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Bøger af Pete Geissler

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  • - An Exceptional Teen's Inspiring Journey for Universal Acceptance
    af Pete Geissler
    152,95 kr.

    PEACH - written in lyrical, soulful prose and poetry by Jenevieve 'Peach' Woods - is a heartfelt account of her life as the invisible girl, shunned because she is afflicted with a life-altering disease. Her book is part of her mission to 'celebrate our differences, and to treat each other with kindness and dignity'. Ms. Woods' book demonstrates wisdom, compassion, and insight into the human condition that is far beyond her eighteen years. She praises her mom for being her hero, her stepfather for being her rock, and her brothers for being her soul mates. She accepts the life granted her with grace and even gratitude: 'HERE IS THE GREAT PART: I am glad I have this disease, mostly because I have come to understand and have discovered the meaning in my life. It is to help others. I have a unique set of glasses that I wear that gives me the power to see everybody's soul and their truest self.'

  • af Pete Geissler
    152,95 kr.

    Based on real events perpetrated by real people, Who Murdered Mary? is a gripping tale of shortsighted decisions, heartless animal cruelty, and needless murder of an innocent circus elephant that was aided and abetted by mob rule and officials of a prosperous railroad. The tale unfolded during three tumultuous days in September 1916 in the peaceful but ill-fated towns of Kingsport, Johnson City, and Erwin, Tennessee.Who murdered Mary? The owner and publicist of the circus for whom Mary toiled with uncanny, crowd-pleasing talent? The fearful citizens of Erwin who became vigilantes and demanded her death? The Mayors of Johnson City and Erwin who caved in to a mob? Officials of The Clinchfield Railroad? The Progressive Era? Our contemporary attitudes toward animal cruelty? Did all of them contribute to this grisly spectacle that refuses to go away?

  • - Kit de Supervivencia Anecdótico
    af Pete Geissler
    117,95 kr.

    Pete Geissler ha cortado el aburrimiento de abogados y ha combinado humor, perspicacia y utilidad en un libro que todos los que están contemplando o pasando por un divorcio deben leer. Muy legible, muy instructivo y muy entretenido.

  • af Pete Geissler
    152,95 kr.

    Tom Edison and George Westinghouse battled for years over which type of electricity would be the worldwide standard. The Current War incited Tom to electrocute a six-ton elephant named Topsy. It's 1904. Edison is on trial for Topsy's premeditated murder a year earlier. In an unusual legal maneuver, Westinghouse assumed the state's prerogative by retaining the prosecutor, Bourke Cockran, a wealthy Manhattan attorney, Federal Congressman, and a mainstay in the Democratic Party. Edison retained the defense, Elias Kilgore, another wealthy Manhattan attorney with a long list of millionaire clients. At stake are the reputation and life of Tom Edison, the validity of the death penalty, the U.S. Constitution's prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, our laws governing our treatment of animals, and our continuing journey to be a more humane society. The world is watching.

  • - A collection of musings and writings from the wreckage
    af Pete Geissler
    177,95 kr.

    When I bounced the idea of an accidental life off Jim Browne, my financial manager with a keen understanding of the human condition, he said that all of us benefit from serendipity, from the accidental life. (We in fact met by happy accident.) He added that my life was and is typical, or perhaps a tad off the norm. Surely he's correct in that we all benefit from fortuitous events, but I think he's incorrect in that such events in my life are typical or normal. I feel quite strongly, and without a scintilla of evidence, that I outrank most other people in both number and impact of life-changing events, or, perhaps, I am just more aware of them. I'm betting that you'll agree after you read about the many accidental happenings that shaped my life and, by extension, my writings. Enjoy and, I hope, relate.

  • af Pete Geissler
    152,95 kr.

    September 15, 1885, 8:15PM, Saint Thomas, Ontario: Circus workers are loading elephants on the train that will take them to a tomorrow's performances in a nearby town. The workers have ignored simple safety rules and a special freight train piloted by an experienced engineer rams and kills Jumbo, history's most famous and beloved elephant and the world's first animal superstar.Join Sarah Scrivener, America's first female investigative journalist, as she unwinds this twisted, bizarre, inexplicable death that plunged the world into infinite sadness. Was Jumbo's death a gory accident? An elaborate hoax perpetrated by the master of hoax, P.T. Barnum? A conspiracy to commit murder for fame and fortune? If so, who were the conspirators? Was Matthew Scott, Jumbo's devoted keeper, petty thief, and clever negotiator, part of a scam? Was Frank Perley, Barnum's enthusiastic publicist? Henry Ward, his taxidermist? Only Barnum and others in his inner circle know for certain, and they took their certainty to the grave.

  • - 111 wickedly witty and workable ways to wealth and happiness
    af Pete Geissler
    152,95 kr.

    This book is FAQs for living a better life!

  • af Pete Geissler
    287,95 kr.

    Three young circus elephants were unjustly killed -- murdered? -- during the thirty-one years between 1885 and 1916. First, Jumbo, in 1885, the amazing first animal super star, was killed when rammed from behind by a speeding freight train. Why?Second, Topsy, in 1903, was killed when Tom Edison's technicians carried out his orders to electrocute her in Tom's misguided efforts to prove that alternating current electricity is more deadly than his direct current when he knew it isn't. Why?And third, Mary, in 1916, was hanged by a misguided lynch mob led by the mayors of two small towns in Northeast Tennessee. Why?The short answer to Why? is that humans with the power of life and death were blinded by self-serving ambition and their acceptance of cruel treatment of wild animals. The long answer is found in the three books that follow.The freakish, grotesque deaths of three elephants stand as beacons of man's cruelty toward our animal friends, a cruelty that presages man's cruelty toward each other ... cruelty that a more compassionate society can and should relegate to the deepest depths of history. Is that too much to ask?

  • - An Anecdotal Survival Kit
    af Pete Geissler
    87,95 kr.

    I am not a lawyer; I am survivor of a divorce that to a great extent was resolved amicably because my lawyer/partner and I adhered to the principles and rules I put forth in this book. I derived the principles and rules from my experience, conversations with my lawyer/partner, observations of several friends as they meandered and muddled through their divorce proceedings, and from written cases that were similar to mine, all of which I found to be instructive, some of which I found to be bizarre as well. All of that doesn't detract one bit from the validity of the principles and rules I so fearlessly put forth, and I hope that you and your spouse heed them-with the consent of your lawyers, of course.

  • - Celebrating Life in the Shadow of Death
    af Pete Geissler
    152,95 kr.

    PEACH - written in lyrical, soulful prose and poetry by Jenevieve 'Peach' Woods - is a heartfelt account of her life as the invisible girl, shunned because she is afflicted with a life-altering disease. Her book is part of her mission to 'celebrate our differences, and to treat each other with kindness and dignity'. Ms. Woods' book demonstrates wisdom, compassion, and insight into the human condition that is far beyond her eighteen years. She praises her mom for being her hero, her stepfather for being her rock, and her brothers for being her soul mates. She accepts the life granted her with grace and even gratitude: 'HERE IS THE GREAT PART: I am glad I have this disease, mostly because I have come to understand and have discovered the meaning in my life. It is to help others. I have a unique set of glasses that I wear that gives me the power to see everybody's soul and their truest self.'

  • af Pete Geissler
    117,95 kr.

    Think poor, be poor. Think rich, be rich. SMART will lead you to rich. It will show you, with lively anecdotes and a touch of theory, how to convert the powerful intangibles of thought to the profitable tangibles of behavior and money. Almost anyone can program their mind with negative thoughts to become poor, or with positive thoughts to become rich. They can do that by flipping the bonehead bloopers of Losers that led them to poverty. Or they can embrace the positive, productive mindsets and behaviors of Winners that led them to prosperity. SMART will demonstrate the power of either approach.The author, Pete Geissler, is a successful writer, professor, and entrepreneur. He admits up front to being an imperfect and conspicuous Winner of the enduring war for prosperity. He relates with astonishing candor and authority the true tales of real people-including himself- who lost because of destructive thinking that would be comedic if it weren't so tragic. He cautions readers to avoid them ... to think and behave in opposite, constructive ways... to flip. He then flips to profiles of Winners and the nine behaviors that made them, and asks readers to follow their leads. Astute readers will laugh and cry through this marvelously entertaining and instructive book.

  • - The Thoughtful Leader's Model for Attracting and Keeping Stakeholders
    af Pete Geissler
    152,95 kr.

    Snapshot, reviewers' comments: A must-read for mangers who want to reap the many rewards of dignity...a wonderful, much-needed book...a new and innovative approach to management style...forthright, refreshing, a valuable self-improvement tool...the words flow beautifully. Excerpt: Employees, customers, and other stakeholders are far more than every business's most important assets; they are the source of all other assets. Treat them with the dignity they deserve and prosper financially and socially. That is the premise for this book. I discovered it-I know, much has been written about the importance of people within and around any business. But, as far as I can determine, nobody has explained their importance as the source of all other assets, although I think that the concept is universally true. I had my "aha" moment in the early 2000s as I was writing all sorts of corporate gargle-my endearing euphemism for marketing communications and public relations-- that paid lip service to the premise. Then I realized that many firms, including some that I consulted with, demean their sources assets and it has hurt and destroyed many lives, including several friends'. Examples abound:

  • - Deception, Deceit, Disconnect, and Duplicity in the Corporate Sewer
    af Pete Geissler
    142,95 kr.

    This book can change the way you listen to BigShots-mostly businesspersons with a snapshot or two of politicians---as they pontificate for public consumption and personal gain. You'll recognize the spin, that dastardly polite euphemism for lies that the advertising/PR folks coined years ago to anoint their profession with a bit of undeserved dignity. In the process you might gain a more realistic grasp of what's going on around you and how your mind is being manipulated, a.k.a. brainwashed. In all modesty, you're in good hands; some would say the best, which could be considered bullshit in itself: Who decides? I would be first in line for an honorary doctorate in bullshit if, by some stretch of academic chutzpa, it were tendered by any of the world's great universities. (Actually, I could easily make the case that degrees in Business Communications or Political Science are really degrees in bullshit, but that's another book.) I am a master at crafting bullshit and you, dear reader, will do well to listen to me. I've written millions of words-speeches, strategic plans, articles, and all sorts of marketing lies and spins that I too politely call corporate gargle. I've done that for a gaggle of executives who toil for businesses large and small, manufacturers and service providers, technologists and accountants. I've been practicing this dark, draconian art, and teaching others how to follow my lead, for 40 years, and, as I say jokingly, it shows in my wrinkled face and cynical attitude that I, with a straight face, call realistic, a true reflection of the world. You'll laugh out loud many times as you wander through these pages. My cheeky, witty, acerbic, in-your-face style is sprinkled with the irony of a true gadfly. You'll resonate-see yourself and your bosses in many of my damning examples as clearly as if you had lived them ... ...which is surely one sign of a book worth reading, I shit you not. This is wicked, irreverent entertainment with a serious purpose: to expose the bullshitters around us and bring them to their knees in true penance and supplication. I might say that the book itself is bullshit, that the medium is the message. I could be right. You can decide for yourself. Enjoy.

  • - The Thoughtful Leader's Model for Business and Technical Communications
    af Pete Geissler
    142,95 kr.

    I wrote THE POWER OF WRITING WELL to address everything managers, leaders, engineers, scientists and others need to be better senders and receiver s, not to cover everything they need to know about the language or to be the perfect sender or receiver; nobody is. The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon and useless labels and distinctions such as participial phrase as opposed to gerund phrase, or transitive verb versus intransitive verb. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they are not relevant to our needs. This short book condenses the habits and techniques-your tools-that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives: nothing more, nothing less . It is also a true and accurate reflection of my forty years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think, and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It will also make your organization more efficient and profitable. I guarantee it, and my students attest to it .

  • - The Thoughtful Leader's Model for Wealth and Happiness
    af Pete Geissler
    162,95 kr.

    Start with this thought: Your success in your professional, financial, and personal life depends to a great extent on your ability to articulate. I first learned the truth and power behind that statement when I lived in a grimy coal-mining and steel-making town in Pennsylvania, where it was clear that articulate professionals were more successful than the less articulate miners and mill workers. My education continued years later at the top levels of government, business, and academe where I observed power brokers and decision-makers use their considerable skills with language to think clearly, arrive at logical decisions, and convey those decisions clearly to others. And over the years, I saw that my happiest friends and associates were able to communicate clearly with spouses and others with whom they enjoy close relationships. "In short, my intuition told me that language is the root cause of a more fulfilled life. Along came Pete and this book." - John Yasinsky, Former CEO, GenCorp

  • - Jack Hit Three Jackpots by Climbing His Beanstalk. You Can Too.
    af Pete Geissler
    152,95 kr.

    You can't be the fabled Jack and depend on magic beans, a fast-growing beanstalk, and a fabulously rich but murderous giant for wealth+ happiness + competitive supremacy(TM); you can only depend on yourself and the personal beanstalk that you sow, grow, and climb. A good start is to adopt the three how-to jackpots put forth in this book: PAMPER YOURSELF, BE POSITIVE, and DELETE YOUR TOXINS. Think of them as akin to Jack's bag of gold coins, his goose that lays an unlimited supply of golden eggs, and his harp that plays itself. This book is not a fairy tale. Its three jackpots and their awesome powers to change lives for the better are based on centuries of insight and experience, including almost a half-century lived by the author. Essays, anecdotes, and comments from others support each jackpot convincingly and compellingly.

  • - The Executive's How-To Guide
    af Pete Geissler
    297,95 kr.

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