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  • af Peter Glassman
    157,95 kr.

    A resistant strain of falciparum malaria accounted for significant US casualties in Iraqi Freedom's early years. A special research study to treat this type of malaria involved a CDC chief physician and two New York specialists. These three individuals induce, rather than treat acute malaria attacks with added delirium to obtain inside stock market trader information. Almost a billion dollars were made until collateral damage with death and attempted murders draw attention by the NYPD and the CIA. Senator Clement, Drs. Ganucci, Krantz and Bellini use three war returnee malaria patients to milk the stock exchange and use murder, intimidation and extortion to maintain their scheme. Detective Furdis Nosh is a relentless redhead female sleuth who will not let go of the investigation. Former Special Forces Officer David Swanson is a malaria victim who wants out of the malaria study alive. He's distraught over a colleague ending up comatose during one of his malaria episodes. The woman, Lisa Feldman, is kidnapped from the hospital as her memory of Krantz and Binelli returns. Swanson joins with CIA Agent Mallory Finder when Finder's fiancée, Lisa Feldman is abducted.Senator Clement uses all means at his disposal to thwart revelation of his malaria-stock market scheme. Snipers, contract killers and deadly healthcare workers reach out with their lethal tentacles to prevent exposure. Nosh and Fender are not enough to probe and disclose the stock market assault. Swanson and Finder need the help of the other two malaria veterans to break the case. They have to reach them before Senator Clement's hired killers or the CDC doctor's malaria attacks kill each one.

  • - Memories of an American Family
    af Peter Glassman
    237,95 kr.

    THE DREAM CHAMBER is a full-length work of memoir shaped as a novel. The story is told from the perspective and in the voice of the child whose life it narrates. The child's family emigrated from a shtetl in Ukraine to the United States at the turn of the century. The Dream Chamber takes place in the State of Maine from 1945-1956. The narrator describes the first years of his life from the perspectives and in the voice of his evolving consciousness.This story is profoundly personal. Yet the work captures and conveys the manner in which many children come to consciousness, attain to identity and life, enter a family, and in time depart to construct an adulthood of their own.The narrative is accompanied by several historical photographs from Ukraine and the U.S.

  • - Short, Short Story
    af Peter Glassman
    147,95 kr.

    Coffee and a Short Story marks Peter Glassman's 14th published work and 2nd contemporary short story collection. Here are short, short tales which could be read at breakfast, lunch, or breaks with your favorite coffee drink. A Christmas wish comes true; a mummer job remembered; and a lost college love are among the 45 delightful literary vignettes to make your day fulfilling.

  • af Peter Glassman
    162,95 kr.

    It's 1878 and Dr. Jacob Cotter has assumed a role of updating his Texas physician colleagues at educational meetings throughout his home state. Cotter is returning from Dallas to his home in Endura, Texas via train, which gets derailed outside of Jennings, Texas, by outlaws posing as hostile Comanches. The purpose of the attack is to kill Abner Worthley, an Indian Affairs Officer from Washington. Worthley's mission is to validate the US peace treaty and ceding of a territorial land grant to the Comanches. Worthley is murdered. However, Cotter and a young woman survive. Cotter's injuries leave him with memory loss dating back to his time in 1868 when he was a bounty hunter. He has no recall of his being an MD, a husband and father, or what happened during the train sabotage. Natalie Tatum, the woman survivor, remembers vividly the phony Comanches and the murderers. Both Cotter and Tatum are removed from the train wreck by a Comanche band and taken to the Indian camp for recovery.Tory Manning, the land developer behind the train ambush, learns of the survivors and marks them for death. His main goal for the incident is to nullify the Comanche land grant and peace accord by blaming the incident on Chief Gray Eagle and his tribe. Life for Cotter becomes a series of flashbacks. Memory of his last ten years is piecemeal. He needs stimulation to find his identity by interacting with people, places, and trigger events from his past. Senator Mortimer Pignast, Mrs. Sadie Cotter from Endura, and a Comanche Indian from Cotter's Post-Civil War days are his only reference points. Cotter is stuck in his gunfighter mode.Aware that not only he, but now the people who claim to know him, have now become targets of Manning's thugs, Cotter must help his friends and the Indians in any way he can. From Senator Pignast, he learns their problems are confounded because President Rutherford Hayes has decreed that the country's mission to develop and settle the West includes isolating Indians who obstruct the country's goal. The government's objective is in direct conflict with the survival of Cotter, his wife, Pignast, and a tribe of Comanches.

  • af Peter Glassman
    217,95 kr.

    After 8-years of focused research, Neurologist Dr. Cosmo Patrini finds a protein factor that reverses the weakness and death sentence of Muscular Dystrophy's victims. To test the safety of the drug in humans, he injects himself and finds that he has the strength of 15-men as judged by his holding up the collapsing baggage claim apparatus at Boston's Logan Airport. Three witnesses to the event seek the superhero's secret. Dr. Gerhard Hardt, a German cardiology drug researcher and Dr. Sin woo Boto, a Chinese pharmaceutical company physician, vie for possession of the molecule. The third man is a popular television aerobic exercise celebrity who threatens Patrini's anonymity with exposure unless he endorses his TV program. The Germans and the Chinese infiltrate Patrini's professional and domestic life to wrest the secrets of the drug from his Harvard Medical Center laboratory. German scientists seek Patrini's drug to replace their off-patent heart failure medicine. They select Bostonian victims at random to test the drug on excised human heart tissue. Two men die and a third is scheduled for heart removal as the German scientists finalize their work with the Myosin Factor. The Chinese have need of Patrini's discovery to amass an army of superhumans for a world domination agenda. Dr. Boto directs his team to eliminate all competition for their sole possession of the Myosin Factor which includes the TV aerobic star threatening Patrini with media exposure. A Chinese agent posing as a high school student enters the family structure and saves Patrini's two high-schoolers from injury at the hands of anti-Italian bigots. Boto further directs his Asian spies to protect the Patrini family until the Myosin Factor is his.The U.S. Government is interested in the Myosin Factor's potential and has an agent enrolled as Patrini's graduate student to find out what the Germans and the Chinese are doing. Agent Lazlo Pennypacker works in Patrini's lab with Hardt and uncovers the murderous German agenda on isolated human heart specimens. Pennypacker's boss, Colonel Merlin Sweeney, uses CIA and FBI resources to uncover the faceted plot. Intertwining the intrigue is the naive benevolent goal of Dr. Patrini and his chief researcher, Dr. Jimson Ukker who administer the Myosin Factor illegally to a 12-year-old boy and a 35-year-old man with Muscular Dystrophy as well as a middle-aged patient with Multiple Sclerosis. Unknowingly to Patrini, his family becomes ensnared in the plot to isolate and steal the Myosin Factor's secrets. While Patrini focuses on discouraging his bigoted Irish tormentors, Colonel Sweeney and Pennypacker learn about the German and Chinese actions to obtain the Myosin Factor. Sweeney's agents must confront the Germans and the Chinese with a military operation at the Harvard Medical Center and the Arlington Primate Research Lab.After the gunsmoke clears Patrini is overwhelmed at the potential evil that his discovery had almost unleashed.

  • af Peter Glassman
    192,95 kr.

    Marine Julio Marco's combat life ended when he was sent to Queen's Naval Hospital for homicidal excesses against the VC. Fifteen years after the Vietnam War ended, a serial killer is still on the loose who murders Asians and removes the eyes from the corpses. Dr. Paul Norman recognizes the signature killings from his Navy days treating Marco and calls the FBI.From that point on Dr. Norman and his family plus the witnesses to Marco's human eye collection are on a list for termination. With Norman last on the list of those being systemically murdered, Norman's credibility is lost. The FBI now feels Dr. Norman is the serial killer they call the Eyeman and Norman becomes a target of both the FBI and Julio Marco. Only a rogue FBI Agent, Marvin Pellicle, can find the key to the real identity of the Eyeman and he must hustle before Marco gets to the Normans.

  • af Peter Glassman
    167,95 kr.

    Mary Murphy has spent a vicious existence at Wilson Medical Products rising to power by blaming faulty anti-FDA practices to get her boss, Dr. Lucy Pintell, fired and ostracized forever from the pharmaceutical industry. From the depths of despair, Pintell meets Dr. Harvey Brasher and together they form The Adjustment Clinic, a clandestine agency that will root out and correct internal malpractices within a drug company and excise the corrupt people responsible for covering up drug toxicity. Under her new identity of Dr. Rowena Diaz, Pintell begins an eight-year journey to confront Mary Murphy and absolve Pintell's tainted physician legacy.

  • af Peter Glassman
    352,95 kr.

    FOREIGN FRIEND: My Life With The Geniuses Who Made Modern ChinaPeter Glassman's book is an unabashed love letter to the people of China, written from the perspective of someone with no political or ideological agenda. Peter first entered China as a professor of English in 1982. He made many friendships, journeyed to places rarely visited by foreign travelers, and gained insight into the hearts and minds of the working people and government leaders who created the economic miracle of today's China.Spanning the years 1982-1989 -- the tumultuous era between China's emergence from the Cultural Revolution and the tragedy in Tiananmen Square - this book pays homage to an era that no longer exists, yet is critical to understanding China's present day success. For 30 years Peter enjoyed unprecedented access to China's "common people" -- fishermen, farmers, factory workers, soldiers, police officers, cooks, students - as well as powerful leaders who courageously challenged their country's history and shaped its future. This book invites you to share his journey, and to enrich your understanding of China and her people.

  • af Peter Glassman
    187,95 kr.

    Jacob Cotter survives the Civil War to finish Yale Medical School and confront two more battlefronts-one in Connecticut as a medical student and one in Texas as a surgeon. In 1868 Cotter is financially solvent for Yale from banking two-year's worth of bounty hunter money. Post-Civil War medicine is exciting. Cotter experiences advances in anesthesia and antisepsis enabling surgery and medicine truly saving lives. He finds pseudoscience-phrenology-laughable. However, he must confront his siblings who disowned him after his father was killed in the war alongside him in 1864. His brother and sister want him dead.Cotter graduates Yale and finds private practice in Endura, Texas with a colleague being also under fire trying to establish the first hospital in the area. Cotter leaves one frying pan for another facing a ruthless land baron extorting and killing opposing citizenry. He also finds his father's murderer part of the lethal lot. Dr. Jacob Cotter realizes the need to combine his stethoscope and his six guns is a reality of his medical practice.

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