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  • af Prasann Kumar
    1.189,95 kr.

    Bioremediation of Emerging Contaminants from Soils: Soil Health Conservation for Improved Ecology and Food Security deals with current challenges of sustainable soil health using eco-friendly approaches. This book provides ways of reducing the chemical burden on the soil by maintaining balance in terms of society, environment, and economy, which are considered basic pillars of sustainability. Designed to highlight soil health best practices for both environmental and agricultural sustainability, these approaches are also considered important for improving global food security by ensuring safe growing conditions for crops for food and feed.?Presented in two parts, this book first highlights emerging contaminants and their sources.?The second part explores a variety of steps and tools for addressing contaminated soils, including bio- and phytoremediation options.?Case studies in each part provide real-world insights for practical application.

  • af Prasann Kumar
    532,95 kr.

    I fatti rivelano che da un lato la popolazione mondiale è in continuo aumento, mentre dall'altro la produzione di cereali alimentari non cresce proporzionalmente a causa di vari fattori, come il declino della fertilità del suolo e le ripercussioni derivanti dal fenomeno del cambiamento climatico, manifestato da modelli imprevedibili di precipitazioni e temperature. La ragione principale della scarsa salute del suolo in India sembra essere l'applicazione squilibrata di nutrienti. Tra le varie strategie per far fronte a questa situazione, la gestione integrata dei nutrienti basata sui test del suolo è la chiave per invertire la tendenza, ripristinando la fertilità del suolo e, di conseguenza, aumentando la produzione e la produttività delle colture.

  • af Prasann Kumar
    267,95 kr.

    Fakty pokazywaüt, chto, s odnoj storony, naselenie mira postoqnno uwelichiwaetsq, a s drugoj storony, proizwodstwo prodowol'stwennogo zerna ne rastet proporcional'no iz-za razlichnyh faktorow, takih kak snizhenie plodorodiq pochwy i posledstwiq, woznikaüschie w rezul'tate izmeneniq klimata, proqwlqüschiesq w nepredskazuemom haraktere osadkow i temperatury. Osnownoj prichinoj plohogo sostoqniq pochwy w Indii, po-widimomu, qwlqetsq nesbalansirowannoe wnesenie pitatel'nyh weschestw. Sredi razlichnyh strategij, naprawlennyh na reshenie ätoj problemy, komplexnoe uprawlenie pitatel'nymi weschestwami na osnowe pochwennyh testow qwlqetsq klüchom k izmeneniü wysheukazannoj tendencii, weduschej k wosstanowleniü plodorodiq pochwy i, w swoü ochered', k uwelicheniü proizwodstwa i produktiwnosti sel'skohozqjstwennyh kul'tur.

  • af Prasann Kumar
    288,95 kr.

  • af Prasann Kumar
    498,95 kr.

  • af Prasann Kumar
    433,95 kr.

    Anthropogenic perturbations of biosphere manifested in a broad array of global phenomena, including accelerated rate of industrialization, intensive agriculture, and extensive mining accompanied by burgeoning population and rapid urbanization have not only wreaked the havoc on the availability of natural resources but also caused widespread and grave contamination of the essential components of life on the planet. Of the implications of human-induced disturbance of natural biogeochemical cycles, accentuated accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) is a problem of paramount importance for ecological, nutritional, and environmental reasons. HMs belong to a group of nonbiodegradable, persistent inorganic chemical constituents with the atomic mass over 20 and the density higher than 5¿3 g/cm that have cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic effects on humans or animals and plants through influencing and tainting food chains, soil, irrigation or potable water, aquifers, and surrounding atmosphere.

  • af Prasann Kumar
    317,95 kr.

    The facts reveal that on one hand, the world population is increasing continuously, whereas on the other hand, food grain production is not increasing proportionately due to various factors such as decline in soil fertility and repercussions arising from climate change phenomenon as manifested by unpredictable patterns of rainfall and temperature. The major reason for poor soil health in India seems to be the unbalanced nutrient application. Among, various strategies to cope with above situation, soil test based integrated nutrient management holds the key to reverse above trend leading to restoration of soil fertility and in turn, boosting crop production and productivity.

  • af M M Singh, Prasann Kumar & Vijay Pal
    604,95 kr.

  • af Prasann Kumar
    1.197,95 kr.

  • af Prasann Kumar
    1.107,95 kr.

  • af Pankaj Kumar Mishra, Dinesh Kumar Singh & Prasann Kumar
    339,95 kr.

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