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  • - Shocking Cults and the Psychopaths Who Lead Them
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    EVIL CULTS - Shocking Cults and the Psychopaths Who Lead ThemCults and their charismatic leaders are a common morbid fascination. Their outlandish beliefs and bizarre rituals have been both intriguing and terrifying humanity for centuries. The concept of a cult and blindly following an individual for spiritual reasons is just as appealing to one person as it is terrifying to another. Persuasion, financial gain, and spirituality are only small parts of why people join cults and why their leaders feel the need to have vulnerable people follow their beliefs. But scratching beneath the surface, some of these cults are truly shocking in their beliefs, deeds, and depravity. This book looks at the most evil cults and their wicked cult leaders, to try to understand exactly what makes these often depraved groups tick.

  • - Strange But True Stories of the Paranormal
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    Paranormal Mysteries - Strange But True Stories of the ParanormalThe paranormal fascinates cultures and socieities across the world. Spirits, cryptids, psychic ability, time travel and the existence of extraterrestrial life proves gripping subject matter for those who consider spirituality beyond this plane.Yet while much of the paranormal is confined to fiction, there are many true accounts of unexplained goings on. While some of these events can be explained rationally others are more difficult to discount. Over the course of this book, we explore some of the more notable cases, which come under the umbrella of "paranormal mysteries" and discuss possible explanations and causes both worldly and otherworldly. Do you believe in life beyond this mortal realm? Are you brave enough to find out the truth?

  • af Phil Coleman
    112,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Phil Coleman
    167,95 kr.

    It's the end of the world at the ends of the world.When Lindsay is sent to the South Pole for her winter break, she expects a lot of ice, snow, boring scientists, and nothing else. What's more, she has to deal with her annoyingly optimistic brother. But when her geologist uncle finds a crystal pillar sealed beneath the ice, the whole world is about to change. Now, flung across a bizarre Antarctica teeming with magic, Lindsay wants nothing more than to get home. But first she must face mechanized penguins, flying whales, and an army of guardian ferrets-each with an agenda of their own. To escape, she'll need to be faster, luckier, and cleverer than the rest. More importantly, she has to learn that sometimes to be free, you must do more than run away, you must face the truth about your actions, your family, and above all, yourself.

  • - Secrets of a New World Order - Conspiracy Theories Book
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    The Illuminati - Secrets of a New World OrderThe word "Illuminati" has, in recent years, become a catch-all buzzword for conspiracy theories of all sorts. It is a whispered response to strange happenings and seeming coincidences, a screamed retaliation to imbalances of power, a chanting pulse to the unknown.With its name now attached to all kinds of secret societies, shadowy projects, and missions to take over the world, it is difficult to separate Illuminati fact from Illuminati fiction. The Illuminati has become a permeating presence whose reality and legends have become intertwined, nearly inseparable on an individual level. As far as whether or not the Illuminati still exists today--well, that's up to you to decide.

  • - Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden - 2 Books in 1
    af Phil Coleman
    182,95 kr.

    WHISTLEBLOWER: Chelsea Manning and Edward SnowdenFeaturing... *Chelsea Manning*Edward Snowden2 Great Books in 1!Chelsea ManningThe information came as a slow trickle. The whistleblower website WikiLeaks was just four years old, and the media didn't necessarily pay much attention to it. But then it came, the publication of a diplomatic cable on February 18, 2010. It was from the US embassy in Iceland's capitol city, Reykjavik, and detailed information about the country's financial crisis. Two months later, a Wired report from April 5, 2010, screams with the headline, "Whistleblower Report: Leaked Video Shows U.S. 'Cover up, '" and said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called the course of the footage "courageous."The Army's Criminal Investigative Division arrested the "courageous source" on May 26, 2010, and she was moved from Iraq to Camp Arifjan, Kuwait where she was held until July 6 without being charged. When the charges finally came, they were for violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice because she had transferred classified information to a personal computer and added unauthorized software to a classified computer. All of the actions violated federal laws about the handling of classified information. Who had access to that volume of information? Why did they do it? Where was the leak coming from?Edward SnowdenThe revelation that Government organizations were spying on their own citizens, and those from other countries, shocked the world. That this was probably legal, was even more astonishing. In particular, the American NSA and British GCHQ, were intercepting communications - emails, phone calls, chat rooms, even normal internet usage - and monitoring them. Not just the communications of those suspected of crime, or terrorists, but those of every single citizen. They had been doing it for years. The revelations came about because of one man. A young American with a great future came across the details of the Governments' actions, and decided to act. Fearing for his freedom, even his life, he set up an elaborate programme of meetings with three trusted journalists. These were reporters he knew would take him seriously, and would not be cowed by the enormity of what he had discovered. With thousands of pieces of evidence, bordering on millions, this man revealed what he knew. Edward Snowden.

  • - The Bermuda Triangle and Mysteries of the Deep - 2 Books in 1
    af Phil Coleman
    182,95 kr.

    DEEP BLUE MYSTERY: The Bermuda Triangle and Mysteries of the Deep - 2 Books in 1Featuring... *The Bermuda Triangle*Mysteries of the Deep2 Great Books in 1!The Bermuda TriangleThe Bermuda Triangle is a loosely defined area of the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where numerous aircraft and ships have reported strange occurrences, with some completely vanishing without trace. While some people dismiss the idea that there is something strange happening in the area, it is after all one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world with aircraft regularly flying over it, others remain convinced that a murky secret lurks in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. As early as the 15th century people were reporting strange activity in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. In 1492 Christopher Columbus experienced odd lights and strange compass readings. Despite this, and many other incidents and disappearances in the area over the next few centuries, it wasn't until the latter half of the twentieth century that the idea of the Bermuda Triangle was firmly established.Mysteries of the DeepCovering more than 70% of our planet, much of which remains unexplored, it is little wonder that the calming waters of the deep hold so many mysteries. Since the time of the Ancient Greeks people have told tales of the sea. Be it mystical sea creatures luring sailors to their deaths or ghost ships silently sailing the ocean waves. What follows are tales of creatures, mysteries and strange encounters which will leave you seeing the seas in a totally different light.

  • - WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: The Shocking Secrets Buried Beneath The Waves
    af Phil Coleman
    115,95 kr.

    TITANIC: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: The Shocking Secrets Buried Beneath The WavesThanks to the extreme popularity of James Cameron's 1997 film Titanic most people have a fairly accurate idea of what happened to the titular ship on the morning of April 15, 1912. Aside from the romantic plot between the main characters that was completely fabricated, the filmmakers took care to get the details of the ship, and the events of the night, more-or-less correct.But what about the facts they didn't cover. TITANIC: What Really Happened looks at the accepted story, the flaws in it, and the alternative theories, pieced together through a careful analysis of the facts. What really happened to the Unsinkable Ship?

  • - Illuminati and Area 51 - 2 Books in 1
    af Phil Coleman
    182,95 kr.

    CONSPIRACY SERIES VOLUME 2: Illuminati and Area 51 - 2 Books in 1Featuring... *Illuminati*Area 512 Great Books in 1!IlluminatiThe word "Illuminati" has, in recent years, become a catch-all buzzword for conspiracy theories of all sorts. It is a whispered response to strange happenings and seeming coincidences, a screamed retaliation to imbalances of power, a chanting pulse to the unknown. Beyond this, "Illuminati" has become the punchline of a joke unheard; a sarcastic statement heard around the world - oh, it was the Illuminati, huh? The word has captured the attention of society's collective consciousness in a pervasive manner: but what is it? And how have we come to constantly have it on the tip of our tongues? "Illuminati"is a word which finds its roots in the Latin plural of the word illuminatus, which means "enlightened." The word itself was adopted by a group of individuals in eighteenth-century Bavaria, known as the Order of Illuminati, but it has since come to mean much more. With its name now attached to all kinds of secret societies, shadowy projects, and missions to take over the world, it is difficult to separate Illuminati fact from Illuminati fiction. The Illuminati has become a permeating presence whose reality and legends have become intertwined, nearly inseparable on an individual level. As far as whether or not the Illuminati still exists today - well, that's up to you to decide.Area 51Since the Roswell Incident of 1947 rumors have circulated of alien spacecraft and alien bodies being recovered by government officials. While these claims relate primarily to Roswell they are sometimes attributed to other incidents as well. Many people who believe that the government is hiding the recovery of alien spacecraft and bodies also think that autopsies were carried out on the recovered alien bodies. The location of these autopsies is often thought to be the highly secretive base in the Nevada desert known as Area 51. However other theories claim that the crafts and alien bodies are stored at the less well-known Hanger 18 at the Wright- Patterson Airfield Base. For years the prospect of video footage, documents or photographs existing of these alien autopsies has tantalized believers and sceptics alike. In 1995 a sensational 17-minute film was broadcast supposedly showing these autopsies. However many contends that it is just another hoax. This video is not the only piece of evidence that has been produced purporting to show an alien autopsy. Many other images and stills from films have also been produced and debunked over the years. Over the next few chapters we will look at the main locations, events and stories that inevitably arise whenever people talk about alien autopsies.

  • - Crooks In Suits: The Story of Enron and the Biggest Corporate Scandal in History
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    ENRON: Crooks In Suits - The Story of Enron and the Biggest Corporate Scandal in HistoryWhen you hear the word "Enron," the word scandal pops into your mind automatically. It was big, it was awful, it was ugly. It brought out a lot of change in all corporate America, even down to the industry to where I worked. We are trained on it every year. We must learn Sarbanes-Oxley, like it is a Bible Verse, so something like this never happens again.This is the story of the biggest corporate scandal in American history, and how the 'smartest guys in the room' were responsible for such major failings in corporate governance and responsibility.

  • - The Truth Behind Scientology Beliefs and Practice
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    SCIENTOLOGY EXPOSED - The Truth Behind Scientology Beliefs and PracticeScientology is one of the most controversial religions in the world. Some would argue that it is not even a religion, more a cult.From its star name members, such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta, to the allegations of authoritarian rule, to its alleged harassment of ex members, stories about the Church of Scientology abound.At the same time, many of these stories surface from those who have fallen out with the Church. Are they embittered persons, seeking revenge, or victims of the organisation's hierarchy?And what of its founder - L Ron Hubbard? Visionary leader who can help the world become a more peaceful, more enlightened place?Or pulp fiction writing fantasist?Mind opening pioneer or money grabbing charlatan?Because the Church of Scientology evokes such passion from its supporters and its opponents, finding an objective truth is difficult.This book seeks to do that - to provide you, the reader, with an insight into the fact, the fiction, the myth and the truth surrounding Scientology, to help you form your own opinion.

  • - 9/11 Conspiracy and Area 51 - 2 books in 1
    af Phil Coleman
    182,95 kr.

    CONSPIRACY SERIES VOLUME 3: 9/11 Conspiracy and Area 51 - 2 books in 1 Featuring... *9/11 Conspiracy *Area 512 Great Books in 1!9/11 ConspiracyTo say the events of September 11, 2001, changed the world is an understatement. The global impact of the attacks that occurred in New York City, Washington DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania could never be measured. Out of the attacks came drastically increased security world-wide, rampant xenophobia, a war that might possibly never end, and forever damaged relations between the United States and the Middle East. In times of crisis and attacks such as these, people tend to look for answers as to why such events happened. In the case of 9/11, this led to rampant conspiracy theories about the attacks that even close to twenty years later still prevail. However, the thing is - when you take a microscope to this tragic event, there are a multitude of things that just don't add up. Which begs the question - what was there to hide?Area 51Since the Roswell Incident of 1947 rumors have circulated of alien spacecraft and alien bodies being recovered by government officials. While these claims relate primarily to Roswell they are sometimes attributed to other incidents as well. Many people who believe that the government is hiding the recovery of alien spacecraft and bodies also think that autopsies were carried out on the recovered alien bodies. The location of these autopsies is often thought to be the highly secretive base in the Nevada desert known as Area 51. However other theories claim that the crafts and alien bodies are stored at the less well-known Hanger 18 at the Wright- Patterson Airfield Base. For years the prospect of video footage, documents or photographs existing of these alien autopsies has tantalized believers and sceptics alike. In 1995 a sensational 17-minute film was broadcast supposedly showing these autopsies. However many contends that it is just another hoax. This video is not the only piece of evidence that has been produced purporting to show an alien autopsy. Many other images and stills from films have also been produced and debunked over the years. Over the next few chapters we will look at the main locations, events and stories that inevitably arise whenever people talk about alien autopsies.

  • - Moon Landings and 9/11 Conspiracy - 2 Books in 1
    af Phil Coleman
    182,95 kr.

    CONSPIRACY SERIES VOLUME 1: Moon Landings and 9/11 Conspiracy - 2 Books in 1Featuring... *Moon Landings*9/11 Conspiracy2 Great Books in 1!Moon LandingsIt would seem that there are astronauts who are as convinced as many others that there are alien civilizations out there. There are estimates that the number of civilizations to be as high as 100 million. Given the vast size of the universe, it is no wonder that there is confusion as to the number of civilizations there may be out there. No one really knows. If you check these sites you will find unconfirmed reports of Apollo 11 astronauts, Armstrong and Aldrin, seeing UFOs during the first Apollo mission to the moon. There are conversations from various Apollo landings from the astronauts to central control and back again which have been construed by some people as evidence of an unknown civilization that has been on the Moon. It is very unlikely that humanity is alone in the cosmos. Many books have been written and many side scientific papers published about this. This book only mentions these phenomena in passing. This book considers conspiracy theories, what they are and why they occur. It has a look at the backdrop to the whole Moon program, which was the Cold War. It outlines the Space Race of which the Apollo landings were the final episode, then it moves onto the question of whether the moon landings were faked, or whether they actually occurred. It concludes with an examination of the future space travel of man kind.9/11 ConspiracyTo say the events of September 11, 2001, changed the world is an understatement. The global impact of the attacks that occurred in New York City, Washington DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania could never be measured. Out of the attacks came drastically increased security world-wide, rampant xenophobia, a war that might possibly never end, and forever damaged relations between the United States and the Middle East. In times of crisis and attacks such as these, people tend to look for answers as to why such events happened. In the case of 9/11, this led to rampant conspiracy theories about the attacks that even close to twenty years later, still prevail. However, the thing is - when you take a microscope to the whole thing, it doesn't really add up. This begs the question; what was there to hide?

  • - Toxic Killers and Poisoning Incidents
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    Famous Poisonings: Toxic Killers and Poisoning IncidentsFor decades, poison has been one of the most unique methods of murder in existence. Unlike the aggressive actions associated with shooting, stabbing or arson, poison is perhaps the only method of killing which can be delivered to an unwilling victim covertly.When it comes to categorizing poisoning, it can be labeled as anything involving excessive amounts of toxic materials being pumped into the human body. Such toxic materials can be anything from arsenic perhaps the most common poison agent, to morphine a very well-known medical drug used to treat patients suffering terminal illnesses, and anything in-between. Pesticides, antidepressants, household cleaning products, alcohol, sedatives these can all be categorized as types of poison.In addition to these obvious toxic components, materials which are generally considered safe can become lethal when injected in extreme enough doses. Similarly, materials which are considered safe on the skin can turn fatal when coming into contact with a human's blood supply. For example, foreign objects such as coins, plastics, and pencils seem relatively harmless on the surface, but when injected into the bloodstream can turn cause deadly effects. This book looks at famous poisonings, their stories, and the events that led up to their discovery.

  • - Houston We Have A Problem: The True Story of the Apollo 13 Disaster
    af Phil Coleman
    157,95 kr.

    APOLLO 13: Houston We Have A Problem - The True Story of the Apollo 13 DisasterThose that are familiar with Apollo 13 know that it was the seventh installment of the Apollo space program. It was classified as a manned mission by NASA as well as the third mission with the intention of landing on the moon, though it never actually succeeded in the lunar landing as it was aborted due to an oxygen tank explosion.On April 11th of 1970, the Apollo 13 craft was sent to launch at 13:13 CST, or 19:13 UTC. It originated from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The incident that caused its mission to fail happened two days into the endeavor, and it crippled the Service Module. This was vitally important for the proper functioning of the Command Module.Other hardships that had to be battled during flight included loss of cabin heat, a limited supply of power, a critical need for makeshift repairs to the system that removed carbon dioxide from the craft, and a shortage of potable water. Despite all of these things, the crew was able to safely return to Earth six days after they launched, on the 17th of April.This is the incredible story of the Apollo 13 disaster, and the breathtaking, miraculous turnaround that saw the entire crew return safe and well.

  • - Gone Without A Trace: True Stories of People That Have Never Been Found
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    MISSING PEOPLE: Gone Without A TraceAn FBI studied showed in 2014 there were 83,957 people missing in the United States. An average of 750,000 missing persons cases are reported each year, with around 2,000 people being reported missing daily.When a missing person report is filed, the longer the case goes on without the person re-appearing, the more likely the missing person in question is dead from either homicide or natural causes.The majority of missing people are white, male adults, missing children are rightfully more covered by the media as studies show that the first three hours after a child is missing is when they are most likely to be murdered if killing the child is the intent of the abductor.With increased technology, improvements in DNA evidence gathering and better law enforcement communication and cooperation, solving missing persons cases should have gotten easier and been more successful over time. However, solving these cases is still difficult and many are never found.This is the story of some of those cases, affecting victims who still remain unfound. Where did these people go? What fate befell them? And will they ever be found?

  • - How The World Will End
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    APOCALYPSE: How The World Will EndThe end of the world is an inevitable event and something that is in the back of the minds of every person on Earth. Over time, various theories about how our time will end have been developed, believed, and proven wrong time and time again.The uncertainty about how, why, and when the world as we know it will end is why there has been so much speculation throughout history as when those questions will finally be answered.The uncertainty of how the world will end is both what attracts us to and makes us turn away; we want to know but know it is impossible to find out how the world will actually end until it does.These theories on how the world will end are all equally based in hard scientific data, speculation based on scientific evidence, and religious and spiritual beliefs.Regardless of what someone believes, apocalypse theories are often grounded in strong beliefs. It often seems as it we are trying to both fight the apocalypse and bring it about.Many famous cults including Heaven's Gate believed in apocalypse prophecies and gained thousands of followers from them.The end of the world is a popular topic for a reason. Discussing and making light of something makes it seem less of a threat.In this book, author Phil Coleman examines different apocalypse theories, and looks at how, and when, the world as we know it might cease to exist.

  • - Watergate: The Truth Behind The Biggest Political Scandal In History
    af Phil Coleman
    116,95 kr.

    WATERGATE WAS NOT ABOUT THE WATER - Watergate: The Truth Behind The Biggest Political Scandal In HistoryWatergate remains one of the biggest political scandals in history, and a warning to future Presidents about the consequences of overstepping the mark.This book looks at the run up to, and the immediate aftermath of the Watergate scandal, with a unique perspective on what really happened.

  • - Myths, Legends and Unsolved Mysteries of an Underwater World
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    MYSTERIES OF THE DEEP: Myths, Legends and Unsolved Mysteries of an Underwater WorldCovering more than 70% of our planet, much of which remains unexplored, it is little wonder that the calming waters of the deep hold so many mysteries. Since the time of the Ancient Greeks people have told tales of the sea. Be it mystical sea creatures luring sailors to their deaths or ghost ships silently sailing the ocean waves. What follows are tales of creatures, mysteries and strange encounters which will leave you seeing the seas in a totally different light.

  • - The True Story of Exorcisms and Dealing With Paranormal Spirits
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    REAL LIFE EXORCISMS: The True Story of Exorcisms and Dealing With Paranormal SpiritsUpon hearing the word exorcism many people will think of the famous horror film The Exorcist. However, exorcisms are not confined to the world of fiction. When explained in the simplest terms possible an exorcism is the practice of evicting a demon or other spiritual entity from a person, or place, that they are possessing. Depending on the beliefs of the exorcist the exorcism can be done in a variety of ways; either by causing the entity to swear an oath, the performance of an elaborate ritual or simply by commanding it to depart in the name of a higher power. These are the stories of real life exorcisms.

  • - The Scandalous True Story of an All-American Whistleblower
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    CHELSEA MANNING - The Scandalous True Story of an All-American WhistleblowerThe information came as a slow trickle. The whistleblower website WikiLeaks was just four years old, and the media didn't necessarily pay much attention to it. But then it came, the publication of a diplomatic cable on February 18, 2010. It was from the US embassy in Iceland's capitol city, Reykjavik, and detailed information about the country's financial crisis.Two months later, a Wired report from April 5, 2010, screams with the headline, "Whistleblower Report: Leaked Video Shows U.S. 'Cover up, '" and said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called the course of the footage "courageous." The Army's Criminal Investigative Division arrested the "courageous source" on May 26, 2010, and she was moved from Iraq to Camp Arifjan, Kuwait where she was held until July 6 without being charged. When the charges finally came, they were for violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice because she had transferred classified information to a personal computer and added unauthorized software to a classified computer.All of the actions violated federal laws about the handling of classified information. Who had access to that volume of information? Why did they do it? Where was the leak coming from?This is the scandalous true story of Chelsea Manning, formerly known as Bradley Manning, one of the most prolific whistleblowers in history.

  • - The True Story of the Assassination of JFK
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    INSIDE CAMELOT: The True Story of the Assassination of JFKJohn F. Kennedy was elected as the 35th president of the United States in 1960. At that time, he was a member of one of the wealthiest families in America. He had an extremely elite education and was considered a military hero, though his act of heroism is still questioned by many. His assassination is one of the biggest cover-ups in American, if not world history. This book aims to finally get to the truth.

  • - The Mysteries of England's Most Sacred Historical Landmark
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    STONEHENGE: The Mysteries of England's Most Sacred Historical LandmarkMention Stonehenge and many people instantly think of an ancient monument with religious significance. They see images of Druids at sunrise, the summer and winter solstices, and festivals.There are hundreds of ancient circles around the UK - an estimated 900 now and possibly over 4,000 at one time. The earliest ones were built of wood but that changed to stone in the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age period. Stonehenge may, therefore, be regarded as just one amongst many.It is, however, without doubt unique. It's a wonderful piece of engineering, especially considering it was built by people who had only the most rudimentary of tools to do the job. Its history goes back over 4,500 years - even older than the Egyptian pyramids - and possibly even further, with evidence of other major construction on the site going back another 2,000 years.Indeed, some large Mesolithic post holes found under the current car park are dated around 8,000 BC, indicating a possible 10,000 year plus usage of the site.This book looks at the history, mystery and sacred tales of Stonehenge, England's most cherished landmark.

  • - What Really Happened: 9/11 and the War On Terror
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    911 CONSPIRACY: What Really Happened: 9/11 and the War On TerrorTo say the events of September 11, 2001, changed the world is an understatement. The global impact of the attacks that occurred in New York City, Washington DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania could never be measured. Out of the attacks came drastically increased security world-wide, rampant xenophobia, a war that might possibly never end, and forever damaged relations between the United States and the Middle East. In times of crisis and attacks such a these, people tend to look for answers as to why such events happened. In the case of 9/11, this led to rampant conspiracy theories about the attacks that even close to twenty years later still prevail. 911 CONSPIRACY deals with the events of that day, and the theories that differ from the official account. A gripping read for anyone interested in the World Trade Center attacks that changes the face of history and sparked the ongoing War On Terror.

  • - The Truth Behind Roswell and the Area 51 Conspiracy
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    AREA 51: Roswell and the Truth Behind Area 51 Conspiracy TheoriesArea 51 has always been full of mystery and conspiracy theories. It is a huge area of wasteland that was called for years simply: Area 51. To make it sound a little better, there was a period that it was called "Paradise Ranch," but who do they think they were fooling?For years, it was not even allowed to be placed on a map of any kind. There have been tons of theories and mystery shrouded in Area 51. There have been deathbed confessions regarding Area 51 that at one time were on YouTube and now has been removed.And what are we supposed to think when the road to get there is named "Extraterrestrial Highway?"This book looks at the conspiracy theories, mysteries and the untold truth behind Area 51.

  • - Real or Fake?: The Truth Behind The Moon Landings Conspiracy Theories...
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    MOONSPIRACY: Real or Fake?*Did the Moon Landings actually happen?*Moon conspiracy theories examined - find out the hidden truth about what really happened**Plus - set in context: who knew what, and why?A fascinating glance into the world of moon landing conspiracies, and why many still believe the truth is being hidden from the world."Respected moon landing researcher Phil Coleman lays out all the most convincing arguments in this book" TS Review"5* - Good read" Bookrly

  • - America's Whistleblower - Sinner or Saint?
    af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

    EDWARD SNOWDEN: America's Whistleblower - Sinner or Saint?The revelation that Government organisations were spying on their own citizens, and those from other countries, shocked the world. That this was probably legal, was even more astonishing.In particular, the American NSA and British GCHQ, were intercepting communications - emails, phone calls, chat rooms, even normal internet usage - and monitoring them.Not just the communications of those suspected of crime, or terrorists, but those of every single citizen. They had been doing it for years.The revelations came about because of one man. A young American with a great future came across the details of the Governments' actions, and decided to act.Fearing for his freedom, even his life, he set up an elaborate programme of meetings with three trusted journalists.These were reporters he knew would take him seriously, and would not be cowed by the enormity of what he had discovered.With thousands of pieces of evidence, bordering on millions, this man revealed what he knew.Edward Snowden.Until 2013 completely unknown, but now one of the most notorious men on the planet.He is viewed by some as a hero, a liberator, a spokesman for the people. A great patriot, who placed his nation above the petty interests of politicians seeking to create a platform for their own glory. Regarded by many as heroic, brave, somebody prepared to stand up for what he believed.By others as a traitor. A man who, through his actions, risked the lives of people all round the world. A man who made it easier for terrorists to operate, for criminals to exist. Whatever your view, it cannot be doubted that Edward Snowden, with his four laptops in tow, changed the world when, in 2013, he revealed his findings.

  • af Phil Coleman
    217,95 kr.

    Two dying worlds.A machine of infinite power.Five keys, scattered across distance and time.Titans roam the earth: forces of nature from an overlapping dimension. They arrive, destroy, and disappear once more. And as the twin worlds of nearplane and otherplane align, the barrier between realities could be shattered for good.For Cinq LeGarrec, a fatalistic young mage, the apocalypse is just the distraction he needs to break from his endless academic grind. He steals an ancient magical device-one which could be his last chance to uncover his forgotten past-and sets out into the hostile lands beyond the tower.Soon Cinq and a growing party of companions -a wikken, a monk, a scholar, and a longshoreman-are on a quest across the world and across dimensions to unravel the mystery of the device, their past lives, and the Titans themselves.Enter a tale of sealed magic at the edge of the apocalypse.No kings, no knights, no gods-only survivors

  • af Phil Coleman
    251,95 kr.

    If you can conceive of a suspense thriller, a sci-fi adventure, and a story of fate, love and faith combined in one novel, you may come close to entering the mind of author, Phil Coleman. If you're a whitewater enthusiast that longs for a novel that embraces your sport, you'll be relieved that it is finally here. If you love this earth, your family or the idea of a world untouched by greed, you will fall in love with The Sand Tower. Phil Coleman weaves his love of whitewater into a story filled with hope for all of us.

  • af Phil Coleman
    137,95 kr.

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