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  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    187,95 kr.

    Cursed, numb, rejected, scorned, wicked, sinister, dark, twisted... my name is Tex Campisi and this is my legacy. I killed my father in cold blood and lost my soul right along with him. I crave war more than peace, and I'm about to take my place in history as the youngest Capo dei Capi in the Cosa Nostra... that is until someone stops me, saves me from myself. But the only person able to do that... is my best friends sister, Mo Abandonato, and she just ripped my heart out and asked me to hold it in my hands while she put bullets through it. Im cursed so I did it. I'm numb so I held it. I'm wicked so I liked it. I used the pain Mo caused as a catalyst to turn into my biggest nightmare - the five families greatest enemy. It's my turn to take a stand, knowing full well I'm going to lose my mind to the madness that is the American Mafia. I've always been told Blood is thicker than life. I wish I would have listened. Because regardless of who you love? You will betray. You will kill. Blood Always Wins. The only way out is death... yours. Welcome to the Dark Side of the Family.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    217,95 kr.

    Rachel Van Dyken, la autora de Vidas en ruinas y de la lista de los más vendedores del New York Times, llega con una historia de redención y segundas oportunidades.Todos guardamos un secretoA Gabe Hyde se le está acabando el tiempo. Él ha estado escondiendo su identidad durante más de cuatro años, ocultándose del mundo que lo adoraba y estaba obsesionado con él. Hasta el punto de quedar al borde de la locura, todo por una mala decisión.Pero esa mala decisión alteraría el rumbo de su vida para siempre.Aparentar no es como lo pintan, especialmente cuando fingir significa esconderse de las personas que más se preocupan por ti. Pero si alguien alguna vez descubriera la verdad, no sería solo su vida en riesgo, sino también la de ella.Saylor no odia a los hombres.Sólo a Gabe.Sólo a Gabe.Él es atrevido, lleva una vida fácil y feliz, sin preocupaciones, uno de esos insoportables que nacieron con todo servido en bandeja de plata. Todo sobre él la confunde más y más. Desafortunadamente ambos son voluntarios en el mismo hogar de acogida. Si ella no tuviera miedo de fracasar, ya se habría ido. Odia sentirse atraída por él casi tanto como él odia sentirse atraído por ella, y se da cuenta de ello, especialmente porque su primer encuentro terminó por hacer que sus rodillas le temblaran tanto que dejó de poder hilar frases coherentes durante las semanas siguientes. Pero cuanto más se acerca a él, más confundida se siente. Él no es quien dice ser, Gabe está escondiendo algo grande.¿Qué pasa cuando dos mundos chocan? ¿Dos mundos que nunca deberían haberse encontrado en primer lugar? Algunos secretos son demasiado grandes para ser ocultados para siempre. La única pregunta es ¿destruirá a todos los que ama? ¿O finalmente se redimirá de la manera que ha estado anhelando durante los últimos cuatro años?Todos guardamos un secreto... ¿Cuál es el tuyo?

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    162,95 kr.

    What happens when one is both Hunter and Wolf?You know it's going to be a bad day when you get shot at - twice. Hunter Wolfsbane, Duke of Haverstone, also known as "Wolf" is having exactly one of those days. Things take a turn for the worse when he's notified that he'll be acquiring a partner for his newest mission. The rub? He's kissed her - twice. In his defense, she was already ruined, but it didn't help matters that she was the sister-in-law to his best friend in the world.And how does a woman protect her heart from one who has the power to destroy every-thing she holds dear?Lady Gwendolyn has only one thing on her mind - finding the Wolf and strangling him where he stands. Unfortunately, she needs him to complete one final mission for the Crown and to keep her family safe. It has absolutely nothing to do with her attraction to him, or his golden eyes, or his wicked smile, or the fact that he's convinced to keep his heart encased in ice - that is, if he still possesses one.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    162,95 kr.

    He wasn't looking for a savior...Scarred at a young age, Dominique Maksylov, Royal Prince of Russia, has lived a reclusive life. As a musical prodigy, his music has wide reach into the world, but few ever see his face. He never ventures into polite society, but when he discovers he is the only heir to the Earldom of Hariss, he goes to one ball. And that one ball, was enough to change the direction of his life forever.But how could he possibly have known that other person - the other half of his whole - would not only need his help but threaten his very existence?She didn't know how hard it would be to love the broken.Isabelle Hartwell's mother just sold her to the Beast of Russia. He's mean, temperamental, and the most virile, handsome man she has ever encountered. But he has a secret, one he's willing to die for and he refuses to let anyone in. Will she be able to reach his heart before it's too late?Find out if love prevails in this regency retelling of how Beauty tamed the savage Beast...

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    162,95 kr.

    Twenty-Four hours before we were to be married - I offered to shoot her. Ten hours before our wedding - I made a mockery of her dying wish. Five hours before we were going to say our vows - I promised I'd never love her. One hour before I said I do - I vowed I'd never shed a tear over her death. But the minute we were pronounced man and wife - I knew. I'd only use my gun to protect her. I'd give my life for hers. I'd cry. And I would, most definitely, lose my heart, to a dying girl - -a girl who by all accounts should have never been mine in the first place. I always believed the mafia would be my endgame - where I'd lose my heart, while it claimed my soul. I could have never imagined. It would be my redemption. Or the beginning of something beautiful. The beginning of her. The end of us.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    162,95 kr.

    Rachel van Dyken, autora que ha estado en las listas de los libros más vendidos de The New York Times, Wall Street Journal y USA Today.No soy una chica normal. He estado huyendo de los recuerdos que me persiguen durante tanto tiempo que la depresión se ha convertido en mi única compañera. Estaba contenta viviendo en la oscuridad, hasta que Wes Michels se ofreció a ser mi luz.No sabía que el tiempo no era mi aliado, que cada segundo que pasaba era un paso más cerca del final de eso que comenzaba a convertirse también en mi propio final. ÉI intentó advertirme. Me prometió todo lo que podía ofrecer pero nunca sería suficiente.A veces, cuando piensas que es el final, es solo el principio. Wes pensó que podía salvarme, pero al darme todo me arruinó. Porque después de un beso, una caricia, no pude dar marcha atrás, nunca volvería a ser la misma.Y a partir de ese momento, su corazón se convirtió en el mío.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    152,95 kr.

    We've all been there, some more than others, you know what I'm talking about, where you have the hots for the new business teacher.I was one hundred percent that guy. I shamelessly flirted with her my senior year, only earning her irritation more and more. On graduation, I stood up to her husband after he got violent, and I'll never forget the look in her eyes when she told me it wasn't my place.Fast forward to my senior year of college and what do you know, the new adjunct professor is the one and only Mrs. Robinson, she's eight years older than me and smoking hot. Did I mention divorced?She looks at me like I'm trouble, and I'm only happy to deliver on that promise. I'm going to show her how a real man treats a woman and use every weapon in my Pleasure Pony arsenal to do it.Go big or go home.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    142,95 kr.

    One girl.Two brothers.Who knew that the sleepy town of Seaside, Oregon would eventually be the location of both our downfall and our redemption?Drugs, sex, lies, shame... it all led us to the Coast. It led us to her.And ever since we met her.Our lives have never been the same.You may think you know what really happened - but you don't. After all, there's two sides to every story.This is ours.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    187,95 kr.

    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken comes a tale of secrets and redemption in the next standalone young adult romance in her Ruin Series.Everyone has a secret...Gabe Hyde is on borrowed time. He's been hiding his identity for over four years-hidden from the world that used to adore him-obsess over him-driven to the edge of insanity by one poor choice.But that one choice altered the course of his life forever.Pretending isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially when pretending means hiding your real self from the people that care about you the most. But if anyone ever discovered the truth, it wouldn't just be his life at risk-but hers.Saylor doesn't hate men.Just Gabe.Only Gabe.He's a reckless, happy-go-lucky, silver-spoon-fed pain in her ass. Everything about him makes her more and more confused. Unfortunately, they both donate time at the same Group Home. If she wasn't afraid of flunking, she'd be long gone. She hates that she's attracted to him almost as much as he hates that he's attracted to her-and she can tell, especially since their first encounter ended up making her knees so weak she couldn't form coherent sentences for weeks afterward. But the closer she gets to him, the more confused she becomes. He isn't who he says he is, and he's hiding something big.What happens when two worlds collide? Two worlds that never should have met in the first place? Some secrets are too big to be hidden forever-the only question? Will his destroy everyone he loves? Or finally bring about the redemption he's been craving for the past four years?Everyone has a secret... What's yours?

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    102,95 kr.

    The prequel to the much anticipated Mafia Royals Romances... Something dark this way comes.He's gorgeous, mean, and mine.He catches me dreaming about him, and then just like my dream, he decides to make me his.I should have said no when he asked me to swear fealty to him.The knife clued me in first.The blood second.And third, it was the blessing of the most famous mafia bosses in the known world as they sat around the dinner table and told me that I had no choice but to join.Because they knew my secrets.And running meant I was nothing more than target practice.I said yes, because of my bully.And he told me he'd keep me safe.But who keeps me safe from him?

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    177,95 kr.

    #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken delivers an angsty, young adult romance with the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestseller, Ruin.I'm not your typical girl. I've been running away from the memories that haunt me for so long that depression has become my only comfort. I was content in the darkness... until Wes Michels offered to be my light.I didn't know that time wasn't my ally - that every second that ticked past was one step closer to the end of something that was beginning to mean the end of myself. He tried to warn me. He promised me all he was able to offer - each moment as it came - but it would never be enough.Sometimes when you think it's the end, it's only the beginning. Wes thought he could save me, but in giving me everything, he ruined me. Because after one kiss, one touch, I couldn't-I wouldn't ever be the same.And from that moment on, his heartbeat became my own.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    152,95 kr.

    Life as a teenager is never easy. But for Natalee Murray, things have just gotten way more difficult. Bored with life, she can't wait to graduate high school and get out of town, especially considering the famous band members from AD2 suddenly start attending her school, making her once boring life, absolutely insane.It starts with a pen. A single brush of fingers, and she is captivated.But Alec and Demetri have a dark secret, one that could shatter their reputations and Natalee's heart. What do you do when one guy paints your life with color while the other infuses your soul with passion? How do you choose when your heart is divided?

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    122,95 kr.

    The first time I met Fitz or to most of the world Duke Fitzegerald Heraldo Belleville, I punched him in the throat. I was actually aiming for his chin, but he was a few years older, clearly not wiser, but at least taller. He started wheezing on his candy cane. And well, the rest is history. Hate replaced what could have been friendship, and for the rest of my teen years, I watched him flirt with every single breathing female. I hated him. Plotted his death with a smile on my face. And knew that my first decree as Queen would be to chop off his head. Except now that I'm finally old enough to inherit the title, there's one tiny little slip-up. I need a man by my side. The problem? I may have accidentally scared them all away. I have no options. Until the devil rings my doorbell with a wicked grin on his face and revenge dancing like sugarplums in his gaze. I hate that I need him. It's a serious problem. We have twelve days before we say I do. I just pray we survive without killing each other first.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    92,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken, Darynda Jones & Rebecca Zanetti
    217,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    182,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    162,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    127,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    217,95 kr.

    A dark mafia tale of love and redemption by Rachel Van Dyken, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Eagle Elite series. With blood on my hands, I held her.With death in my soul, I took from her.>There are many definitions of Hell.My list was exhaustive, my definitions tragic.Tonight I was adding something new to the very top.>She arrived on my birthday, the same day, every year, I play Russian Roulette and pull the trigger.She was my omen.My end game.She made it personal.And for the first time in my life, I gave in.>My name is Andrei Petrov.They call me the devil.All I want is for the pain to end.>I am the last remaining heir to a dynasty that should burn in Hell.And my last wish remains for it to die with me. All books in the Eagle Elite Series/Elite Bratva Brotherhood are about different couples and can be read as complete standalones.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    187,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    192,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    117,95 kr.

    From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken comes a new story in her Seaside Pictures series...The music industry called me a savant at age sixteen when I uploaded my first video and gained instant fame. And then Drew Amherst of Adrenaline became my mentor, and my career took off. Everything was great.Until tragedy struck, and I wondered if I'd ever be able to perform again. I fought back, but all it took was a falling light to bring it all back to the fore. So, I walked away. Because I knew it wasn't just stage fright. It was so much more. The only problem? Drew and the guys are counting on me. If I can't combat the crippling anxiety threatening to kill me, I might lose more than I ever dreamed of. Enter Piper Rayne, life coach, with her bullshit about empowerment, rainbows, and butterflies. She smiles all the damn time, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure there's not a problem she can't solve.Until me. She was given twenty-one days to fix me. To make me see what's important. What's real. The problem is, all I can see now is her. The sexy woman who pushes me. Provokes me. Only time will tell if she's able to do her job-and I can make her mine.**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it's an introduction to an author's world. And for fans, it's a bonus book in the author's series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    192,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    117,95 kr.

    From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken comes a new story in her Eagle Elite series... Every family has rules, the mafia just has more....Do not speak to the bosses unless spoken to. Do not make eye contact unless you want to die. And above all else, do not fall in love. Renee Cassani's future is set.Her betrothal is set. Her life, after nannying for the five families for the summer, is setSomebody should have told Vic Colezan that. He's a man who doesn't take no for an answer. And he only wants one thing. Her. Somebody should have told Renee that her bodyguard needed as much discipline as the kids she was nannying. Good thing Vic has a firm hand.**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it's an introduction to an author's world. And for fans, it's a bonus book in the author's series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    117,95 kr.

    From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken comes a new story in her Seaside Pictures series...It's not every day you're slapped on stage by two different women you've been dating for the last year.I know what you're thinking. What sort of ballsy woman gets on stage and slaps a rockstar? Does nobody have self-control anymore? It may have been the talk of the Grammy's.Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that. I, Ty Cuban, was taken down by two psychotic women in front of the entire world. Lucky for us the audience thought it was part of the breakup song my band and I had just finished performing. I was thirty-three, hardly ready to settle down.Except now it's getting forced on me. Seaside, Oregon. My band mates were more than happy to settle down, dig their roots into the sand, and start popping out kids. Meanwhile I was still enjoying life.Until now. Until my forced hiatus teaching freaking guitar lessons at the local studio for the next two months. Part of my punishment, do something for the community while I think deep thoughts about all my life choices.Sixty days of hell.It doesn't help that the other volunteer is a past flame that literally looks at me as if I've sold my soul to the devil. She has the voice of an angel and looks to kill-I would know, because she looks ready to kill me every second of every day. I broke her heart when we were on tour together a decade ago.I'm ready to put the past behind us. She's ready to run me over with her car then stand on top of it and strum her guitar with glee.Sixty days. I can do anything for sixty days. Including making the sexy Von Abigail fall for me all over again. This time for good.Damn, maybe there's something in the water.**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it's an introduction to an author's world. And for fans, it's a bonus book in the author's series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    197,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Van Dyken
    197,95 kr.

    "Sexy, Gritty, and Intense. Eulogy grabs you by the throat and doens't let go unitl the very last page." - New York Times Bestselling Author Meghan March "Dark, intense, and raw. Eulogy will set you on fire!" - Bestselling Author Staci Hart "Excuse me while I pick up the shattered pieces of my heart, Eulogy is emotional, sexy, hot, and explosive. I didn't want it to end and could not put it down." -Author HP Davenport All is lost. All. I don't recognize myself in the mirror anymore. My thoughts are filled with hatred and dripping with rage. I've lost my soul. She took it to the depths of Hell with her and haunts me with images of what could have been. Sixty lives are mine to take. Sixty lives stand in the way of my vengeance. Sixty lives plus one more. Mine. When the last drop of blood falls - mine will be spilled. Only one person stands in the way. She doesn't realize I'll kill her too. I don't own a heart. And even if I did - I wouldn't fall prey to its lies again. I am Chase Abandonato. Heir to a legacy of betrayal. And I will kill them all. Even if it means pointing the gun at myself. A life for a life. A soul for a soul. Now I lay me down to sleep... I pray the Lord my soul to keep. Blood in. No out. Eulogy is a stand alone mafia romance with dark themes, alpha males, violence, and enough humor woven in to make it so you don't want to hunt the author down when you finish. It is linked to the Eagle Elite series, any book can be read out of order, but will contain spoilers if you choose to take that path. Enjoy, blood in no out!

  • af Rachel Van Dyken & Leah Sanders
    88,94 kr.

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