  • af Paulo Coelho
    114,95 kr.

    Zahir er en roman med mange biografiske islæt. En kendt forfatter - en af verdens bedst sælgende, der skriver om åndelige erfaringer og en gang gik pilgrimsruten til Santiago - bliver pludselig forladt af sin kone. Hun efterlader sig ingen spor. Forfatteren bliver besat af ønsket om at forstå årsagen til hendes forsvinden. Zahir er arabisk, og betyder synlig, tilstede og umulig ikke at lægge mærke til. Noget eller nogen som i begyndelsen bare passerer vore tanker, men som snart bliver det eneste vi kan tænke på. Det kan tolkes som en guddommelig velsignelse eller en besættelse på grænsen til galskab. Zahir handler om søgen efter kærlighed. Den fortæller om en rejse ind i sig selv og ud i verden i forsøg på at blive genforenet med sin elskede. Men får hovedpersonen nogensinde mødt sit livs kærlighed? Og hvad vil det koste ham af selvransagelse og revurdering af egne opfattelser om mand, kvinde, frihed, kærlighed og mening med livet? Vejen til den elskede viser sig at være meget mere kompliceret og længere end tilbagelægningen af den fysiske afstand. Coelho skriver mesterligt og almengyldigt om et besat menneskes kamp med sine dæmoner, om smertefulde renselsesprocesser, men først og fremmest - om kærligheden og medmenneskeligheden.

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