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  • af Peter Phillips
    136,95 kr.

    A fascinating examination of the rapid concentration of global capital, with chapters that focus on China and Russia.Explores how fewer and larger investment companies now manage the excess financial wealth of the world’s 40 million richest people, to the detriment of everyone else and the global environment.In Titans of Capital, Peter Phillips, a political sociologist, poses three key research questions: To what extent do the wealthy influence—or even dominate—decision making that affects all of us in society? Who are the most powerful people? And how does the accumulation of capital work?Networks of wealthy individuals have evolved since the COVID-19 pandemic, and Titans of Capital shows how the financial investments of transnational elites threaten human rights and the future of the planet.Private capital investments serve as the primary operating funds for international arms sales, private prisons, and other socially negative activities. These investments fuel the continued use of carbon-based energy leading to amplified global warming and climate change.Military spending is a critical component of continued wealth concentration and political power in the world. Spending on arms and intelligence is a required aspect of maintaining global power and control.  Dealing with Russia, China, Iran and other “rogue” states is a continuing agenda for agents of the world power elites.Propaganda machines in Western capitalist governments serve to protect elite wealth by promoting military conflicts to open new regions for economic investment.Phillips warns that while continued concentration of global capital increases the profits enjoyed by the global economy’s “Titans,”, it also increases global inequality, starvation, and civil unrest, threatening the lives of the hundreds of millions of people living in extreme poverty. It is imperative to ask how we can reverse the concentration of Titan wealth and revitalize grassroots democracy unbridled by extreme wealth. Identifying 117 global Titans by name and exposing the networks and interests that unite them provides readers opposed to militarism and committed to economic equality with crucial tools to directly engage the power elite who endanger life on earth.

  • af Peter Phillips
    97,95 kr.

    Siempre nos preguntamos: ¿Quién maneja los hilos del mundo? Las dimensiones de la concentración de la riqueza en el mundo son apabullantes... Y temibles. Megacapitalistas es la respuesta detalladísima a esa pregunta.¿Quiénes son exactamente los amos de la humanidad? Este libro de investigación pone cifras a la actual y pasmosa concentración de riqueza privada y poder corporativo, explica cuáles son sus instituciones y su estructura integrada y, además, denuncia la amenaza que esta élite supone para la existencia humana y civilizada.En este trabajo de investigación, Peter Phillips nos cuenta qué instituciones financieras y qué persones específicas son esos ""gigantes"", cuánto dinero manejan, cuáles son sus interconexiones, cómo organizan incluso la manera de pensar de la gente, de forma que no se le ocurra a nadie tratar de desafiar su poder.Phillips examina la riqueza y el poder de gente tan conocida como Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet... Pero también la de otros megarricos y de las instituciones con las que tratan de apoderarse del mundo y aniquilar todo intento de reducir su influencia. Sabremos cuánto dinero maneja Black Rock, un fondo buitre de inversión que ha hecho estragos en España y en muchos países del mundo. Y conoceremos datos de otros como el Vanguard Group, JP Morgan Chase, Allianz/PIMCO, el banco UBS, el Bank of America/Merrill Lynch.En cada uno de los capítulos de este ensayo brillante y revelador, Peter Phillips los identifica por su nombre, cuantifica su fortuna, muestra cómo se interconectan sus inversiones. Y explica en qué organizaciones elitistas se encuentran para establecer las reglas que someterán a los países y las empresas, a los ciudadanos de todo el mundo, que se han convertido en piezas impotentes de un ajedrez que ellos mueven a su antojo.Peter Phillips es catedrático de Sociología política en la Sonoma State University desde 1994. De 199 a 2010 dirigió el Proyecto Censurado, y ha presidido la Fundación por la Libertad de los Medios de 2003 a 2017.Como editor o coeditor ha publicado el anuario sobre libertad de expresión Censored (catorce ediciones); y el libro Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney (2006). Enseña sociología política, sociología del poder, de los medios y de las conspiraciones. Ha obtenido numerosos premios entre los que destacan el premio al mejor libro político concedido por la Firecracker Alternative, y el premio al mejor trabajo contra la censura del PEN club (2008).Media, Sociology of Conspiracies, and Investigative Sociology. He was winner of the Firecracker Alternative Book Award for Best Political Book in 1997, the PEN Censorship Award in 2008, the Dallas Smythe Award from the Union for Democratic Communications in 2009, and the Pillar Human Rights Award from the National Association of Whistleblowers in 2014.

  • af Peter Phillips
    227,95 kr.

    "e;If you are not into poetry, this book may change your mind. Like many people, I was put off poetry at school - over 50 years ago now - by a teacher who threatened (and carried out) 'the slipper' to any boy who could not recite his favourite poem off by heart. Having gone through life never realising or understanding the sweet nuances of poetry, I missed out on a whole raft of literature. It took my terminal illness to make me understand that, through poetry, one can have the imagination stirred to such a degree, that your whole view on life can be change in an instant. Climate change, poverty, homelessness. Illness, and now pandemic, are all part of life today. Also, to have a Faith can change one's attitude to life. The poems in this book highlight the cruelty and compassion of life, the wonder of creation. If we don't do something pretty quickly, we will lose it But also to laugh at life can be a great tonic. To put faith and trust in a 'Higher Power' will help get us all through it."e;Peter Phillips

  • af Peter Phillips
    189,95 kr.

    Please note: This story contains adult themes Carter, a man with one name, is, always asked the same question "Why?" The static reply, 'His mother loved it.' His father agreed, and he had to get on with it. He joined BA as a second officer on the 747-400's service between LHR to JFK. He gains promotion to captain. A scheduling problem meant an early return to London. He tried to contact his wife, yet all the calls went to 'voicemail'. Arrived home, early Sunday, to find his wife in bed with another man.Prior to leaving for JFK, he attends BA's HR office, for some leave. He was awarded 14 days, commencing on arrival at JFK. He hires a car and drove, into North Carolina. Snow fell, turning into a complete whiteout. While navigating the storm, a juggernaut, driven by a driver eating at the same time. Taking evasive action, ending upside down in a deep ditch... He heard a dog barking, scratching on a door. Then a voice called, "Sally gee's girl what's up?" Eventually hearing a low voice, "Help, please help me?" The door opened inwards, she opened it, and he fell into the hall... And so it all began, a torrid affair...

  • af Peter Phillips & Dennis Loo
    187,95 kr.

  • af Peter Phillips & Project Censored
    407,95 kr.

  • af Peter Phillips
    457,95 - 1.441,95 kr.

  • af Peter Phillips
    192,95 kr.

    Carter recently promoted to the rank of, Deputy Commander CID, had on receipt of his new rank, asked to be allowed a twelve month sabbatical on personal grounds. His immediate boss, Commander Tony Frost CID, although knowing how much he'd be missed, consented.The main reason for Carter's sabbatical was due mainly to the tragic death of his wife, Helen and their two children, murdered on the orders of a psychopath, in an effort to slow Carter and his team down on their investigations.It had been four years since the loss of Helen. During his time off from the force, he visited and spent two months with Helens' parents, making frequent visit to the grave of both Helen, and their children. He found it a wrench having to say good bye to her parents, but realised that he had to head home to his own place.Carter returns home after two months, he was greeted by Mrs Murphy, his housekeeper. Carter is left mulling about his flat constantly recalling the happy times that he had spent with Helen.He saw Helen as a true friend, partner, and wife. He strongly believed that police officers who spend so much time delving into the cesspit of life, which seems to manifest itself when dealing with high end crime, should have a bolt hole such as a warm, and tender home life. Both Carter and Helen found a perfect life.He unpacks his belongings. The following morning he attends at Tom's deli, for a full English breakfast.It's whilst he is eating that he notices an attractive lady, who shows an equal interest.Unbeknown to Carter, the attractive lady works for Sam, Lloydie's partner. Carter is invited to a dinner party at, Sam and Lloydie's flat. He there meets Penny, the very same lady from, 'Tom's deli.' A relationship evolves.One morning Penny tells Carter, that his pager has activated. Carter is sent for, by his boss, Commander Frost.And so it begins.

  • af Peter Phillips & Janet Phillips
    507,95 - 1.786,95 kr.

  • af Peter Phillips, William Kerr & Stuart J. Smyth
    1.475,95 - 1.540,95 kr.

    This book discusses the regulatory and trade challenges facing the global adoption of biotechnological products and offers strategies for overcoming these obstacles and moving towards greater global food security.

  • af Peter Phillips
    192,95 kr.

    DCI Carter and his team are yet again called upon to deal with the deaths of four victims' the team followed up after uniform officers responded to 'shots fired' in the Kensington area of the city.The officers attended at a derelict property in beech Street. They found four bodies, two in the downstairs lounge, and two upstairs in one of the bedrooms. All had been shot in their backs, and in the back of their heads.Carter's team noticed that the four victims were dressed I new clothes, yet they were found in utter squalor. Another four victims are found in two major parks all having the same MO.Whilst carrying out his investigation Carter receives a call late at night, he immediately attends at The Liverpool Royal, were he meets a smartly dressed man, who tells Carter he is the son of, Kathy Clark an infamous prostitute, and drug addict. Kathy had asked Carter to try and trace her son placed in care, and Carter had found him, the man standing in front of him.Kathy Clark was in the trauma unit and demanded to see Carter she had been badly beaten up, and manages to tell Carter of a drug gang who are using young teenagers to act as mules in the shifting of drugs up and down the country. Kathy passes away as a result of her injuries.Carter's team act on information and set up surveillance, which involves the team following two mules up to Glasgow. Due to an error in the force control room the leader of the gang follows Carter's team who are following the mules hoping they would lead them to the gang leader.Unfortunately the team are boxed in at a junction and attacked by fire bombs and explosives. Carter and his team mates are taken to hospital. The team realise they have a fight on their hands.Eventually Carter realises that he is dealing with a psychopath who knows no bounds, he is hell bent in getting his drugs out, and doesn't care who he treads on, killing anyone who gets in his way.One such morning Carter, is sent for by, Tony Frost the Commander of the CID. Carter enters his office to be told that the gang had attacked his flat killing his wife's protection officer, his wife and two young babies. Carter throws himself into driving the team to find the culprits.He is told there is a conflict of interest, but asks if he can manage and advise the team, yet not get involved in any enquiries. Carter has to resign to the fact. The team driven by his number two DI Susan Ford continue to make headway in this terrible case.

  • af Peter Phillips
    207,95 kr.

  • - The beginning of the end of the Seaside Summer Show
    af Peter Phillips
    192,95 kr.

    Since the mid-seventies there has been a dramatic decline in the popularity of seaside summer shows. The halcyon days of big productions playing to packed houses for long seasons have gone. This nostalgic book looks back at the hey day of the seaside show.

  • - The Top 25 Censored Stories
    af Peter Phillips & Project Censored
    187,95 kr.

  • af Peter Phillips
    107,95 kr.

  • af Peter Phillips
    207,95 kr.

    Aimed at serious aviators whether they are beginners or very experienced, this flying manual records verbatim, the language of the flying instructor as spoken in the air.

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