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Bøger af Philip Francis Nowlan

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  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    288,95 kr.

    Philip Francis Nowlan er mest kendt for Buck Rogers in the 25th Century og romanerne bag denne franchise, men, ved siden af dette, skrev han i årene 1929 til 1940 fire meget forskellige science fiction-noveller, som intet har med hverken Buck Rogers eller hinanden at gøre.Vi præsenterer her de fire noveller fra pulp-magasinernes guldalder:Angrebet fra Venus. Befolkningen på Venus flygter fra deres planet, der er ved at gå under, og sender blandt andet rumskibe til Jorden. Men befolkningen på Venus er vant til at herske og forstår ikke begreber som næstekærlighed og fredelig sameksistens, og befolkningen på Jorden er i vejen for deres planer for et nyt sted at leve.Tidshopperne. Tidsrejser er ikke helt uden udfordringer, og heller ikke uden farer. Og fortiden, f.eks. USA i 1750, kan være et farligt sted for et moderne menneske.Prinsen af Mars vender tilbage. Kaptajn Daniel J. Hanley stikker af til Mars i en prototyperaket uden at vide, hvad der vil møde ham, eller om det overhovedet er muligt at leve på planeten. Forude venter et eventyr, som han ikke i sin vildeste fantasi havde forestillet sig.Rumvagterne. Linda Darlington og Bob Manley er agenter for Rumvagterne, og strandet på Venus i eftersøgningen af forbryderparret Tiger Madden og Valita Lenoir, og deres skjulte kongerige. En farefuld mission, hvor det gælder om at overleve, både i den barske natur og i en fjendtlig by.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    127,95 - 211,95 kr.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    97,95 - 117,95 kr.

    In Armageddon - 2419 A.D., Buck, a victim of accidental suspended animation, awakens five hundred years later to discover America groaning under the tyranny of the villainous Han, ruling from the safety of their armored machine-cities. Falling in love with one of America's new warrior-women, Wilma Deering, Rogers soon become a central figure in using newly-developed scientific weapons - disintegrators, jumping belts, inertron, and paralysis rays - to revolt against the Han

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    97,95 kr.

    Because his name is similar to that of a legendary Martian prince, whose return from the dead has long been prophesized, Hanley finds himself elected to wed a beautiful warrior maid and then lead a revolution against the Red Planet's tyrannical ruler

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    87,95 kr.

    This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    87,95 - 127,95 kr.

    This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    97,95 kr.

    The original "Buck Rogers" story -- Nowlan's novella tells about America in the 25th century, conquered by Hans in 2109 A.D. and only now beginning to rebel. The Hans are invaders from Asia with highly advanced technology. They have great aircraft armed with disintegrator rays that turn whatever they hit into nothing. From time to time, they raid American land "to keep the 'wild' Americans on the run within the shelter of their forests, and prevent their becoming a menace to the Han civilization." (Summary from Wikipedia).

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    172,95 kr.

    Armageddon 2419 A.D. features the introduction of Buck Rogers, the famous sci-fi adventure hero of early comics and radio shows. Originally published in Amazing Stories in 1928, this novella was later combined with Nowlan¿s sequel, The Airlords of Han, and re-published under this same title in the 1960s.In it we follow Buck Rogers and his mysterious transportation to far-future America. The land was conquered by the evil Han Empire centuries ago, and the local Americans, scattered into competing gangs, are now starting a rebellion. Buck meets the leaders of one of the gangs and is swept up in the events.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    197,95 kr.

    The Airlords of Han, the sequel to Armageddon 2419 A.D., continues the adventures of Buck Rogers, the famous sci-fi adventure hero of early comics and radio shows. Originally published in Amazing Stories in 1929, in the 1960s this novella was later combined with Nowlan¿s original piece and re-published under the title Armageddon 2419 A.D..In it Buck Rogers and his wife, Wilma Deering, lead Americans in a conclusive battle with the evil Han Empire. The story reflects the ¿Yellow Peril¿ mindset at the time of its writing, and successfully predicts many future technologies, including bazookas, night-vision devices, and paratroopers.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    367,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of some war stories and science fiction. The author describes the use of some weapons used during the period. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. This has been published with the best technology to reproduce historical work in the same manner it was first published to preserve its original nature.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    207,95 kr.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    157,95 kr.

    Efter begivenhederne i Armageddon år 2419, er Han-folkets magt blevet svækket, men mongolerne er langt fra besejret.Med nye idéer og nye teknologier optrapper Anthony Rogers og de amerikanske oprørere angrebene på luftherrerne af Han, og kampene er hårde og beskidte. Både i luften og på landjorden.Men Han-folket har en udspekuleret plan, og ved et uheld havner Rogers igen i begivenhedernes centrum, i det der måske bliver udslettelsen af de amerikanske oprørere... eller afslutningen på mongolernes besættelse.For første gang på dansk, præsenteres her den anden af de to romaner bag Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    122,95 kr.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    217,95 - 369,95 kr.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    397,95 kr.

    THE ORIGINAL "BUCK ROGERS" SF CLASSIC! By Philip Francis Nowlan. "Armageddon - 2419 A.D." - Buck, a victim of accidental suspended animation, awakens five hundred years later to discover America groaning under the tyranny of the villainous Han, ruling from the safety of their armored machine-cities. Falling in love with one of America's new warrior-women, Wilma Deering, Rogers soon become a central figure in using newly-developed scientific weapons - disintegrators, jumping belts, inertron, and paralysis rays - to revolt against the Han. "Airlords of Han" - He and beloved, warrior-woman Wilma Deering, must lead a desperate a battle to the finish against a superior foe - using futuristic weapons such as disintegrators, jumping belts, inertron, paralysis rays, and atomic torpedoes. The climatic conflict features a special effects battle of ships and rays that would challenge even today's greatest filmmakers to reproduce successfully on film.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    152,95 kr.

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    162,95 kr.

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