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  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    501,95 kr.

    The body size of animals depends on "external physical" factors and "internal physiological" factors. The length of the animals depends on the following factors: 1- Strength of the circulatory system 2- Air pressure 3- Density of Blood 4- Earth surface gravity 5- Amount of hemoglobin affinity for oxygen 6- Body angle relative to the ground Why a today animal cannot be tall like a dinosaur 100 million years ago. Which of the above factors has changed during this time?

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    367,95 kr.

    Les personnes qui acceptent la théorie de la collision d'une grosse météorite avec la Terre et d'autres théories sur l'extinction pensent qu'en révélant les gènes existants dans les ¿ufs de dinosaures, ils peuvent les reconstruire, ou en utilisant les spermatozoïdes de mammouths congelés, ils peuvent les reconstruire. Ils pensent que le facteur de déclin est terminé et qu'ils peuvent former de nouveaux animaux géants. Ces scientifiques ne sont pas conscients de la terre sur laquelle ils posent leurs pieds, et ils ne savent pas que la gravité de la terre est telle que la gravité actuelle, il est impossible de faire renaître de tels animaux géants. Les mammifères ne peuvent pas dépasser la taille d'un éléphant actuellement. Réduire le taux métabolique en augmentant la taille du corps. Le taux métabolique le plus bas pour la survie d'un mammifère est une certaine quantité et un mammifère mourra en dessous de cette quantité. C'est le taux métabolique qui est dans l'éléphant. Un mammifère de la taille d'un mammouth aura un taux métabolique inférieur à la limite de la vie, actuellement.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    366,95 kr.

    As pessoas que aceitam a teoria da colisão de um grande meteorito com a Terra e outras teorias de extinção, pensam que, revelando os genes existentes nos ovos deixados pelos dinossauros, podem reconstruí-los, ou usando os espermatozóides de mamutes congelados, podem reconstruí-los. Pensam que o fator de declínio está terminado e que podem formar novos animais gigantes. Estes cientistas desconhecem a Terra, onde põem os pés, e não sabem até que ponto a gravidade da Terra é igual à gravidade atual, é impossível reviver animais tão gigantes. Atualmente, os mamíferos não podem ser maiores do que o tamanho de um elefante. Reduzir a taxa de metabolismo aumentando o tamanho do corpo. A taxa metabólica mais baixa para a sobrevivência de um mamífero é um determinado valor e um mamífero morrerá abaixo desse valor. A taxa metabólica é a do elefante. Um mamífero do tamanho de um mamute terá uma taxa metabólica abaixo do limite da vida, atualmente.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    367,95 kr.

    Menschen, die die Theorie des Zusammenstoßes eines großen Meteoriten mit der Erde und andere Aussterbetheorien akzeptieren, glauben, dass sie durch die Freilegung der vorhandenen Gene in den übrig gebliebenen Eiern der Dinosaurier oder durch die Verwendung der Spermien von gefrorenen Mammuts diese wiederherstellen können. Sie glauben, dass der Aussterbeprozess abgeschlossen ist und sie neue Riesentiere bilden können. Diese Wissenschaftler sind sich der Erde nicht bewusst, auf die sie ihre Füße setzen, und sie wissen nicht, wie weit die Schwerkraft der Erde wie die Schwerkraft dieser Zeit ist, es ist unmöglich, solche Riesentiere wiederzubeleben. Säugetiere können derzeit nicht größer als die Größe eines Elefanten sein. Verringerung der Stoffwechselrate durch Erhöhung der Körpergröße. Die niedrigste Stoffwechselrate für das Überleben eines Säugetiers ist ein bestimmter Wert und ein Säugetier wird bei einem Wert darunter sterben. Es Stoffwechselrate, die in den Elefanten ist. Ein Säugetier von der Größe eines Mammuts hat eine Stoffwechselrate, die derzeit unter der Grenze des Lebens liegt.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    366,95 kr.

    Le persone che accettano la teoria della collisione di un grande meteorite con la terra e altre teorie sull'estinzione, pensano che rivelando i geni esistenti nelle uova rimaste dei dinosauri possano ricostruirli, o utilizzando gli spermatozoi di mammut congelati possano ricostruirli. Pensano che il fattore di declino sia finito e che si possano formare nuovi animali giganti. Questi scienziati non conoscono la terra su cui poggiano i loro piedi e non sanno quanto la gravità della terra sia simile a quella di oggi: è impossibile far rinascere animali così giganti. Attualmente i mammiferi non possono superare le dimensioni di un elefante. Ridurre il tasso di metabolismo aumentando le dimensioni del corpo. Il tasso metabolico più basso per la sopravvivenza di un mammifero è una certa quantità e un mammifero morirà in una quantità inferiore. È il tasso metabolico che si trova nell'elefante. Un mammifero di dimensioni pari a quelle di un mammut avrà un tasso metabolico inferiore al limite della vita, attualmente.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    788,95 kr.

    La taille des animaux dépend de facteurs "physiques externes" et de facteurs "physiologiques internes". La longueur des animaux dépend des facteurs suivants :1-La pression de l'air2-Gravité à la surface de la Terre3-Densité du sang4-Force du système circulatoire5- Angle du corps par rapport au sol6- Quantité de phosphates organiques (comme le DPG) présents dans le sangL'un des facteurs externes importants est la pression atmosphérique. Pourquoi la pression atmosphérique affecte-t-elle la taille des animaux?

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    273,95 kr.

    Razmery tela zhiwotnyh zawisqt ot "wneshnih fizicheskih" faktorow i "wnutrennih fiziologicheskih" faktorow. Dlina tela zhiwotnyh zawisit ot sleduüschih faktorow:1-Dawlenie wozduha2-Powerhnostnoe pritqzhenie Zemli3-Plotnost' krowi4 - Sila krowenosnoj sistemy5 - Ugol naklona tela po otnosheniü k zemle6- Kolichestwo organicheskih fosfatow (naprimer, DPG), soderzhaschihsq w krowi.Odnim iz wazhnyh wneshnih faktorow qwlqetsq atmosfernoe dawlenie. Pochemu welichina atmosfernogo dawleniq wliqet na razmery tela zhiwotnyh?

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    501,95 kr.

    The body size of animals depends on "external physical" factors and "internal physiological" factors. The length of the animals depends on the following factors:1-Air pressure2-Earth surface gravity3-Density of Blood4-Strength of the circulatory system5- Body angle relative to the ground6- Amount of organic phosphates (like DPG) existing in bloodOne of the important external factors is atmospheric pressure. Why does the amount of atmospheric pressure affect the body size of animals?

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    788,95 kr.

    Die Körpergröße von Tieren hängt von "äußeren physikalischen" und "inneren physiologischen" Faktoren ab. Die Länge der Tiere hängt von den folgenden Faktoren ab:1-Luftdruck2-Die Schwerkraft der Erdoberfläche3-Dichte des Blutes4-Stärke des Kreislaufsystems5-Winkel des Körpers relativ zum Boden6- Menge der im Blut vorhandenen organischen Phosphate (wie DPG)Einer der wichtigsten externen Faktoren ist der atmosphärische Druck. Warum wirkt sich der Luftdruck auf die Körpergröße der Tiere aus?

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    198,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    416,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    501,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

    Assume that the big meteorite collide the earth 65 million years ago and declined the big dinosaurs. Why the remained small reptiles couldn¿t get bigger again. The earliest reptiles which were amphibious were very small but they could get bigger and made the dinosaurs. Then it becomes clear that the factor which caused them to extinction is still remained and doesn¿t allow today reptiles to get bigger. So the collision of the big meteorite with earth and the formation of dust can not be supposed as the factor of dinosaurs decline because that collision occurred at that time and the effect of dust and smoke have been disappeared and there was no later effect on animals. The theory of the increasing of the gravity says by increasing of the gravity the ability of blood system of these animals decreased gradually. So animals which had weaker blood system become smaller or extinct. Scientists think that the decline factor which was the big meteorite collided at the time and everything is finished and they can form new giant animals. These scientist are unaware that they don't as far the gravity of earth is like the gravity this time it is impossible to revival such giant animals.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    416,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

    I have found this matter for the first time that each animal or plant that has a stronger blood/ fluid circulatory system could have a larger bulk. Today¿s insects can never grow to the size of larger animals because they lack the pipes and pumping system necessary to counteract the influence of gravity. In my theory embraces the important relationship between structure, gravity and function. The size of an organism is contingent upon the type of its circulatory system. One can think of this as a scale beginning with the smallest animals and ending with the largest. The smallest of animals lack a circulatory system; the slightly larger ones have an open circulatory system. Increasing in size, organisms such as crustaceans (crabs) and some bivalve mollusks (clams) have semi-open circulatory system which comprise some veins and arteries, without capillaries. This followed by still larger animals that have a closed circulatory system. Within the group that has a closed circulatory system are found different types of hearts. mammals are the largest animals because they have the most developed circulatory system with 4-chambered heart.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

    Heterotrophic protist + Cyanobacterium = Green algae,,,,,,,,,,,, Fungi+Cyanobacterium = Lichen,,,, Protist + Greenalgae = Euglena ,,,, Fungi + Green algae = Lichen, Oomyceta + Green algae = Plants ,,,,,,,,,, The science of chemistry began to develop, when scientists began knowing the material components (atoms and molecules). The science of biology will began to develop, when scientists will began know the animals/plants¿ components.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    416,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    416,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

    If a bacterial cell divided more than hundred times, the similar bacteria arise finally. If a Euglena cell divided more than hundred times, the similar Euglena arise finally. In a cells colony, the cell divides and produces the similar cells in colony. Bacteria, unicellular and colonies are the first cells on earth. These cells can only, create the similar cells. But a Sponge¿s zygote (stem cell) can produce three types of cells during cell division (Amoeboid cell, Flattened surface cell and Collar cell). This book answers the following questions: 1) How a cell has found this ability for first time that produces the various cells? 2) At what times these cells appeared on earth? 3) Are stem cells found only in the multicellular? 4) Are stem cells found in the unicellular? Excellent animals and plants have been come to existence by getting beside each other of these simple polycellulars. cells are not components of animals and plants, but their components are simple polycellular that were living as free in the nature in a period. In other words, animals and plants body have come to existence by symbiosis between some simple polycellular. This is a completely new theory.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

  • af Ramin Amirmardfar
    308,95 kr.

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