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Bøger af Peter Hubral

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  • - Key to ancient Chinese and Greek natural life care and search for truth
    af Peter Hubral
    172,95 kr.

    Peter Hubral explains in detail the modern Tai Chi-teaching of Dao-grandmaster Fangfu which goes back to the Yellow Emperor and Lao Tzu. He demonstrates its excellent match with the written Greek Pythagorean/Platonic philosophía. He shows, how both teachings contribute to deepen the understanding of modern cognitive and health sciences as well as physical and psychic therapies. He provides with this inedited treatise on ancient Chinese wisdom a solid foundation for The Socrates Code, in which he completely revises the careless and ahistorical misreading of ancient Greek texts. He uses The Lao Tzu Code also to justify The Plato Code, in which he documents the strong impact that this misreading ironically had on the modern western culture. The front cover of The Lao Tzu Code shows Lao Tzu performing a Qi-transmission in a similar way as Fangfu. Also the Greek masters of the philosophía used it, because without it there would neither exist modern Tai Chi-teaching nor ancient Greek philosophía.

  • - The impact of the misconceived Greek philosophía on the European culture
    af Peter Hubral
    172,95 kr.

    The Plato Code extends The Socrates Code, which is the first book in a series of three, in which Peter Hubral dismantles today's understanding of the Pythagorean/Platonic philosophía, the mother of modern philosophy. He shows that its many Greek masters taught how to obtain extrasensory natural knowledge, which appears "out of itself" on what Lao Tzu calls in the Daodejing the Great Path (Da Dao) and Parmenides calls in his Poem on Nature the Path (Way) to Truth. This step-wise path from the known into the unknown provides prenatal knowledge based on the unconditioned cognition principle: Consciousness can be significantly expanded by rigorous meditative dedication to Nothingness (Nonbeing). The composite lion-bull motive on the front cover is an ancient Iranian allegory for this principle. The philosophía can, like the Dao-teaching of Fangfu, only be understood with it. This principle got lost to the West after the unwritten philosophía disappeared once and for ever in the Byzantine Empire. The consequence is that the written philosophía is ever since interpreted with the only cognition principle known today to the West: Being (familiar world) defines the consciousness. Its application to the written philosophía distorted the Greek wisdom and its ancient sources in the Middle East completely. It created the castle in the air that the author already largely destructs in The Socrates Code. He now shows in The Plato Code that the Western Culture has ironically mistook it to be the stronghold of western philosophy, science, art, literature and religion. He convincingly concludes that nothing could be more wrong in the history of the western culture and science than this.

  • - Rediscovering the long lost Secrets of Ancient Philosophy with Tai Chi
    af Peter Hubral
    172,95 kr.

    Peter Hubral sets out a meticulously researched and convincing case that Western Philosophy is founded less upon the original Ancient Greek texts, as on a careless and ahistorical misreading of them, for which he provides an unprecedented rigorous revision. He shows that the original Greek terms astronomía, átomos, kósmos, geometría, idéa, planétes, práxis, psyché, mousiké, sympósion, theoría, and so on have nothing at all to do with astronomy, atom, cosmos, geometry, and so on. The originals terms rather find their equivalents in the Chinese Taiji-practice that he follows since 1997 under the guidance of Dao-Grandmaster Fangfu. He provides abundant evidence that this millennial practice equals the unwritten lost practice of dying (meléte thanátou) about which Plato writes: Those, who happen to grasp the philosophía correctly, risk being unrecognised by others because it is nothing but 'practising to die and to be dead' (Phaidon 64a). This practice - see the front cover - is based on the rigorous implementation of Wuwei, which the Greeks call philía that philosophía refers to, thus giving Greek wisdom (sophía) a completely new meaning. Due matching the Dao-practice to the practice of dying, Hubral completely dismantles the illusion that the western world has constructed about Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, etc. He shows that they made much more profound discoveries with the practice of dying about nature than what we are told about their contributions to mankind in uncountable commentaries!

  • - Fundamentals of Seismic Stratigraphic Filtering
    af Serge A. Shapiro & Peter Hubral
    887,95 kr.

    This book treats various generalizations of the classical O'Doherty-Anstey formula in order to describe stratigraphic filtering effects.

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