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  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    150,95 kr.

    Prepare with precision for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and sharpen your logical reasoning skills with LSAT Logical Reasoning Questions. This book features a comprehensive collection of fifty sample logical reasoning questions, meticulously crafted to mirror the types of questions frequently encountered on the LSAT. Why Choose LSAT Logical Reasoning Questions?Realistic LSAT Practice: Our book provides you with a diverse range of logical reasoning questions that closely resemble those you'll face on the LSAT. Practicing with authentic LSAT-style questions is essential for achieving your target score.Skill Building: Each question is designed to challenge and refine your logical reasoning abilities. You'll encounter various question types, from strengthening and weakening arguments to identifying assumptions and drawing valid conclusions.Thorough Explanations: For every question, we offer detailed explanations that guide you through the thought process needed to arrive at the correct answer. Understanding the logic behind each question is crucial for LSAT success.Performance Improvement: Consistent practice with our book will help you enhance your logical reasoning skills, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately increase your LSAT score.Whether you're just beginning your LSAT preparation or looking to fine-tune your logical reasoning skills, these sample questions are an indispensable resource. Equip yourself with the tools you need to excel on the LSAT and secure your spot in the law school of your dreams. Get started today and pave the way to a successful legal career. Philip Martin McCaulay is an author and expert in multiple fields, offering a wealth of knowledge and experience to assist individuals in succeeding on professional exams and achieving their certification goals. His career as an author covers the securities industry exams, real estate exams, therapeutic massage licensing exams, cosmetology licensing exams, and the law school admissions test, showcasing his diverse expertise and commitment to helping others succeed.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    148,95 kr.

    ¿Aspira a convertirse en un experto esteticista? ¡No busques más! La "Guía de Estudio para el Examen de Teoría de Estética" de TM Hog(R) es tu compañero ideal para aprobar el examen de teoría de estética. Esta guía de estudio meticulosamente elaborada está diseñada para ayudarte a dominar los conceptos científicos, los procedimientos de control de infecciones, las directrices de seguridad y los aspectos esenciales del cuidado de la piel necesarios para tener éxito en el campo de la estética.Contenido y características principales: PRIMERA PARTE: FUNDAMENTOS DE ESTÉTICA En la Primera Parte de la guía de estudio, titulada "Fundamentos de Estética", los aspirantes a esteticistas profundizan en los conceptos científicos fundamentales que sustentan este campo. Esta sección abarca temas esenciales como la microbiología, el control de infecciones, los procedimientos de seguridad, la anatomía y fisiología humanas, la histología de la piel y la función del cabello. Los estudiantes adquieren conocimientos sobre las causas y la transmisión de enfermedades, así como sobre los principios y niveles de control de infecciones, incluidas las técnicas de saneamiento, desinfección y esterilización. Además, desarrollan una comprensión de los fundamentos de la química relevante para la estética. Esta sección proporciona una base sólida en el conocimiento científico necesario para una carrera exitosa en la estética. SEGUNDA PARTE: CUIDADOS Y SERVICIOS ESTÉTICOS DE LA PIEL La segunda parte de la guía de estudio, titulada "Cuidados y servicios estéticos de la piel", se centra en la aplicación práctica de los principios estéticos. En ella, los estudiantes aprenden a realizar consultas a los clientes, a garantizar su seguridad mediante técnicas de cobertura adecuadas y a analizar el estado de la piel. Adquieren destreza en la elaboración de protocolos de tratamiento eficaces, la realización de procedimientos de limpieza y la utilización de diversas herramientas y técnicas estéticas, como el vapor, la exfoliación, el masaje y la extracción. Además, los estudiantes exploran el variado mundo de las máscaras faciales, la aplicación de maquillaje y los servicios estéticos adicionales, como los tratamientos corporales, la depilación con cera y los servicios de pestañas y cejas. Esta sección dota a los aspirantes a esteticistas de las habilidades prácticas y los conocimientos necesarios para proporcionar servicios estéticos de primera categoría y crear una experiencia gratificante para el cliente. Por qué comprar esta guía de estudio: Cobertura Completa: Cubre todos los temas esenciales requeridos para el examen teórico de estética.Formato fácil de seguir: Organizado por temas para un estudio eficiente.Contenido en profundidad: Explicaciones y conocimientos detallados para reforzar su comprensión.Perfecto para aspirantes a esteticistas: Ideal para estudiantes y personas que se preparan para los exámenes de licencia de estética.Fuente de confianza: Escrito por TM Hog(R), un nombre reconocido en la educación estética.Emprende tu viaje para convertirte en una esteticista de éxito con la "Guía de Estudio para el Examen Teórico de Estética" de TM Hog(R). Equípate con el conocimiento y las habilidades necesarias para sobresalir en el campo de la estética y ofrecer servicios de cuidado de la piel de primera categoría a tus clientes. Philip Martin McCaulay es autor y experto en múltiples campos, y ofrece una gran cantidad de conocimientos y experiencia para ayudar a las personas a tener éxito en los exámenes profesionales y alcanzar sus objetivos de certificación. Su carrera como autor se extiende a través de los exámenes de la industria de valores, exámenes de bienes raíces, exámenes de licencia de masaje terapéutico, y los exámenes de licencia de cosmetología, mostr

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    149,95 kr.

    ¿Eres un aspirante a peluquero y quieres dominar el arte y la ciencia del diseño capilar? No busques más. El " Guía de Estudio para el Examen Teórico Nacional de Diseño del Cabello " por TM Hog(R) es su compañero definitivo en su viaje para convertirse en un profesional en el mundo del diseño del cabello. Por qué debería comprar esta guía de estudio: ¿Te preguntas por qué deberías invertir en esta guía de estudio? He aquí por qué - Cobertura completa: Esta guía de estudio está meticulosamente diseñada para cubrir todos los aspectos de la teoría del diseño capilar que necesitas conocer. Es un recurso único para prepararte para tu examen de teoría del diseño capilar.- Clara y estructurada: Nuestra guía está organizada en dos partes, lo que facilita la navegación y el estudio eficaz. La primera parte profundiza en conceptos científicos, como el control de infecciones, la anatomía y fisiología humanas y la química básica utilizada en el diseño capilar. La segunda parte explora el cuidado del cabello y los servicios, incluyendo la consulta del cliente, las herramientas, el cuidado del cabello, los principios de diseño del cabello, los servicios químicos y la ondulación/texturización química.- Contenido en profundidad: Cada tema se explora a fondo, proporcionándole una comprensión profunda de la materia. Por ejemplo, en la primera parte, aprenderás sobre control de infecciones y prácticas de seguridad, anatomía y fisiología humana y química básica utilizada en el diseño capilar. La segunda parte trata sobre la consulta del cliente, las herramientas, el cuidado del cabello, los principios del diseño capilar, los servicios químicos y la ondulación/texturización química, incluidas varias técnicas como los relajantes de hidróxido, los reductores de rizos de tio y la texturización de queratina.- Conocimientos prácticos: Más allá del conocimiento teórico, esta guía de estudio ofrece ideas prácticas y consejos de aplicación, preparándote para situaciones del mundo real como estilista profesional.- La seguridad es lo primero: Enfatizamos la seguridad en toda la guía, asegurándonos de que estás bien informado sobre las prácticas seguras en el entorno del salón.- Fácil de entender: El contenido se presenta en un lenguaje fácil de entender, haciendo que los conceptos complejos sean accesibles para todos los alumnos.- Preparación para el éxito: Tanto si estás preparando tu examen teórico de diseño capilar como si simplemente quieres mejorar tus habilidades y conocimientos, esta guía de estudio es tu clave para el éxito. Con la " Guía de Estudio para el Examen Teórico Nacional de Diseño del Cabello " de TM Hog(R), adquirirás los conocimientos y la confianza que necesitas para sobresalir en tu carrera de diseño capilar. Tanto si eres un estudiante como un profesional que busca ampliar sus conocimientos, esta guía es un recurso inestimable que te ayudará a alcanzar tus objetivos. Invierte en tu futuro como estilista y consigue tu copia hoy mismo. Philip Martin McCaulay es autor y experto en múltiples campos, y ofrece una gran cantidad de conocimientos y experiencia para ayudar a las personas a tener éxito en los exámenes profesionales y alcanzar sus objetivos de certificación. Su carrera como autor se extiende a través de los exámenes de la industria de valores, exámenes de bienes raíces, exámenes de licencia de masaje terapéutico, y los exámenes de licencia de cosmetología, mostrando su experiencia diversa y el compromiso de ayudar a otros a tener éxito.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    149,95 kr.

    ¿Es usted un aspirante a técnico de uñas que se prepara para su examen de licencia? ¡No busques más! La "Guía de Estudio para el Examen Teórico de Tecnología de Uñas" de TM Hog(R) es tu compañero integral para el éxito en la industria de las uñas. Esta guía de estudio cubre todos los temas esenciales que usted necesita saber, ayudándole a alcanzar su licencia del técnico de uñas con confianza. Por qué elegir nuestra guía de estudio? Dominio de los conceptos científicos: La tecnología de uñas es más que arte; también es una ciencia. Comprender la ciencia detrás de control de infecciones, prácticas de seguridad, anatomía, fisiología y química de productos de uñas. Control de infecciones y prácticas de seguridad: Aprender a identificar las causas y la transmisión de enfermedades e infecciones, utilizar los principios de control de infecciones, aplicar los procedimientos de exposición a la sangre, reconocer las reacciones adversas y comprender las Fichas de Datos de Seguridad (FDS). Anatomía y Fisiología: Profundizar en las funciones, partes y estructura de las uñas y la piel. Reconocer trastornos, enfermedades y condiciones que afectan a las uñas y la piel. Identificar huesos y músculos de brazos, manos, piernas y pies. Química de los productos para las uñas: Descubrir el propósito y los efectos de los ingredientes de los productos, reconocer las interacciones químicas, los cambios físicos y las reacciones químicas en los productos para uñas. Consulta al cliente y documentación: Dominar los elementos de las consultas de los clientes, evaluar las condiciones de las uñas y la piel, reconocer las contraindicaciones y determinar los servicios y productos adecuados. Herramientas para el servicio de uñas: Identifique el propósito y la función del equipo, de los instrumentos, de las fuentes, y de los materiales del clavo. Siga las prácticas seguras para usar las herramientas. Preparación del servicio de uñas: Perfeccionar la configuración de su área de servicio de la estación de trabajo, asegurando un espacio de trabajo limpio y organizado. Aprenda el saneamiento apropiado del cliente y del practicante. Servicios de manicura y pedicura: Adquirir las habilidades esenciales para los servicios básicos de manicura y pedicura, desde cortar y dar forma a las uñas hasta realizar masajes básicos. Comprender la mecánica y los efectos de los tipos de masaje. Aplicación, Mantenimiento y Eliminación: Llegar a ser competente en la aplicación, mantenimiento y eliminación de los servicios de mejora de uñas, incluyendo puntas de uñas, acrílicos, geles fotopolimerizables y uñas de inmersión en polvo. Procedimientos Post-Servicio: Aprende los pasos esenciales para completar un servicio de uñas, asegurando la satisfacción del cliente y la longevidad de las mejoras de uñas. Con esta completa guía de estudio, estarás bien preparada para aprobar tu examen de licencia de tecnología de uñas y embarcarte en una exitosa carrera en la industria de las uñas. Invierte hoy en tu futuro y alcanza tus sueños como técnico de uñas licenciado con la "Guía de Estudio para el Examen Teórico de Tecnología de Uñas" de TM Hog(R).Prepárate para sobresalir, conviértete en una experta en uñas y da rienda suelta a tu creatividad en el mundo de la tecnología de uñas. ¡Pide tu copia ahora! Philip Martin McCaulay es un autor y experto en múltiples campos, que ofrece una gran cantidad de conocimientos y experiencia para ayudar a las personas a tener éxito en los exámenes profesionales y alcanzar sus objetivos de certificación. Su carrera como autor abarca los exámenes de la industria de valores, exámenes de bienes raíces, exámenes de licencia de masaje terapéutico y exámenes de licencia de cosmetología, mostrando su diversa experiencia y compromiso para ayudar a otros a tener éxito.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    157,95 kr.

    Domina los conceptos esenciales necesarios para tener éxito en cosmetología con la "Guía de estudio del examen teórico de cosmetología" de TM Hog(R). Esta concisa guía está dividida en cuatro partes, cada una adaptada para ayudarte a sobresalir en áreas específicas del campo. PRIMERA PARTE: CONCEPTOS CIENTÍFICOS- 1A. Control de infecciones y prácticas de seguridad: Aprenda sobre la transmisión de enfermedades, el control de infecciones y los requisitos de las agencias gubernamentales.- 1B. Anatomía y fisiología humanas: Comprender las estructuras y funciones del cabello, la piel y las uñas, así como las afecciones más comunes.- 1C. Química básica en cosmetología: Reconocer los propósitos de los ingredientes, las interacciones químicas, las reacciones y los valores de pH. SEGUNDA PARTE: CUIDADO DEL CABELLO Y SERVICIOS- 2A. Consulta, análisis y documentación del cliente: Evaluar el cabello y el cuero cabelludo, identificar contraindicaciones y mantener registros de clientes.- 2B. Herramientas utilizadas en los servicios de cuidado del cabello: Identificar el equipo, los implementos, y practicar el uso seguro y ergonómico.- 2C. Principios y procedimientos del cuidado del cabello: Dominar el lavado con champú, el acondicionamiento, el drapeado y reconocer las diferencias entre los tipos de cabello.- 2D. Principios y procedimientos del diseño del cabello: Aprender técnicas de corte, peinado y aplicación de realces.- 2E. Principios y procedimientos de los servicios químicos: Realice el colorante de pelo, relajando, ondulando, y entienda los productos químicos. TERCERA PARTE: CUIDADO Y SERVICIOS DE LA PIEL- 3A. Consulta, análisis y documentación del cliente: Evaluar la piel, reconocer contraindicaciones, recomendar servicios y mantener registros.- 3B. Herramientas utilizadas para los servicios de cuidado de la piel: Identificar el equipo, los implementos y practicar un uso seguro y ergonómico.- 3C. Principios y procedimientos del cuidado de la piel: Aplicar los conocimientos sobre tratamientos faciales, depilación, maquillaje y equipos eléctricos. CUARTA PARTE: CUIDADO Y SERVICIOS DE UÑAS- 4A. Consulta, análisis y documentación del cliente: Evaluar el estado de las uñas, identificar contraindicaciones, recomendar servicios y mantener registros.- 4B. Herramientas utilizadas en los servicios de cuidado de uñas: Identifique el equipo, los instrumentos, y practique el uso seguro, ergonómico.- 4C. Principios y procedimientos del servicio de uñas: Aprenda manicura, pedicura, y técnicas del realce del clavo.Prepárese para el éxito en el campo de la cosmetología dominando estos conceptos básicos y habilidades prácticas. Tanto si eres estudiante como profesional, esta guía es la clave para aprobar el examen teórico de cosmetología y sobresalir en tu carrera. Philip Martin McCaulay es autor y experto en múltiples campos, y ofrece una gran cantidad de conocimientos y experiencia para ayudar a las personas a tener éxito en los exámenes profesionales y alcanzar sus objetivos de certificación. Su carrera como autor se extiende a través de los exámenes de la industria de valores, exámenes de bienes raíces, exámenes de licencia de masaje terapéutico, y los exámenes de licencia de cosmetología, mostrando su experiencia diversa y el compromiso de ayudar a otros a tener éxito.

  • - Easy Football Party Recipes by TM Hog(R)
    af Philip Martin McCaulay
    157,95 kr.

    Get ready to elevate your football game day gatherings with "Touchdown Tastes: Easy Football Party Recipes" by TM Hog(R). This comprehensive cookbook is your go-to guide for creating a winning spread of appetizers, main dishes, dips, desserts, and cocktails that will score big points with your friends and family. Inside this playbook of delectable recipes, you'll find everything you need to host the ultimate football party. Whether you're a seasoned tailgate aficionado or a rookie host, this cookbook has you covered. From classic favorites like Classic Buffalo Chicken Wings and Loaded Potato Skins to crowd-pleasers such as Game Day Chili and BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders, these recipes are designed to satisfy hungry fans and keep them coming back for more. Dive into the world of dips and salsas with recipes like Homemade Ranch Dressing, Tangy BBQ Sauce, Creamy Garlic Dip, and Sweet and Spicy Salsa. These flavorful additions will elevate your snacks to MVP status. Don't forget to save room for dessert! "Touchdown Tastes" offers a delightful lineup of sweet treats, including Football-Themed Cupcakes, Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars, and Fruit Kabobs with Chocolate Dip. And what's a party without cocktails? Explore a roster of classic and refreshing drinks, from Mojitos and Margaritas to Mimosas and Sangria. With clear and concise instructions, ingredient lists, preparation steps, and serving suggestions, TM Hog(R) has crafted a playbook that ensures success in the kitchen, making it easy for beginners and seasoned cooks alike to create winning recipes that will make your football game day party a touchdown every time. Whether you're cheering for your favorite team or just in it for the snacks, "Touchdown Tastes" is your playbook for game day success. Get ready to impress your guests and savor every moment of the game with these delicious and easy-to-make football party recipes. Order your copy today and take your game day experience to a whole new level!

  • - An Empresario of Texas
    af Philip Martin McCaulay
    88,95 kr.

    The Empresario Martín De León (1765-1833) was a visionary who started the cattle industry in Texas, and whose fortune helped finance the Texans in their fight for independence. He was the founder of Victoria, Texas. He was born in 1765 in Tamaulipas, Mexico. He married Patricia de la Garza and moved to Texas to start a ranch with cattle given to the couple by her father, General de la Garza. He registered the first cattle brand in Texas in 1807, an E and J connected, signifying "Espiritu de Jesus". He started a colony in 1824. He passed away in 1833, leaving his family an estate worth over half a million dollars. In today's dollars, it would be over $165 million. The De León family contributed horses, mules, cattle, military equipment, and provisions to the Texas army throughout the Texas Revolution that started in 1835. After Texas won the war in 1836, Texans of Mexican descent were losing their property, even though they risked their lives fighting on the side of the Texans. Two of Martín De León's sons were murdered, and the rest of family was forced to flee for their lives, abandoning property valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    798,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Series 7 General Securities Representative Qualification Examination. It is a study guide in outline form. There is a section for each topic covered on the Series 7 exam, including regulatory requirements, customer's profile, customer accounts, business conduct, orders and transactions, ethics, the primary marketplace, the secondary market, economics, analysis, equity securities, debt securities, packaged securities, options, retirement plans, and savings accounts. The study outline includes details on the math formulas needed for the test. The study outline is based on the exam syllabus and contains the information on the required knowledge areas that could most likely be asked in the form of a multiple choice question.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    263,95 kr.

    This practice exam book with four 50-question exams will help candidates pass the Securities Trader Qualification Examination (Series 57). It features material on each function covered on the Series 57 exam, including Understanding General Trading Practices; Trading Specific Products; Handling Customer Orders; Reporting Trades to the Designated Reporting Facility; Creating, Retaining and Reporting Required Records of Orders and Transactions; and Clearance and Settlement. After each practice exam the answers are shown with explanations. The answers also show what section of the syllabus the question is from and lists the FIRNA rules and SEC regulations that were the source of information in the question. The practice exams have questions on Achieving Market Making Status; Understanding Order Types; Market Access; Identifying and Handling Clearly Erroneous Transactions; Display, Execution and Trading Systems; Identifying and Avoiding Prohibited Activities; Disseminating Quotes and Trade Advertisements; Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), Secondary Offerings and Safe Harbor; Non-listed and Penny Stocks; Options Trading; Handling and Executing Short Sales; Meeting Obligations to Customers Regarding Orders; Identifying and Avoiding Prohibited Practices; Regulation NMS; Reporting Trades to the Designated Reporting Facility; Creating, Retaining and Reporting Required Records of Orders and Transactions; and Clearance and Settlement. About the AuthorPhilip Martin McCaulay has sold over 20,000 study guides in fields such as pensions, investments, finance, real estate, and math, including over 4,000 study guides and practice exam books for the Series 6, Series 7, Series 63, Series 65, Series 66, and SIE exams since he first started writing them in 2008, most of which were top 100 best sellers in the professional test guides category. He is an actuary with a degree in Mathematics from Indiana University. He is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) and an Enrolled Actuary (EA). He has over 40 years of experience as an actuarial consultant on pension funds. His investment experience includes assessing investment vehicles for providing retirement benefits, reviewing Statements of Investment Policy, identifying sources of investment risk, measuring investment performance relevant to given benchmarks, evaluating how cash flow requirements impact setting investment strategy, applying strategies for asset/liability management, estimating long-term rates of return for investment portfolios adjusting for variance drain, and providing advice and analysis to pension plan sponsors regarding the mitigation of investment risks.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    213,95 kr.

    McCaulay's Virginia Real Estate Salesperson Licensing Exam Sample Exams and Study Guide for the State Portion will help real estate professionals pass the state portion of the Virginia Real Estate Salesperson licensing exam. The book contains six practice exams and a study guide. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the test. The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer.Part I of this book contains the sample exams with a total of 240 questions, the equivalent of six complete 40-question exams. Each 40-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, the practice exam is displayed with the answers shown. The questions by topic are in the same proportion as the topic weightings on the state portion of the exam.Part II of this book has a study guide. There is a section for each topic covered on the state portion of the exam, including Licensing, Escrow Accounts, Disclosure Requirements, Agency Definitions and Relationships, Virginia Fair Housing Law and Regulations, and Specific Acts Related to Real Estate Practice.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    883,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Series 65 Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination. It contains sixteen 130-question practice exams with a total of 2,080 questions. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the Series 65 test and are in the same format as those on the exam.The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer. Each 130-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, each practice exam is repeated with the answers shown and the formulas for the math questions.There are questions for each topic covered on the Series 65 exam, including Economic Factors and Business Information; Investment Vehicle Characteristics; Client Investment Recommendations and Strategies; and Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines, including Prohibition on Unethical Business Practices.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    163,95 kr.

    This book with five practice tests and a study guide will help real estate professionals pass the national portion of the salesperson licensing exam. The questions are in the same proportion and format as those on the national sales exam. All of the questions are brief, straightforward multiple-choice questions with four choices and one best answer. Part I of this book contains the sample exams with a total of 400 questions, the equivalent of five complete 80-question national licensing exams. Each 80-question practice exam is followed by an answer key. After the answer key, the practice exam is displayed with the answers shown.As with the split for the national exam, these questions are divided as follows: sixteen questions on Real Property; six on Appraisal; twenty-one on Contracts; six on Disclosures; six on Federal Laws; seventeen on Financing; six on Leases; and two on Brokerage. Questions using mathematics represent 10% of the total number of questions, or eight questions out of the total of eighty questions on each exam. Part II of this book has a study guide. There is a chapter for each topic covered on the salesperson exam. The appendix contains math formulas.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    798,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Series 66 Uniform Combined State Law Examination. It contains twelve 100-question practice exams with a total of 1,200 questions. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the Series 66 test and are in the same format as those on the exam.The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer. Each 100-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, each practice exam is repeated with the answers shown and the formulas for the math questions.There are questions for each topic covered on the Series 65 exam, including Economic Factors and Business Information; Investment Vehicle Characteristics; Client Investment Recommendations and Strategies; and Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines, including Prohibition on Unethical Business Practices.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    233,95 kr.

    Medical Massage Care's Massage Exam Essentials outlines the basic information needed to pass the therapeutic massage licensing and certification exams, including the FSMTB MBLEx and the NCBTMB NCETM and NCETMB. The amount of material that a massage therapist needs to know can be overwhelming. This publication summarizes the material that can easily be tested in the form of a multiple choice question, which is the material most likely to appear on an exam; and provides tips for the exam-taking strategy. Topics include anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, areas of caution, effects, techniques, assessment, treatment, history, ethics, guidelines, business, and energetic methods. The author passed both the MBLEx and the NCETM, and has sold thousands of study guides and practice exam books for the massage exams.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    868,95 kr.

    This book will help stockbroker exam takers pass the Series 7 General Securities Registered Representative Examination. The questions are in the same format as those on the Series 7. All of the questions are brief, straightforward multiple-choice questions with four choices and one best answer. Part I of this book contains the sample exams with a total of 1,000 questions, the equivalent of four complete 250-question Series 7 exams. The 250-question exams are in two parts. Each 125-question practice exam is followed by an answer key. After the answer key, the practice exam is displayed with the answers shown.Part II of this book has a study guide. There is a section for each topic covered on the Series 7 exam, including equities, fixed income, money market, investment companies, mutual funds, direct participation programs, retirement plans, underwriting, exchanges, options, margin accounts and short sales, analysis, regulation, and taxation. The study guide includes details on the math formulas needed for the Series 7 exam.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    263,95 kr.

    Medical Massage Care's Therapeutic Massage National Certification Practice Exams 2008 Edition will help massage therapy students pass the exam on therapeutic massage administered by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. The questions are in the same proportion and format as those on the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage (NCETM). This book includes a total of 1,600 questions, the equivalent of ten complete 160-question national certification exams. As with the split for the NCETM, these questions are divided as follows: 14 percent on General Knowledge of the Body Systems; 26 percent on Detailed Knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, and Kinesiology; 14 percent on Pathology; 16 percent on Therapeutic Massage Assessment; 24 percent on Therapeutic Massage Application; and 6 percent on Professional Standards, Ethics, Business, and Legal Practices. There are questions on Asian massage methods in the appendix.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    233,95 kr.

    Medical Massage Care's NCETMB Sample Exam is a 160-question practice exam in the same format as the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCETMB) administered by National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). The questions have the same percentage weights as the NCETMB. This sample exam tests the type of material that is likely to appear on an exam. The sample exam is followed by the answer key, and after that the sample exam is repeated with the answers shown. Topics include body systems, anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, assessment, application, ethics, and business. The author passed both the MBLEx and the NCETM, and has sold thousands of study guides and practice exam books for the massage exams.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    163,95 kr.

    Medical Massage Care's Therapeutic Massage National Certification Exam Study Guide will help massage therapy students pass the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage (NCETM) administered by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. This book is a companion to Medical Massage Care's Therapeutic Massage National Certification Practice Exams, a publication that includes a total of 1,600 questions, the equivalent of ten complete 160-question national certification exams.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    793,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Investment Company Products/ Variable Contracts Limited Representative Qualifications Examination. It is a study guide in outline form. There is a section for each topic covered on the Series 6 test, including Securities Markets, Investment Securities and Economic Factors; Securities and Tax Regulations; Marketing, Prospecting and Sales Presentations; Evaluation of Customers; Product Information, Investment Company Securities and Variable Contracts; and Opening and Servicing Customer Accounts. The study guide includes details on the math formulas needed for the test.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    268,95 kr.

    This 40-page publication on pension actuarial mathematics covers topics such as (I) interest and mortality, (II) cost methods, (III) amortization and contributions, and (IV) Duration and Convexity.Part I on interest and mortality includes mortality rates and survival functions, the theory of interest, commutation functions, and life annuity factors.Part II on cost methods includes the Unit Credit (UC) Cost Method, the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) Cost Method, the Entry Age Normal (EAN) Cost Method, and the Aggregate Cost Method.Part III on amortization and contributions includes calculating amortization periods, formulas for amortization factors, and contribution requirements.Part IV has formulas and examples for Duration and Convexity. Each of the four parts has an exercise set with an answer key and explanations.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    1.063,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Series 7 General Securities Representative Qualification Examination. It contains ten 125-question practice exams followed by a study outline. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the Series 7 test and are in the same format as those on the exam. The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer.Part I of this book contains the ten sample exams with a total of 1,250 questions. Each 125-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, each practice exam is repeated with the answers shown and the formulas for the math questions.Part II of this book has a study guide in outline form. There is a section for each topic covered on the Series 7 exam, including regulatory requirements, customer's profile, customer accounts, business conduct, orders and transactions, ethics, the primary marketplace, the secondary market, economics, analysis, equity securities, debt securities, packaged securities, options, retirement plans, and savings accounts. The study outline includes details on the math formulas needed for the test. The study outline is based on the exam syllabus and contains the information on the required knowledge areas that could most likely be asked in the form of a multiple choice question.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    1.063,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination. It contains twelve practice exams and a study guide. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the Series 65 test and are in the same format as those on the exam. The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer.Part I of this book contains the sample exams with a total of 1,560 questions, the equivalent of twelve complete 130-question Series 65 tests. Each 130-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, the practice exam is displayed with the answers shown. The questions by topic are in the same proportion as the topic weightings on the Series 65 test Part II of this book has a study guide in outline form. There is a section for each topic covered on the Series 65 test, including Economic Factors and Business Information; Investment Vehicle Characteristics; Client Investment Recommendations and Strategies; and Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines, including Prohibition on Unethical Business Practices. The study guide includes details on the math formulas needed for the test.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    878,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Investment Company Products/ Variable Contracts Limited Representative Qualifications Examination. It is a study guide in outline form. There is a section for each topic covered on the Series 6 test, including Securities Markets, Investment Securities and Economic Factors; Securities and Tax Regulations; Marketing, Prospecting and Sales Presentations; Evaluation of Customers; Product Information, Investment Company Securities and Variable Contracts; and Opening and Servicing Customer Accounts. The study guide includes details on the math formulas needed for the test.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    983,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Uniform Combined State Law Examination. It contains twelve practice exams and a study guide. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the Series 66 exam and are in the same format as those on the exam. The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer.Part I of this book contains the sample exams with a total of 1,200 questions, the equivalent of twelve complete 100-question Series 66 exams. Each 100-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, the practice exam is displayed with the answers shown. The questions by topic are in the same proportion as the topic weightings on the Series 66 exam Part II of this book has a study guide in outline form. There is a section for each topic covered on the Series 66 exam, including Economic Factors and Business Information; Investment Vehicle Characteristics; Client Investment Recommendations and Strategies; and Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines, including Prohibition on Unethical Business Practices. The study guide includes details on the math formulas needed for the test.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    133,95 kr.

    The Real Estate Math phamplet will help real estate professionals, loan originators, and home buyers understand the math associated with real estate and mortgages. All of the formulas and examples are contained in fifteen pages. There are sections on the survey system, land cost, income property, net to seller, periodic interest, total interest paid, payments, principal remaining, down payments, loan-to-value, combined loan-to-value, debt-to-income ratios, maximum payment, maximum price, discount points, closing costs and prepaid items, adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), and lease fees.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    683,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination. It contains four practice exams. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the Series 65 test and are in the same format as those on the exam. The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer.The book contains exams with a total of 520 questions, the equivalent of four complete 130-question Series 65 Tests. Each 130-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, the practice exam is displayed with the answers shown. If the question is a math question, the formulas to solve the question are shown. The questions by topic are in the same proportion as the topic weightings on the Series 65 test The questions cover every topic covered on the Series 65 test, including Economic Factors and Business Information; Investment Vehicle Characteristics; Client Investment Recommendations and Strategies; and Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines, including Prohibition on Unethical Business Practices.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    683,95 kr.

    This book will help investment professionals pass the Series 7 General Securities Representative Qualification Examination. It contains four 125-question practice exams for a total of 500 questions. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the Series 7 test and are in the same format as those on the exam. The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer. Each 125-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, each practice exam is repeated with the answers shown and the formulas for the math questions.There are questions for each topic covered on the Series 7 exam, including regulatory requirements, customer's profile, customer accounts, business conduct, orders and transactions, ethics, the primary marketplace, the secondary market, economics, analysis, equity securities, debt securities, packaged securities, options, retirement plans, and savings accounts.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    793,95 kr.

    Series 63 Practice Exams and Study Guide will help investment professionals pass the Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination. The book contains four practice exams and a study guide. The sample questions are the type that are most likely to appear on the Series 63 test and are in the same format as those on the exam. The questions are straightforward multiple choice questions with four choices and one best answer.Part I of this book contains the sample exams with a total of 240 questions, the equivalent of four complete 60-question Series 63 tests. Each 60-question practice test is followed by the answer key. After the answer key, the practice exam is displayed with the answers shown. The questions by topic are in the same proportion as the topic weightings on the Series 63 test.Part II of this book has a study guide in outline form. There is a section for each topic covered on the Series 63 test, including state securities acts and related rules and regulations (60% of the exam) and ethical practices and fiduciary obligations (40% of the exam).

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    273,95 kr.

    Medical Massage Care's MBLEx Study Guide and Practice Exam outlines the knowledge needed to pass the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) administered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB). Topics include anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, areas of caution, effects, techniques, assessment, treatment, history, ethics, guidelines, and business.The practice exam has 125 questions in the same format as the MBLEx with the same percentage weights as the MBLEx. The practice exam is followed by the answer key, and after that the practice exam is repeated with the answers shown.

  • af Philip Martin McCaulay
    108,95 kr.

    McCaulay's Maryland Real Estate Licensing Exams State Portion Sample Exams and Study Guide includes four complete 30-question sample exams for the Maryland State portion of the real estate licensing exam, for a total of 120 practice questions. Each 30-question practice exam is followed by the answer key and a copy of the exam with the answers shown. After the sample exams, there is a complete study guide in outline form covering all of the topics found on the Maryland State portion of the exam, including the duties and powers of the Real Estate Commission, licensing requirements, and business conduct.

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