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Bøger af Pearl Robinson

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  • af Pearl Robinson
    103,95 kr.

    I wanted to create a three-in-one learning book for kids 2-5. They can have fun coloring the pictures, learning to pronounce different words, and counting. Many parents are home-schooling their children now; this book is excellent for the parent and the child.

  • af Pearl Robinson
    193,95 kr.

    El propósito de este libro es enseñar a los niños de 3 a 6 años que Jesús es más importante de lo que pueden imaginar. Creo que cuanto antes enseñemos a los niños, antes entenderán y aceptarán a Jesús como su Salvador. Que Dios bendiga a todos los que lean este libro o se tomen el tiempo de leerlo y explicárselo a un niño.ver cómo la manzana gigante lleva a enseñar Jesús a los niños.

  • af Pearl Robinson
    178,95 kr.

    The purpose of this book is to teach children ages 3-6 that Jesus is more important than they can imagine. I believe the earlier we teach children, the sooner they will understand and accept Jesus as their Savior. May God bless all who read this book or take the time to read and explain it to a child. You will be amazed to see how the giant leads to having a conversation with children.

  • - "Everything you need to know... and more"
    af Pearl Robinson
    178,95 kr.

    Discover the many benefits of apple cider vinegar with this comprehensive guide. From weight loss to improved digestion, this book covers everything you need to know about this powerful elixir. Learn how to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your daily routine, with easy-to-follow recipes and practical tips. Whether you're looking to boost your immune system or improve your gut health, this book has everything you need to get started. Start experiencing the many benefits of apple cider vinegar today.Health benefits of apple cider vinegarEasy-to-follow recipes and practical tips79 pagesSize 6 x 9Gloss cover

  • - A Child's First Book
    af Pearl Robinson
    138,95 kr.

    I wrote this book for toddlers ages 1-2. It's a fun book teaching them about Jesus, humans, animals, letters, and numbers. I believe reading and counting to them at this age will prepare them for school. A great book for daycares.

  • af Pearl Robinson
    258,95 kr.

    God inspired me to write this collection of poems, speeches, plays and skits for children's Christmas and Easter programs in 2005. The objective was to help people discover the reason for our Savior's Birth, Death, and Resurrection. This book is an inspiration when read to your children and grandchildren, even if you're not involved with planning and implementing a program. However, if you're the Children's Ministry leader, this book has it all (poems, speeches, and skits for children's Christmas and Easter programs. It will touch the hearts of God's people and those who haven't accepted Christ's gift of Salvation. My deepest desire and prayer is that when the unsaved hear (or read) my poems, speeches, and skits, they will want to be saved.

  • - El primer libro de un niño
    af Pearl Robinson
    158,95 kr.

    Escribí este libro para niños de 1 a 2 años. Es un libro divertido que les enseña sobre Jesús, los seres humanos, los animales, las letras y los números. Creo que leerles y contarles a esta edad les preparará para la escuela.

  • af Pearl Robinson
    149,95 kr.

    Malaquías y sus amigos pasan tiempo con Jesús es el libro infantil perfecto para que los padres lean a sus hijos de 4 a 6 años. Creo que los niños de 2-3 años disfrutarán con las ilustraciones. En este libro, Malaquías cuenta las historias de las diferentes maneras en que sus amigos leen la Biblia, y mientras pasan tiempo con Jesús. Malaquías es un curioso niño de cinco años que ama al Señor Jesús con todo su corazón. Él anima a todos los niños a leer su Biblia, o si no saben leer, Malaquías les muestra otras maneras en que los niños pueden aprender sobre Jesús. En este libro, los niños aprenderán que Jesús murió en la cruz y resucitó. Malaquías no se avergüenza de hablar de Jesús; incluso comparte sus formas favoritas de aprender sobre Jesús. Les dice a los niños que ir a la iglesia es una de las mejores maneras de aprender sobre Jesús. Así que, tomen unos bocadillos mientras escuchan a Malaquías compartir con ustedes y sus hijos muchas maneras de pasar tiempo con Jesús. También anima y reza por algunos de sus amigos que no quieren leer su Biblia. Te prometo que te enamorarás de todos los personajes de este libro. Es mi oración que este libro sea una bendición para todos los que lean y escuchen este libro inspirado por Dios para los niños.

  • - Heal And Grow
    af Pearl Robinson
    88,95 kr.

    Introducing the perfect coloring book for young boys who need a little help with anxiety and stress! This book is packed with positive affirmations and fun images to color. It's the perfect way to help your child refocus and feel better.Why not give it a try today and see for yourself? Your child will love it. A coloring book with positive affirmationsFor boys aged 7 - 12Fun and relaxing imagesMatte cover finnish52 pages

  • af Pearl Robinson
    183,95 kr.

    In Kai and Friend's First Visit to The Zoo, you will meet Kai, his mother, and many friends. Kai loves the outside, but his mother does not like being outdoors as much as Kai and his father. Kai's mother has the fun job of taking Kai to the zoo, where he will meet his friends. They will introduce each of the animals. Come on, take a trip with Kai and friends, and learn about many wild animals at the zoo. This book will teach children about some of the wild animals God created. It is fun and exciting, and children will love it. Kai and his friends do an excellent job explaining the lives of all the animals they saw at the zoo. Kai and will friends will have children waiting for each page to turn. This book is a great teaching book for children ages 5-10 and parents who home school, daycares, churches, and libraries. The author says thanks to all who will purchase this book.

  • af Pearl Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    Malachi and Friends Spending Time with Jesus is the perfect children's book for parents to read to their children ages 4-6. I believe that children ages 2-3 will enjoy the pictures. In this book, Malachi tells the stories of different ways his friends read their Bible, and while spending time with Jesus. Malachi is a curious five years old little boy who loves the Lord Jesus with all his heart. He encourages all children to read their Bible, or if they cannot read, Malachi shows them other ways children can learn about Jesus. In this book, children will learn that Jesus died on the cross, and He arose. Malachi is not ashamed to talk about Jesus; he even shares his favorite ways to learn about Jesus. He tells the children that going to church is one of the best ways to learn about Jesus. So, grab some snacks as you listen to Malachi shares with you and your children many ways to spend time with Jesus. He also encouraged and pray for some of his friends who do not want to read their Bible. I promise you that you will fall in love with all the characters in this book. It is my prayer that this book is a blessing to all who read and hear this God-inspired book for the children.

  • af Pearl Robinson
    213,95 kr.

    Sanai & Friends Pray the World is written for children ages 5-10. The author wants parents and children to understand the importance of teaching children how Important it is to have a prayer life. She believes that children should be taught to pray about everything, whether it is praying for their own needs, parents, and friends. Or what is going on in the world. The author also brings attention to how important it also tells children what is going on in other countries. Parents must teach them to pray for the world. The author wants parent to teach their children the importance of believing that God will hear their prayer when they pray with faith, and He will answer them according to His will. Jesus says that whatever we ask His father in His name that His father will answer according to His will. She wants to understand that and training children earlier in life will be helpful for them and their children. If parents teach children while they ate young, they will never forget, according to the Bible. The author wants the parent to understand that prayer is how we reach the heart of God. God blesses the parents who teach their children the thing of God. May all children be blessed from reading this book.

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